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Crazy Weather


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I got outside wearing just a shirt last night and it didn't feel cold! But if the weather truly gets screwed up, within a few decades northern France could have much colder winters if the Gulf Stream no longer brings warm water from the south in the winter. Let's enjoy while it's still enjoyable. And make the right choices so we stop making it worse!


Even if we were able to magically cease all pollution (impossible between the Americans, the Chinese, and now the Indians), our atmosphere would continue to decline in health for as many as ten years, as the CO2 in the atmosphere has a long half-life and would continue eating away.

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Right now: -4C(24F). Tonight: -10C(14F)

Monday high: -8C(18F) Low: -10C(14F) with 10-15cm(4-6in) of snow

Tuesday high: -10C(14F) Low: -20C(-4F)

Wednesday high: -15C(5F) Low: -26C(-15F)


Gonna get colder in the next few days

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Right now: -4C(24F). Tonight: -10C(14F)

Monday high: -8C(18F) Low: -10C(14F) with 10-15cm(4-6in) of snow

Tuesday high: -10C(14F) Low: -20C(-4F)

Wednesday high: -15C(5F) Low: -26C(-15F)


Gonna get colder in the next few days

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From Todays headlines:

Saints Advance to NFC Title Game


Hell Braces for its Worst Ice Storm of the Millennium

Good one James.


It's going to be an interesting day at work Monday. I'm a displaced Colts fan living in Eagles country.

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I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea how to dress myself anymore. :blink:


Monday it was 70F, Tuesday 58F, and today its 23F. The forecast says by Friday we'll be back in the mid 50's.


I'm trying to convince my hormones that today would be a great time to provide one of those (usually) annoying hot flashes. My bones are tired of shaking.




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Tempture day after day can change drasticly even without the global warming, whenever the weather changes like from 20 to 59, so, I get major headaches, been having headaches for a few days :/

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Ian is now wearing 7 layers of assorted shirts (minus the two winter coats), 4 layers of shorts and pants, 3 pairs of socks, and two hats with the shades on (of course im rockin the shades at 7 PM......who doesnt?) Its only like 40 degrees Fahrenheit too.



"Then why wear so many clothes Ian?"


Well, I give off NO body heat whatsoever. I could sit in a chair for two hours straight and when i get up its still cold. All my friends take 5 minutes in my chair and its hotter than the sun!?!?!

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I woke up last night shivering. That day it was cool, not quite "cold". And I don't mean a little shiver. No, your entire body convulsing uncontrollably so bad you are unable to talk kind of shiver. A shiver that HURTS! That was the first time shivers ever hurt me! Someone had turned the heater off, and my room is the furthest out....


I think I had hypothermia or something. I could've DIED! :P Thank goodness Hell's frozen over. According to the laws of thermodynamics, all that displaced heat's gotta go somewhere. :D



Btw... since hell has frozen over... does this mean I'm rich, have a boyfriend, and my metabolism has decided to renew its residence?

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Naw- hell just had some sleet. If the Saints win the title game saturday and go to the Super Bowl, that's when it will get down to some serious sign of the apocalypse type stuff.


Razor, being a fellow Mississippian, only living here do you really understand how crazy, volitile, and even dangerous our weather can be.


Last week it was in the 70s- people were wearing shorts. Sunday, it was almost eighty.


Sunday night it all feel apart and now we're in danger of an ice storm.


Who knows- warm moist Gulf air can blow in from the Gulf and hit this cold air then it gets really exciting with big funnel clouds and flying cows.


I think for my next house I'll go for the Cold War retro look and build an underground bomb shelter. :huh:

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I'm sitting in the middle of the 6th or 7th Gale this month.

OK, so there aren't any 'twisters', trees, trucks or houses being blown down the valley - and a gale isn't a hurricane - but this is the UK for goodness sake, not the middle of a Hollywood spectacular ... I should be outside drinking tea with my pinky finger stuck out.


I'm gonna follow James and get a bunker - in a mountain.



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...If it was wet weather (it's not) we'd have snow on Mt. Diablo, and I could post a pic of the real thing in my Winter Anthology story Christmas Break.


Well, it snowed on Mt. Diablo last night, but only about 1/2". It was only in random spots and mostly didn't last through the day. I was in class taking semester finals, then reviewing for tomorrow's finals, so I didn't get to go up and take any pix. :angry:




Colin :boy:

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I think the colds finally settling in. It got a low as 17 degrees last night and it's currently 22. The forecast today and tomorrow calls for a high in the lower 40's with winds from 10 to 20 mph today and 20 to 30 tomorrow with a slight chance of snow showers.

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I think the colds finally settling in. It got a low as 17 degrees last night and it's currently 22. The forecast today and tomorrow calls for a high in the lower 40's with winds from 10 to 20 mph today and 20 to 30 tomorrow with a slight chance of snow showers.


I'm shoveling snow here, but we are in a drought so it is very welcome indeed.

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So I was wrong... it didn't snow on Balboa Island... It snowed in freakin Malibu!


I have seen allot of odd things in my life... but snow on sand with waves crashing onto the beach was just, Unnatural.


BTW orange juice is going to be expensive... well the fresh stuff at any rate CA currently has no problem in the frozen concentrate market :P



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So I was wrong... it didn't snow on Balboa Island... It snowed in freakin Malibu!


I have seen allot of odd things in my life... but snow on sand with waves crashing onto the beach was just, Unnatural.


BTW orange juice is going to be expensive... well the fresh stuff at any rate CA currently has no problem in the frozen concentrate market :P



It snowed once when I lived in SoCal, just a dusting, but it was strange....


Yeah, I heard that the citrus crop, the Avacado crop, and a lot of other crops took masive damage. Ouch!!!

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BTW orange juice is going to be expensive... well the fresh stuff at any rate CA currently has no problem in the frozen concentrate market :P

I would be surprised if it got as expensive as bananas were here. After a cyclone wiped out most of Australia's crop, the price went up 500% -- I saw them at AUD$11.99 per kilogram at one stage.


Because of quarantine restrictions, they wouldn't allow us to import them, so we just put up with it. Because it's a popular fruit with our two boys, we just kept on paying.


One of our eldest school friends came over to visit at one point. He saw our fruit basket.


His eyes opened wide in awe. "You have bananas!"

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OH MY GOD! I drove home from school today, and as I was passing through Fort Dix... THERE WERE WHITE BLANKETS ON THE GROUND! It just barely too warm at school last night, so it rained, but apparently is snow NATURALLY as far south as Fort Dix! I'm excited because that means that when I rock Vernon Valley next weekend, it's gonna be fuggin' awesome! Hell, I even got the chance to witness a flurry tonight before I changed out the brake pads on the rear disc brakes on my car!

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Hm, on this side of the ocean, we've been having pretty freakish weather too. Just two devastating storms in the last two weeks, and temperatures haven't gone below ten in the last week. And the other day I noticed trees and flowers are beginning to bud again... yeah, blossoms too :wacko:


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BTW orange juice is going to be expensive...


It's starting to warm up again in the tarnished Golden State. Should be back to the 70's in good old gay P.S. next week.


Actually, most juice oranges come from Florida and Brazil. The fresh stuff that is eaten by hand will be increasing in price, however. Lemons are affected. Probably the strawberry and lettuce crops will be a bust. Broccoli lovers - not President #41 - will see a shortage.


I wonder if Barbra had to shovel snow at her Malibu home? 0:)


Jack B)

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So I was wrong... it didn't snow on Balboa Island... It snowed in freakin Malibu!


I have seen allot of odd things in my life... but snow on sand with waves crashing onto the beach was just, Unnatural.


In college, a good friend of mine lived on the beach by Long Island Sound. (They rented houses to college students from Sept.-May. and then in the summer rented the same house as a vacation house, charging for one week what the college students paid for one month.) Every year, my friend would schedule an annual "Lincoln's Birthday" party for some random date in February, and inevitably, it snowed the day and night of his party. I remember wonderful walks on the beach in the snowstorms at his parties. Of course, that was in Connecticut, not Malibu, Calif.



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lettuce crops will be a bust.

That's why I stocked my fridge with romaine lettuce heads that were on sale this wee....where else you can find a HUGE head (like over a pound) for just a flat price of CND$1 (about 0.85USD)? I went mental when I saw them on sale at that price. :worship::P




We had a snowstorm last week blanketing the whole city under 20cm/9 inches of snow. Then the next day a cold snap broke out...temperature struggled to get out of -18C/0F to reach a *warm* -17C/3F. Nighttime was a bitch...-25C/-10F and the windchill was downright nasty...-33C/-27F. When I got out of the bus to walk to my apartment couple blocks from the stop, I nearly froze my ass off in the wind. :blink:


Look like the cold will be back this weekend. Well, now it's -12C/10F which many of you guys consider it too cold but it's normal for Montreal...we consider -20C too cold and that's what we're going to get this weekend. :P

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