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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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17 minutes ago, clochette said:

Yup, I was supposed to go grocery shopping for the family but decided to go in the morning instead and to make homemade pizza with what we can scrap off the empty fridge ;)

Morgan and I went grocery shopping on Wednesday.  :)

Edited by Page Scrawler
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32 minutes ago, bignick said:

Hello everyone!!! :)

Hey, Nicky-pooh!  :hug:  :hug:  How's our cute green amphibian today?  :)


33 minutes ago, bignick said:

There's something extremely cute :heart: about seeing two hot guys doing grocery shopping. :yes:

:*)  :*)  :*)

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2 hours ago, Headstall said:

The sun is shining, fine snow is falling, Cookie is sleeping, and the world is beautiful...


Welcome to www.joselito28.tumblr.com

This part definitely is. Also for the edification of y'all, I have it on the best of authority that this lad is wearing a kilt ... welcome to my fantasy.

Edited by dughlas
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5 hours ago, clochette said:

So far mom's not too worry/devastated. The tech guy who did the exam in her lungs last week had already say there was a mass and they needed to take samples, so it was already big in our minds.

Clock wise so far we were lucky. In barely 2 weeks the docs bust their asses to check the heart, then lungs, then do the exams and getting the results. 

So far she's in a good mind set, says she'll fight and do whatever is needed. 

:hug: :hug: 

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1 hour ago, bignick said:

Hey, Pagey!!! :hug:  Not so good actually. Something about being understaffed at the moment and customers acting like they couldn't care less. You might think they'd be patient and understanding, but remember, humans are not very good at those. :rolleyes:


Hi there, my studly champion. :glomp:  


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34 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

:hug: OMG  I swear they don't consider people's feelings when they do things like this.  I had a nurse leave me a message once saying to call back so we could discuss 'the next step'.  O.o  

Methinks medical school should come with a class in sensitivity training. -_-

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