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Imagine Magazine Question For 11/18

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It can be such a special and beautiful bond between two people. Uplifting. Inspiring. Life changing, once you find the real thing. It's like this private little connection that you're only willing to share, exclusively, with someone else.

But...have you ever doubted the idea that there's one, and only one, person who you can share your whole heart with? I mean...is it possible to love more than one person at a time. I'm not just taking about temptation or a horny little crush here. I'm talking about a true, heartfelt, connection with another person that is not your husband or boyfriend, wife or girlfriend. Can you love two people at once?

Maybe one guy is super gorgeous, and an extrovert that you have a lot of fun with and who pulls you out of your comfort zone and makes every day a surprise. But maybe there's another guy who you love to just cuddle up with on the couch, share deep emotional conversations with, and feels like he fits you to a tee in every possible way. It would be awesome if you could somehow combine both personalities into one person...but life doesn't always work like that, does it? You can't always have it all.

So the question is...can you love more than one person at the same time? Or is one of those situations just a 'grass is greener' type of illusion? And if you can love more than one person...what then? Do you cheat? Do you suppress those feelings for one person or the other? Open relationship? I mean...what do you do?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Let us know down below in the replies! ((Hugz))

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Well...I always thought this was an interesting question to think about from time to time. And my personal answer changes from time to time, considering where I might be in my life at that point. But the truth is...can I really love two people at the same time? My answer would be yes. In fact, I've been in that position quite a few times in my life, and there are times when it feels great...until I realized that I'd have to make a choice eventually. And that was hard.


I think it's because I tend to really be empathetic when it comes to the people I truly care about. Like, I don't think that people believe it when I say that I'm really <i>listening</i> to every word you tell me. I'm terrible with birthdays and a few static details, hehehe...but on an emotional level...chances are that if you told me something special about you five years ago...yes, I committed it to memory. People in my life mean a lot to me. So, when I get all sweet and infatuated with someone online or offline...my whole heart is involved with it. The problem with being empathetic with so many people at once is that it hurts to let them go. Which is inevitable.


With the Shack alone, I've had many really good friends come and go. I've had the sweetest teens grow up and go off to college, cool buddies find love or get married, and I've had older friends pass away over time. And sometimes they just get bored with me and move on, so they stop writing. LOL! Way it goes, I suppose. But I miss every single one of them. And every once in a while, they come find me online again and send me an email to say hello...and I'm all rainbows and giggles for days on end!


Anyway, the point is...my heart isn't made of stone. I fall in love with the people I have a strong emotional connection to, just like anybody else would. And there have been times when I was madly in love with someone...but kind of had my heart pulled in another direction at the same time. Like...wow, I know that I have someone that I'm loyal to and plan to stay that way...but, DAMN! Hehehe! I kinda love this other guy too! People bring different vibes to the table sometimes. It's times like those when I have to curb my flirting and stuff and try to maintain a healthy headspace.


What do I do when I love more than one person at a time? I choose. Who do I want to be with? I mean, really. It's awesome to have dreams and fantasies and all of that...but if I'm going to be in a relationship, then I'm going to give it my all. My eye will always wander, and blushes and giggles are hard to control...but if I commit myself to someone special? Then it's you and me against the world, babe. No competition.


I've got a big heart...but it can only handle one cutie at a time. Even if someone else excels in some way that you don't...you've got nothing to worry about. You're stuck with me. Unless you tell me to get lost, cheat on me, or just stop talking to me altogether like I never existed. Then, you know...hehehe, fuck off! That other guy gets to have the love you left behind now! :P


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