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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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8 hours ago, Headstall said:


Thanks, guys. :hug:  He made it home soon after, and we worked for over six hours, and just quit about about an hour ago. I'm doing the sawing, and he's placing the flooring... he did really good, and he didn't let me do too much. We're a good team. :)  I appreciate your concern, but he is a very motivated, hard working person, who, besides a full time job, works out every day and puts himself through hell preparing for competitions. His girlfriend is young... and she can be demanding, but she's getting better. Does he take me for granted? Probably, yeah, but I don't mind... it's my fault. :) 

We were all busy young men once ... uhm, well the most handsome of us. I'm glad he made it home and you had a productive time together.

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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:

Well I still getting use to the O2 machine which is very loud. And I am still tried just not as bad as yesterday :yes:

Is it an electronic one? Mom had something like this first and it was sooo loud and annoying well you kind of get use to it after a while but still. The worst was the long and extra loud bip sound when you put it on :pinch:

Hopefully you've start feeling the positive effects :hug:

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3 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

Good morning :yawn: We had some nasty storms overnight with 2-3" of rain.  :unsure: There's lots of flooding and road closures, although thankfully the route I take to work is fine.  My basement is also fine, although the sump pump is working constantly.  Today is employee appreciation day so I get wraps for lunch.  :D  

Hey, Val. :hug:  Not a drop here... enjoy your wraps. :D 

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3 hours ago, dughlas said:

We were all busy young men once ... uhm, well the most handsome of us. I'm glad he made it home and you had a productive time together.

Hey, dugh! :hug: We're at it again today. :) 

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