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Michael Sir - Thank You 

@Mikiesboy - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - I took the advice of this POD cast and I for once really did some meditation yes it was a guided app one but the end of it I feel so much better - I know it was only 1 time and just 10 minutes but with me just focusing on your breath in and out it is amazing when I got finished so Thank You is not enough but you have my gratitude.  

I know those that have been at it a while which is better the self guided ones or the timed ones? I can see that advantages of both.

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8 minutes ago, Fae Briona said:

I've lost the "touch" and need to get back into the practice.  It would help with my emotional stability, and with my pain management.

i spend 10 or 15 minutes every morning just sitting letting my mind empty, some mornings are easier than others, but i do it every morning
sometimes i go to my "happy place" other times i just enjoy the feeling of the blankets on the bed, and listen to the dog breathe/snore, but the news is off, usually soft music i keep the tv off until almost time to leave when i check weather and traffic before i leave


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17 minutes ago, rickproehl said:


Michael Sir - Thank You 

@Mikiesboy - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - I took the advice of this POD cast and I for once really did some meditation yes it was a guided app one but the end of it I feel so much better - I know it was only 1 time and just 10 minutes but with me just focusing on your breath in and out it is amazing when I got finished so Thank You is not enough but you have my gratitude.  

I know those that have been at it a while which is better the self guided ones or the timed ones? I can see that advantages of both.

I think you need to know yourself. Try different methods/ideas.  tim, I know cannot have music or anything else to distract him.  So try it this way for a while. If for some reason you need to change, try another method. If you like it , use it. 

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Morning, DiC! Heatwave is over, here. Instead, it's barely above 10°C and these cottages do not have heating. They're insulated well enough, but damn, it's freezing at night! Could we have normal, season appropriate temperatures, please? Like, between 20 and 25? That would be great. Sigh...

Hope you all have a good day!

Edited by Thorn Wilde
dang typos...
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Sirs and friends 

I want to wish each of you a great day. 

As I make improvements in my live I’m glad my DiC friends suggested meditation. I had heard that in the past and thought it was “new age Mumbo Jumbo” So I took another look at this. What did I find it is something I should have been doing. So up until yesterday I never gave it the attention it needed. 

So as I travel this new experience.... I know I’m better today than I was yesterday but not as good as I will be tomorrow. 

So I wish every Sir and friends is a great day.


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13 hours ago, MichaelS36 said:

sometimes one should not skip to the end, because one misses sneak peeks... 

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This is not from my next story ... but next one after that one.. next story:


Time missed this stand of forest and its surroundings. Old growth stood solid, while the young trees pushed their way through blankets of dying leaves and by the unforgiving pine cones. Animals came to eat of the fruit and nuts; leaving soon after as they could feel the unnaturalness of this place.

But animals are not humans; they are inherently more sensible. At ten, Graham Nelson didn’t know this, of course. He was a child and this place was dark, quiet and quite ancient, he was sure.

This forest behind the cottage was filled with mossy rocks and boulders. Water gurgled somewhere and pines, maples, aspens and paper birch stood as tall as buildings. Woodpeckers hammered, squirrels chattered and Graham couldn’t wait to explore.

“Look, Ma!” He pointed to a tree which appeared, for all intents and purposes, like deadfall. “Look … it’s like a bridge … it’s a bridge tree!”

Elena Nelson glanced at the tree. “It’s only a fallen log, Graham.” She slapped at an insect with her carefully manicured red nails. “I am going back to sit by the lake, Graham. Do not go past that fallen tree! Do you hear me?”

The little boy looked at his mother. I wish you were like Benji’s mom. She’d climb the Bridge Tree with me. He smiled and dutifully replied, “Yes, Ma’am. I hear you.”

Once she’d picked her way back to the cottage’s tamer grounds, Graham got back to the business of being a boy. He picked moss off the rocks, turned over small logs and enjoyed the beetles, worms and other creatures that lived beneath.

After discovering a small pool and making the water skimmers flee, Graham turned around and looked at the bridge tree. As he walked towards it, he noted it was not fallen but had grown straight and at some time had bent over about three feet from the ground.

I bet I can get up there. He set about doing just that but found it was harder than he’d first thought. He scraped his knee, got a little blood on his walking shorts and his nice white polo shirt just was not anymore. Though he grunted with the effort and broke a couple of finger nails, he was excited and proud when he finally stood atop the tree.

I am the first to stand upon this bridge! Graham posed like the champion he felt he was.

“You’d be wrong about that.”

The voice so startled Graham he nearly fell off the tree. Slowly he turned around to see who had spoken. Fear made his gut gurgle and he gripped his tummy. Graham blinked at the other before him.

He was slender, his skin the colour of dark tea, but it was the boy’s eyes that captured Graham. Mismatched they were; the right a bright sky-blue and the other forest-green.

“Are you an elf?” Graham finally found his voice.

“No, I am Salmar Tir. Who are you?”


Thanks for pointing that out, Mike. I do believe I can't wait to read more of this story that @Mikiesboy is writing. 💖

Now back to school work. 7 chapters to read this week... and my Libertarian self is sick with this shite. What I really want to post for discussion this week, is this picture:




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9 minutes ago, Brayon said:

Thanks for pointing that out, Mike. I do believe I can't wait to read more of this story that @Mikiesboy is writing. 💖

Now back to school work. 7 chapters to read this week... and my Libertarian self is sick with this shite. What I really want to post for discussion this week, is this picture:

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morning A

good to see you, :hug:

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12 minutes ago, Brayon said:

Now back to school work. 7 chapters to read this week...

Also, 3 essay assessments of a minimum 1000 words each with research citations.

Edited by Brayon
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5 hours ago, Brayon said:

Also, 3 essay assessments of a minimum 1000 words each with research citations.

Good luck, A. In my day, research citations were referred to as a bibliography. Course, that was 30+ years ago...

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Thanks everyone.

12 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

Good luck, A. In my day, research citations were referred to as a bibliography. Course, that was 30+ years ago...

Yeah, these research papers are something. Here is an example of what I've been doing, from my ENG 100 class.


The Benefits of Space Exploration

Tonight, walk outside and look upon the night sky. With the naked eye, on a clear night with minimal light pollution, one would see thousands upon thousands of stars. Does it invoke a sense of wonder, or inspire to create poetry or prose? For the United States of America, it was a call to further humanity’s knowledge and condition through a governmental program known as NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) took up the challenge of space exploration, but what other sort of endeavors has NASA carried out? What technology has NASA developed for space exploration that is a benefit to humanity? What does the future hold for the United States of America space program? The answer to these questions follows a path through the history of NASA. Over the sixty years of its existence, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has had historical leaps in achievements in the human condition, which has shown benefits to humanity in the form of transfer-technologies, and a public-private initiative for finding resources on other planets and asteroids for colonization.


Historical events in space exploration have inspired generations to investigate careers in science and technology fields. On July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed into law the first National Aeronautics and Space Act (Riddle, 2018). Since then, in 2010 President Obama signed into law an updated version on the National Aeronautics and Space Act that now includes commercial space flight besides government-sponsored space exploration (“NASA,” 2018). These acts set the foundation of a successful organization that has had many milestones, such as the Apollo Space Program and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon where humans first stepped foot on Earth’s closest celestial neighbor. Millions of people around the world watched the live feed of Neil Armstrong’s and Buzz Aldrin’s moon landing, and the famous words of Neil Armstrong as the first human to step on the moon, “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind” (NASA Apollo 11, 2018, Par 2).

After this event, NASA continued its mission of space exploration by sending probes to other astrological bodies; the Space Shuttle program, which carried into orbit a variety of different payloads, such as satellites, and the Hubble Space Telescope; and the International Space Station (ISS), where Astronauts from around the world do various research projects (“NASA,” 2018). Using different degrees in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), NASA created a variety of technology for space exploration. NASA has changed the course of the future of humanity.


Technology that NASA uses for space exploration has a practical commercial use. NASA coined the term “spinoffs” to describe these transfer-technologies. NASA defines spinoffs as “… spinoffs are technologies, products, and processes that have been derived from NASA development and expertise” (“NASA,” 2018). The NASA (2018) website has a section devoted to news articles highlighting these spin-offs in everyday use. Innovations in working in small environments, like the International Space Station (ISS), have shown first responders how to be safer in ambulances; Space Imaging software developed by NASA is being used to predict crop yields and agricultural water use; and the brain behind self-driving cars was a bi-product of the Mars Rover missions (“NASA,” 2018). With these advances in technology and the 2010 Legislative Act, NASA has entered partnerships with commercial operations to further space exploration.


With advances in technology, humans will soon be able to harvest resources from the astral bodies in the solar system. One partnership that NASA has is with the SpaceX Corporation founded by Elon Musk (“SpaceX,” 2017). Anderson (2014) quotes Elon Musk saying:

We’ll go to the moons of Jupiter, at least some of the outer ones for sure, and probably Titan on Saturn, and the asteroids. Once we have that forcing function, and an Earth-to-Mars economy, we’ll cover the whole Solar System. But the key is that we have to make the Mars thing work. If we’re going to have any chance of sending stuff to other star systems, we need to be laser-focused on becoming a multi-planet civilization. That’s the next step.

(Anderson, 2014, para 60)

With this grand colonizing effort that SpaceX and NASA are both working on, commercial and governmental programs can then use the resources in our solar system to build these colonies. Mining asteroids for minerals and metals for buildings, and electronics. Finding water on planets, such as the ice sheets on Mars, or the Saturn moon of Io, can further support life. These are just a minor fraction of what is soon possible with space exploration.



As humanity continues to study and explore outer space, the changes to the human condition will continue. With public/private partnerships, humanity will see the colonization of our solar system, and back on Earth, humanity will receive help from spin-off technologies to enhance daily life. The continued operation of NASA would not only be in the interest of the United States of America but the Earth’s global population. With each new achievement, NASA adds a new milestone on its path through history.


Crosby, N. B. (2012, January-June). Effects and benefits of space exploration: Past, present, and future.  International Journal of Space Technology Management and Innovation, 2(1), 49-62. ProQuest Illustrata Doi:10.4018/ijstmi.2012010104.

Riddle, B. (2018, October). Milestones in space exploration. Science Scope, 42(3), 86-89. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/docview/2113235585?accountid=35812

SpaceX(2017). Retrieved from https://www.spacex.com/about

NASA(2018). Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/

NASA Apollo 11(2018). Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/missions/apollo11.html 

Andersen, R. (2014) Aeon. Retrieved from https://aeon.co/essays/elon-musk-puts-his-case-for-a-multi-planet-civilisation

That was less than 1000 words, but shows the APA format we are required to use. Two of the research papers, are basically glorified book reports, because in addition to the two textbooks, we were required to read The Outsiders, and Lord of the Flies, and report on the socialization of the characters.

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I love that comic, @Thorn Wilde🙂

I hope everybody is having a great day.  I finished the last bits of my chapter on my lunch... and I'll probably have it posted up tomorrow.  Woot!

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13 hours ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Morning, DiC! Heatwave is over, here. Instead, it's barely above 10°C and these cottages do not have heating. They're insulated well enough, but damn, it's freezing at night! Could we have normal, season appropriate temperatures, please? Like, between 20 and 25? That would be great. Sigh...

Hope you all have a good day!

Heat index here was ~40°C [104°F].   10°C sounds quite lovely to me at the moment 🙃

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17 minutes ago, Fae Briona said:

Heat index here was ~40°C [104°F].   10°C sounds quite lovely to me at the moment 🙃

It's less lovely when you sleep in an old cottage with no heating, I can tell you that. :P 

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@Thorn Wilde staying in a cottage that is so rustic are the summers of my childhood! i wish i had embraced it more fully, i hope you are having a wonderful time

hello Sirs and friends, 
dinner has been served, eaten and cleared. it was a good day today, how about y'all?

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