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    Mark Arbour
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  • 5,338 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Streak - 17. Chapter 17

October 1, 2002




I felt Alex rubbing against me as he stretched out, and that woke me up. I remembered walking into the bedroom when I was younger, and seeing my father and Robbie all intertwined, but I didn’t get into that. I liked cuddling right after sex, or maybe right when we went to bed (or at least I think I would), but after a bit, I needed my own space. Alex seemed to understand that. He’d fallen asleep while spooned up behind me, and then he’d eventually rolled away from me.

I rolled over and looked at him. “I’m sorry if I was moving around and I woke you,” he said politely.

“I’m glad you did,” I said, as I reached down and stroked his morning erection. He smiled, then pulled me in and kissed me. He held my mouth against his while I stroked his cock, making out with me in a totally frenzied way. He moaned, and I knew he was going to cum, but that didn’t change anything. He held our mouths together, and then when he blew, he all but screamed down my throat. He finally broke our lip lock, and relaxed back into the soft mattress. I licked his cum off my fingers, and then sucked the last bit out of his cock before wiping the rest of it off with a towel. My face was right next to his dick; when I looked up at him and smiled, that made him chuckle.

“Your turn,” he said. He surprised me by moving our bodies around so we were in a 69 position. His dick lay there in front of me, now limp after having just orgasmed. I took it into my mouth and gently sucked on it. He liked that, if his moan was any indication.

I expected to feel his mouth on my dick, but instead, I felt his hands running across my ass. He pulled my cheeks farther apart, then I felt his fingers slide down my crack, and it felt so erotic that I almost blew my load. “Ahhh,” I moaned loudly.

“You like that, eh?” he asked playfully. Then I felt something different. Something soft and wet, and heavenly. He was rimming me; his mouth was all over my ass. I was a moaning blob, and when I felt his hand on my dick, it only took two strokes to bring me off. When I was done with my orgasm, I collapsed on top of him. “Time to shower.”

“Me too,” I said. I got the feeling that he wanted to shower on his own, so I gave him a quick kiss, and then went back to my room to get ready. I managed to get ready just when he did, and we rode the elevator down to the first floor.

The kitchen was busy this morning. Wade sat there, reviewing some notes, while Matt was scribbling out a ‘to do’ list. They both looked up and saw Alex and me, and I wondered briefly if they would be assholes, but instead, they were incredibly nice. I walked over to Rosa. “Good morning.”

“You are up early,” she said. “It is so rare that I make you breakfast that I almost forgot what you like.” I started to tell her but she stopped me. “I know.”

“How do you like Boston?”

“So far, I like it,” she said.

“I’m really glad you’re here,” I told her sincerely. I usually wasn’t very demonstrative with the staff. I thought things worked better if I was a little aloof, and kept my distance from them, but Rosa was entirely different. She’d been part of my life for as long as I could remember.

“I am glad I am here too,” she said, and patted my cheek.

“I fear I have time only for a bagel to go,” Alex said, as he picked one out from the breadbasket. He spread some cream cheese on it, and smiled at me. “I’ll see you later.”

“You will,” I agreed. He walked out, while I took a seat at the table, waiting for Matt and Wade to talk.

“I’m very sorry that Alex didn’t feel comfortable here,” Wade said. Clearly this had bothered him. “I plan to apologize to him personally when I have a chance.”

“S’OK,” I said, even as I ate. He looked at me like we were supposed to talk about it some more, but he’d done what I’d asked, and it was over. I didn’t have the time to listen to him ramble on, especially since anything else he said would do nothing more than repeat what we’d already covered.

“And I’m sorry about our conversation,” Matt said, referring to how he’d cornered me in the study. “I just wanted you to go into this deal with all of the facts, but I didn’t really do that in the right way.”

“I understand,” I said. “We’re good.”

“We’re good?” Matt asked, surprised. These guys always had to have these long drawn-out conversations. It was at times like this that I missed Darius, because he pretty much said nothing.

“We’re good,” I repeated. He stood up and made me hug him, then we sat down and I focused on eating. Did everything have to be a big production? I tried to enjoy my breakfast, even though the two of them kept smiling at me, being all cheerful. It was all I could do not to puncture their moods, just so they didn’t look like such idiots.

I appreciated what they were doing, how they were trying to calm things down and make things more relaxed here, but I hadn’t worried too much about their actions, which is why I didn’t really want to go into anything beyond their basic apology. These guys were just towing the line, and acting badly because my father wanted them too. He was the lynchpin to this whole thing, so as long as I had him in my corner, or neutralized, these guys would fall in line.


October 1, 2002





I admired the apartment, and the way that it was decorated. Stef had truly crafted a masterpiece with this space. It was only 10am yet I was already here, which was the result of my early morning departure. I got up early on most days, and today had been no different, especially since I’d been excited to see Cam. So I set up my laptop on the dining room table, and started working on the files I’d brought with me. I’d gotten a good start on them yesterday, and I made some more progress on the plane. I was determined to knock this out so I didn’t have to worry about it when I was with Cam.

I was pretty entranced in my work, but that changed when I heard a door shut. I sat up in my chair and froze. Unless there was some draft in this place, and that seemed unlikely since I hadn’t felt a blast of air, there was someone here. Security was pretty tight, but evidently not tight enough. I had my phone out and was about to dial 911 when Devon, the bartender, came strolling into the kitchen, stark naked.

This was the guy Will had hooked up with a few times when he’d been in Chicago, and I could tell that Will liked him. Devon was more than just a fuck; he was a friend. I wondered briefly if that would describe my relationship with Cam. It was impossible not to be impressed with Devon’s physique. He was facing away from me, even as he reached up to get a bowl from the cupboard. His muscles seemed to flow more smoothly than most guys, but I wasn’t really paying that much attention; my eyes were firmly focused on his cute little ass. Damn!

He turned around as he moved over to the island, and unfortunately, that structure blocked the view of him below the waist. Instead, I focused on the part of him above the island, on his hairless chest, one with well-defined pecs, and abs that were visible even as he stood pouring some cereal into a bowl, then poured milk in it. As he walked around the island toward the table, I saw his big cock, not entirely soft, swaying over two big balls. His balls were shaved, and most of his pubes were trimmed. It was at that point that he noticed me sitting at the table, watching him. “Fuck!” he shouted, and threw the cereal bowl in the air. It crashed to the floor, and shattered, sending cereal, milk, and glass all over the kitchen.

“Good morning,” I said, trying not to laugh, but I failed. “I’m sorry I surprised you.”

“Good morning,” he said, then suddenly realized he was naked, and all but ran back to his room. That broke all my restraints, and I was laughing pretty hard when he came back in, giving me a dour look. He cleaned up the mess, got a new bowl of cereal, and came over to sit at the table with me.

“I didn’t know you were here,” I said. “Sorry about that.”

“I didn’t know you were here either,” he joked. “It will probably turn into an awesome bar story though, so it was worth it.”

“Probably,” I agreed.

“It’s not every day I dance out into my kitchen buck naked and find Brad Schluter hanging out, staring at me,” he said.

“I wasn’t staring at you,” I lied. His look called me on that. “Much.”

He chuckled. “Much,” he repeated. “Right.”

“So are you living here?”

“Didn’t Will tell you?” he asked nervously. “I thought it was OK.”

“It’s fine with me,” I told him. “It’s not my building, and it’s not my apartment. It’s Will’s.”

He nodded. “I had a roommate and we weren’t getting along, primarily because the douchebag was stealing my shit. I was whining to Will about it, and he told me I could move in here. Said there were three bedrooms, and I could have one of them.”

“So which one did you pick?” I asked.

“Not the one with the room that has the sling,” he said, answering the question I was really asking. “Will told me that was his room.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, I don’t mean to intrude on you. I can go stay at our condo in Evanston.”

“No,” he said, almost too emphatically. “You can stay here. There’s plenty of room. And if you need me to bail, just say so.”

I could see what Will saw in this guy. When he wasn’t in the bar, he was really a nice person. “You live here. You’re staying here.”

“Are you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I am,” I agreed.

“Good,” he said. “What brings you to town?”

“I had some numbers to work through this morning, and then I have a date for the rest of the day,” I told him.

“That’s too bad,” he said, working his game on me, but this guy was so attractive, he didn’t need to be that charming. If Will weren’t into him, and Cam weren’t meeting me in a couple of hours, I’d have probably already followed him back to his bedroom.

I shook my head at him. “You’re wasting your time.”

“I’ll bet it would be worth every minute I invest,” he said, his voice dropping to a sexy, low level.

“I’m not so sure about that. If Will found out, you’d be homeless, and I’d have it worse. I’d incur his wrath.”

He chuckled. “Will wouldn’t be pissed off.”

“If I slept with a guy he liked, he’d be pissed,” I corrected.

“What if he told you it was OK?” he asked. “What would you say then?”

“I’d say I had a date in a few hours,” I told him, shutting him down, even though I smiled to take out the sting.

“You can’t recharge that fast?” he joked. I just continued to smile at him, and then reabsorbed myself in my work. He took the hint and just ate his cereal, then vanished back to his room. At 12:30, he reappeared, wearing workout clothes. “I’m off to the gym,” he said casually.

“Have fun,” I said.

“You coming downstairs tonight?”

“Probably not,” I said.

“Hope your date goes well,” he said, grinning, then he left, taking the stairs to presumably enhance his workout.

I took that as my cue to put the bulk of my stuff away, just keeping my laptop out so I could work on some unimportant e-mails that still required a response on my part. I was distracted by the big clock on the wall: I’d answer an e-mail, check the time, and then answer another one.

At 12:56, I heard the buzzer sound, the one for the downstairs entry. I got up and walked to the security console, where a monitor showed the views of the various cameras rigged up to watch this place. I saw Cam standing at the door and smiled as I hit the button, which opened the elevator doors, and welcomed him inside. I strolled over to the elevator and got there just a bit before the doors opened. When they did, Cam came out, looking just as amazing as he always did. “Welcome,” I said cheerfully.

“It’s good to see you,” he said. He walked up to me and gave me a big hug, then backed up enough for a really nice kiss.

“It’s good to see you, too,” I said. It was tempting to take this to the next level and to drag him off to fuck around, but I decided to take it slower, and show some restraint. “Especially since I’m hungry.”

“Then let’s go eat,” he said logically, and led me back into the elevator. We went down to the ground level and started walking through the neighborhood, chatting about normal stuff like his semester and my job, until he took us to a diner. My tastes were usually a little more advanced than that, but I went with it, and it turned out to be good. Then again, just being with him would have made damn near any meal good.

“I got lucky and you were free today,” I said with a smile.

“I think I’m the one who got lucky,” he said, flirting back at me, and then he got serious. “I’m sorry about our last time together.”

I shrugged. “It makes sense that you’d want to be with guys your own age.” I was impressed that I kept my bitterness out of my tone.

“That’s not it at all,” he said, “and I wasn’t talking about what happened at Spartacus, even though I feel bad about that too.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The last time we messed around,” he said. “The time you wanted to fuck me, but I stopped you.”

“I didn’t mean to push you into something you didn’t want to do,” I said.

“It was something I wanted. Damn, did I want it,” he said, leering at me, and making me chuckle. “It’s hard to explain.”

“I’ll tell you how things were from my perspective,” I said, hoping that I could give him some clarity. He nodded, even though I’d already started talking again. “We met and there was an amazing connection between us, and we forced it into something that wasn’t really there. We went too fast.”

“I loved being with you,” he objected.

“I loved being with you, too,” I said. “But we didn’t really let things grow at a normal place. I’ve thought a lot about it, and I can see places in our relationship where I wanted it to be the next big romantic thing in my life, and I made it that way, even if it wasn’t that advanced. It was like I was desperate for a really deep, intimate connection with you, so I acted like we already had one.”

He thought about what I said, ruminating over it. “I can see that. I think I did the same thing.”

“When things got too intense, you pushed me away.”

“I didn’t mean to do that,” he objected, getting a little upset.

“Cam, I think you did mean to, and I think it was just fine,” I said soothingly. “I think you felt us getting too into each other, and you created space. It was probably a healthy thing.”

He sat there and seemed frustrated. “Why do I feel like you’re breaking up with me?”

That was so funny, I laughed, and he ultimately saw the humor in it too. “I’m not breaking up with you; I’m just saying that we should probably have taken things slower.”

“Probably,” he agreed. “So where does that leave us?”

“I’d say we should just pick up where we left off,” I said, winking at him, and making him chuckle.

“You mean with your fingers probing my ass,” he said in his most seductive voice.

“I can work with that,” I said with an evil grin, then got back on topic. “Here’s where my mind is. You’re a good friend, with the potential for that bond to deepen or not, depending on how things go. When I found out we were going to be able to spend some time today, it made me really happy. So I figure that when I can make it to Chicago, or you can get away, it would be great to do that, to spend time together. And we can see how things go, over time.”

“That works for me,” he said, and seemed relieved. I decided that was probably a good thing.

“I’m glad,” I told him.

“I think I felt the same way you did, but I hadn’t figured it out. It’s like you jumped into my brain and made all the fog disappear.”

“I’m sure I didn’t make all of it disappear,” I said, giving him shit. He rolled his eyes.

“I’m not used to dating guys who are as smart as you are,” he said. “This is weirding me out.”

I laughed. “You want me to act dumber?”

“No way,” he said. “It’s refreshing.”

We finished eating, and I asked the waiter for the check. “I’ve got it right here,” he said pleasantly.

“Let me pay,” Cam said, reaching for the bill.

“If you want to take me out sometime, that’s fine. But I invited you out today, so it’s on me.”

“I feel bad, because you always pay for everything,” he whined. I barely managed to hide my annoyance.

“Alright,” I said, and handed him the bill. He took out some cash, counted it out pretty carefully, and then put it in the bill folio along with the bill. “Feel better?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you tell me that when someone paid for something, you were just supposed to say ‘thank you’?”

I laughed. “I did say that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said. We stood up and started walking in the direction of Spartacus.

“So what else do you want to do today?” I asked him.

“I’d like to go back to the apartment,” he said. “Maybe we can pick up where we left off.” Did that mean he was going to let me fuck him? I had to work hard to avoid getting an erection as we were walking down the street.

“Maybe we can,” I said seductively, then changed the subject, to keep the sexual tension at bay. “I don’t want you to worry about me spending money on you. We both bring things to this relationship. I’ve got the cash part of it covered.”

“And what do I bring to the table?”

“Incredible hotness,” I said, making him chuckle.

“That’s very true,” he said, with faux arrogance. “So I’ve got the looks, and you’ve got the brains and the cash.”

“You mean you’re stupid, and I’m ugly?”

“I’m talking about what our biggest contributions are,” he said, pretending to be annoyed with me.

I stopped him in the middle of the sidewalk and made him look at me. I gave him a really quick but sweet kiss to focus his attention. “You are very smart, very handsome, and very charming. You’re just not very rich. Yet.”

“Yet,” he said. “I just don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you.”

We got back to the apartment and I led him up to the rooftop deck, surprising him, since he probably thought I’d drag him back to the bedroom to fuck him. But I was learning, and taking things a little slower would probably yield some decent dividends later. “I don’t want you to worry about money.”

“If you say so,” he said. “Even rich guys get pissed off if you mooch off of them.”

“They do,” I agreed. “But that’s a situation where someone is just taking advantage of me. You met Will, my son, right?”

“He’s a piece of work,” he said with a lot of affection.

“He is that,” I said. “He was going out with this guy, and everyone was giving him a bunch of crap about it, me included, worrying that this guy would take advantage of him. We were worried about the same thing you’re talking about, about him mooching off Will, or him taking advantage of Will.”

“Hard to see someone taking advantage of Will,” Cam mused. “He’s pretty smart.”

“That’s true,” I agreed again. “Will pointedly asked us how this guy was going to take advantage of him.”

“He could get Will to buy him expensive shit, or to spend lots of money on doing things with him,” Cam said.

“Will pointed out that he was in a bad place after 9-11, and this guy made him feel good, and took the pain away. He pointed out that if the guy was trying to put the squeeze on him, it was worth it to him to be happy. And he also pointed out that there really wasn’t much the guy could do to him that would hurt him financially.”

“That’s a scary attitude to have,” he said, not really getting my point.

“Alright, let’s say that you were a total mercenary, out to get every last penny out of me that you could. And I told you that you had today to do it. What would you buy?”

“I wouldn’t buy anything,” he said.

“That’s not the question,” I corrected. “This is a game, not reality.”

It was adorable to see him struggle with that. “I don’t know.”

“Try this. Think of the biggest money scammer you know, someone who, if I gave him that choice, he’d already have a list printed out in his mind.” He nodded. “Now if it was that guy, what would he do?”

“I think he’d get you to buy him a new car.”

“What kind?”

He shrugged. “Probably something expensive. Let’s say fifty grand.”

“What else?”

“Lots of clothes, amazing meals, maybe a trip somewhere, although you said it was only for today, so that makes a trip kind of impossible. Maybe some furniture for his apartment. Shit like that.”

“So all of this stuff I’d spend cash on and do with this guy would probably cost me about a hundred grand?”

“Probably,” he agreed.

“Forbes put my net worth at around one billion dollars,” I said, and watched his eyes bulge. I guess he didn’t read Forbes, or pay attention to that stupid list. “They were a little conservative. Even if I spent that hundred grand each day, every day, I have enough money to last me for at least thirty years.”

“That doesn’t mean people should try to spend your money,” he objected.

“It doesn’t,” I agreed. “But it also means that it’s not a big deal. It’s not something I worry about, and it’s not something you should worry about. You just dropped twenty bucks on lunch. That’s probably a big deal to you, but not to me.”

“It’s not that big a deal,” he said, but I knew that money was tight just by his tone.

“What you did, by paying, was you sacrificed to try to show me that you care about me, and to show me that you weren’t trying to take advantage of me,” I said.

“It could have been an act,” he said. “I could have sprung for lunch, thinking that you’d burn through way more than that during the rest of the day.”

“I’d have to be a pretty bad judge of character for that to work,” I said. “You’re too honorable to do that.”

“Thanks,” he said shyly.

“Besides, I may still burn through way more than that today,” I teased. “What kind of car do you want?”

That got me a scowl. “You’re not buying me a car.”

“How about some furniture?”

“Not happening,” he said, rolling his eyes at me.

“Alright, but we can go shopping,” I said.

“We’ll see,” he said. “But that’s not what’s on my mind right now.”

“What’s on your mind right now?” I asked.

“Let’s go back to your room,” he said. I swallowed hard, my mind and body filling with lust, as I got up and followed him down the stairs, and into the other bedroom without a sling. I paused to close and lock the door, and then turned to find him waiting for me. He gave me a kiss that was pretty forceful; he was sending signs that he was in charge. I had no problem with that.

He began to strip off his clothes, so I followed his lead. God, he was beautiful, with his dark brown hair and his toned body. His dick began to rise up in response to my stare, which made both of us smile.

We moved to the bed and started making out, which led to us doing what we’d done in the past: blowing each other. He was a skilled cocksucker, so he had me pretty worked up. Then he surprised me by lifting his hips and pulling his own dick out of my mouth, even as he slid up. I took the hint, and started playing with his ass. I stroked his hole with my fingers, and then rimmed him with my tongue, and finally, I grabbed some lube from the nightstand and worked it into his ass. He was pretty tight; he may have bottomed a lot, but it sure didn’t seem that way. I wondered if he was going to actually let me fuck him. I felt my dick twitch in excitement, even as I continued to work his ass open.

He moved around and reached over to the nightstand, and pulled out a condom, and then I felt him stretch it over my cock. As soon as it was on, he pivoted around and knelt over my cock. “God, I have wanted this,” I said, mostly to encourage him.

“Me too,” he said. He started to lower himself down onto me, but I was so big, it wasn’t easy for him. I made him stop so I could add some more lube, then let him start the process all over again. I gently played with his dick as he did, to keep him excited and engaged.

“Take your time,” I said in an encouraging way. I thought that would relax him, but it actually seemed to make him more determined. He’d lowered himself onto my dick three times, each time stopping before my head could penetrate him, but this time, he sat on my dick, taking me in one, long thrust.

“Ahhh,” he said, a cry of pain, not pleasure.

“Relax and get used to me, then I’ll give you the ride of your life,” I said. That got me a small smile. “You feel amazing.”

He grunted, but he wasn’t enjoying himself, so I pulled him down so our lips could connect. We started making out, savoring the connection between our mouths, and even as we did that, he started to gently move his ass up and down my cock. With some guys, I would have uttered words of encouragement, but he didn’t seem to want those. Instead, I just kissed him, responding to his intensity, as he slowly fucked me with his ass.

I could feel him opening up to me, but it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. In the past, guys I’d fucked had been in pain until we clicked, then they’d gone crazy. With Cam, it was a slow build. By the time I would have already cum if I’d been with Dustin, he had just started to move at a slow speed. He picked up the pace gradually, while I just lay there, savoring how amazing he felt.

Faster and faster he went, until he was all but hopping up and down on my cock. He was breathing too hard to kiss me, so instead he moved his face so it was against mine, and his mouth was next to my ear. I could hear his panting, his urgent breathing, and I could feel the wind from his inhales and exhales. It was incredibly erotic, and as much as I tried to hold off, I couldn’t. “You’re gonna make me cum,” I growled.

“Fuck yeah,” he whispered in my ear. It was such a soft gesture from this very hard guy, it just set me free. I moaned loudly, and then shouted out as my orgasm took over. He didn’t let up once; he just kept fucking me, fast and furious, until I was done. He sat up on my dick and smiled down at me, even as I reached up and stroked his cock, which wasn’t quite erect. “That was incredible.”

“I thought so,” I said. I went to jerk him off, but he stopped me. Then he lifted himself off of me, pulling off the condom and throwing it in the waste basket, and lay down next to me. He pulled me to him in a loving way, the way I liked and needed. “What about you?”

“I never cum the first time I’m with a dude,” he said. I looked at him quizzically, asking him to explain. “It takes me some time to get my mind and body used to fucking someone new.”

“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy,” I said, even though that wasn’t entirely true. I really couldn’t call sex ‘good’ unless my partner had enjoyed it too.

“As soon as you recharge and fuck me again, I’ll be happy,” he said. We lay there for a bit, but he was too horny to remain that docile. In no time at all, he was playing with my dick, getting me hard again. Then I fucked him again, only I was on top, pushing his ankles back as I slammed into his sweet ass. And this time, he shot his load like a fucking rocket blasting off.

Copyright © 2015 Mark Arbour; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Wow..JJ can be a little scary. He certainly is good at keeping a distance around himself when he wants to...kind of harsh and cold. I see that as a self defense mechanism and further proof that a relationship is something he needs to start breaking down that insulation. At least he showed genuine caring for Rosa. I am starting to see Bucket's point...what have you done to poor Alex?? It's kind of hilarious to think he may be outmatched :huh: and someday running for cover :o .


Brad and Cam....very interesting day they have had so far. Brad has calmed down and is playing it smart and honest. There seems to still be an interesting and real connection there based on mutual attraction, caution and common sense. I think I like the idea of them but there is the age difference and it is still too early to tell. That is why the caution and honesty is a smart thing. All in all though, it had a much better vibe than the Dustin, pizza guy hook up. Compared to that, this was a lot more serious and real. Great, entertaining and hot chapter...Cheers...Gary

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Very good chapter, Mark, making JJ's motivations clearer to us. It looks like his plan for Alex is working--it may seem manipulative, but I think it will make both of them better people.


Brad and Cam...I can see it working pretty well once Cam starts to accept the idea that gifts don't equate to charity or being bought. Brad knows Cam isn't after his money, Cam just needs to accept that Brad can give him a gift simply because he likes him. A sort of 'reverse' snobbery here, which I hope doesn't ruin their chances.


I think, from now on, if Gary has posted before me, I'm just going to type 'Ditto' and have done--he always says what I wanted to say. :)

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Hi Mark,


Thanks for the next chapter of Streak.


I don't know what it is about this book, but it doesn't feel like a Mark Arbour piece of art. Mind you, it's every syllable as well written, but I can't help but feel that it lacks a lot of the twists and turns we've come to expect from you.


JJ keeps surprising me by how smart he is. I have no doubt any longer that he's in full control over the relationship with Alex. I do however feel, like I said in my review of the last chapter, that the manipulative streak for JJ is more about self preservation, than that he's aiming to get what he wants. This in contrast to He-who-must-not-be-named, and Brad,who will use manipulation to destroy anyone they don't like.


I absolutely loved the way Brad and Cam connected, even after the disastrous time earlier. Brad's view on that earlier date seems to me to be accurate. I think we had very few cross generational relationships in the CAP saga so far, but it was not unheard of, so let's wait and see where this goes.


Keep up the amazing work.


Lots of loving cuddles,


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I'm glad Brad let Cam pay for lunch - not even pocket change for Brad but important for the relationship. Cam needs to feel as if he is contributing even with the disparity in income. Feeding Brad his own line definitely made me smile.

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Okay, I am just going to say " ditto " to everyone's comments about JJ and Alex and Brad and Cam. Both of those scenes were just so well done and letter perfect.


I am going to add a comment on the scene with Devon, which no one has mentioned yet... I loved it... It was so sexy and funny all at once and that is something that isn't easy to pull off. WOW, just a truly great scene...


Thanks for the update, Mark but what have you done for me lately???

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On 10/15/2014 05:30 PM, Headstall said:
Wow..JJ can be a little scary. He certainly is good at keeping a distance around himself when he wants to...kind of harsh and cold. I see that as a self defense mechanism and further proof that a relationship is something he needs to start breaking down that insulation. At least he showed genuine caring for Rosa. I am starting to see Bucket's point...what have you done to poor Alex?? It's kind of hilarious to think he may be outmatched :huh: and someday running for cover :o .


Brad and Cam....very interesting day they have had so far. Brad has calmed down and is playing it smart and honest. There seems to still be an interesting and real connection there based on mutual attraction, caution and common sense. I think I like the idea of them but there is the age difference and it is still too early to tell. That is why the caution and honesty is a smart thing. All in all though, it had a much better vibe than the Dustin, pizza guy hook up. Compared to that, this was a lot more serious and real. Great, entertaining and hot chapter...Cheers...Gary

JJ is now innocent flower. If you think about it though, that's a good act, and no one really knows what to expect from them.


I don't think the age difference makes a difference with Cam and Brad. I think that at this point, it's about relative maturity. For someone like Brad, a relatively mature guy in his 20s is probably the ideal candidate. Still young (and hot) but beyond that phase in life where he's all about the parties.

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On 10/15/2014 08:13 PM, ColumbusGuy said:
Very good chapter, Mark, making JJ's motivations clearer to us. It looks like his plan for Alex is working--it may seem manipulative, but I think it will make both of them better people.


Brad and Cam...I can see it working pretty well once Cam starts to accept the idea that gifts don't equate to charity or being bought. Brad knows Cam isn't after his money, Cam just needs to accept that Brad can give him a gift simply because he likes him. A sort of 'reverse' snobbery here, which I hope doesn't ruin their chances.


I think, from now on, if Gary has posted before me, I'm just going to type 'Ditto' and have done--he always says what I wanted to say. :)

JJ is the kind of guy who gets what he wants, one way or another.


I think Brad laid the cash thing out for Cam, but if you re-read what he was saying, you'll see that while Brad is being confident, he's probably more insecure about that then Cam.

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On 10/15/2014 09:23 PM, shyboy85 said:
Hi Mark,


Thanks for the next chapter of Streak.


I don't know what it is about this book, but it doesn't feel like a Mark Arbour piece of art. Mind you, it's every syllable as well written, but I can't help but feel that it lacks a lot of the twists and turns we've come to expect from you.


JJ keeps surprising me by how smart he is. I have no doubt any longer that he's in full control over the relationship with Alex. I do however feel, like I said in my review of the last chapter, that the manipulative streak for JJ is more about self preservation, than that he's aiming to get what he wants. This in contrast to He-who-must-not-be-named, and Brad,who will use manipulation to destroy anyone they don't like.


I absolutely loved the way Brad and Cam connected, even after the disastrous time earlier. Brad's view on that earlier date seems to me to be accurate. I think we had very few cross generational relationships in the CAP saga so far, but it was not unheard of, so let's wait and see where this goes.


Keep up the amazing work.


Lots of loving cuddles,


Maarten, you are such a drama queen. ;-) Sometimes things take time to build. Have I let you down yet?


I think JJ is bright, but I think his latest moves show him to be more manipulative than smart. If you think about it, he's been playing his brothers all his life (that's what the tattle-tale deal was), so he's a pro.


I think Brad is learning to date all over again, and it's not just about the initial moves.

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On 10/16/2014 12:36 AM, Bucket1 said:
I'm glad Brad let Cam pay for lunch - not even pocket change for Brad but important for the relationship. Cam needs to feel as if he is contributing even with the disparity in income. Feeding Brad his own line definitely made me smile.
You're right, and I think it was really important for Cam, because he was able to establish his independence, at least to a degree. And if you think about it, that had to mean a lot to Brad, because Cam showed him that he wasn't just out to scam him.
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On 10/16/2014 01:15 AM, centexhairysub said:
Okay, I am just going to say " ditto " to everyone's comments about JJ and Alex and Brad and Cam. Both of those scenes were just so well done and letter perfect.


I am going to add a comment on the scene with Devon, which no one has mentioned yet... I loved it... It was so sexy and funny all at once and that is something that isn't easy to pull off. WOW, just a truly great scene...


Thanks for the update, Mark but what have you done for me lately???

I'm glad you liked the scene with Devon. I thought it was some fun comic relief. He must have been pretty freaked out.
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On 10/16/2014 01:26 AM, Daddydavek said:
Another hot chapter from beginning to end!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
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To think this gem of a chapter was waiting for me all day...blasted responsibilities :P.

It's no shock JJ isn't a big talker, with Will "I destroy Ferrari's when I'm mad" as a brother sometimes it's just nice to accept an apology and move on with one's life.

I love that Brad is getting his freak on...and I love that it's with Cam who deserves a HEA in the best way!

As always compliments and gratitude abound.

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On 10/16/2014 03:23 PM, Miles Long said:
To think this gem of a chapter was waiting for me all day...blasted responsibilities :P.

It's no shock JJ isn't a big talker, with Will "I destroy Ferrari's when I'm mad" as a brother sometimes it's just nice to accept an apology and move on with one's life.

I love that Brad is getting his freak on...and I love that it's with Cam who deserves a HEA in the best way!

As always compliments and gratitude abound.

Thanks Miles! I'm glad you liked this one!
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thank you for a great story about Alex! I hope JJ is a Princess AND a whore combined to Alex. and I noticed Alex was started to act as a pig with JJ while at the beginning he treat JJ as princess. So, is JJ Alex's match?



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These guys were just towing the line, — These guys were just toeing the line, This expression comes from athletics, To toe the line means to line up evenly before a race. To place your toes in a line.

because my father wanted them too —- because my father wanted them to   My goodness Mark, two errors in the same paragraph, your editor must have been asleep.

Edited by Will Hawkins
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