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What GA means to me


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I've always been a shy person, before GA I could count the number of friends I've had on one hand and probably still not use all my fingers. I've kept to myself, with the exception of Sam my entire life. In my time at GA I've made so many friends that I'd need both fingers and toes to count them all and probably would still need a few more digits. I was talking to Sam (my partner) yesterday about GA because I had been thinking of doing this post. He told me something that I hadn't even really noticed. He said I'm more confident now. So being the pessimist I am I said, "Well how can a website do that." And being the incredibly smart person he is he responded, "Because you are accepted there, you've opened up, let people get to know you, and you know what? They still like you." And then in his ever so special, yet slightly blunt ways he said, "They've helped you to see you're not a loser." So I slugged him, hehe just kidding, actually I thought about it and I realized as usual he was 100 percent right.


From the moment I became active at GA I felt accepted, at times I've even felt downright popular. I never knew an online community could mean so much. I never would have fathomed it five years ago. This site and the people on it are a HUGE part of my life. I said it in my blog once, this place has a family feel to it. You guys (and girls) are like my family. The highlights of my days are coming home and reading through the forums and blogs and seeing what's going on with everyone. I know I don't post too much but like I said, I'm shy, let's not expect miracles, hehe. Basically what I'm saying here is GA is far more than a website to me, it's a community, a family, a group of people that I love to be with.


I've said quite a bit here, exposed myself a bit I'd say, but I think it has good reason. This isn't a plea to Myr to keep the site open, it's a plea to everyone else to show him just how much this place means to us. To band together and make it worth his while to keep it going. To offer help so the stress doesn't get so bad for him and the other Admins. So please if you have a few minutes reply to this thread and let them know just what GA means to you. I'm sure I'm not the only one that it has had a HUGE impact on.




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Sam is right you are not a loser,


On to GA


I suck at getting my words down please bear with me.


Since I started partipating here, been able to come out out to a few people that I only told maybe one, little more confident. I met some friends here, have slimar interest, talk about our issues, insurities, Also met people from different cultures. I so suck at this :P


we are like family, I feel I got close by talking to Vance and a other members of GA, Some have helped me with some issues I had.

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:) I get what you mean vancey, online places can effect how you are offline two, I have been online since i was 15 and found a great family on another forum and it made me so much happier in my offline life and sadly that place fell apart over time and i would hate to see the same thing happen at GA. I have met great people here who I hope i will stay good friends with for a long time and I loved finding GA after my old forum died because it does have the family feel to it and it would be a sad thing to lose that. I am very glad you found GA vancey if it has helped you be more confident because you are not a loser at all :hug:
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Good thread Vance!


I don't know how I found GA, the mists of time cloud the issue, then it doesn't really matter because I did, and joined just under a year ago.


Like Vance I'm shy, which is reflected in my post count. Sometimes I wish I were a goat, (but then that's another topic entirely). I started to blog which was cathartic as a cattle prod, and much needed. In fact because of it I finally got off my arse and told the man I love that I loved him - so kudos to GA for that.


And I started to write, and got a wonderful friend and editor because of it!


I love this place, but like all places they change over time. People come, and people go, and I'm particularly sad at the moment because so many good friends seem to be moving on. Is this a negative? Yes and no. I'm still going to hang here, and hopefully make new friends too.


Bestest of all I'm 51 years younger, thanks to Myr :P (you had to be there).


Thanks GA, and thanks to Myr for GA.


Camy B)

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Thanks GA, and thanks to Myr for GA.


Might as well slip in on this U.K./U.S.A.-dominated thread.


The GA forums are the "funnest" on the net, the stories offer a marvelous choice of material and the people are pretty nice, too. Several of the members and authors are at the start of their adult journey. Others, like me, see that 'door' down at the end of the hallway...hopefully, far away. Most of us - 99% - relish the ideas that a broad range of age and intellect hatch and develop.


That we have this showcase to exhibit our talents and encourage debate is unique. The volume of the over 3,000 members boggles the mind. And whether it be Sci Fi, Fantasy, and good old mushy romance (my department)...there's something for everyone. A new member has even introduced us to leather. Not my cup of tea - Jacksons, please - but it's there for those who are curious.


I respect the legal aspects of Myr's responsibilities and applaud the admin troops like Joe, Kitty, Kevin who make this site work. And it does work!


Funny, as I sit here in California at 7:45 p.m., Monday evening, while listening to London's Classic FM where it's now 3:45 a.m., the next morning. I know that the guys "down under" will be getting home from work soon - it's only 2:45 p.m. in the afternoon on Tuesday. We are a real international group of men and women who appreciate the challenges of being diverse and different.


Jack B)

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What does GA mean to me?


Off the top of my head two words strike resoundingly loud, quality and community. Quality brought me here as the stories available are far and above the best I have ever read. Community is what brings me back, day after day

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The GA forums are the "funnest" on the net, the stories offer a marvelous choice of material and the people are pretty nice, too. Othersmembers and authors, like me, see that 'door' down at the end of the hallway...hopefully, far away. Most of us - 99% - relish the ideas that a broad range of age and intellect hatch and evelop.
Hey Jack,

I agree, and I like very much the way you express the decline of life :D .For an old chap as me, to have the chance to talk with young lads without the fear to pass for an child abuser is unique.

I respect the legal aspects of Myr's responsibilities and applaud the admin troops like Joe, Kitty, Kevin who make this site work. And it does work!
I do also.
We are a real international group of men and women who appreciate the challenges of being diverse and different. Jack B)
I'm sure that's the only site which gives us the possibility to read and talk with friends from so many countries. I was obliged to look often on an interactive time map to find the proper time to touch some of my friends. Not everybody is always on line, like C James does :lol:

take care

Old bob

Edited by old bob
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I don't know if I've ever shared some of this before, although I know a lot of it has been out there for a while. I joined GA, and became a hosted author here in March of 2004, after a period in my life where I saw everything falling apart. I had a major breakdown, attempted suicide, was in the hospital and an outpatient program for several months, and I lost a job I'd held for over five years. At the same time, I found out my grandparents all had alzheimer's and were about to be put into a care home. It was during this time that I started talking with Myr, moved back to California to help care for my grandparents, and found new energy and a new life.


GA was part of what kept me alive and growing during that time.


I also found my current partner, the man I love, here at GA. We got together for a movie after he kept asking me to coffee or a movie. At that point I had very low self-esteem, probably the lowest self-esteem I've ever experienced. Why someone would want to go out of their way to meet me, I just couldn't understand. Now, well over a year later, we're about to celebrate our second Christmas together and I couldn't imagine having a better life. Sure, there are problems, but you know, when aren't there problems in life? The important thing is that we face them together.


God only knows where I'd be now if it weren't for Gay Authors. I think about that a little every day, and I'm thankful for this site and the people here.


When Myr and I first talked about what he wanted to do with Gay Authors, what he dreamed of it being, I was so surprised and enthused by his desire to make more than just a site to host stories, but to build a community as well. GA was to be a place where people could go to discuss stories, to get to know one another, and where you could find all the different elements of LGBT society. It was to be a safe place, more than a place to go to for a quick sexual j/o story, more than a place to find a pick-up, a safe place for young people who are gay and struggling to find themselves, and a place where those of us are older can interact with them without having to worry about the minors being exploited.


Let's be honest here, one of the biggest disconnects I remember as a young gay person was the distance between older gay men and younger gay men. How many of us only have the idea of older gay men being interested in younger gay men for sex? Where was the friendliness, the passing on of knowledge and experience from those older to those younger? Why was it all about sex? Part of that was, in my opinion, because most of the time the older and younger gay generations saw each other, it was in a place that leaned towards pick-ups, like a bar or a chat room used by people to find others for anonymous sex. There were very few places (Mail Crew comes to mind) where teens and older gay men could talk and become friends without there being overtones of sex involved. For the most part, GA has become such a place, and Myr has worked tirelessly to keep it from being used as a pick-up place.


I've got to head to work soon, but these have been the things that GA mean to me...It's also why you will be hard-pressed to find a more dedicated defender of this site. A lot of good has come from Gay Authors. Now it is time that Myr, Joe, Kitty and the others who keep it running get a chance to enjoy the good things instead of all the negative crap that some people have thrown at them.

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I promised Vance that I would reply to his post, and I'm keeping my promise!


What does GA mean to me?


Well, to put it simply, GA has done two great things for me. It has enabled me to develop strong friendships with two individuals (both of whom happen to be authors) - and that is not something you can minimize. GA is a community, and I have seen a number of people talk about how important GA has been in their lives. While I haven't faced a crisis (thank goodness), I have benefited tremendously from the friendships I have developed through this site.


The second thing GA has done for me is provide high quality gay stories to read. The authors here are excellent, and I find the material rewarding. As others have pointed out, it's rare to have a community like GA with authors such as the ones you have here. I can't name more than two or three other sites, and I wouldn't say there as interesting as GA.


It's important to remember something that I've learned in life. What you put into something determines what you get out of it. I know that's a simple comment, but Myr has been trying to articulate that since he started GA. He's right of course. Those who post in forums, read blogs, and email authors enjoy the experience. There are always bumps along the way, but the most active people get the most out of it.


So - thank you Myr. I echo the voices who have expressed their appreciation of what you have done. I know many others have worked hard over the past few years, but you started it all.




P.S. I hope many other members comment in the forums or PM Myr to talk about the site. It will help Myr and the Admin Team understand where GA should go down the road.

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I don't know if I've ever shared some of this before, although I know a lot of it has been out there for a while.

Hey DK

You are my answer at the question "what GA means to me" I came to GA to read DO, found an author with real military knowledge (remember my blogs, I'm an old soldier) apart your writing skill, red all your blogs from the beginning, was delighted to your political impetus and could through your forum and your stories contact a lot of people who became friends. Thanks to the fact that my youngest (!! now he is 41) son is gay and was staff member of GLTB organisations here, I had no problem to discuss with young gays about other problems as sex, but you are right, my old friends in Paris and Geneva were never interested to discuss with younger people (apart in Bathhouses h

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for the past couple of years, i've been coming to GA on and off, but only recently have i decided to join the forums. for a shy, quiet boy like myself, who's never had anyone to talk to about his sexuality, GA was a savior. it opened up a whole new world, a place where i felt comfortable enough to just sit back and relax, and not have to worry about being ostracized.


the stories here at GA not only made me laugh and cry, it also gave me the courage i needed to tell my friends "I'm gay". i gained the confidence to say those words withough tripping over my tongue, without blushing, and without looking at my feet.


GA was a constant companion i had throughout my denial phase, and it sure as hell means a lot to me. im sure that during the following years to come, GA will be like a knight in shining armor for teenagers who are in need of help.


so, im running out of english. to sum this up, i would like to say a big thank you to Myr, Joe, Kitty, and to the other moderators for all their hard work here at GA. you guys are the best! :)

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