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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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3 hours ago, dughlas said:

We're not having wind and rain today. In fact it's bright and sunny and currently 24/-4°. I think this is the coldest it's been this winter. The expected high will be at least 10° below normal.

Morning, bro and Mum. :hug: 

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3 hours ago, Headstall said:

Happy Saturday, all! My sons get back from their vacation tomorrow. :)  

Hank is looking sad...

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Glad to hear the boys will be back in town ... well sorta.

Hank has a great deal to be sad about, I'm not feelin' sympathetic.

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Had a five K walk in the sunshine... not exactly warm, but it was pleasant compared to a lot of my walks in the cold. It helped clear my head. I've not been feeling the greatest lately... not sick... just drained and a little down. Happens this time of year, around my mother's birthday. 

Turned my mare back out and watched her scamper around and roll in the snow. You'd never suspect she was 27.  :)  Peace, y'all. 

Were here for ya Gary :yes::kiss:

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