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New Members Welcome-Introduce Yourself!

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Hey there :) I'm technically not a new member. I've been here for sometime but I only started posting recently due to work commitments and frequent hospitalizations haha. :D So anyways, hey everyone!!!!

Welcome to the forums. I hope your health is improving and that you don't have to spend any more time in the hospital. :hug:
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Hey there :) I'm technically not a new member. I've been here for sometime but I only started posting recently due to work commitments and frequent hospitalizations haha. :D So anyways, hey everyone!!!!

Hey there and welcome in the club of the posting members of GA we always love it when new members comes in even if they only post scarcely.... Enjoy and keep posting

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Guest _frosT_

Hey all!


I've been going to GA for quite a while now - thanks to my online bff Tiffani Chin, and have read quite a few stories but never really signed up or went to the forums until now.. ME = LAZY.


Anyway, I'm just dropping by to say a quick hello to all members and authors. Looking forward to meet awesome people. Now, on to more reading...



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Hey all!


I've been going to GA for quite a while now - thanks to my online bff Tiffani Chin, and have read quite a few stories but never really signed up or went to the forums until now.. ME = LAZY.


Anyway, I'm just dropping by to say a quick hello to all members and authors. Looking forward to meet awesome people. Now, on to more reading...



Welcome to GA. :)
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Hey all!


I've been going to GA for quite a while now - thanks to my online bff Tiffani Chin, and have read quite a few stories but never really signed up or went to the forums until now.. ME = LAZY.


Anyway, I'm just dropping by to say a quick hello to all members and authors. Looking forward to meet awesome people. Now, on to more reading...



WELCOME! Finally you took my advice. Took enough convincing. I think I exhausted my entire outer network text plan by talking with all day yesterday! Don't you work, man? :P


That's right, I am your bff, don't you forget it. Stop being lazy and shy and start posting and getting addicted to the forums. And if you need any good story recommendations, you know how to contact me.


Hugs :wub:

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Guest _frosT_

@Drewbie: :hug: Thanks! Will do..


@Tiger: Thanks! :D


@Tiff: "Convincing"? More like twisting my arm into submission! LOL. But you are right anyways. I need to start giving thanks to all these wonderful people and thier equally wonderful stories for entertaining me on my boring days, which is like, almost EVERYDAY.


LOL about the texting. My friends kept asking who it is I've been texting for half the day. I didn't say anything but they made some assumptions. So if anyone asks you are my GIRLFRIEND, we met on an online dating site and we'll be married in about a year or so. :whistle:


HugsUBack :hug:

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Hey all!


I've been going to GA for quite a while now - thanks to my online bff Tiffani Chin, and have read quite a few stories but never really signed up or went to the forums until now.. ME = LAZY.


Anyway, I'm just dropping by to say a quick hello to all members and authors. Looking forward to meet awesome people. Now, on to more reading...



convincing or arm twisting,, it all comes down to the same result and I hope that we'll live up to your expectation

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Hey all!


I've been going to GA for quite a while now - thanks to my online bff Tiffani Chin, and have read quite a few stories but never really signed up or went to the forums until now.. ME = LAZY.


Anyway, I'm just dropping by to say a quick hello to all members and authors. Looking forward to meet awesome people. Now, on to more reading...



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BeStKid :devil:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys i onely signed up here yesterday night, so i dident relly get around much. for now i relly liek the place a lot, it filled up with lots of frindely ppl :lol:


well if nayone wants to talk or something ill be happy to, and if naything u gusy can call me lavie. :P

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Hi guys i onely signed up here yesterday night, so i dident relly get around much. for now i relly liek the place a lot, it filled up with lots of frindely ppl :lol:


well if nayone wants to talk or something ill be happy to, and if naything u gusy can call me lavie. :P

Welcome Lavie! I look forward to seeing you around the forums. Since you're a teen, I might as well suggest Teen Spot. There are plenty of interesting topics there and here in The Lounge. Then of course, there are story discussion forums. :D

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Welcome to GA ARIAS21229 :D


feel free to post in discussions and the lounge. have you read any stories here yet?


THAnX ^^ i used to read storys here all the times its just now i relized that i could sign up and idk but i might post up my storys as well. :D


Welcome Lavie! I look forward to seeing you around the forums. Since you're a teen, I might as well suggest Teen Spot. There are plenty of interesting topics there and here in The Lounge. Then of course, there are story discussion forums. :D


well thank you i apritiate it ^^ u all are so nice I wanna GIVE U guys HUGS! ill make sure to do so ^^


Welcome Lavie! I would love to have a conversation with me sometimes, ok?? Looking forward to your discussion and posts...


thanx ^^ and sure i love meeting new ppl and making new frinds. if anything i have aim and u can get my screen name on my acount... :P

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Just wanted to drop by to say a quick hello.


I only found the main site a few weeks back (but read Dom Luka quite a while ago) and it's taking a while to really read more stories between school and work.


Still, hope to be able to read more and comment more in the future as well as actually become involved in discussions (<-- what are those? when will I find the time? and all other such questions notwithstanding).

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Just wanted to drop by to say a quick hello.


I only found the main site a few weeks back (but read Dom Luka quite a while ago) and it's taking a while to really read more stories between school and work.


Still, hope to be able to read more and comment more in the future as well as actually become involved in discussions (<-- what are those? when will I find the time? and all other such questions notwithstanding).

Hey welcome to GA! I know how you feel between writing and school and everything in between it's hard, but feel free to drop by the forums and add your input...

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Hey all!


I've been going to GA for quite a while now - thanks to my online bff Tiffani Chin, and have read quite a few stories but never really signed up or went to the forums until now.. ME = LAZY.


Anyway, I'm just dropping by to say a quick hello to all members and authors. Looking forward to meet awesome people. Now, on to more reading...



Welcome to the forum, Frost!!


Any friend of Tiff's is a friend of ours! :great:


Hi guys i onely signed up here yesterday night, so i dident relly get around much. for now i relly liek the place a lot, it filled up with lots of frindely ppl :lol:


well if nayone wants to talk or something ill be happy to, and if naything u gusy can call me lavie. :P

It's great to have you, dude! I've been enjoying interacting with you in the various threads :)




Just wanted to drop by to say a quick hello.


I only found the main site a few weeks back (but read Dom Luka quite a while ago) and it's taking a while to really read more stories between school and work.


Still, hope to be able to read more and comment more in the future as well as actually become involved in discussions (<-- what are those? when will I find the time? and all other such questions notwithstanding).

Welcome miik!


A fellow domaholic huh? COOL!! :D


So what's your favourite Dom story?


It's awesome to have you!




Welcome you three :)


Let me know if you need anything :)



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To Kevin: actually, I want to post in your discussion forum soon about BMAD because it's one of the stories I am actively reading and I am truly enjoying it. (Enough that I check to see when the next chapter is going to be posted as per your signature and check back frequently on that day... if I'm not at work, that is.) So, will post later, but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing the story and I look forward to reading more.


As for Dom Luka's stories... I am quite fond of all of them, but Desert Dropping and The Log Way would be favourites of mine. What about you?


And thanks for the welcomes, Kevin and Tiger.

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Hi guys i onely signed up here yesterday night, so i dident relly get around much. for now i relly liek the place a lot, it filled up with lots of frindely ppl :lol:


well if nayone wants to talk or something ill be happy to, and if naything u gusy can call me lavie. :P




Just wanted to drop by to say a quick hello.


I only found the main site a few weeks back (but read Dom Luka quite a while ago) and it's taking a while to really read more stories between school and work.


Still, hope to be able to read more and comment more in the future as well as actually become involved in discussions (<-- what are those? when will I find the time? and all other such questions notwithstanding).


A warm and hearty welcome to you both....please make yourself at home and enjoy the lovely atmosphere here... :)



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