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Ok, I can't contain myself any longer! I just have to get a few things off my chest so if anyone has not read ch 17 today, you might want to stop reading now.


Beware of the result from my free spinning mind... Could be hilarious.


Emma: I got the weirdest feeling she is the new Meta. Or at least Acting Meta until the whole Colt mess is sorted. If she is the mother of the future Alpha, she could keep watch over the pack until it is time. Another theory I got in my head today on Emma is that she is the smart one. The fourth owl lady. There's just something about her. 


Forest being the new Alpha... I sure hope this wouldn't mean Juno is not a parallell universe thing, but the future. Since there would be a bit soon for another epic battle to take place, this doesn't add up. He can't live for 3000 years... 


Colt and this dying thing... Since I have it in my head that this whole battle has been going on since the dawn of time, my first thought was that the vampires had exchanged Colt for body of the previous Meta who led the previous battle. A bit far out, but there you go. 


Another theory is that Colt by accepting to be killed essentially has killed himself and thereby has ended up in the netherworld, with the Lord (?) and could in fact come out of an oriface and return to earth. Maybe as a full vampire or something else completely. I just hope he doesn't develop that appetite for virgins... Why else would they have to keep him locked up? If he's dead? It's warm enough...


What was in the glass case? The band I would say. Would remind Prime of Colt in his rage. Ch 17 never said where the band went. I doubt they would let it burn, since it's so significant to Colt. 


Ok, that was my jumbled thoughts right now. Sorry if I'm not very organized. But feel free to jump in anywhere if it strikes your fancy!

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Ok, I can't contain myself any longer! I just have to get a few things off my chest so if anyone has not read ch 17 today, you might want to stop reading now.


Beware of the result from my free spinning mind... Could be hilarious.


Emma: I got the weirdest feeling she is the new Meta. Or at least Acting Meta until the whole Colt mess is sorted. If she is the mother of the future Alpha, she could keep watch over the pack until it is time. Another theory I got in my head today on Emma is that she is the smart one. The fourth owl lady. There's just something about her. 


Forest being the new Alpha... I sure hope this wouldn't mean Juno is not a parallell universe thing, but the future. Since there would be a bit soon for another epic battle to take place, this doesn't add up. He can't live for 3000 years... 


Colt and this dying thing... Since I have it in my head that this whole battle has been going on since the dawn of time, my first thought was that the vampires had exchanged Colt for body of the previous Meta who led the previous battle. A bit far out, but there you go. 


Another theory is that Colt by accepting to be killed essentially has killed himself and thereby has ended up in the netherworld, with the Lord (?) and could in fact come out of an oriface and return to earth. Maybe as a full vampire or something else completely. I just hope he doesn't develop that appetite for virgins... Why else would they have to keep him locked up? If he's dead? It's warm enough...


What was in the glass case? The band I would say. Would remind Prime of Colt in his rage. Ch 17 never said where the band went. I doubt they would let it burn, since it's so significant to Colt. 


Ok, that was my jumbled thoughts right now. Sorry if I'm not very organized. But feel free to jump in anywhere if it strikes your fancy!



Mmmmh Emma an Ersatz-Meta ... not sure CE would approve ;-)


And Colt returning a full vampire ... now, didn't we have that somewhere. Was New York just Colt's future? ;-)

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No, he won't end up killing his lovers or bottoming any time soon.


They wouldn't have to sleep with her. That's the beauty of it. Or don't tell me they're supposed to find another roid factory...? I thought that part was over.

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Could the corpse be the 'body of the previous meta from the Trojan battle'?

  • For this I would refer you back to the very first book where we learned that a Meta was a 'new' concept for the 'modern' age. We haven't learned exactly when the first meta appeared but it is safe to say its within the last 200 years as prior to that the Alpha's mindset with Beta guidance would have been 100% fit for the mentality of the different ages of mankind.


Could Emma be the new or a temporary Meta?

  • Well a Meta is very very rare.. It took the boys 18 months crisscrossing the entire continent of North America before they finally caught the scent of Colt. They were about to fly to Europe to try there. But if Emma could 'be' it... Does she have the right mental state for it? She's a mother twice over and she is only about 21 right now. Her mind would not be for the pack but for her children 'note she never calls them pups, they aren't dogs'. When her and Seb first got together they didn't even bother with 'bagging it', so what does that say for the long term thought process? After Seb died she went comatose yet alive and ran away from those who could and would help her. Her apartment in Florida was surrounded and FILLED with vampire scents. Now could she still give the human thoughts as the mother of a future alpha? Yes she definitely could.


Is Colt in the 'underworld' and will he come back through an Orifice?

  • This has crossed my own mind but we have a couple of problems here. First off "Colt's" body was burned to a crisp. Can someone go into the underworld to come back through an orifice when their body has been cremated and not simply buried? All those vamps coming out of an orifice has come back covered in dirt in 'old clothing' of the period they died, this presumably means they are in their funeral garb. Then there is the issue of the time between death and 'rebirth'. Vampires take DECADES to come back from their death and out an orifice.


Could Juno and the 'alternate Colt' be the future?

  • In that the 'vampire' Colt never ever met 'his wolves'. He died at 13 and came back to the world in the shortest 'incubation' they had ever witnessed. He died in 2003 and returned in 2008. So not only did he return after only 5 years but it is currently 2016 in the books. So that already tells us that the time events of Juno and the 'vampire Colt' that MaryAnn showed him can't happen as they did in those 'visions'. Juno also took place in 2019 as that is 75 years after the Normandy invasion. With only 1 queen in place there is no way a new 'queen' could rise in time for such an event.


What was in the 'Glass Case'?

  • What could really be in there? What would be so important to them all? I'd say it would have any objects that survived the funeral pyre. It would have the dog tags of the 3 marines, it would have the objects of Al and Leo. It would have the Band with the strings/cords for Al and Leo seperated by next to it. It might even have something to remember Drew and Lars as they died in the battle helping the Inner Circle fight the queens. What else could be in there... The broken link from Prime's Chain, their cages(this would be odd to have on display in a house). Not sure what else off the top of my head.


There are more things we can go into utilizing foreknowledge from Bait, Fall, Back, RSVP and Pupl if one were to look closely enough.

Edited by PkCrichton
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Ok so now that we've all waited and some have started ranting over MW5 Ch17 I guess its time to throw my own analytical process into things I think beyond looking at what others think and share thoughts on them.


Great chapter utterly moving.


But there is the issue that we know Colt some how lives. Maybe its his vampire genes that enable him to somehow return from a death or maybe it was a fake corpse made specifically to fool the wolves.

  • Colt's body changed and was barely recognizable. It was his height, shape, in his cloths and had on the band. It wasn't ever mentioned in Ch 16 that Colt had the band on. Now I do believe that Colt keeps the band with him but I don't think he was wearing it. So either he put it on w/o a mention of it at all which is rare or it was put on his 'body' to throw the wolves off.
  • None of them could smell vampires, they only know a full vampire from their lack of scent when encountered. There were no footprits or tire tracks but then a vampire doesn't need that when they aren't in combat. Any vampire can fly, any vampire can teleport. So if Colt was 'abducted' he could have been lifted into the air, placed in some kind of bag to block scent and removed from the scene through flight or maybe through teleportation if thats possible with another person.
  • On this issue of Colt returning through an Orifice I already laid out a number of thoughts on that. I've already discounted the possibility of Juno and the 'vamp Colt' timeline as having being the future but there are even more reasons.
    • Prompt Back - Colt is going back to school to learn History, Greek, Sanskrit and more to help him with the last 'cycle' and to understand and maybe even self translate the prophecies.
    • Prompt RSVP - Bradley is in College still. In Spring of 2016 he was ending his Freshman/First year of College and transfering to LA to attend Colt, Prime, CE, Brian, Sam and Al's almamatur so that he can be there to 'protect' someone who can't protect themselves at that time period (Colt). So at absolute most it could be 7 years later and he is at the same school for doing a PhD which doesn't quite make sense since most people aren't able to do Grad School at the same place they did their Under Grat at least not immediatley one after the other. Chris Fink the ROTC guy from Beer is a Captain, this means it is between 4 and 10 years since he was officially commissioned after graduating College.
    • Prompt Bait - This is just after MW6 Ch4.
      • Colt is held in a very warm place that made him afraid (Underworld or next to an Orifice).
      • It has been 3 months since he saw anyone but his captors. So where does this fit into the timeline of events? MW5 Ch17 ended what seemed to be about a month after the 'death'. Which was in late April maybe early May I think. Prompt Fall which is after MW6 Ch9 is FALL of that year with the leaves in good looking order so leads it to be mid October.
      • Colt's beard has a hint of grey in it. Just before his 'death' he got his first grey hair. So this leans towards his body still being intact. Although that could have a vampire bit to thank but then again anyone who was able to 'return' from an Orifice took decades to do so. So I'm leaning away from Colt having died, cremated and now somehow doing the Orifice return method.
        • There is a small hickup here but it could be a red herring. MaryAnn in talking with her son said that from the moment the White Wolf's human form gets its first grey hair it has 1 year to live. Colt got his roughly the end of April or Early May of 2016. Yet he is somehow alive in MW7 and MW8.
        • What would constitute the death of the White Wolf? Does the tattoo vanishing constitute it. Does the death of an inner circle wolf or the meta constitute it. Does it have to be a death or just going to the underworld?
        • On the same thread of the grey hair... The others are starting to show it more. CE now has even more grey in his temples than he did before when Colt woke up from his coma. I've had a worry about CE due to the grey hair since it was first mentioned.
      • The guard is a 'half dead' where Colt knows where he came from. Who his parents were and he comments to himself about his appearance, manner and mental capacity. This leads me to think the guard is MaryAnn's son.
      • Colt is constantly practicing his skills. This involves somehow 'moving' something with each of his limbs. He is already able to move around, eat and dress himself so just what is this 'moving'? Could it be he is working on partially shifting?
      • Colt wondered if he had made a mistake with his chosen course of action but it was to late to look back.
        • This tells me that Colt chose the course of events that led to his imprisonment wherever he is right now around the time of August or September 2016.
    • Prompt Fall - Its the Fall of 2016 and is just after MW6 Ch9.
      • The Inner Circle are all in very bad places mentally or physically.
      • Brian is meeting with members of the LDS Pack. Could this be to learn if they have figured anything new out about Metas and White Wolves now that they have concrete data points with Colt?

Now what about Colt's Funeral?

  • Betsy his birth mother is nowhere in sight. Not mentioned at all. Would she really miss the funeral of her own son who she has tried to control and help into his role of Meta for his entire life?
  • There is no Owl present at all. Sylvia hasn't moved to Prime's pack yet. The only people present are those who have been manipulated by the Owls and manipulated others in turn. Like Fauna Prime's mother who was worked on by Sylvia/Flora to move from Montana to the ShadowLands pack and to take care of her grandchildren who aren't even with the pack but down in Florida with Emma.
    • Emma's apartment was surrounded and fill with vampire scents. Is she shadowed now or working with someone?
    • Fauna is calling an MG person but when looking into the call it led the pack to Galina/Latti who never had an MG alias.

Can the pack accept another Meta?

  • How long does it take to find a second Meta? It took 18 months to find the first.
  • If another Meta is found and bonded to the wolves what would that do and mean?
  • If the Meta is male they would basically have the same setup they had before. But what if it is a female like others have suggested? Would they have to turn straight?
  • What about the two Tattoos? Would the new meta accept the 6 wolves having Colt's mark on their bodies? Would the new meta have the mystic tattoo like Colt had appear? Can a new meta even get a Mystic Tattoo when the Inner Circle isn't full? Colt's never appeared until he met all 8 wolves. Would this explain why Colt's tattoo is not present in Prompt RSVP?
  • How could a new Meta accept an Inner Circle that isn't 'pure'. They have all been penetrated after all. If the new Meta is female maybe they are able to do the penetrating to count as pure.
  • How would having a new Meta work when Colt eventually gets back with the pack? He is Meta again in Prompt Pupl after all.
  • Would the Inner Circle even accept a new Meta? They all deeply cared about Colt. Prime is flat out refusing to follow Colt's final 'find a new meta' order and continues doing so into MW6 Ch9 as we can see the dire state of the inner circles mental and physical states.

At the very end.  And then he whined like a beaten dog. “Colt, I cannot do this without you,” he whispered, whishing for the first time in his life the silver bullet hadn’t missed him back then when Bagdad fell.

  • This event took place April 3–12, 2003.
  • This would be Prime's first deployment which makes sense since he joined up in Mayish 2002. So that means that is when Prime almost took a silver bullet. This is also the first we have heard of this event.
  • Who tried to shoot Prime? How does he know it was a silver bullet? Did he recover this bullet and keep it as a memento of survival as many do of bullets that nearly kill them if they can find them?
Edited by PkCrichton
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Wow you sure changed tune rather quickly there... Weren't you just mad about Colt's funeral and the state the wolves are in...


was that comment for me? It fits anyway, particuarly after editing the first three chapters of book 6.  :,(


but I'll always want Brian, no matter what.   :*)

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So it's time for the prompt where Brian turns straight? ,-)

He's confused, it's just a phase a lot of boys go through, it will be okay, he's not straight he just can't be.

Edited by dughlas
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So it's time for the prompt where Brian turns straight? ,-)


whatever - if Colt isn't there, Brian's orientation doesn't mean shit. He's not gonna fuck a bitch, his wolf won't let him, and he's not gonna let anyone but Colt do him (much as I might wish differently for my own sake :lol: ).

And since I (and the ladies) can perve on Brian whether he's gay or straight and hetero sex doesn't scare us, your :evil: threat doesn't carry much weight. :rofl:

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