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    Morgan Hill, CA

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  1. Estiveo

    Chapter 3

    Yay! Glad to see Jae & Co. back in action!
  2. As with all of Headstall's stories, the reader is immersed into the narrative from the first sentence. In Bearpaw, it starts with the desperation and violence often found in the old west, but quickly becomes a tale of grit, determination, and kindness, growing into deep love. The characters are richly imagined, and quickly take on depth as people you would want to know in real life, portrayed with humor and sympathy. Plus, they take really good care of their horses. A panoramic technicolor western worthy of a John Huston film festival. I rather liked it.
  3. Another excellent story, and a brand new universe to explore! A great blend of fantasy and science fiction, driven by a diverse cast of lovable (and a few not so lovable) characters, both human & other. A truly fun and satisfying read.
  4. Estiveo

    Chapter 3

    Marco has grown so much in such a short time.
  5. Estiveo


    A good start. I'm looking forward reading on.
  6. Estiveo


    Wishing you safe travels, and an uneventful move with little to no lower back pain.
  7. That 5G is getting scary.
  8. Estiveo

    Chapter 17

    Maybe this is galaxy brained, but maybe butt stink suppositories make more scents?
  9. Estiveo

    One: Encounters

    Great start, looking forward to future chapters. Also in re: Apples. For just eating, you can't go wrong with Opals.
  10. Estiveo

    Chapter 8

    Each story with Charlie & the gang is more enjoyable than the last. Merry Christmas!
  11. Estiveo

    Chapter 21

    I've just got to this story and caught myself up. It's very well written & engaging, and I'll be following along from here. Looking forward to future chapters.
  12. A sweet story, very sensitively told.
  13. Estiveo

    Chapter 38

    This was a happy chapter.🙂
  14. Estiveo

    Chapter 1

    It's always a pleasure to come back to Ravello & environs!
  15. Estiveo

    Chapter 25

    So Eike's not just a specist asshole, he's a fully realized psychopathic serial killer, AND a sociopath, because only a sociopath puts ice in brandy. (drpaladin's analysis is accurate, but much more polite than my own.)
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