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Mark Arbour

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Of course you can. The more the merrier.


Oooh, two Daddies slapping me around for the price of one! One former Marine Daddy and a Daddy from Australia This just keeps getting better! If you're both bearded Daddy bears, even better! 


Okay, in all seriousness...let's move on.


Where do you guys see the story going? Did De La Salle already have their high school football championship? It'd be nice to see that one.

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If I am recalling properly ( not a given since it has been so long since I followed high school sports) Thanksgiving is usually the tail end of the regular season, regional playoffs happened between then and Christmas, so we have a pretty good chance of seeing the division championship game, possibly regional and state championships, and what ever happens to state champs after the game. None of our teams ever made it as far as states, so what happens then is a little fuzzy for me.  Since De La Salle has a several season undefeated streak, they must have several state championships under their belt, unless Mark was referring to regular season games only. Do schools count post season tournament play in their "undefeated" streaks?

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Its actually referring to a historic event, in this case, so that should be something we're able to look up. There was even a movie fairly recently about it. PrivateTim probably knows it off the top of his head.


I would assume it counted playoffs, but I'm actually not certain. They do, in fact, have lots of state championships.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Or Mary Ellen planned it that way. Never know with her.


She might be practicing the old adage, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."


I do think as much as JJ might want to go into full-on nuclear mode with her, he probably can't- knowing MaryEllen, she probably filmed all of their sexual encounters or found other ways to get dirt on him, which is nothing something you want to have when your career is based on being a Disney sweetheart. So I imagine them having a frenemies-like relationship- hatred thinly-veiled with a layer of civility.


Anyway, it's going to be interesting having Zach in UCLA. I did want him to be part of the Reggie Bush era at USC, but alas you can't always get what you want. It sounds like this era of UCLA football was kind of "meh", which might actually be interesting. They weren't laughably bad but they weren't as good as USC was at the same time period. How would Zach handle that? Would he be bothered by that?

Edited by methodwriter85
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I saw Mark's reply that Jeremy quoted above and I thought, yeah that could be the case and the line about keeping your enemies closer rings true too.  


I still don't see JJ and Alex being a forever thing, but it does appear he is going to be an ongoing character as he is marrying Wade's sister.   


Still haven't heard a word about Wade's littlest brother in ages and wonder what he's been up to too. 


So much to think about as the Streak winds up and the next part of the saga begins.  Brad and his new love interest were barely alluded to in the chapter as well.


I wonder what the next book  will be called.    "The honeymoon is over?"

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Has Tony died a painful death yet????


It's not enough for you that Will realized he basically wanted nothing to do with Tony?


In any event, I couldn't stand Tony, but I didn't hate him THAT much. I'm just glad that the character has run its course. He wasn't even hot enough for me to get over how much of an ass he was. (Mark's vision of Tony was Jason Cerbone from the Sopranos- good-looking, but in my opinion...for Tony to be THAT much of an ass, he needed to look like Young Antonio Sabato Junior or something. LOL.)


On the other hand...we've all been there, when we look back and go, "I was so hung up on THAT guy? Really?"

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Its actually referring to a historic event, in this case, so that should be something we're able to look up. There was even a movie fairly recently about it. PrivateTim probably knows it off the top of his head.


I would assume it counted playoffs, but I'm actually not certain. They do, in fact, have lots of state championships.


I meant to post an author's note about this on Chapter 43, so I'll edit the chapter to do that.  The movie/book you're referring to is "When the Game Stands Tall", which has been an amazing reference for me on this story.  The book is adequately written, but the movie is horrific.  Watch at your own risk. 


The actual championship game was played by these two teams two weeks before I'm showing it here, but there was no way to make the actual timeline work with my fictional timeline, so I took some liberties and arbitrarily extended the football season. 

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He doesn't appreciate the old world Europe. He loves the chic and trendy new one.


Yeah, that makes sense for his character. Wasn't Europe booming at this time? There should be lots of new buildings going up. I can also see him loving Dubai, which gets truly outrageously chic, trendy, and daring.


I liked that he figured his escort was some choreographed plan but didn't care because she was cute and he hated the place. The kid deserves a fun roll in the sack in any event, which will probably play into MaryEllen's plans, but somehow, I think JJ will be smart about it.


I tend to zone out during Brad stories now, but I did enjoy Will giving him shit about being so self-absorbed into this new relationship that he's ignoring his family.


It was nice to see Darius giving the tour of UCLA. College is such a fun time; I cant wait for this current teen scene to transition over to college, which starts with Zach in '03, and then Will/Marie/Ethan in '04. (I do not think JJ will head to college until sometime in 2007.)


I was trying to be fun and positive, but it was pretty tough.  We’d gotten into London two days ago, but only after a plane ride with the whiney brats.  Those kids were so annoying; it was hard to imagine why Tiffany wanted yet another one.  It was almost like she was some prize horse that they kept breeding to see if they could spawn perfect kids.  It wasn’t working.




I really do enjoy how much JJ absolutely hates kids. Sometimes people just can't stand them, and I like that JJ is one of them, given that he comes from such a fertile and "Oooh, we all want kids!" family. Somehow I don't think he'll be interested in coaching after he retires sometime in the early 2010's.


That really makes him stand out from Darius and Will, both of whom I would be shocked if they make it to 25 without becoming daddies.

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One of the possible plot lines I thought of when reading the chapter posted this morning was that JJ would be a little infatuated with Susannah and use that to make Alex jealous.   It's the sort of thing he would do....

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I actually disagree with that one. Remember, JJ is playing the "virgin" to MaryEllen's "whore." It doesn't make sense for him to use Susannah just to make Alex jealous. And MaryEllen is trying to convince Alex that JJ is pretty much straight, and he won't be satisfied with Alex in the long run.


That's not to say that JJ won't hook up with her, but I don't think it makes sense for him to do it just to make Alex jealous.

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I think Ethan rightfully decided that he wanted nothing to do with MaryEllen and declined to be part of the wedding.


It's not like Wade could force him into it- he's not Ethan's guardian.


I'm just wondering where Beau is, though. I kind of assumed Beau would be the one sibling that MaryEllen wouldn't be a total bitch to.

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These are still the planning stages for the wedding. Either boy or both may join them in England by the actual wedding date.  I am sure at least JP and Steff will be on the guest list, if not more of the Crampton/Shulter clan. Perhaps Ethan will fly out with them?

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It's not like Wade could force him into it- he's not Ethan's guardian.



No, but he is trustee to Ethen's  four million dollar trust fund. That would give his opinions a bit of weight.

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Good point. Anyway:



JJ is such a bitchy little thing, it's sometimes difficult to write his character. I have to get myself in the mood, usually by causing some unsuspecting mortal untold pain. ;-)


Mark, this is what I would consider "The Essential JJ Playlist". If you need to get into his headspace, consult this playlist.


The Essential JJ Playlist


1.) "Art is Calling For Me" (The Prima Donna Song) from Enchantress


2.) "Circus" by Britney Spears


3.) "The Fame" by Lady Gaga


4.) "The Glamorous Life" by Fergie


5.) "What A Feeling" by Irene Cara


6.) "At the Ballet" from A Chorus Line


7.) "The Distance" by Cake


8.) "White Houses" by Vanessa Carlton


9.) "Lose Yourself" by Eminem


10.) "Disarm" by Smashing Pumpkins


11.) "Last Resort" by Papa Roach


12.) "Wounded" by Third Eye Blind


13.) "Who Will Love Me As I Am?" from Sideshow


14.) "Scar Tissue" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers


15.) "What I Did For Love" from A Chorus Line


16.) "One" (Finale) from A Chorus Line

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You missed one.



Nice. Okay, so it then goes...


The Essential JJ Playlist




2. "I'm the Greatest Star" by Barbara Streisand






5.) "


6.) "








10.) "Lose Yourself" by Eminem











16.) "




      Anyway, Mark, you now have a full-proof way of getting into JJ's headspace if you're stalled on a JJ chapter. :2thumbs:

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I was going to toss in to just think of Justin Bieber but there is a difference between bitchy and being an asshole. I'll let you know if I can think of someone as "bitchy".


Justin Bieber doesn't fit JJ at all. JJ is about snarky bitchiness; Justin Bieber is like that smug kid who thought being an asshole made him funny.

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So.. you're saying that JJ is a Mean Girl?


I'm not sure I can see him as Regina George, because he doesn't do the fake-nice shit she does, and JJ's not as dumb as Karen, or a "yes man" like Gretchen.


I'd say JJ is more like a male equivalent of Blair Warner from The Facts of Life  , Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl (Will is totally the Serena to JJ's Blair, especially during that Norway trip), and with a little bit of Teenaged Erica Kane from All My Children mixed in. Not so much the vixen part, but the broken little child of divorce part, as well as the drive to be famous and need to stand out from the crowd.


I mean, that last exchange:


"Erica, why don't you come off your high-horse and come down here with the rest of us?"


"I don't want to be down anywhere, with the rest of you. I want to be special, and I'm going to be."


That is soooo JJ to a tee.

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