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New Year's Resolutions


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      With only 1 month left in the year, it's a great time to look back on your personal resolutions from this year  and see which you've accomplished and which kinda fell by the wayside. In addition, it gives time to think about what your resolutions for the next year are going to be.


      My resolutions for last year were to get in shape, learn a new programming language for fun, and learn to garden.  Unfortunately, time constraints with my job meant that I was unable to pick up gardening and only briefly looked into teaching myself a new programming language. And I haven't even thought much about getting in shape, although I have managed to change my eating habits so that I am better watching what I put in my body.


      My resolutions for the next year can be summed up with the simple phrase of learning better time management. I hope to better use what time I have in order to practice better fitness and to give myself time to get back into writing for the new year. I'm hoping that with the new year coming up, I will be able to schedule in an hour every day for exercise, and make some time each week on accomplishing my goal of learning a new programming language.


      So what personal goals will everyone else be setting for themselves for the coming year?

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This last year, I lost the weight I put on after the fire, and got some of my life back on track. I started learning leather tooling, and wrote my first piece of fiction. Both gave me more insight into what matters to me.


This next year, I plan to focus more on creative endeavors, and explore marketing. I have a few leather projects planned, and started giving some thought to other stories to write. I've got some more weight to lose, and want to spend more time paddling my kayak, riding my bike, and going to the gym. My puppy needs more exercise and training, too.

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Last year @ this time I was just finishing chemotherapy and looking at radiation therapy still to come, so I only set two goals for the new year. To beat the cancer and to learn to not sweat the small stuff cause life is just too damn short. I am happy to say it was the first time I had not failed at any of my resolutions. I still have four years to go to call myself cured, but I am well on my way. I think I am just going to renew last years goals!

Edited by Kitt
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What a wonderful idea to get this going now!   My resolutions for this past year were largely lost in the rush of events.   I didn't finish any of the stories I started.  I didn't lose any weight.  I didn't keep up with my exercise routine.  However, I did spend more time with mom.  I did spend more quality time with my granddaughter.  I didn't lose my temper as often.   


I guess I will keep the same resolutions for next year and try to do better.  I am a work in progress....

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My new year's resolution for this year was 'learn to play guitar' and 'write a novel'. I learnt to play guitar, and I've written two novels. My new year's resolution for the coming year will be 'stop being depressed, get off your arse and live'. 

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My resolution for this year were: get a grip on your depressions without meds, done, go to the gym regularly, done, finish the dam re-writes, not done, start a new multi-chapter novel, not done, full-time teacher Yes?No?, not done.

This year? All the not done, I finally want to play 'Für Elise' right (me and her just can't get it on) and I want to do something unexpected just because I can.

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My question is, why do you have to wait for New Year's to start a resolution? Why not just start now? If you really have a chance of following through with a resolution, you'd be motivated enough to start now, not wait till a month from now. Or maybe thats just me...

Edited by TetRefine
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My question is, why do you have to wait for New Year's to start a resolution? Why not just start now? If you really have a chance of following through with a resolution, you'd be motivated enough to start now, not wait till a month from now. Or maybe thats just me...

I think it's because you need to start somewhere and give yourself enough time to make it. Most people feel like they can start fresh with the new year, it's easier this way. You stop feeling bad for the things you didn't manage and just start again. Nobody says you can't start with your resolutions as soon as they come into your mind, just do it.

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My unofficial resolution this past year was to stop being a cussing fool, with special emphasis on not using the Lord's name in vain. And I actually succeeded far beyond my expectations. Not 100%, but probably 90%. So this coming year it's back to that old nemesis, losing weight. My biggest obstacle is knowing I have to change a lifetime of bad eating choices. What?!?!?! No more bacon?! No more french fries?! No more cheesecake?! Soooo hard!

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