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Lets bake!


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So, I am in no way a baker, but I do enjoy it once in a while.


Today for example, I had exams at school,so I got home at 12:20. I was in the mood for some chocloate chip cookies, so I made some. There were directions on how to make them on the back of a Hershey's bag of chocolate chips. I made two batch. One batch had wal-nuts in it, and the other was nut free. I am not a fan of nuts, and my father is, so and I decided to make him some too.


Well... so, I but my iPod in the dock, turned it up real high, and mixed all the ingirdients together. (the fun part)


Well, then comes the part where I am really bad at. The cooking of the cookies. Countless times I have had to toss a whole batch of cookies away because I screwed something up while baking. Like the last time I made cookies, all of the stuck to the cookie sheets, and they were not coming off in one piece. They tasted okay, but they were in a bunch of little pieces.


Well today, I put my cookies in (I did the ones with the wal-nuts first) oven, and the very first sheet was a little under cooked. The second ones were better, but still a little under cooked. The third sheet was probably the best. The fourth sheet turned out okay. The nut free cookies all turned out okay, except for the last sheet, which I frgot about, but you can blame it on Lugh, because I was talking to him at the time. :P ( :hug: Lugh) Now, for all of the cookies it was hard to get them off of the sheets. Not like last time, but it was still hard. I had to take a pie spatual, which kinda had a serrated edge, and like saw at the bottoms to get them off. Most of them came off okay.


I did not burn myself at all, which is very uncommon when I bake.


Here are my cookies: Cookies.jpg



Well, I guess I just wanted to post this to maybe start a good disscusion, wheather is be tips for others, stories, or whatever really... Care to share? :D



Kurt :P

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Wow Kurt, that's a lot of cookies! *drools*

When you say 'under cooked' does that mean they are chewy? Because imo chewy cookies are the best. :2thumbs:


So how about starting 'Kurts Kulinary Kuisine Klass'? ;)


Camy B)

who now feels a need to learn baking.

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Baking cookies is fun. I love to bake. All ovens are different, but what I have noticed with mine is that it gets hotter the longer it is on. That may sound obvious, but ideally ovens are supposed to maintain a steady temperature. But what happens with my oven is that the first batch of cookies takes longer than the second and the second takes longer than the third, etc. My oven is electric. Maybe that has something to do with it. Also, if you don't wait for the oven to be completely preheated, your first batch of cookies will take longer because it IS baking at a lower temperature.


As far as getting the cookies off the sheet... Some cookies tend to be fragile when they are hot. You said the ones without the nuts came off the sheet more easily. This makes sense. The nuts are chunky and when the cookie is hot it doesn't cling to the nuts like it does when it is cool. No clue why that is (ask Snowy, he knows everything like that :P ) but I've observed that. Sometimes cookies come off the pan less easily as you bake more batches. That can be because the previous batch of cookies left traces on the baking sheet. I find that the longer I leave the cookies on the sheet after they come out of the oven, the harder they are to get off the sheet.


:D Your baking sheet also has a lot to do with how your cookies come out. (Ok, I spend way too much time in the kitchen.) My favorite baking sheet is AirBake. It is an insulated baking sheet, meaning there are two layers to the bottom. It takes a minute or two longer for the cookies to bake, but the bottoms pretty much NEVER burn.


The cookies you baked look very good. I'm with your dad--I like walnuts in my chocolate chips. My motto: no nuts, no point :P

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:lmao: Sorry


So did the cookie sheet need to be greased? Did the recipe say that?


I'm a baker. Good one too. :D


Tips: Make sure the oven preheats. Set a timer !! (very important) Set the timer for the lesser recommended cooking time (ex. bake for 11 - 13 minutes. set it for the 11) then check them when the timer dings. Most cookies are done when they are a little golden around the edges and set on the top. If they don't look that way, give them another minute and check again. And so on until they are done. Let them cool on the cookie sheet for about 2 - 3 minutes, then move them to a cooling rack. I have this old spatula that I only use for cookies. It's paper thin so it slides under them without smooshing the edge. Don't let them cool all the way on the cookie sheet. That's why they are sticking.


If you want to be really bold, I have a chocolate chocolate chip cookie recipe that is wonderful. It's fairly easy too.



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If you want to be really bold, I have a chocolate chocolate chip cookie recipe that is wonderful. It's fairly easy too.





WOnderful? More like the most titillating erotic experience your mouth will ever encounter!! I'm not much of a baker so I don't have much to add but I did have to comment on Sharon's INCREDIBLE SUCCULENT MELT IN YOUR MOUTH cookies!

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I have this old spatula that I only use for cookies. It's paper thin so it slides under them without smooshing the edge.


I have an ancient one that was my grandmother's. It is also paper thin and metal and has lots of holes in it. She called it "the pancake turner." It is the ONLY one I will use for cookies and it has never failed me.

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Sharon, if you could, I would like your recipe. Please? :D Thanks Sharon, you are great!


The cookies taste good, my dad likes them. These cookie sheets are kind of old, so that may have something to do with it. After the first time that the cookies stuck, the next time I tried to take them off almost right away, but they still were sticking, and the cookies were breaking, so I stoped.



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One more baking tip that will make your life easier... Pick up some Parchment paper (it'll be right beside the wax paper) and put that on the baking sheet... nothing will stick to it and it makes washing the cookie sheet a snap!



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  • Site Administrator
Ultimate Double Chocolate Cookies

1 bag (11.5 oz) 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate chips

6 tablespoons unsalted butter (no cheating – live a little and use the real stuff)

3 eggs

1 cup sugar

1/3 cup all purpose flour


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I absolutely love cooking. It's fun, entertaining, and it's FOOD! Gimme a stove and some pans and I'll do magic for ya.



However... I am not, by any stretch of imagination, a baker. Maybe I just haven't had enough practice, but everything I do in an oven tends to come out just a little (or way more than a little) off...


Example: I spent like four hours making this cake that was supposed to be absolutely delicious. I put a LOT of work and time and effort into that cake! It disappeared the night before thanksgiving, and I'd made it that day. Evidently it really sucked because my mom hid it and forgot about it... we found it in the covered cake pan we rarely ever used when we started to move...........


So my cake sucked bigtime, lol.

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I'd be thrown out of the South if I couldn't cook. My pizzia is legendary, if not a tad odd to some people. I cook a thick crust with layers of sausage, onions, pepper, pepperoni all covered with motzerella cheese. Usually it is between 3/4 to an inch thick and is served in squares. I feel a craving coming on.


Our day to day food is pretty good: if you can find it, try some Jalepino corn bread.


There some secrets that we don't let out- like key lime pie, Red Velvet cake and a whole flock of things that you only see during the holidays.


Vegatarians are not allowed in the South. Sure- we've got vegatables but with all the good things that we can do to cow, pig, fish, shrimp, turkey and so on, they don't last very long.

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I have an ancient one that was my grandmother's. It is also paper thin and metal and has lots of holes in it. She called it "the pancake turner." It is the ONLY one I will use for cookies and it has never failed me.


Silicone baking sheet is the answer to stickin cookies (or as we propally sey biskits). If mine come out doughy they go into icecream..hmmmmm...ice cream with cooky dough...

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I have tred to spray the cookie sheet before, but It really didn't work, it really burned the cookies.


The recipe that I used said to bake them on an un-greased cookie sheet.


That stuff sounds really good James.


We should have a GA cook-off! :P


Kurt :D

Edited by Kurt
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