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Sadly, We Have Lost Miguel Sanchez


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I was going to ask Tickie if he had news on Miguel and I saw this.



"Farewell Dear Friend"

My dear friends and authors it was brought to my attention that … Miguel Sanchez, passed away in January 2016, after complications from surgery, and the lose of his dear friend; he seemed to have lost his will to live and was taken from us when his heart just gave out.

Miguel was not only a great author but a wonderful dear friend to all who knew him.

Please say a prayer in the church, synagogue, or temple of your choice, for this dear man. 

We will truly and deeply miss him until we can join with him once again.

May God Bless and keep him!




This one really got to me, a reality check, Miguel was all of 4 days older than myself. His stories were not the most popular here. His subject matter depressing to many of our members. The mission he chose for himself, was to show the other side of the coin to us. The side most us didn't want to see and that people (like you and me) could make a difference. Some, did make me cry, but I looked for ways to do what I could for those less fortunate, due in part, to him.


I would like to think that Miguel is happy and back together with his friend, some where over the Rainbow.




Miguel Sanchez

Adios and Vaya con Dios




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Miguel first contacted me about my story, Castaway Hotel, and we communicated often via email.  I'd even met with him in person, along with his bf at the time.  I offer my condolences to his family and friends that he left behind.  

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