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Holy Harry, Batman!


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lol very nice pics still see him as harry potter though which distracts me lol mostly cause he looks liek my new housemate, but would love to see that play.

Actually, I don't want to see it. From what I've read, it could be a very disturbing play. I expect it will be a big hit, but that's because of the Daniel Radcliffe factor, and the nudity. There will probably be a lot of women, and some men, going just for that. Most of them wouldn't be going to see it because of the script....

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Actually, I don't want to see it. From what I've read, it could be a very disturbing play. I expect it will be a big hit, but that's because of the Daniel Radcliffe factor, and the nudity. There will probably be a lot of women, and some men, going just for that. Most of them wouldn't be going to see it because of the script....



But i like theatre the more disturbing the better :P but i probably wont go to see it there are other thing i would rather see first

Edited by Mark_L
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I've been told by a friend who knows a lot about theater that it's a pretty rough play... I don't know anything about it. I reserve judgement until I actually see it sometime.



Naked Daniel Radcliffe! WOOHOOO! I thought he was adorable even back when he was thirteen, but now he's getting all hot-ified... ~shrugs~ It's nice that he's trying to get all buff and everything, but his skinny little outcast look had a certain appeal to it.


I've heard a lot of crazy stuff about his appearance in this play, too, lol. Mommys getting pissed off that their son's role model is gonna be nekkid onstage, for one. THAT cracked me up. Sorry, but if I was Daniel Radcliffe and I received a letter saying "As mothers, we don't believe that your choice to appear in this play is setting a good example for our children, and we will avoid any of your future movies." or whatever it was, I'd just be like...


"Okay.... don't care, cause I'm hot AND rich!"

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...I've heard a lot of crazy stuff about his appearance in this play, too, lol. Mommys getting pissed off that their son's role model is gonna be nekkid onstage, for one. THAT cracked me up. Sorry, but if I was Daniel Radcliffe and I received a letter saying "As mothers, we don't believe that your choice to appear in this play is setting a good example for our children, and we will avoid any of your future movies." or whatever it was, I'd just be like...


"Okay.... don't care, cause I'm hot AND rich!"

I love it! Great line. Totally funny! :2thumbs::lol:


Colin :boy:

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I can't help but laughing at the "worried mothers". I mean, the woman says "'We as parents feel Daniel should not appear nude. Our nine-year-old son looks up to him as a role model. We are very disappointed and will avoid the future movies he makes.". :huh: I bet they watch Pirates of the Caribbean even though Johnny Depp has done some roles that are just as "disturbing" and mature. I think the chances are great that the woman who said that is also the mother who wrote JK Rowling a letter in which she more or less told her she wasn't allowed to kill her own characters or something like that. Anyone else who's a little bit scared of these crazy women?


I like him doing other roles, but I just have to smile when I see his new look. Since I'll always see him as Harry Potter, it's a little awkward to be honest. But if I count that part out(which is really hard), he's looking hot. A little much Photoshop though. ;)

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I was talking to my friend [who's a girl], and I was like 'omg daniel radcliffe= hott' and she was like 'ewwwww' and then I showed her those pictures... hehehe she shut up for the most part.

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what I wouldn't give for a round-trip ticket to the UK right about now.


I just love how the pictures have suddenly EXPLODED all over the internet.


I really want to see this play, beacuse I've heard great things about it. I'm a total theatre geek, so anything off the wall like Equus interests me. Of course, Dan skippin around in the buff doesn't hurt either.

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I almost rented the film before I found out about this new production... and then of course, its all checked out when I try to go back.


Leave it to a naked boy wizard to make an obscure film popular.


Lol, true, wonder if they found another young actor would there be enough stink about it.

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The play deals with some pretty intense subject matter. For that reason, younger kids probably shouldn't see it.


I haven't seen the play or film versions. I'll probably see some version of it.


Whether appearing nude in a play bothers someone's morals is up to that person.


Is Dan Radcliffe a role model for boys, because of his appearance in the Harry Potter movies? Sure, as far as that goes. But he's ultimately an actor who will do many different roles in his career besides Harry Potter.


Instead of decrying it, this is an opportunity for parents to discuss it with their kids. - "What do you think of...?" - "Is it good or bad to...?" - "Is being nude good or bad...?"


Yes, he's one handsome guy. (Woo-hoo, he sure is.)


Yes, he's doing this to show he can be more of an actor than just "the actor who played Harry Potter."


If it were some other actor in the role, would it be big news? Probably not.

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...But he's ultimately an actor who will do many different roles in his career besides Harry Potter.


Instead of decrying it, this is an opportunity for parents to discuss it with their kids. - "What do you think of...?" - "Is it good or bad to...?" - "Is being nude good or bad...?"


If it were some other actor in the role, would it be big news? Probably not.


Blue is right on with his comments. Dan is successfully breaking out of the "child actor" category. This is a feat that not many child actors manage to pull off. While his Harry Potter role has made him a wealthy and famous young man, portraying the lead character if this entertainment phenom obviously means carrying a lot of heavy baggage.


Good for you, Dan. Nothing shabby about starring on the West End at 17. BTW, here is a link to a new picture of Dan and his backside. Good glutes! http://dlisted.com/?p=6698#more-6698


Jack B)

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