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Everything posted by Mawgrim

  1. Mawgrim

    The Telgar Way

    They have a good bargaining chip as Telgar needs them more than they need to be there. Part of the secondment process is to let riders see there is more than one way of doing things, but all they're learning here is how not to do it.
  2. Eighth Pass - Fort Weyr Characters Weyrleader and Weyrwomen T'ron & Fidranth (bronze) - Weyrleader - also Wingleader of 'A' Wing. Mardra & Loranth (gold) - Weyrwoman - leads the Queens' Wing. Valli & Kadoth (gold) - Former Weyrwoman when D'gar Impresses Herebeth, who hatches from Kadoth's last clutch of eggs in Turn 43 of the Eighth Pass. Tirelle & Suderoth (gold) - junior weyrwoman and weyrmate of V'dul (bronze Sarneth). Zalna & Gemalth (
  3. Mawgrim

    The Telgar Way

    Sometimes it takes an outsider to see what's wrong. Also, D'gar just can't stop himself from asking 'why?' even when it annoys people.
  4. Mawgrim

    Chapter 1

    Very clever short story. I have often thought that if heaven exists and is full of religious bigots, it probably wouldn't be a fun place to spend eternity.
  5. Mawgrim

    Mom Hugs

    In an ideal world, Cathy would never have thrown her own son out on the streets, but at least she has learned and is atoning for it. Jason needs a helping hand and at least there is someone there for him.
  6. Mawgrim

    Chapter 24

    That was very decent of Nathan, to take the blame for messing up the shop doorway. And he's still not telling Jason everything. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
  7. Mawgrim

    The Telgar Way

    Some members of the Wing regarded the new riders as you might something unexpected and unpleasant; as if a crawler had fallen from its web into your bowl of stew. Maybe that was unfair. A few looked friendly enough, while others simply ignored them. D’gar noticed that, unlike at Fort, where riders tended to sit roughly in colour order, here it was much more mixed up. The unfriendly group comprised a bronze, a brown plus a couple each of blues and greens. All of the new riders clustered toge
  8. Mawgrim

    Jus Sanguinis

    Lovely story, with a twist to it. I enjoyed the slowly building sense of looming menace and it was appropriate that Rowan, with his lineage, became the new protector of the forest.
  9. Mawgrim

    Chapter 1

    Thank you. When I’m writing my cinema stories I always use the name of somewhere that either doesn’t exist in the UK, or that doesn't have a cinema. This avoids the possibility of anyone reading it thinking it's their cinema I’m writing about! However, all of the cinema breakdowns mentioned in the story actually happened somewhere, when I was still doing that job.
  10. Mawgrim


    It was all going so well until that phone call...
  11. Compulsive reading. Once you start, it’s a rollercoaster ride, following Carter's surprising adventures after being hit by a truck. In the process, he learns an awful lot about his best friend Aron, Aron's marriage to Alex and most importantly, about himself. Romantic, quirky and unputdownable. 'Just one more chapter', I found myself saying many a time.
  12. A strange coincidence or was this really a case of dreams coming true?
  13. Mawgrim


    Well, it’s on the map of Pern, so I thought it would bo ok to include it. There are several Holds on Pern named after the original settlers. If Red Hanrahan had been more egotistical, Ruatha would have probably been called Hanrahan Hold!
  14. Albert stopped outside the house. It didn’t look anything like the place he’d first seen nearly sixty years ago. Then there had been darkened brickwork covered with glossy green ivy, the windows peeping through like half-lidded eyes. Now the walls were rendered and painted in a warm yellow shade. The garden had been tamed. Brightly coloured plastic toys on the front lawn showed children lived here. He couldn’t suppress a shudder at the thought. He’d felt compelled to return one last time. T
  15. Aged 10, Albert and his younger sister Florence went to live in the old house at Coldbrook with their parents. What happened there would change all of their lives.
  16. Mawgrim


    I envision S'brin and M'rell doing a lot of heavy drinking while D'gar is away.
  17. Mawgrim


    They will need that support. Telgar Weyr will prove to be run very differently from Fort.
  18. Mawgrim


    Two sevendays had passed since Rina’s untimely death and M’rell wasn’t coping well. In the dining hall, it was clear he wasn’t his usual self. He’d talk if anyone spoke to him directly, but otherwise he kept quiet. It was as if there was an invisible barrier around him. He’d spent a couple of evenings in D’gar and S’brin’s weyr, mostly numbing himself with alcohol. D’gar tried to make sure he didn’t drink too much the night before Fall. ‘I don’t know what to say to him, sometimes.’ S’brin v
  19. Mawgrim

    Chapter 33

    That was dramatic. I particularly like the section from Roscoe's point of view, wanting to protect his herd. A horse that size can certainly do a lot of damage. Sam and Pietro thought quickly too and those three thugs certainly aren’t going to forget their humiliation.
  20. A story that kept me hooked all the way through waiting for the next chapter. Great characters, pacing and dialogue.
  21. Mawgrim

    Chapter 8

    I'm not so sure about that. Dr Baby Broker was in it for the money, so all of the couples who 'adopted' the babies would have had to pay up. The transaction might have been disguised in some way, but I reckon all of the adoptive parents knew what they were doing. However, they may have done it for the 'right' reasons. Perhaps they had already tried the conventional adoption channels and been rejected for one reason or another. Desperate people can make bad choices. Megan took that well. It's going to take a while for both her and Kyle to really come to terms with what they've just learned.
  22. Mawgrim

    Vanilla Sky

    If it was so good then why was the mere thought of never seeing him again filling him with despair that felt close to blowing up his skull? Exactly. Maks is deluding himself. He was before, but didn't know it. Now that his eyes have been opened, he can't just go back to how it was. At least, not without doing himself a lot of damage.
  23. Mawgrim


    The depredations of Threadfall and a number of nasty plagues made them lose more than they'd envisaged, I think, plus the necessity of moving from the Southern to the Northern continent. I think they also intended to have a much more equal society than the semi-feudal one they ended up with, which was the point of the Charter. Modern medicine is one of those things we all take for granted and theirs would have been far more advanced than where we are currently. i bet they wouldn't even have been able to imagine how grim it would become once they'd lost a certain degree of technology. i read a very good fanfic where a third generation surgeon on Pern was becoming increasingly frustrated at having to ration out treatments as the high tech equipment gradually failed and couldn't be replaced.
  24. Mawgrim

    Chapter 1

    Based on the number of comments saying much the same, I’d better start writing😀
  25. Mawgrim

    Chapter 1

    Something similar to this happened to my cousin when he was travelling on business. They were stuck for two days until the road was cleared!
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