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   While you may have a point with that, I think it's really more of a function of the fact that the Carrswolds are much smaller and not as interesting than either the Danfields or the massively huge Schluters/Hayes/Crampton block. Plus, there isn't a "villain" in the Carrswolds that is as fun for Mark to write as La Danfield and MaryEllen, or numerous Danfield cousins and the like. Maybe there just aren't any cousins, uncles, aunts, etc etc for Matt to really interact with, which would support the idea that the Danfields adopted Matt as a last-ditch effort to save the family name because Matt's father was the end of the line, which can and does happen.


   Although Matt will probably have kids, so there will be Carrswolds-in-name-and-breeding running around at some point, most likely. I can't see Robbie trying to push Matt into naming any of his potential grandchildren as a Hayes- Robbie himself isn't all that connected to the family, either.

Edited by methodwriter85
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If I could return to the last chapter for a bit, what I call the Chapter of the Rings. In JP's portion of the chapter, I think the greatest moment when Isidore give Darius her rings. I could feel the emotion I bet there was not a dry eye at the table, not even Brads. Second was the New York Wedding date. Mark bringing all the members of the family to the city. I hoped it would not be in the morning at the Windows on the World. I can't not see Hank and Jeanine having a big wedding in a church but a simple affair. It could be in New Jersey since both Hank and Jeanine are from there. Seeing the towers burn and fall from across the river. Close but safe. I am sure Mark has in planned out. I hope the death toll will not be to high. Mark remember what happened when you killed off Jeff Hayes. JP, Stef and Will have got to may it through this one.

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So Marie's going out with Noah. Or is she...really?


Being out to get Will because he "stole" her spotlight might play well enough for all the junior socialites at school, but I still think it runs even deeper than that for Marie herself - and that card is one she's not sharing with anyone (yet). Where does Noah fit in? Simple - pretend to "come around" on her feelings towards him, whereby the real purpose is just to keep him away from Will. It'd actually be quite interesting if she did have real feelings for him in spite of her hatred of Will, but I'm not too sure about that happening.


And then...there's this chapter's cliffhanger. Or is it one...really?


I don't see how Will could have HPV too. At the very least, for Erik's suspicion to be the case, that would mean he also gave it to Kyle. I think it's way more likely that Mr. Turns Out to Not Be Remotely Capable of Being Faithful (Kyle :P) got it from some other hook-up - which is really crazy given the possibility that the other hook-up is another student, which means this thing is spreading around the school. :o Although...somehow I wouldn't put it past Kyle to have hooked up with a dirty non-student. :P


Having said that, though, I will confess right now that I know nothing about how soon HPV could present upon infection, so - is it possible that someone who's infected might not present for some time?

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This is what I get for waking up in the middle of the night. A new chapter from 9 11. This new chapter is a puzzle. Things are not what Will thought. Who can he trust? Marie is out to get him and John is not to be trusted too? Noah has deflected to the other side? Will talked about moved back to Hawaii and I can see why. He has an Ace up his sleeve however, JP. I am wondering how Will will handle this. Only time will tell. I think a major battle is coming up. I wonder how 9 11 will alter the fates. I can only wonder. We must leave it to the master, Mark Arbour.

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I just called missing persons and reported Mark Arbour is missing! Consequences from sex? Sure doesn't sound like any author I know! Where is Mark Arbour and what have you done with him!?  What are your demands?!  :P

Very interesting chapter and mostly interesting because it opens so many new avenues. If we didn't have the variable of the author's choice to make Marie's actions about what ever he chooses I'd say it is pretty obvious and transparent. Marie has been hanging with/dating Noah because it is about the only way to get to/get back at Will. Ruin his best friendship in Menlo.

If Mari had had an epiphany about what a little bitch she has been, she would have already apologized to Will, told him she was dating Noah and life would be hunky dory, but hello, this is CAP! :) So no, Marie is using the relationship with Noah to get to Will and will only hurt both of them. Poor Noah is just going to be collateral damage. Whether it damages his friendship with Will long term remains to be seen.


The question I want to know about is what does Claire think? She isn't stupid, surely she must be wondering why Marie is suddenly dating the guy who "creeped her out" and set off a bomb in the family because he was removed from the guest list. She knows he is Will's friend and knows what Marie had said. So what is she saying/doing?

One interesting aspect of this chapter is the observations of Eric, both in how clueless Will is about the bubble he lives in and the scrutiny that comes with it. Surely you would have thought that Brad and Robbie would have had this discussion with the boys long before this especially since Robbie is in the movie business and they live in Malibu. That would be enough to trigger interest in their lives in Los Angeles. People in the "outside" world might not know the Irwin Winkler and Wendy Finerman of the business, but in small world of "The Industry" they are well known.

In any case it gives me hope that the CAP series will survive the next two weeks :P Thanks for enough storylines to see 9-11 through a lot more chapters!

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LOL like i said in my review Tim?  What do you call deaths from AIDS if not a consequence of unprotected sex? How about the twin pregnancies? Hell - even ACE's very existence was a consequence of unprotected sex when Andre and JP were little more than college kids. Just cause some of those turned out wonderfully doesn't make them anything but the result of sex. The word consequence has a negative connotation, but the direct meaning is a result of specific actions.

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Okay, I am going to start by simply reposting the first paragraph of my review...



I am really suprised at how unaware Will is at how he is viewed by others within the framework of the closed societies that he generally operates. Within the environs that he lives and goes to school; someone in his position would be at the apex irregardless of if he wanted that position or not. He is physically mature for his age, good looking, smart, multi-lingual, independent, wealthy, and his family is powerful in the movie business, real estate, construction, politics, charity, wine and vinyards, Silicon Valley, higher education, and well just in general; this covers just about every area that might might a 14/15 year old boy interesting not just to his friends and family but all those that are around him... I mean with the exception of oil/energy, manufacturing, and the legal profession; Will's family is at the apex of almost every important industry in California. His peers parents probably care more about that then his peers do, but to his peers he is this ridiculiously good looking, wealthy, independent kid that can live his own life without parental inteference; I have no idea why teenagers would find that intriguing?!?!? I would never have thought Will was this naive!



Being a little lazy this morning and did not want to have to rewrite or remember all my points...



If Marie is going to the extent of dating a guy she doesn't even like just to get back at Will what level will she go to in order to get back at him.  Is John being honest with Will?  Is John aware that Marie went straight to Erik and told him about Will and Kyle and that is why he acted so weird when it was brought up or were he and Marie really talking about it and he just assumed someone overheard them?  I think that Will would be way more hurt by John lying to him than anything Marie has done up to this point. 



I agree up to a point with Tim about Claire.  I would think she would be more aware because of everything that has gone on the last couple of months that Marie is now dating the person that she wanted excluded from the party and would be asking why???  On the other hand, even involved parents don't always know who their child is seeing.  If Marie is on the lockdown that she appears to be how is she even seeing Noah?  Do we see a boarding or military school on the East coast or Europe in Marie's future?



I thought the scene with Stef and Will was just perfect, enough said.



Will handled the situation with Erik and his revelations with a level of maturity and kindness that most men twice his age would not have been able to manage.  I do have to wonder how the next part of this discussion is going to go.  Will was just tested a couple of weeks ago for HIV and all STD's so we know that he isn't the one that gave it to Kyle and then had it passed to Erik.  I wonder if that person is going to turn out to be someone interesting???



While I do agree with most of Tim's post above, I do think that Kitt is right overall on the issue of consequences.  While Mark hasn't shown many consequences up until now with Will and his sex life, in past stories there have been several.  In 1968, JP got gonorrhea from Jeff; in the Land Whore both Stef and Greg got STD's from people a couple of times, this percipitated them making the decision to limit who they slept with; starting with Be Rad and Armaund's death to those that followed including Roger, Mouse, Sam and other from AIDS; as well as several unplanned pregnancies or questions on who the father's were, Mark has shown their are consequences to sex.  I think maybe Mark decided to lay off the issue with Will somewhat for whatever reason but there have been plenty of examples in the past that sex has consequences not only for those directly involved but others as well. 



Appreciating what is here but dreading what is coming.....

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After reading the reviews and comments this morning, I thought of a plot line for Mr. Arbour. Flash!! The daughter of Jackson Hobart, doctor at Stanford Medical Center and Clarie Crampton Hobart was killed aboard the ill fated fight. Marie Hobart who was in New England looking at boarding schools Was aboard the hijacked flight this morning.

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LOL  very possible - or she could just be in NY for the wedding, although if she refused to go for the dedication of the Marie Crampton amphitheater in Clairemont i doubt that Janine's wedding will be important enough to her to interrupt her busy social schedule, something that hardly seems even dented by being "grounded".  That term must have drastically changed since i was a teen - if i were grounded i wouldn't have seen a mall, theater, boy or friend in general till i had both learned the lesson and done the time.


I can't wait to see how JP finds out about Marie's duplicity in going directly to Eric. Means she not only lied to her parents about apologizing to Will, she lied directly to JP in how Eric found out, and intentionally set out to hurt Will.  And we all know how JP reacts to people intentionally hurting his family. I am thinking Will will tell Stef and Stef will forget all about his promise of being more discrete and take it to JP.

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One interesting aspect of this chapter is the observations of Eric, both in how clueless Will is about the bubble he lives in and the scrutiny that comes with it. Surely you would have thought that Brad and Robbie would have had this discussion with the boys long before this especially since Robbie is in the movie business and they live in Malibu. That would be enough to trigger interest in their lives in Los Angeles. People in the "outside" world might not know the Irwin Winkler and Wendy Finerman of the business, but in small world of "The Industry" they are well known.


Actually, it's not all that much of a stretch to consider Brad and Robbie not giving him a heads-up on the high school scene - for that matter, it's not a stretch that JP isn't the only adult in the family who prefers to stay out of "teen" drama. And this is before considering that as Paternity showed, Brad and Robbie aren't exactly Mister and Mister Always-Attentive. ;)


I agree up to a point with Tim about Claire.  I would think she would be more aware because of everything that has gone on the last couple of months that Marie is now dating the person that she wanted excluded from the party and would be asking why???  On the other hand, even involved parents don't always know who their child is seeing.  If Marie is on the lockdown that she appears to be how is she even seeing Noah?


Keywords in bold. :)


After reading the reviews and comments this morning, I thought of a plot line for Mr. Arbour. Flash!! The daughter of Jackson Hobart, doctor at Stanford Medical Center and Clarie Crampton Hobart was killed aboard the ill fated fight. Marie Hobart who was in New England looking at boarding schools Was aboard the hijacked flight this morning.


Too damn easy. :P


I wouldn't be surprised if the whole situation gets spilled out right before 9/11.

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Will handled the situation with Erik and his revelations with a level of maturity and kindness that most men twice his age would not have been able to manage.  I do have to wonder how the next part of this discussion is going to go.  Will was just tested a couple of weeks ago for HIV and all STD's so we know that he isn't the one that gave it to Kyle and then had it passed to Erik.  I wonder if that person is going to turn out to be someone interesting???

Appreciating what is here but dreading what is coming.....


Did Will approach it maturely or like a horny teen? I am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and call it mature.


Me too on the anticipation and dread, we've been building to this point for a while.


Where did Noah work? I didn't go back to check, but was it a place that sold phones? Maybe Noah can provide things that Marie's parents are trying to take away.


I was thinking Noah worked in a restaurant/fast food place for some reason.


I think Marie is doing it just to spite Will.


Actually, it's not all that much of a stretch to consider Brad and Robbie not giving him a heads-up on the high school scene - for that matter, it's not a stretch that JP isn't the only adult in the family who prefers to stay out of "teen" drama. And this is before considering that as Paternity showed, Brad and Robbie aren't exactly Mister and Mister Always-Attentive. ;)


Keywords in bold. :)



I am not talking about teen drama, I am talking about life drama.


In the last two years Brad has been kidnapped and slotted for death and had an assassination attempt on him. Everybody in his family is high profile so they would be trying to keep a low profile and I think that would have been discussed. As hard as this is to believe, because it feels like they've been with us forever, we are still in a pre-MySpace, Facebook even Friendster era, there are no camera phones yet and texting isn't a thing yet so those parts of "be careful where you are and what you do" aren't with us yet, but even so I think that there would have been conversations on safety and image.


I can't imagine Claire not knowing who Marie was dating, especially if it was common knowledge amongst the peers.

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Did Will approach it maturely or like a horny teen? I am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and call it mature.



For most horny teens, they would have freaked out said something horrible, made Erik feel worse about himself, and then left him feeling abandoned and alone.  Will let him know that he wasn't alone, was still desirable, and just needed to play safe to stay in the game.  A good therapist could not have done much more for Erik than Will did in those few mintues after he found out Erik's secret.  That he got laid as part of doing what was right was just a bonus point...  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

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WOW, this chapter was just weird to me...  I really enjoyed the writing for the scene with Erik, I thought it was just perfect.  I could really see them acting just the way it was described.  I think Will has a great deal of compassion in dealing with those that have been hurt or those that he feels have been mistreated in some way and Erik falls into that category for him.  I have to believe that Will is going to figure out that Kyle and Ferris were sleeping together, probably with some help from Marie, and that Ferris is who Kyle got the genital warts from.  He is going to make sure that is something they all regret. 



I thought that the scene with Will and Stef should were Will still needs to work on growing up some.  He just doesn't seem to be able to control his anger with those that he cares about the most.  I have to think there is a deeper issue at work here but haven't been able to get to it yet.  Will seems to go from okay to furious with those he cares about most whenever he feels they are not acting in an appropriate manner.  Part of this maybe the fact that Brad has always been like this and Will may have simply taken this up as a learned behaviour but I have to believe there is something more going on. 



Darius gave the perfect advice.  Nothing will drive Marie and Ferris crazy like not having the brilliance of their scheme acknowledged; Will simply choosing to ignore them and their behaviour will hit every button that either of them has.  My only question is with Will's temperment allow him to keep that facade in place.  I think it will be harder for Will in dealing with Noah, who may or may not be involved, and or John, his involvment would really hurt Will much more than anything else.  That first day or two of school will be a master class in intrigue, betrayal, revenge, and family dynamics; I can't wait...



I really don't understand what is driving Maire; this has to be more than just the fact that Will came into her sandbox and made a big splash.  This just seems so out of place for the way her character was described in the early mentions of her.  I have a sinking feeling that JP is going to be involved in a lot more teen drama than he ever wanted or imagined...

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I think you are so right about JP's future involvement. He was irritated enough when he thought Marie simply was being stupid and talking about family business where she could be over heard. I think he will go ballistic when he finds Marie set out to intentionally hurt Will by not only going to Eric with the affair but Managing to get Noah into her clutches. Looks to me like Marie and Ferris both feel themselves wronged by will and are doing their level best to make his life miserable. Don't forget, Noah said no to Ferris before Will even moved to P.A. and then Will turned him down as well. Kyle is turning into quite the little bitch himself too.


Stef surprised me with his attitude on the plane. First he does just what he shouldn't by passing on info on the house and Will's decisions, then gets huffy when Will tells him he is welcome to share the contents of this particular conversation with JP, followed by announcing to Will that he will continue to pass on "easily observable info" to Brad? Changes to the house plans were easily observable. Just because Will mentioned a sex room to Malcom, who told Stef, who told Brad, who told Janine  doesn't change the fact that under the "rules of conduct" he just laid out he could still have taken the changes to Brad.  Stef is acting very differently than I have come to expect and i am wondering if Mark has some new little twist in store for us. Some personal crisis Stef is keeping from us that is affecting his behavior.

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Will has a quick temper, I can't see him ignoring those people without great will power (pun intended).  Noah will be hardest for him to ignore, because he still thinks of him as a friend.  My guess is that he can handle ignoring the others, but ignoring Noah will not be possible, especially if he has a chance to talk to him alone.


I agree that JP will become more involved in this teen drama, but someone has to put the fear of god into his bitch of a granddaughter.  I think she has fallen off the deep end.  I think this has a lot more behind it that just taking some of the shine from her star.  

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I thought that the scene with Will and Stef showed where Will still needs to work on growing up some.  He just doesn't seem to be able to control his anger with those that he cares about the most.  I have to think there is a deeper issue at work here but haven't been able to get to it yet.  Will seems to go from okay to furious with those he cares about most whenever he feels they are not acting in an appropriate manner.  Part of this maybe the fact that Brad has always been like this and Will may have simply taken this up as a learned behavior but I have to believe there is something more going on. 


Darius gave the perfect advice.  Nothing will drive Marie and Ferris crazy like not having the brilliance of their scheme acknowledged; Will simply choosing to ignore them and their behavior will hit every button that either of them has.  My only question is with Will's temperament allow him to keep that facade in place.  I think it will be harder for Will in dealing with Noah, who may or may not be involved, and or John, his involvement would really hurt Will much more than anything else.  That first day or two of school will be a master class in intrigue, betrayal, revenge, and family dynamics; I can't wait...


I really don't understand what is driving Maire; this has to be more than just the fact that Will came into her sandbox and made a big splash.  This just seems so out of place for the way her character was described in the early mentions of her.  I have a sinking feeling that JP is going to be involved in a lot more teen drama than he ever wanted or imagined...


Agree with all that, especially the anger part on Will's part. He can easily forgive the guy who broke his nose and almost ruined his summer, but gets bitchy with two of the people who love him the most?


I am sure Marie will be spreading the STD rumor around school with the help of Ferret and we'll see how Will is able to handle that pressure. I don't think his temperament is geared to let  that slide off his back.


I also agree that Marie's character seems to have shifted radically from the NYE party to the time of the Bastille Day party.


Stef surprised me with his attitude on the plane. First he does just what he shouldn't by passing on info on the house and Will's decisions, then gets huffy when Will tells him he is welcome to share the contents of this particular conversation with JP, followed by announcing to Will that he will continue to pass on "easily observable info" to Brad? Changes to the house plans were easily observable. Just because Will mentioned a sex room to Malcom, who told Stef, who told Brad, who told Janine  doesn't change the fact that under the "rules of conduct" he just laid out he could still have taken the changes to Brad.  Stef is acting very differently than I have come to expect and i am wondering if Mark has some new little twist in store for us. Some personal crisis Stef is keeping from us that is affecting his behavior.


Stef is a gossip, why is that so surprising? What Stef has said is that he'll keep confidences confidential, but that everything else was fair game.


Did Will tell his contractor not to tell Stef about the sex room? I mean the contractor was working with Stef on the house why wouldn't he have told or asked for some direction? When Stef told Brad it was more gossip than some sort or tattletale situation. Brad handled the situation badly, but you certainly think he would have learned by now how to approach Will to get the results he is looking for.


As to Noah, do we know if Will has talked to Noah since the Bastille Day party? Did Noah go to the party? Will has been gone all summer, how do we know what Marie has been filling Noah's head with? (like how Will is just being nice because he wants to get on him) We've seen Noah as a pretty nice, straight forward (read gullible) guy. Those kind of guys don't understand people who are devious and two faced.

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Agree with all that, especially the anger part on Will's part. He can easily forgive the guy who broke his nose and almost ruined his summer, but gets bitchy with two of the people who love him the most?


Because Will doesn't have any expectations from Erik, whereas he does with the two people who love him the most.



Will has been gone all summer, how do we know what Marie has been filling Noah's head with? (like how Will is just being nice because he wants to get on him) We've seen Noah as a pretty nice, straight forward (read gullible) guy. Those kind of guys don't understand people who are devious and two faced.


I think it's a bit of that, and a bit of Noah being a wannabee popular guy who will follow whatever the crowd he's trying to get into says. Marie was (or is) the queen bee of their group, so it's not much of a stretch to imagine that Noah's going to follow Marie's lead.


Although it's kind of sad that Noah's a senior, and he's letting himself get mired into the b.s. of a bunch of sophomores and juniors. I felt like senior year was notable for the fact that you tended to get over all the petty bullshit that you and your peers inflicted on each other from 9th to 11th grade. I mean, senior year I mended fences with pretty much every person I couldn't stand. I think it's the mindset of, "Well, it's the final year and duking it out has gotten tiresome."  (But again, Noah being part of this 10th grade b.s. kind of shows that Noah doesn't really fit in, as he seems to be the only senior in the group that's mostly 10th and 11th graders.)



I really don't understand what is driving Maire; this has to be more than just the fact that Will came into her sandbox and made a big splash.  This just seems so out of place for the way her character was described in the early mentions of her.  I have a sinking feeling that JP is going to be involved in a lot more teen drama than he ever wanted or imagined...


I've met many girls like Marie in high school and college. They can be really chill and laidback as long as they're controlling everything, but as soon as they aren't, the claws come out.

Edited by methodwriter85
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You must have gone to a very progressive high school. This IS highschool after all, not college kids. As i recall not only did the cattiness and cliquishness get worse in my senior year - it did the same in my daughters senior year.

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You must have gone to a very progressive high school. This IS highschool after all, not college kids. As i recall not only did the cattiness and cliquishness get worse in my senior year - it did the same in my daughters senior year.https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/36832-911/page-20


     This is where I went to high school:



     This is from 2007, so it's only two years after I graduated. It makes total sense that the school did High School Musical...I laughed, because I remember thinking when I saw HSM that it reminded me of high school how tryannical the popular theater majors were, and  when people would burst out into song randomly, and how in college it wasn't really something people did. (We did do Fame our senior year.)


      I wished I had footage of my audition from 2001. I auditioned with this monologue of Tom from The Glass Menagerie. Imagine an 8th grade boy who looks and sound 12 that was very naieve and immature for his age, trying to pull off being an embittered 20-something/30-something drunk who's disillusioned with life. I bet it's probably hysterical.


     But yeah, I remember the bulk of the drama I encountered from people senior year was when I had classes with juniors or sophomores, because my senior class had pretty much made up. Bitchy cheerleaders were replaced with bitchy dancers, asshole jocks were replaced with asshole punk art majors, but other than that I figured high school was generally the same.


     Will's high school drama will probably peak sophomore and junior years, then everyone just chills out senior year. But for now, he's gotta deal with an angry Marie. (Don't forget that he's also dealing with a 15-year old N'Sync fan who blames him for not being able to get a chance to bang Justin Timberlake. Have you SEEN the Twitter wars between 1D and the Wanted fans? They are merciless.)

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I also agree that Marie's character seems to have shifted radically from the NYE party to the time of the Bastille Day party.

I agreed with everything else you said in that post, especially about Will not being built to let things go, but this stood out. I think Marie has changed, but I'm not sure how radically. I remember during the New Year's Eve party she got quite annoyed as she started to realize Will wasn't another version of her brother, a ready-made minion, or Darius, who'd go with the flow, or even JJ, who just didn't care. That Will had his own agenda, ideas, and felt free to fight for them seemed to have come as a rather unpleasant surprise, with how quickly she started to give him crap. And he'd only been living up there a couple weeks (or was it days?) at that point. Multiply that by seven months...

Edited by B1ue
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. Have you SEEN the Twitter wars between 1D and the Wanted fans? They are merciless.)

LOL can't say as I have, Twitter is more my daughters generation than mine. I never could figure out why someone would want to know when i was doing the dishes or weeding the tomato garden.


. And he'd only been living up there a couple weeks (or was it days?) at that point. Multiply that by seven months...

Days at that point - he moved the last day of fall term, just a day or two before Christmas.

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I'm beginning to wonder if I should be surprised or not if Marie doesn't ultimately end up trying to actually kill Will. What we're seeing here is that the Marie that used to exist is now gone, and in her place is this...completely soulless creature, that makes even Elizabeth Danfield look...human.

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Clair did seem a bit miffed at the hidden second cell phone now didn't she?    I keep waiting for JP to blow his cork.  Bet when it finally happens it makes a Will fit seem like child's play

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Okay, I actually had to calm down after reading the chapter before I posted anything on here...  I just do not understand Marie at all.  The ethical, moral, and even legal issues in doing what it appears they did are significant.  If they did plot to get Will infected with a STD; it is just not possible to in any remote way justify that action.  I just honestly do not even know where to start on this issue...  If Marie did what Will knows that Ferris and Kyle tried to do; then she needs to be removed from the family and into a boarding school or military academy with a really strong theraputic tie in.  I truly cannot imagine anything this bad happening in this family...  Claire and Jack have obviously really moved to crack down on Marie but it doesn't appear to have done any good; as we could tell by the phone in the purse...  I did love how straight faced Will told Marie, your purse is vibrating...  John appears to be firmly back in Will's corner and Claire and Jack both seem to understand that Marie has to be brought into line...  I keep wondering what percipitated this complete 180 in attitude and behaviour from the first few times we saw Marie.



I thought Will really handled everything the first day really well.  He was able to keep his temper in check and even used his wit at just the right moments as well.  I am not sure that Mr Sessions having a talk with Ferris will break him, gay boys tend to be made of sterner stuff but that being said, Ferris may not like that Will and at least one adult is on to him... 



Well, I do wonder who had the gift for Kai's dad set up; you know it had to be JP, Stef, Brad, or Robbie...  It sounds more like JP or Stef although I could see Brad doing it as well, I imagine we will find out. 



It is almost nice to have all this teen drama going on before the real trauma hits for everyone.  If JP has to get involved in this teen tempest in a teapot; everyone may have wished that they had all behaved better to start with...



Exceptional work the last few chapters from Mark and his team...

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