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Rob is blond, Jeffrey elegantly brown ;-)

Now that I didn't know and I was jumping between Wind and the Deaths chapter with Jeffery to try and find that tid bit a while ago too...


Don't worry if any theories turn out to be false or TRUE it happens to everyone!

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Rob is blond, Jeffrey elegantly brown ;-)



Of course if there was a trick to change hair color ...




then it would work.


Shit, Vampires can do that to a certain extent.



So maybe Jeffrey IS Rob ;-)

Edited by JohnAR
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Of course if there was a trick to change hair color ...




then it would work.


Shit, Vampires can do that to a certain extent.



So maybe Jeffrey IS Rob ;-)

Not Rob... say it ain't so

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Tim is so cool he won't react to anything... not even this.


Yes - but my main reaction is to say I hate gifs (or whatever those moving pics are called). Your Spoilers banner gives me a head ache if I stay here too long. :(

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wow I'm in the shower with a woman ...


on second thought: NO


where are the marines when you need them?



Rob is blond, Jeffrey elegantly brown ;-)

Oh, I remembered. Don't act like there's no such thing as hair dye!


Re: Rob borrowed -- so that means he has to be the exact same character as in that story? Because I noticed JAR says he borrowed Rob's NAME ...


And no offense, JAR, but I'd want a Marine in the shower with me as well. A pack of guys who looked like Marines and were all taller than me (I'm 6'0) passed me on the street yesterday. I almost embarrassed myself. LOL

Edited by Geemeedee
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Geemeedee, it is my understanding that not only the name but the entire core chracter of Rob was borrowed with permission from Tim's prompt story series which he so kindly linked up earlier. JAR came to really like the character and saw the opportunity to utilize him in his own work. I believe he is keeping the core characteristics of Rob the same even if he really really wants to tweak some special aspects of him lol.

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Oh, I remembered. Don't act like there's no such thing as hair dye!


Re: Rob borrowed -- so that means he has to be the exact same character as in that story? Because I noticed JAR says he borrowed Rob's NAME ...


And no offense, JAR, but I'd want a Marine in the shower with me as well. A pack of guys who looked like Marines and were all taller than me (I'm 6'0) passed me on the street yesterday. I almost embarrassed myself. LOL



That begs the question: where in Northern California are you? lol

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Geemeedee, it is my understanding that not only the name but the entire core chracter of Rob was borrowed with permission from Tim's prompt story series which he so kindly linked up earlier. JAR came to really like the character and saw the opportunity to utilize him in his own work. I believe he is keeping the core characteristics of Rob the same even if he really really wants to tweak some special aspects of him lol.

Well ... crap. It was a great idea.

That begs the question: where in Northern California are you? lol

SF Bay Area, of course!

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Geemeedee, it is my understanding that not only the name but the entire core chracter of Rob was borrowed with permission from Tim's prompt story series which he so kindly linked up earlier. JAR came to really like the character and saw the opportunity to utilize him in his own work. I believe he is keeping the core characteristics of Rob the same even if he really really wants to tweak some special aspects of him lol.


I couldn't have said it better myself. :D  Although you might have said 'selfishly' rather than kindly about the link. :*)

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I couldn't have said it better myself. :D  Although you might have said 'selfishly' rather than kindly about the link. :*)

Well I can't exactly call your linking to your Prompt Series selfish when I toss up links for my Meta Fan Fic stand alone chapters. Is it selfish to show others you have works on here and where to find them when it has a direct correlation with Meta even if it's due to a character being borrowed? I would rather say it's informing the public that these works with certain characters exist and giving them a helping hand to see such works. :2thumbs:

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Hey, guys. I'm probably mentioning a topic that's been discussed to death again -- please give me an approximation in the 160+ pages where it was covered, if that's the case.


Sigh. Ok. Why can't the IC have orgasms? I know Isaac had one, and believe me, I was *thrilled*. Because it seems like they are being genetically punished or something. Being exclusive bottoms makes sense. But being unable to come is just mean. Full disclosure: I don't understand men who like to have trains run on them until their asshole is like a stretched sock, yet they never orgasm, either.

Edited by Geemeedee
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Hey, guys. I'm probably mentioning a topic that's been discussed to death again -- please give me an approximation in the 160+ pages where it was covered, if that's the case.


Sigh. Ok. Why can't the IC have orgasms? I know Isaac had one, and believe me, I was *thrilled*. Because it seems like they are being genetically punished or something. Being exclusive bottoms makes sense. But being unable to come is just mean. Full disclosure: I don't understand men who like to have trains run on them until their asshole is like a stretched sock, yet they never orgasm, either.

Sorry I don't think any of us have any clue where within the 160 pages we discussed this or I'd give you info on it lol. There has been a lot of good stuff and a lot of banter within these many pages of the RANT. But trust me we hold no grudges if we have to 'rehash' anything.


So the 'lack of getting off' is tied to the rules of having a Meta.


Because they are a Gay Inner Circle they can't show submission to their Meta by not having kids so instead a gay IC gives sexual submission to the Meta.


They also have to retain their purity which is linked into this as well. Purity meant they hadn't gotten themselves off, hadn't had others get them off etc, hadn't been penetrated or penetrate another. The exception to the current state of the purity rule is when they are gotten off due to their Meta.

Edited by PkCrichton
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Because they are a Gay Inner Circle they can't show submission to their Meta by not having kids so instead a gay IC gives sexual submission to the Meta.


They also have to retain their purity which is linked into this as well. Purity meant they hadn't gotten themselves off, hadn't had others get them off etc, hadn't been penetrated or penetrate another. The exception to the current state of the purity rule is when they are gotten off due to their Meta.


and we'd like to see them get off a lot more from their Meta (ie Colt) than what has been the case so far. :P:lol:

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Hey, guys. I'm probably mentioning a topic that's been discussed to death again -- please give me an approximation in the 160+ pages where it was covered, if that's the case.

Sigh. Ok. Why can't the IC have orgasms? I know Isaac had one, and believe me, I was *thrilled*. Because it seems like they are being genetically punished or something. Being exclusive bottoms makes sense. But being unable to come is just mean. Full disclosure: I don't understand men who like to have trains run on them until their asshole is like a stretched sock, yet they never orgasm, either.

That is one of the stranger aspects that I hope will be explained further in the infamous book 8.


I can get the need for demonstrating submission from a wolf dynamics perspective being pure until meeting their Meta. The not cumming while with the Meta? Harder to explain. If the goal is to build them up through Colt's special roids, then they should be encouraged to have more sex. Denying them release other then through accident seems not optimal. I guess it's another step in the submission and perhaps viewed as necessary for Colt to obtain domination over the wolves. Denial of that sort isn't uncommon in certain types of relationships after all.

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You might also recall that Colt doesn't like that the boys aren't able to get off due to the rules as well. He thought the cages were inhumane. At the end of MW5 Deaths just before that fatal life altering run he said the cages weren't needed anymore and that their wolf would be able to help keep them pure.


We have also only ever heard what they believe the rules to be. We don't know for a fact if that is what the rules are or if the rules are able to changed based on if a prophecy has been completed or not. You might remember in PULP that Prime got off just listening to Colt and Bradley.


So hopefully this will mean the rules aren't what we think or change over time so they can have a bit more fun and release. However much we enjoy the complex plot lines and story arcs we do still greatly enjoy them having fun after all.

Edited by PkCrichton
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Listen to us... Carefully taking the time to induct a new member of the congregation. So Geemeedee, don't worry about questions and theories. We simply love to talk Meta...

Congregation..... so JAR is a cult leader now :worship: :worship: :worship: ? The Cult of Colt? The Meta Cult? The Prime Cult :rofl:  :gikkle: 

Edited by PkCrichton
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