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A BIG thank you to Myr


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Thank you Myr for everything. I think you are a great person for Making GA for all of us. I enjoy coming here and just sitting back and reading or talking to other people. This is all thanks to Myr. I think he is a great person, and I have a lot of respect for him.


I also want to thank all of the GACs and the authors and Editors and everyone that has helped GA.


I have only been a member of GA for about a Month, but I have become more comfortable with myself and my sexuality because of GA. There are many resources here for teenagers, and for people in general.


Again, Thank you Myr for everything. We all appreciate what you have done for us.



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Myr you have created a place where people can be themselves without having to wory about perciscusion or harrasment. This is a special place and I know it cannot be easy but your efforts are not in vaine. I have not been a member for that long but every day i am here my feelings of gratitude grow. I just want to say thank you and if there is anything I can ever do to help please let me know.

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  • Site Administrator

Thank you everyone and thank you to my team, the Gay Authors Committee. It is too big for me to do alone and without them, I wouldn't be able to keep the place open.


Thanks again Kurt,


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Thanks, Myr, for bringing us this awesome site. Without it I probably would never have gotten to read Dom's stories, or met all the wonderful people here. This is the best community I have ever had the privelege to express my opinions in, and I hope that it will stay thus forever. Thanks for keeping it in order and for keeping us all company! You're awesome!






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  • 8 months later...



PLEASE don't listen to the nay-sayers! I've said it in other forums, and I'll repeat it here again:


I love GA. I'm here because it's such a great place for writers, especially for beginning writers like me. And I'm also here because of the stories. The variety of stories is fantastic. For me, I'm a big fan of non-gay SF stories but not fantasy (with one exception, what I'd call the "fantasy-comedy" genre, like Heroics for Beginners by John Moore). But, for whatever reason, I'm not a fan of gay SF (or fantasy) stories. But all I have to do is not read that kind of story on GA. I think it's great that they're here! It makes GA more inclusive. :read:


Colin :boy:

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Thank you so much Myr. This place is like a home away from home lol. It is such a wonderful place to meet new people, read good stories, talk, and to write (not tht i do). It has seriously saved my life lol. I dont know what i would have done if i could talk to people about coming out and stuff. Its helped me find a bf, friends, stories and so much more. Even if we dont say it blatantly, we love you for creating such a joyous environment for everyone to relax and chill out form daily life.


From the bottom of my heart.....thank you Myr, you've done a service that most will never be able to verge upon.






Always appreciating even when i dont say it,


Ian ^_^

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