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Special moments


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Well...this is my 100th post...yay!! :2thumbs: Sorry about that...it is a big deal for me, I'm slow :P


However, to add some discussion to the forum (for Sharon) I was wondering...if you lived to 100, what moment would you treasure the most? What is it that makes all of the harships of life worth it? What puts a tear in your eye, a smile on your face and makes your heart pound as thought the whole world is shaking?


So...please share moments that you think are wonderful...places, experiences, scenery, life, whatever....they can be memories, or dreams or stories or whatever. Please share with everyone what makes your would go round.


:) Thanks to everyone who posts,


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Well...this is my 100th post...yay!! :2thumbs: Sorry about that...it is a big deal for me, I'm slow :P


However, to add some discussion to the forum (for Sharon) I was wondering...if you lived to 100, what moment would you treasure the most? What is it that makes all of the harships of life worth it? What puts a tear in your eye, a smile on your face and makes your heart pound as thought the whole world is shaking?


So...please share moments that you think are wonderful...places, experiences, scenery, life, whatever....they can be memories, or dreams or stories or whatever. Please share with everyone what makes your would go round.


:) Thanks to everyone who posts,



Congratulations on your 100th post! :2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:


Wow, those are some very deep questions! I'll give it a try...


As for what moment I'd treasure the most, that is a tough one. Probably, my first solo flight. What made my heart pound like the whole world was shaking? For me the answer is literal; The Northridge Earthquake in California (I was in Northridge). I've been in a lot of quakes, some larger than that, but I was on top of a two story ladder when that hit. (yes, i was climbing a ladder at 4:30 am).


Travel has always been a big part of what makes me tick. I can't really think of a favorite place as I have many, but what I enjoy most is staying away from the tourists and big cities, and just going to a grocery store or walking down the street in another country.

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Besides intimate moments, I should say rock concerts are still the thing that makes me feel deeply alive. When you feel grabbed into another completely different world and you think it's really good to be a live.


But there are so many wonderful moments in life... Late evening discussions, moments when you make a difference in somebody else's life for whatever reason... It's really tough to point out very specific moments.

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So...please share moments that you think are wonderful...places, experiences, scenery, life, whatever....they can be memories, or dreams or stories or whatever. Please share with everyone what makes your would go round.



Hey Greg

A wonderful experience ? When did I feel myself as a real man? Many times, my life is full of such memories.

I will bring just one of these moments, one from my professional life.


I was 45 years old, partner with a French movies producer. It was in Paris, in a lawyer office. We were together, standing face to a group of 7 bankers who has given us a loan of 7'000'000 $, which we couldn

Edited by old bob
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I had happy tears during grandnite. The high school senior class went to Disneyland :wizard: and of course this was my first time staying out late. This was a happy moment for me because I've never gone out at night so late due to over...way over protective parents. It sounds kinda dumb, but this is what happens when you are not allowed to do certain things that seems "normal." For example, I never went to prom, sleepovers, hang out with friends (well, that's actually my fault because I'm very anti-social), etc. Basically, I was a loner in high school. Anyways, I still had to call home almost every hour to check in. I was crying silently to myself on our way home from Disneyland so no one heard me or saw my tears. :,( Waiting in line for hours for rides was such a waste of time, but still that night was my happy moment. :*)

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Well...this is my 100th post...yay!! :2thumbs: Sorry about that...it is a big deal for me, I'm slow :P:)


However, to add some discussion to the forum (for Sharon) I was wondering...if you lived to 100, what moment would you treasure the most? What is it that makes all of the harships of life worth it? What puts a tear in your eye, a smile on your face and makes your heart pound as thought the whole world is shaking?


So...please share moments that you think are wonderful...places, experiences, scenery, life, whatever....they can be memories, or dreams or stories or whatever. Please share with everyone what makes your would go round.


:) Thanks to everyone who posts,



Greg, I made my 100th post yesterday :great: , but not many will have seen it because it was in the Administrative Communication forum. So be it. :off: Whatever.


Back to your topic, if you lived to 100, what moment would you treasure the most? It's an interesting one.


Mine is the day I first met my BF, when he moved into my neighborhood when we were both in the 7th grade. He was so amazing looking, and was such an awesome guy, I fell in love with him right then and there. :wub:

(It took until the summer before 9th grade for us to become boyfriends, and that's another moment that I'll also treasure.)



Colin :boy:

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My most cherished moment if i live to 100? Hmm.......it would most definitely have to two special moments.


One was when my bff (kaydee) told me that she loved me. I know im gay but i love her too. She is the ONLY girl ive ever loved. And im not casually talking about "hey, luv ya!" I mean i really love her! She has always been there for me, looked out for me...shes my older sister i never had (only child).


The second moment would have to be before my bf and i broke up. We were lying in bed together and he was facing me but was looking down, and he said (for the first time) he loved me. I was so happy it took me a few seconds to realize i had to say it back lol. He later told me he was a little embarrassed but i said he was new to this "love" business lol.






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Mine is easy. I've got two.


The first was in March 1999, when I cradled my first son in my arms after he'd been born a couple of minutes earlier.


The second was in January 2001, when I took my second son to show an ante-natal close of expectant mothers and fathers what a baby looks like a couple of hours after he was born.


Two of the proudest moments of my life.

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That's a great thing to ask. Congrats!


My first great feeling was 8 nov 1996, the birthday of my little sister. I was just 7. I had lost a litle sis before her and when God gave me a second chance, it was like ... Wow. When she smiled, the sun smiled. I still remember her little eyes, little fingers,...


My biggest dream wil be realised when one morning I'll wake up in the arms of my soulmate. I would be lost in his eyes. He'll just hold me. I'm just romantic. :wub:


I so wanted to share this with you.



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Well...this is my 100th post...yay!! :2thumbs: Sorry about that...it is a big deal for me, I'm slow :P

YAY!! Congrats, Greg! :great::2thumbs:

However, to add some discussion to the forum (for Sharon) I was wondering...if you lived to 100, what moment would you treasure the most? What is it that makes all of the harships of life worth it? What puts a tear in your eye, a smile on your face and makes your heart pound as thought the whole world is shaking?

Well certainly the answer to that question in general seems like "love", but I'll take a stab at them one by one too :boy:


if you lived to 100, what moment would you treasure the most?

Ideally I'd like to think that I'd treasure each day/hour/minute/second the "most" as it was happening. Of course that's not very realistic. As far as ACTUAL moments/memories go I'd like to think that the best are still ahead of me. Besides assuming I do live to be 100 I've still got over 3/4th of my life left so the odds are that the "best" moment is yet to come.


Anyway as far as already experienced moments that I treasure the most...well I don't think I could pick just a few.


What is it that makes all of the hardships of life worth it?


The things that motivate me the most, and make me struggle to get through the difficult times, would definitely have to be my independence, dignity, and integrity.


What puts a tear in your eye

bittersweet love stories/scenes/moments seem to do it the best.


a smile on your face

the absurdly ordinary


makes your heart pound as thought the whole world is shaking

hmmm, I'm not sure off-hand, but I know I find it exciting.


Take care all and have a great day :D


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Interesting choice of questions.


Memories....I'm studying abroad right now. And people tell me they wish they had the opportunity to do this; So I know I'm "making memories" right now. I'm making the most of it.


But I'm sure more important, stand-out memories will occur in the future.

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  • 2 months later...

The moments that I would treasure the most are all the times my older sis will tell me she's proud off me.

I also remember my first time going abroad by myself (even though it was in euro star and only to France)

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Like Kevin said, "The best has yet to come."


However, what would I like to happen?


Tear to my eye. I would like to own a Chevrolet Camaro. Specifically, either 1st generation, early 2nd generation, or late 4th generation. I have adored the Camaro ever since I saw one that belonged to my sister's childhood friend's older brother. It was a gray 3rd generation Camaro RS. Gorgeous car.


Get my heart earth-shatteringly thumping? Taking that eight cylinder, rear-wheel-drive beast out on the interstate for the first time. Revving the motor until I see a nice clearing for me to merge, and floor it. I tell you, there is absolutely nothing like the feeling of three hundred horses of raw motor rushing through your accelerator. Even better is grabbing the shifter and feeling the power rushing through the transmission, through the driveline, and to the rear wheels. Then popping the clutch, down shifting, grinding that pedal into the floor, and rushing past all of the other traffic is enough to make you wet your seat. I'd like to do this in my current car, but the damn thing is a V6 with a four-speed auto.


I think I live in the shove it up your ass mentality. :mace:


Bring a smile to my face. The cop tells me he clocked me at well over 150 MPH.


Going through school (Applied Physics major with a concetration in pre-Engineering), and working off my debts from my accident nearly two years ago makes being able to afford such a machine worth it.


The closest I've come to achieving such goals is doing all that in my dads old automatic 2001 Corvette convertible, and I managed to hit 120 MPH before my best friend started crying and begging me to slow down... pussy.



However, if I lived to 100, I think my most cherished moment would be blowing out 100 candles, and then going outside on my own power to do something I love, be it a machine or another person :devil:


If I don't live to 100 (grandfather passed at 77 from lung cancer after a lifetime of smoking, I don't smoke, and grandmother passed 09/2005 at the age of 94), then my most cherished moment would be seeing the day that hydrogen is a feasible alternative to fossil fuels, from production to consumption. Being an engineer, I would hope further that I had done something to facilitate such a momentous event in human history, and large step in human ingenuity.

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