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Awesome story!


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I hope it makes a difference. Sometimes something like this will -- as it is a lot higher profile than someone down the street coming out.


Thanks, Rick, for posting it.

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Gohil happily showed off a photo of himself in traditional regalia: an elegant ivory suit on his slender frame, a large red turban complete with ostrich feather on his head, a double strand of pearls around his neck and a broad smile on his face, though whether it was out of the general Indian love of pageantry or a personal sense of fabulousness is hard to tell.
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though whether it was out of the general Indian love of pageantry or a personal sense of fabulousness is hard to tell.




I loved the fact that the Prince is coming out, I think he's doing something great. I Liked the article, too, right up until that bit.


The LA times should be bought to task for this. It's a minor remark, but to put it in context, think what the reaction would be if they had implied a racial stereotype instead?

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I loved the fact that the Prince is coming out, I think he's doing something great. I Liked the article, too, right up until that bit.


The LA times should be bought to task for this. It's a minor remark, but to put it in context, think what the reaction would be if they had implied a racial stereotype instead?



I just wanted to point out that I thought it was a great story or tale. I wasn't commenting on the quality of the reporting. That comment is more than insulting, but the post was there because it takes real guts to do what he did in that culture. He's gotta have balls the size of grapefruit.



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I just wanted to point out that I thought it was a great story or tale. I wasn't commenting on the quality of the reporting. That comment is more than insulting, but the post was there because it takes real guts to do what he did in that culture. He's gotta have balls the size of grapefruit.




Totally agreed!


I should have made clear: My "Grrrrr" Was directed only at the LA Times. I was thrilled by the rest of the article, and admire what the Prince has done. That does take guts!

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Personally, I think the sad part is, not only did his mother disown him, she's threatened to bring a lawsuit against anyone who refers to him as her son. Now that's harsh.

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India is one of many countries where being gay is very difficult. Perhaps a high profile person like a royal being openly gay can make life easier for the average Joe and Jane.

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Haven't even read the article, just skimmed the discussion, but...


How the hell can a mother (or any parent, for that matter) disown their child? ~shrugs~ Just a random question that no one can really answer, but seriously bugs me. It's great the guy's come out of the closet, and the idea of high profile people coming out is an interesting one. When a role model becomes gay all of a sudden... that kinda makes us all harder to make fun of, hehe. :D


And for future reference, when citing an article or anything text from an outside link, pretty please copy and paste the actual article instead of just linking? It makes it so much easier for some of us people who have weird compy setups. For me, I'd have to disable my privacy service since the cookie was blocked from that site, so until I register and disable that and blahblahblah, I can't read the article. :P Just a thought.

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I'm probably as accepting a mother as you can find, but even I can think of situations where I'd want nothing more to do with a child:


-- they went to work for the School of the Americas (the torture training place)

-- they went to work for greenhouse-effect deniers, Holocaust-deniers, apologists for the administrations of any of several countries


you get the pattern.


On the other hand, I have a small handful of extra sort-of sons.

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  • Site Administrator
And for future reference, when citing an article or anything text from an outside link, pretty please copy and paste the actual article instead of just linking? It makes it so much easier for some of us people who have weird compy setups. For me, I'd have to disable my privacy service since the cookie was blocked from that site, so until I register and disable that and blahblahblah, I can't read the article. :P Just a thought.


It's a good idea, but I understand why people aren't doing it here.


I've been following the lead of other posters in only including links. There are potential copyright issues in copying articles. Many sites get away with it because it's not worth enforcing, but it's one more thing that Myr and the site administration can probably do without worrying about. Until they say otherwise, I'm going to avoid copying any article that may be copyrighted.


I'm probably as accepting a mother as you can find, but even I can think of situations where I'd want nothing more to do with a child:


-- they went to work for the School of the Americas (the torture training place)

-- they went to work for greenhouse-effect deniers, Holocaust-deniers, apologists for the administrations of any of several countries


you get the pattern.


On the other hand, I have a small handful of extra sort-of sons.

In my case, I would like to think that I would still love my sons no matter what they become or do, but there are many things that would make me very disappointed in them, and wish they would change. Despite that, I can't see myself refusing to admit they were my sons.

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I just hope this gets the worlds attention about how much ignorance and misinformation is being held in the world. Maybe a change will take place? Its inevitable that a change WILL happen, its just a matter of what will spark the fire of pride to shine its light.





Ian ^_^

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