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    Victor Gutte
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The content presented here is for informational or educational purposes only. These are just the authors' personal opinions and knowledge.
Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are based on the authors' lives and experiences and may be changed to protect personal information. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

My Journey To Victory - 1. Chapter 1-The Meeting

inspired by Prompt 360- "Why do I even bother" ^_^

“Why do I even bother?” I said as I looked out of the car window at the paddy fields passing by. They have grown quite tall and started to turn a lighter shade of green already. The severe rains this year did less damage than expected, so most of the grains have already started to harden. I wish I could see them before they’re harvested. But this is no time for that, I have a major problem at hand.

Maybe I should start from the beginning; I study at an all-Boys Boarding school far from the city. My parents thought that I would be able to study better if I wouldn’t have to travel everyday to school. Well that works for me, I get to be surrounded by cute boys all the time. Anyways it was the December of 2009, and my papa came to pick me for the Christmas holidays. It was then that the bomb was dropped on me.

“We got a puppy” Papa said casually as I climbed into the seat. I started laughing. He asked me what was so funny. I glanced at him and said, “You saying that we got something that I clearly despise, is funny”. I got a look in return that said he wasn’t joking. But my heart didn’t believe it or maybe I really didn’t want to believe it. I asked “You are not joking, are you?” just to confirm. He shook his head in return.

That moment I felt that my entire world has collapsed. Out of all the animals in the world, they found the only one I despised the most to have as a pet. Okay maybe not the only animal but still the most hated. If I could, I would have brought all the dogs in the world together and bombed them together. There, a world without dogs.....aaahhh, such a peaceful place it would be. People would think I’m crazy but you would want to do the same thing if you get surrounded and followed by street dogs every day. I was once minding my own business when some dozen of dogs and their kids start running towards me, I had to climb up a tree and stay there for nearly half a day because they fell asleep there. Freaks of nature those creatures are.

“Why?” I asked horrified that they would even think of such a thing to do.

Papa said “I found her outside the university eating egg shells. She was so cute so I took her inside and played with her for some time. Your ma loved her as well and actually she was the one who wanted to bring her home” as I stared at him ludicrously.

Ma wanted to bring that thing home? No way, she’s allergic to fur and asthmatic. They might have converted her to the dark side, the dog loving side I mean.

“You call it her? It doesn’t have a gender, it’s a dog not a Human” I said. What’s wrong with me? Out of all the things I wanted to say I speak about him referring to it with a female pronoun! Now I’ve gone Crazy. Thank you very much papa!

“Victor! I referred her as her because she’s a girl. Now don’t say you don’t know that animals have a gender.” He said amusedly. Of course I know that, but gender references are for humans and not animals, especially not dogs.

“You know how much I hate dogs, and yet you decide to get one. I am not coming home until that thing leaves” I pouted. “Victor...” he started but I didn’t let him complete. “NO!!!” I yelled “I’M NOT ENTERING THE HOUSE UNTIL YOU SEND IT AWAY AND THAT’S FINAL” I kept stamping my feet.

Papa stopped the car aside and said “let’s go for a walk in the fields for sometime” I know that he’ll try to convince me to keep the....dog but I am not going to yield this time, it has to be sent away. But not getting down will be disrespecting him so I got down.

As we started to walk he started “When I was a kid my dad got a dog. She was a really beautiful German shepherd. She grew up along with us and was really an important part of me becoming the person I am today. Dogs are really beautiful and loving creatures Victor, they love us all with their hearts and give us enough memories to last us a lifetime. I want you to have a best friend like I did and I want you to experience the kind of love I did. I think that she’ll teach you a lot of things and make you a better person. For the past few years, I have been watching you change and not in a good way Victor. You are no longer the same energetic and enthusiastic boy who smiled at everyone he sees. You seldom smile now and rarely meet new people....”

I know I rarely smile now but how am I supposed to smile when I feel like crying all the time. Now I feel afraid that people will find my secret if I talk too much. Everyone will think that I’m mentally ill or maybe even cursed. I once read about a boy who was raped by his female cousin when it was found that he was gay and the worst part was that his parents helped her. It could be worse with me. I try to be happy and not think about it but it is so hard not to, especially when you have hundreds of half-naked good looking teenage boys running around you. And how can I love anything when I am trying so hard not to hate myself. The whole family will hate me when they find out. Who am I supposed to ask about this problem of mine? And how am I supposed to trust it with someone and believe that they wouldn’t hurt me in anyway? No! I don’t want a repeat of what happened in the 9th grade. I cannot tell anyone, I have to deal with it myself

“......and that is why I think you should give her a chance Victor. You’ll not regret it. Either you end up with an unwanted pet or a trustworthy and non-judgemental companion who will love you regardless of anything you do or who you are. Try to love everyone Victor, what’ll happen the most? They’ll love you in return” Papa was still saying

“What if I don’t like it?” I interrupted him. He looked at me and said “I know you more than yourself and I know that you won’t just like her, you’ll love her”

“I think I’ll give it a try.” I said as he looked at me in surprise. “Really??” he asked me disbelievingly. I nodded. “I thought I would have to do a lot of convincing to get you to agree.” He said with a smile.

As he started to drive, I asked “Wait! What’s the name of the dog?” he replied “Cherry.”

“Wait, Cherry?” he nodded, “Cherry? As in fruit?” he smiled, “What on earth made you name a German shepherd dog Cherry? I mean they don’t look or smell anything like any fruit, let alone a Cherry”

“Your sister named her, so don’t blame me.” He said in an amused tone. “And how did you know how a German shepherd looks like? I remember mentioning her to be a German shepherd but not how they look like.” I glared at him and finally mumbled “Why do I even bother” and started to look out of the windows.

An hour later we arrived at our home, I was quite apprehensive and could feel my heart pounding in my chest. As I got out of the car, I heard the front door being opened. The sound of the footsteps told me that it was my mother and the thought of her brought a smile to my face. She came over to me and gave me a hug, it felt comforting and so full of love that I felt calm all of a sudden. I heard footsteps again and saw my sister Samaira coming out. She smiled at me and glanced downwards, I followed her gaze until I saw it...her. She had a black fur with tan colourings on legs and face. But her eyes though, were one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen, they were such a beautiful shade of amber and looked like two fireballs. ”She’s beautiful!” I said to no one in particular. I started to walk towards her and then she noticed me.

She started bouncing towards me in a really happy but kind of awkward gait. She reached me and started sniffing me as though I had some marijuana hidden away. I put my hand closer to her snout and as she smelled it, her face got the cutest frown lines as though she was thinking ‘Hmmm, what’s this??’, Anyways I finally had her approval and then she started her tail wagging and that too so strongly that her butt started to move along with her tail. So I finally picked her up and wow! She’s so soft and warm and God I just want to hug her and not let her go but I feared that she could get hurt, she’s so small after all and her paws, they are even smaller. So I started to rub her head and she gave an expression that was like ‘OMG that feels so nice’ and just in a few minutes fell asleep.

Ma asked “So do you like her??” I smiled and nodded my head. She smiled at me and then turned to Sam and said “You owe me a pair of earrings”.

Surprised I asked “You bet on me?” Sam rolled her eyes at me and said “Yes we did, and why did you have to like her?? Now I have to spend my pocket money and I am taking it back from you”

“How would you do that? I don’t even get pocket money” I wiggled my eyebrows amusingly.

“I have my ways dear brother” she smiled back.

“Alright everyone, let’s go inside and can anyone help me with the bags” Papa said taking out the luggage from the boot.

“Come on Victor, let’s go inside” Ma said taking one of the bags from Papa and handing another to Sam.

“You go, we’ll come later. It’s a nice weather today, we both will enjoy it together” I replied looking at Cherry sleeping in my arms. “Just be sure to keep gates closed, she runs really fast” Ma said smiling and left us alone.

I laid down on the lawn with her on my chest. We stayed like that for some time. I never wanted to let her go. What is it in her to convert me from a Dog-hating person to someone in love with a dog? Wait! What? Did I just say love? Am I in love with a puppy I have met not even 15 minutes ago? Maybe it is. Or else why do I care for her so much? Why do I never want to let her go? Why don’t I like the thought of anything bad happening to her? I leaned towards her to kiss her on the forehead and she turned to face me at the same time and I had my first puppy kiss. It was amazing. It was nothing sensual or nothing disgusting, I only found it to be really lovely and full of love. I am going to get addicted to these.

She eventually stretched out and starting moving around the yard. I sat up watching her move and thought “Papa was right, I love you......and my life will never be the same again. You’re going to bring a lot of changes to it and I am waiting for them.”

I thank Drew and Uncle E for Beta Reading and Editing the Chapter. Any mistakes found are totally mine.
Feedback and constructive criticism are appreciated and welcomed. Thank you for reading  ^_^.
(2015) (Victor Gutte)
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The content presented here is for informational or educational purposes only. These are just the authors' personal opinions and knowledge.
Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are based on the authors' lives and experiences and may be changed to protect personal information. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Victor, this is a beautiful start to an amazing story :hug: Like I told you when I first read this, I cried when I realized how much Cherry would be a part of your life.


I can't wait to read the next chapter :D
Love ya Sweetie! :heart::kiss:

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Great start to a wonderful tale. :heart:


So...how long until the next chapter??? I can't wait to hear what mischief the two of you get up to. :)

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What a sweet introduction to Cherry! I loved how you described her eyes. We learned so much about your life is such subtle ways, and in such a short time. I felt the closeness of your family, Victor, and it was lovely. I think you did a wonderful justice to Cherry here, and to yourself as a fresh, new writer. You made me understand how this lonely, frightened boy needed this four-legged friend that would never hold him in judgement. I think maybe your soul was crying out for her, and somebody listened. I am impressed and very pleased that my young friend had the courage to jump in... and I can't wait to read more... well done, and cheers... Gary

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Out of likes, so I'll do that later.
That was a sweet story Victor. There's nothing like the unconditional love of a pet.....

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On 08/26/2015 07:00 AM, Drew Espinosa said:

Victor, this is a beautiful start to an amazing story :hug: Like I told you when I first read this, I cried when I realized how much Cherry would be a part of your life.


I can't wait to read the next chapter :D

Love ya Sweetie! :heart::kiss:

thank you Drew :hug: the story wouldn't have been possible if not for your suggestions and corrections.

thank you :kiss::heart:

love you too baby :hug:

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On 08/26/2015 07:12 AM, Caz Pedroso said:

Great start to a wonderful tale. :heart:


So...how long until the next chapter??? I can't wait to hear what mischief the two of you get up to. :)

thank you Caz :hug:

I plan on writing a new one as soon as I find a suitable prompt, just not sure of when :unsure2:

once again thank you for reviewing :hug:

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And so begins a beautiful friendship. I really love this Victor. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Great start!! :)

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On 08/26/2015 07:15 AM, Headstall said:

What a sweet introduction to Cherry! I loved how you described her eyes. We learned so much about your life is such subtle ways, and in such a short time. I felt the closeness of your family, Victor, and it was lovely. I think you did a wonderful justice to Cherry here, and to yourself as a fresh, new writer. You made me understand how this lonely, frightened boy needed this four-legged friend that would never hold him in judgement. I think maybe your soul was crying out for her, and somebody listened. I am impressed and very pleased that my young friend had the courage to jump in... and I can't wait to read more... well done, and cheers... Gary

Gary :glomp:

I am really happy to know that you liked the description of her eyes. I could go on and on about how beautiful they are but didn't want to disinterest the readers :*)...you are right, I was lonely and needed someone terribly at that time....you and Cherry were the ones that inspired me to write :yes:

so, thank you :hug::kiss:

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On 08/26/2015 07:16 AM, Reader1810 said:

Out of likes, so I'll do that later.

That was a sweet story Victor. There's nothing like the unconditional love of a pet.....


thank you Reader :hug:. it's true, their love brings answers to so many things :yes:.....cheers :thumbup:

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Nicely done young man! I am looking forward to more tales of your days together.

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On 08/26/2015 07:29 AM, Defiance19 said:

And so begins a beautiful friendship. I really love this Victor. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Great start!! :)

thank you Def! :hug: I couldn't wait to write more either ^_^ .....once again thank you for reviewing :hug:

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Victor's parents seem to be quite observant and nice and caring, and they were certainly right about getting him a puppy. :lol: So it's difficult to reconcile with his fear of coming out, but I guess he knows them best, and those kind of gut feelings should be taken seriously. But it did make me sad in spite of the cute puppy.

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On 08/26/2015 07:41 AM, Kitt said:

Nicely done young man! I am looking forward to more tales of your days together.

:hug: thank you Ma! it was nice reminiscing our days together :yes:....and hence this story has turned more interesting and fun to write :D:music:

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This was a great first chapter Victor. I felt your fear and loneliness and your need for a friend. A pet can be that for someone who feels like they have no one they can talk to. It sounds like Cherry became that for you. Your family sound like wonderful people as well and your father is very wise. I am looking forward to reading more about your friendship. Good work Victor :hug:

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What a nice introduction to Cherry but even more a wonderful introduction to a frightened boy in need of a loving companion.
You're off to a good start and I look forward to the next part of your story.

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A great start, Victor, and I am looking forward to the next chapter in your story. I had to smile at the part where you were chased up a tree, because it always seems that animals can tell when you are not into them, and it seems to make them more determined to be with you.
My german shepheard was my earliest memory, so I never had a period of not liking a dog--I was three years old, and had her until the summer after high school graduation. My first piece here is a prompt about being her 'boy'.
More please, my friend!

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Well done Victor. I could really picture you looking into those eyes and Cherry melting your heart. And it cost your sister a pair of earrings, never bet against love :)
We also got to see a lot about you and your family as well.
In true "hungry bird" style, bring on the next chapter and congratulations

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On 08/26/2015 07:42 AM, Timothy M. said:

Victor's parents seem to be quite observant and nice and caring, and they were certainly right about getting him a puppy. :lol: So it's difficult to reconcile with his fear of coming out, but I guess he knows them best, and those kind of gut feelings should be taken seriously. But it did make me sad in spite of the cute puppy.

you are quite true about Victor's parents onkel Tim :yes:, Victor's family is quite nice and caring :thumbup:...and as for the other questions, they'll be answered in coming chapters

thank you for reading and reviewing :hug:

cheers :thumbup:

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On 08/26/2015 08:06 AM, EagleIsaac said:

This was a great first chapter Victor. I felt your fear and loneliness and your need for a friend. A pet can be that for someone who feels like they have no one they can talk to. It sounds like Cherry became that for you. Your family sound like wonderful people as well and your father is very wise. I am looking forward to reading more about your friendship. Good work Victor :hug:

:hug: thank you uncle E :yes:

I'm really happy that you were able to feel all of that ^_^, this story wouldn't have been possible if not for you and Drew and hence I'm even more thankful to you

cheers :hug:

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On 08/26/2015 09:14 AM, dughlas said:

What a nice introduction to Cherry but even more a wonderful introduction to a frightened boy in need of a loving companion.

You're off to a good start and I look forward to the next part of your story.

Dugh!! :hug: I am really happy to know that you liked the beginning :yes:....I hope to update the story fairly quick :unsure2:....thank you and Cheers :thumbup:

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On 08/26/2015 09:24 AM, ColumbusGuy said:

A great start, Victor, and I am looking forward to the next chapter in your story. I had to smile at the part where you were chased up a tree, because it always seems that animals can tell when you are not into them, and it seems to make them more determined to be with you.

My german shepheard was my earliest memory, so I never had a period of not liking a dog--I was three years old, and had her until the summer after high school graduation. My first piece here is a prompt about being her 'boy'.

More please, my friend!

you're right CG :lol:, animals can be very persuasive :gikkle:...and you maybe knowing more about what happened with the dog family in future :unsure2:

I've actually read your story when I was still a "ghost" and it was beautifully written :yes::2thumbs:

thank you and cheers :hug:

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On 08/26/2015 10:03 PM, Bucket1 said:

Well done Victor. I could really picture you looking into those eyes and Cherry melting your heart. And it cost your sister a pair of earrings, never bet against love :)

We also got to see a lot about you and your family as well.

In true "hungry bird" style, bring on the next chapter and congratulations

yep!! :yes: totally true :gikkle:....love is totally unpredictable, never knows when and how it hits you ^_^ ....and in true author style :X :X :gikkle:....but Ill try to write it fast though :yes:......thank you uncle B :hug:....cheers :thumbup:

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Hey, yeah I'm late.. this was nice VIctor. A dog adopted me when I needed him, he's been my friend for a few years. All his is is love and acceptance. Just what I needed, and you did.
I look forward to reading more of your story.



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On 10/06/2015 11:02 AM, Mikiesboy said:

Hey, yeah I'm late.. this was nice VIctor. A dog adopted me when I needed him, he's been my friend for a few years. All his is is love and acceptance. Just what I needed, and you did.

I look forward to reading more of your story.



True TJ :yes: ...they have so much love in them to give and unlike most people, they do not judge us :) ....This story would at a slower pace as I am trying to use prompts :( ...thank you for reading and reviewing :hug: ...

Cheers :thumbup:

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Victor - a late entry, but here goes: how lucky for you to find a dog, and companion who adopted you, not the other way 'round. Funny how the things you resist the most can turn things around on you isn't it? I envy you the genuine affection you now have.

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