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The EggMan's "New Life" is BACK!

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For those of you who were fans of The EggMan's epic saga, "New Life," and the adventures of Prez and Keith, you were probably disappointed when it suddenly stopped at the end of 2004 ... well, fear not, because it's back!!! :2thumbs:


Chapter 7 of the third book in the series ("Life Goes On") is now up at Nifty (and it's a looooong one)!



Edited by LittleBuddhaTW
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For those of you who were fans of The EggMan's epic saga, "New Life," and the adventures of Prez and Keith, you were probably disappointed when it suddenly stopped at the end of 2004 ... well, fear not, because it's back!!! :2thumbs:


Chapter 7 of the third book in the series ("Life Goes On") is now up at Nifty (and it's a looooong one)!






Yeah!!!! I just noticed it. I am very happy that he has come back with this amazing story.


It's around 50 chapters of good story. So check it out. And send him a mail and say Hi.


If he doesn't want to start up his page again he should be offered a place here.

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This was the first true serialised story that I came across and began following. I fell in love with the characters and it came at a point in my life where it was very influential and was really what I needed.


I'm glad to see he is writing again after so long.


If you have no knowleadge of this story go and read it now, you won't be disappointed. Some consider this story to have shaped gayfiction as we know it today.

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I've always loved this story- and theEggman too.


The Eggman is a serious activist for the rights of gay people and a darned good writer. If you should happen to run across him, treat him with respect. He's earned it!




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