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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Walls - 11. June 2015

CJ grimaced in the mirror while using a moist towelette to remove the remaining vestiges of make-up. Damn, was he glad it was over. He felt weird wearing the stuff and wondered if he would ever get used to it.

“You did well, CJ. Thank you so much for agreeing to participate.” Aileen Ridder had convinced him to volunteer at the Human Rights Campaign back in August when they’d met. For the past few months he’d spent a couple of hours each week at the organization’s headquarters, learning about HRC’s programs and positions, and lending a hand whenever asked. “You’re a natural. I wish you would do some more appearances for us.”

“There’s not enough hours in the day right now, Aileen. What with classes about to end, I need to spend time on schoolwork.”

He had agreed to participate in a panel discussion for the local Public Broadcast System station and had enjoyed the experience. The PBS reporter put him and the other participants at ease from the beginning, and the ensuing conversation regarding the pending case in front of the Supreme Court had flowed in a relaxed manner. To his surprise, even the Christian Evangelical representative from the right wing group was somewhat pleasant as she spouted the old tired lines about same-sex marriage leading to complete societal breakdown. What a crock of shit!

“If we still don’t have a decision by the time the school year’s over, I’d love for you to do a few more appearances. I’d enjoy seeing you on Fox. Your personality and knowledge would be a great visual compared to their often biased blabber.”

“Ha! That’d be rich. Me on Faux News!”

• • •

“I’m glad you came down, bud.” CJ placed an arm around Sean’s shoulders and gave him a shake. “I wish you’d do it more often. You know you always have a place to stay with me and the dads.”

“Yeah, I know. And I might start doing it now and then. But you gotta remember I’m working two jobs now and the timing has to be right. The bar can do without me for a weekend here and there, but it means I miss out on the money. And the personal training bit means I can’t be away from the clients too often. You gonna be around this summer? Or are you jetting off somewhere again?”

Strolling through the display booths at Capital Pride, the two shirtless, sweaty men led a parade of their friends following close behind. Rainbow flags and half-naked studs abounded, eliciting appreciative glances and the occasional grunt or soft whistle from them both.

“I’ll be gone for a couple of weeks next month, but I’ll be in DC otherwise.” CJ shrugged while lifting his Ray-Bans to stare and chuckle at a prancing, muscle-bound guy wearing a kilt, boots, and enough rainbow-colored bead necklaces to hide half his chest. “Woof! Looks, nine. Butch factor, five.”

“That’s sooo sexist and un-PC. So what if the guy looks like my dad and acts like my mom?”

CJ matched the chuckling as they moved through the crowd. “But I’ll be in New York at some point too. Ozzie has this internship at the Nature Conservancy so we’re thinking of taking a few weekend trips. Kinda show him some more of the US.”

“You two getting real chummy, ain’t cha?” Sean’s snicker earned him a slap on the butt.

“No more than you and Ethan! What’s going on with you guys?”

“Honestly? Not sure. We’ve seen each other twice since we met. He’s come to New York and stopped in for drinks at PRIME while I was tending bar. He invited me to come down this weekend, and that’s when I called your dad. I didn’t want to stay at Ethan’s place.”

“How come? Doesn’t sound like you to pass the chance to get laid.”

“You’re such a dick! I’ve been getting laid since before you were born and paid to have sex for quite a while. This is a bit different. I kinda like the guy.”

“Don’t exaggerate. You’re not even ten years older than I am. And as for Ethan, yeah, fucker grows on ya. I hated his guts at first when he was hitting on Ozzie, but he turned out okay. So, you gonna be seeing him a lot when he goes back home for the summer?”

“We’ll see… Hey, you realize this is where we met two years ago?”

“Hell, yeah! I remember seeing you with all the red fur on your chest and wanting to lick you up!”


“And your point is? That was a very strange day. It was my first real gay event, I’d just moved to DC, and it was the day Doc and Chip broke up. At least we got to meet you. It made it worth the drama.”

Sean closed his eyes and shook his head. “And all thanks to my asshole brother deciding to sleep with a man in a relationship. Chip was an idiot to let Doc slip away.”

“Y’all talking about my dad?” Chipper had snuck up behind them and nudged his way between CJ and Sean.

“Yep,” Sean replied, ruffling the younger guy’s hair. The bottle-blonde color from the previous summer was gone, but he still wore it longish, the strands brushing against his shoulders. “I was telling CJ your dad was stupid to let Doc get away.”

“He definitely was. And I remind him of it every time we talk.”

“You’re going to see him again this vacation, right?” CJ asked.

“Cristina and I plan on spending a week with him on our way back from Argentina. I hope he’s gotten rid of the gold digger he was dating. The guy must be like twenty-four or something by now. He’s getting too old for my father.”


Sean chuckled at the antics of the two guys. “When are you coming to New York?”

“I’ll be up there for a few days after school lets out. Cristina and I are flying to Buenos Aires from JFK.”

“Are you staying at the apartment? You know you can come down to Chelsea and workout at WOOF if you want. We can hang out if I don’t have clients.”

“Actually…” Chipper stared at the ground before looking up again and smiling. “I’m staying with Ajax and his girlfriend. I’ll be in Queens.”

“Well, what do you know? You dog!”

• • •

“They’re really close, aren’t they?” Ethan nodded towards CJ and Sean, walking with their arms around each other in front of him and Owen.

“Yeah… You heard the story of what happened last year. CJ has this intense reaction whenever Sean’s around. He’s said it’s gratitude but I think there’s a feeling of family. Like they’re brothers.”

“The boy I met back in February is the only brother CJ has, right?”

“Yep. Ritchie’s a cool kid. He idolizes his older brother and that’s what I see when CJ talks about Sean. So what’s the deal between the two of you? I’m surprised he’s not staying with you.”

“I’m a little pissed about it. But he said he didn’t want to come down just for sex. He wanted to stay with CJ and his parents since he’d never accepted their invitation before.”

“You could have stayed over last night if you’d wanted to. The dads wouldn’t have minded.”

“The dads?” Ethan stared at Owen and smirked. “Is that what you call them?”

Owen chuckled, realizing what he’d said. “Scary, ain’t it? But that’s what CJ calls them and they treat me like I’m a family member. They’re César and Brett―or Captain―but I do find myself thinking of them as the dads.”

“Me thinks I hear wedding bells. Anyway, I would have felt funny spending the night. Can you imagine? ‘Good morning, Mr. Abelló. I hope you don’t mind I came over so Sean could have his way with me.’ That would have gone over well.”

Their laughter was interrupted when Bradley ambled over and fell in step with them. “Hey, guys, how about one of you getting me a beer?”

“Bloody hell, Brad. What the fuck’s wrong with you? Tom let you come with us today but made it clear there was to be no alcohol for you. You wanna get him pissed at us?”

“Aww, come on, Ozzie. Only one. He won’t know.”

“Yeah, but I would. It ain’t happening.”

“Fine, I’ll go flirt with some of those guys who keep staring at me. Maybe one of them will get me a drink. And you never know, I might get a BJ out of the deal too.”

As the boy walked away, Ethan shook his head. “Is he always like that?”

“That boy’s headed for trouble. He’s been grounded plenty over the past few months and his dad’s not going to put up with his shit. I think he’s still adapting to the additional liberty he has since he moved from Boston. But unlike my boyfriend, who knows when not to cross the line, Brad seems intent on stomping on it every chance he gets.”

• • •

“Where’s Patrick?” Dash asked Tom. “How come he didn’t come out with us?”

“He had a meeting after mass this morning. The priest at Holy Cross hooked him up with a summer job and he had an orientation session to attend.”

“Really? What type of job?”

“Camp counselor. Up in Maine. A place the Catholic Church runs for inner city kids. Paddy will be working with pre-teens.” Tom retrieved a blue bandanna from the back pocket of his jeans and mopped up the sweat from his forehead. “Damn, it’s hot today. Anyway, he’ll be gone most of the summer and then spend a couple of weeks with his mother. Hilary and her boyfriend are getting married at the end of July so both kids will be up there for the wedding.”

“What’s Brad doing over his vacation?” Doc nodded towards the older Kennedy boy who seemed to be pestering Ethan and Owen―walking ahead of the older men―about something or other. “That son of yours has too much damn energy. Look at him run off all over the place.”

Tom sighed and shook his head while JP chuckled. “That one gives me regular headaches. He’s going to summer school. His grades haven’t been the best. He pulled them up at the end―with his brother and CJ tutoring him―but it wasn’t pretty. And he’s got a job for a few hours a week with Leo Dallas. Brett talked the guy into letting Brad work for the construction company.”

“That should keep him busy. Maybe it’ll calm him down some?”

“I hope so. We were talking to César and Brett before they left town for the weekend. I was complaining about what a pain Brad can be. When you compare him to CJ or Chipper, my kid’s a wild man.”

Dash looked at Tom as if he had grown a second head. “Hah! Shows how little you know. Chipper’s no saint. But I guess he is a good kid. I’m looking forward to being around him more when I move in with Doc.”

JP clamped a hand on Doc’s shoulder and gave him a small shake. “Mate, we think it’s awesome the two of you decided to shack up. About bloody time!”

“Thanks.” Doc looked at the ground and kicked a pebble out of the way. “It took me a while to get there, but it feels right. It’s been two years since the fiasco with Chip. Can you believe it was right here, during Capital Pride, I confirmed my worst fears? The fucker was cheating on me and had the balls to introduce us to his boy-toy when we bumped into the kid.”

“Y’all have no idea how thankful I am Chip was such a screw-up.” Dash spoke softly, looking at Doc, a half smile on his face.

“Y’all?” Tom asked, chuckling.

“Yeah, well, Southern Boy over here’s been rubbing off on me. Even Chipper uses y’all on a regular basis. But what I started to say is, being entirely selfish, Chip and his antics may have caused Doc a lot of pain but I’m glad he fucked up. I wasn’t even here at Capital Pride two years ago, but it ended up being my lucky day.”

“We’re happy for you guys.” Tom grabbed JP’s hand, interlaced their fingers, and gave his husband a peck on the cheek. “I think being an old married couple makes us want to see our friends paired off and happy. Now all we have to do is get Dragon to settle down with somebody.”

JP burst out laughing. “Yeah, good luck with that, mate!”

• • •

“Are you going to make your hair yellow again?”

Chipper chuckled and hugged the first-grader sitting on his lap a little tighter. “I don’t know, Gabi. I’ll see how I feel when I’m in Argentina over the summer. You liked it bleached?”

Gabriella Tomassi looked at her twin brother sitting on CJ’s lap and giggled. “I want Emmi to do it, but Daddy said no.”

“Yuck! I don’t wanna paint my hair. I like it the way it is, like Uncle CJ’s.”

The guys sitting at the table in Rogo’s laughed at the two kids' antics. The six friends had spent the morning together and then gathered at the restaurant for a farewell lunch. School was out for summer, Thiago had graduated from School Without Walls High School, and tomorrow, some of them would be leaving Washington.

CJ bumped fists with the boy and bounced him on his knee to the kid’s delight. “You tell ‘em, big guy. I was surprised when I saw Chipper with bleached hair last year, but then I got used to it. Not for me, though. I’ll stick to my regular summertime high-and-tight haircut and keep the color. What about you, Harley? You gonna come back from Wisconsin a bottle blonde?”

“Nah, bruh, that ain’t me. Plus, I’m only gonna be gone two weeks this year. I’m coming back to work full time for Danno during July and August. He said he’ll need me more since he’ll be spending a lot more time here at the restaurant until he hires new people.”

“Don’t look at me!” Bradley said when all eyes turned in his direction. “I already get enough stares with the bright red hair. Can you imagine the look on Principal Edwards if I showed up for summer school with it bleached?”

“Maybe Thiago will do something wild like that while he’s in Brazil this summer.” Patrick had problems getting the words out through his laughter. “Are you excited about the trip?”

“Not me, homie. A black guy with blonde hair’s always looked freaky to me. And you bet your butt I’m excited. I’ve never been there, but always wanted to go. When Mom and Dad surprised me with the trip as a graduation present, I went nuts.”

“They’re going with you, right?” Brad asked. “I’m jealous the drinking age’s eighteen down there. Wish I could spend a summer at the beach enjoying a few brews and watching all those half-naked hot women.”

“The ’rents will be there for the first week with me. Then I’m on my own, but I’ll be staying with family. You’re so gonna hate me, Red. My cousins tell me even though there’s a legal age, anyone can buy booze at the corner stores. You’d probably spend the entire time drunk.”

“I’m hoping some of the construction guys I’ll be working with will take pity on me and buy me a six-pack or a bottle every now and then.”

CJ rolled his eyes, glanced at Patrick, and gave him an almost imperceptible nod. “You and I are going to be the only ones in town for some time, Brad. You better not show up drunk at my house. My dads and yours may tie you to a chair if you don’t start behaving. And I’ll be happy to help them.”

“Hey! I’m old enough to make decisions on my own. I don’t need―”

“How’re you doing, guys? Are the kids behaving?”

“Hi, Daddy!” Gabriella scrambled off Chipper’s lap and raised her arms for her father to pick her up.

Grabbing his young daughter, Adriano Tomassi―Rogo’s general manager and part owner―glanced behind him at the woman who’d approached the table with him and smiled. “Do you boys mind if Margarita and I sit with you for a few minutes?”

“Of course not!” CJ and Thiago said simultaneously as they stood, stole two chairs from the table next to theirs and brought them over, as the others in the group shuffled around to make space.

“Thanks, guys.” Margarita Rivera was the day manager at the establishment and the group of friends was well acquainted with her from their frequent visits. “Where’s Owen?” She asked CJ.

“Our friend Ethan’s headed up to New York tomorrow. Ozzie’s helping him pack.”

“You know, the twins are going to miss you all.”

“What do you mean miss us?” CJ asked. “We’ll all be back in town and in here often enough when summer’s over. And I’ll be here all the time. I’m only going away for two weeks this year.”

Margarita looked at Adriano, an enigmatic smile creasing her face. “You tell them, honey.”

Adriano reached over to take her hand and smiled at the table full of teenagers. “Margarita has agreed to marry me.”


“Way to go, dude.”

“That’s great news, bruh.”

“Let’s order a round to celebrate.”

“Shut up, Bradley. When’s the wedding, guys?” CJ asked. “This is fantastic.”

“That’s one reason we wanted to tell you boys today.” Margarita looked at all the smiling teens surrounding her. “You’re all invited to attend. It’ll be a small ceremony and we’ll have the reception here. But I’m not sure if you’ll all be back in town. We’re having the ceremony here in DC, but we’re moving to New Jersey right after. We want to be settled in when the twins start school in the fall.”

“You’re moving?” CJ was shocked. He recalled when Adriano’s wife had died two years before―the same day he’d been arrested by those two homophobic cops―and how the man had considered moving to his hometown at the time. “But Uncle Danno made you an owner here so you wouldn’t leave.”

“That he did and I’ll be thankful to him forever.” Adriano’s face took on a serious tone as Margarita squeezed their hands together. “My dad’s health is deteriorating, the family business is growing, and my brothers approached me about helping run it. Danno understands. He’ll be the sole owner again and that’s good. But right now, he’s hating us since he’s losing two managers.”

• • •

When CJ explained to Trip during Harley’s birthday party what he wanted in exchange for agreeing to being interviewed, the reporter had berated him. “For being so smart, sometimes you’re utterly stupid, CJ. Did you really think you had to bribe me in order for me to help?”

“Ummm, I don’t―”

“Shut up! You’re worried about your buddy, who just so happens to be the son of one of my closest friends.” Trip sounded peeved as he sat on the canal’s retaining wall next to the teen and his boyfriend. “All you had to do is ask! I can’t believe you think so little of me.”

“Ummm, I thought―”

“I said, shut up! If my personal experiences can help Brad avoid some of the nasty shit I’ve gone through, count me in. Now, does Tom know what you want to do? Who else is in on this?”

Later that day, CJ spoke with Tom Kennedy and received a hug and a kiss on his head after he explained what he wanted to do. The detective had given his wholehearted approval and the rest of the high school gang had become willing participants. As Trip now approached their table at Rogo’s, the guys quieted down and CJ gently elbowed Chipper. “Showtime, dude.”

“Hey, guys.” Trip aimed a wink in CJ’s direction. “How was lunch?”

“Bruh, it was awesome. I can’t wait until I’m working next door all the time. I know where I’m having lunch every day. I mean, unless there’s food trucks in the area. Then I may have to try them out. They always have the best frickin’ food. There’s this one taco truck CJ and I ate at last year I keep looking for all the time. Their carnitas―”


“Ooops, sorry. Lunch was good…”

Trip shook his head, smiling at Harley’s antics. “Why don’t you guys take care of the check and then come next door to the warehouse. You can see the car Harley will be working on next and I’ve got something I want to talk to you boys about.”

The teens stood, reached into their pockets, threw bills on the table, and ambled towards the door connecting the restaurant with the space Danno used to work on and display cars, which also served as his living quarters.

“Come on upstairs to the loft and then we’ll check the cars out.” Trip grabbed the railing to the spiral staircase and led the way to the residential area built along the side wall.

“So, what’s going on?” Bradley looked at his friends as he sat on one of the two hammock chairs hanging from the ceiling. “Do you guys have more of these things for downstairs? I’ve seen the hooks on the ceiling there.”

“Nope, those hooks are there for something else. As for what’s going on, you are.” Trip sat on the edge of the opposing swing and stared Bradley in the eyes. “Your friends are worried about you. About your partying and your drinking. About coming close to losing your place at Walls because of bad grades. They asked for my help.”

“Yeah, well you can all go fuck yourselves!” Brad’s crimson face matched his hair. He jumped off the chair and stood clenching his hands into fists. The volume of his voice rose until he was almost shouting. “I don’t need no help. I’m doing just fine. And I don’t need you so-called-friends treating me like a little kid!”

“Fuck you, Red.” CJ was irate; his tone and volume assured anyone who heard him he was not going to go easy on his friend. He stood and pushed Bradley back into the chair. “You don’t get to choose who cares about you. Got me? The way you’ve been acting, you’re an embarrassment to your father, to your brother, to JP, and to me. I’ve had it with you! If I have to sit on you until you listen, I will.”

“Yeah, I bet you’d like sitting on me. What’s the problem, Ozzie not fucking you hard enough? You want me to stuff my dick up your crack too?” Bradley’s comment was met with silence. CJ seemed frozen in place standing in front of the Kennedy boy. He shook his head and turned his back on his friend.

“Enough of this shit!” Trip walked over to CJ, and taking him by the arm, guided the young man to the spot he’d just vacated. “Sit down, CJ. Brad, you’ll apologize to him later. He and the rest of your friends love you and you’re being a spoiled brat. If you don’t want to be treated as a little kid, stop acting like one. I told your father what these guys planned and he gave me permission to say and do what I felt best. So right now, you’re going to sit there. You’re not going to utter a word. And you’re going to listen to what I have to say.”

Trip’s story took a while to tell. While a student at the University of Texas he’d acknowledged and accepted his attraction to other men and came out to his family the next time he left Austin on break. His parents had neither condemned nor supported him; they seemed to ignore the matter when he made his announcement over dinner. He found solace in a bottle of tequila and in jumping in bed with the first attractive guy who looked his way in whatever gay bar he found himself for the evening.

Until one day he woke up in a hospital, broken bones and bruises the result of wrapping his sports car around a tree. His grandfather was at his side and remained with him through his stay. Afterwards, he’d completed his recovery at Grandpa Houston’s home and spent a lot of time talking with the older man.

His grandfather checked him into a rehab facility, supported his battle with addiction, and eventually drove a sober Trip back to school. When the old man became sick and died two years ago, Trip faltered. He started drinking again. This time it was Danno who forced him to enter a facility, and since then he had not touched a drop of alcohol.

“So, you see, Brad, I’ve been there. I know how good it feels to have booze burn down your throat and make you forget shit.”

“I’m not trying to forget anything! Plus, I’m not like you. I ain’t gay. I’m not going to be looking for guys to fuck me like you did!”

“I’ll ignore the dismissive tone. And okay, maybe you aren’t like me and maybe you aren’t trying to forget anything. Maybe you’re just celebrating your new life. The fact you have fathers who let you do almost anything you want and―”

“Bullshit they do. I’ve spent most of the past semester grounded.” The redhead was having a hard time controlling himself, evidenced by his constant moving while seated. He fidgeted and swung his legs to propel the swing back and forth.

“And who’s fault is that? I haven’t heard of any of these other guys getting grounded. I haven’t seen them acting up like you have. Why is that?”

Up to this point, Patrick had remained quiet. He now looked at his older brother with moist eyes. “You have to stop this, Brad. I’m scared for you. I don’t want to lose my brother in an accident or something. And think about Dad. Grandfather kept us away from him all those years and you’re screwing it up. Dad’s gone out of his way to make us feel welcome and so has JP. I know they won’t give up on you but you’re hurting them both. Is that what you want? You want to drive them away after all they’ve done for us? They didn’t have to take us in, you know?”

Brad stared at the carpeting covering the metal grating beneath his feet and seemed to deflate. He slumped back in his seat looking defeated. “I don’t know.” His words were almost inaudible. “Seems like I don’t know anything anymore.”

“Did you know alcohol causes men’s brains to release higher levels of endorphins than women’s?” Trip spoke in a softer way than he had before. “It’s one reason we enjoy getting drunk more than they do. Or that some of us have a genetic pre-disposition to booze?”

“Really?” Brad’s tone had changed; he sounded beat and intrigued.

“Yeah, really. But in the end, drinking’s a crutch. No matter how much pleasure you may derive from it, it’s temporary. It doesn’t solve anything and it can fuck up your life. You may be feeling all loose and happy not being under your grandfather’s thumb any more, but I think you’ve gone too far in the other direction.

“You’re going to school five mornings a week and working three afternoons. Starting this week, I’m coming to pick you up at Walls on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I volunteer at a substance abuse program and you’re coming with me those days. I want you to sit in and listen to what people fighting addiction have to say. It may just open your eyes.”

CJ spoke up for the first time since Trip had taken over the conversation. “And I want you to come running with me in the mornings, Red. It’s gonna be you, Ozzie, and me alone around here for a while and I’d like the company. Fucking boyfriend doesn’t like to get up at the crack of dawn like I do.” The joke eased the tension in the room making the guys chuckle.

“Fine!” Bradley sagged in his chair, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. “I guess I don’t have much of a choice in this since Dad agreed to it. But I still think you’re all dicks. CJ, I’m sorry about my crack about your crack.”

“Asshole!” Both guys were smiling and bumped fists to seal the deal.

• • •

In February, when the tour was announced, CJ purchased four tickets for the performance in Washington. He knew most guys his age wouldn’t dream of attending a concert with his boyfriend and parents, but after the great time they’d had in Florida the previous year, he was looking forward to seeing Imagine Dragons with his dads and Owen. When plans coalesced for Ritchie’s move to DC, the date of the performance conflicted with their travel schedule. He was able to sell the purchased tickets online but was unable to obtain four good ones for the show in Philadelphia. César and Brett encouraged him to buy the two seats he could get his hands on while nixing the idea of driving up and returning right after. They insisted he and Owen spend the night and return the following day.

“What you reading?” CJ steered Defiant onto I-95 while Owen sat in the passenger seat engrossed in his tablet.

“Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion.” Owen glanced at his boyfriend for a moment, smirked, and turned his eyes to the screen again.

“You’re such a dick!” CJ shook his head and chuckled at the brevity of the response. “So are you going to share what he had to say or are you forcing me to read the damn thing myself?”

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were interested.”


The previous day, the Supreme Court had announced its much awaited decision in the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges case. In a five-four ruling, the court found bans against same-sex marriages unconstitutional. The celebration at Rogo’s rivaled the one two years before when the Defense of Marriage Act was overturned and led to César and Brett, and Tom and JP getting married.

“So, what’s his argument?” CJ asked.

“Same as usual, he claims there’s no basis for the Court striking down legislation the Fourteenth Amendment does not expressly forbid. It’s the same argument at the crux of most of his dissents. He wants a strict interpretation of the Constitution without taking into account changes in the world.”

“I can understand that in some situations. But I think if the Constitution doesn’t explicitly forbid something, then it’s okay for the Court to interpret it as it sees fit.”

“Bingo! Could you imagine if the Constitution had to be amended every time Congress or a state decided to pass a law allowing or forbidding something not mentioned in the document? I look at it as a road map. A general guide with overriding principles which are meant to be interpreted by the legislature and the courts. If you follow his logic, black and white people could still be prohibited from marrying since there’s no specific mention of interracial unions in the Fourteenth Amendment.”

CJ grimaced at the thought and tapped the steering wheel to the beat of the music in his head. “Like the song says: you can’t stop the motion of the ocean. No matter how much some people may want to stop progress, as time goes by they’ll find themselves on the wrong side of history.”

• • •

CJ was out of his seat like a rocket the moment the opening number's first bars rang out through the Wells Fargo Center. Bobbing his head to the beat of “Shots”, his whooping was echoed by the thousands of concert goers. The head movements were joined by a jerky side-to-side sway of his shoulders, and pretty soon he was singing along at the top of his lungs and dancing in place. He grabbed Owen’s hand, pulled him out of his chair, and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend’s waist making the Aussie smile and join in the partying.

“Fuck! This is my favorite!” CJ shouted as the lead singer started, “It’s Time.” He sang along without missing a word, increasing his volume and punching the air with his fist each time the refrain, “I’m never changing who I am” was repeated. He never sat down for more than a few moments; when he heard the beginning of “On Top of the World,” he turned on his phone's flashlight app and waved the bright light above his head like many in the capacity crowd did. He noticed but ignored Owen’s furrowed brow when after singing the opening lines, he stopped and listened to the remainder of the song in silence.

Long after the concert was over and they’d returned to their hotel room, the first stanza haunted him:

If you love somebody
Better tell them while they’re here ’cause
They just may run away from you

Naked, tired, and content with the evening, CJ settled in bed and wrapped himself around Owen. His final thoughts as he closed his eyes returned to the lines from the song which still repeated itself in his mind. Before falling asleep, he snuggled closer to Owen, kissed the back of his head and whispered in his ear, even though the man was already softly snoring. “I’m glad you’re with me, Ozzie.”

• • •

“What are you reading, Jarhead?”

Brett placed the tablet face down on his lap and scooted a little higher against the headboard watching César crawl in bed next to him. “Priest and Pariahs.

“What’s that?”

“It’s the third book in the Ship Logs of the Santa Claus series. CJ turned me on to it. Gay themed science fiction stories about a ship full of gay men.”

“Yumm! Sounds like a nice way to travel…”


César took the tablet off his husband’s body, placed it on the nightstand, and rested his head on the man’s chest. “Awfully quiet around here tonight, don’t ya think?”

“It’s been that way for a week since the boys had their farewell lunch last Saturday. I don’t know what went down but it must have been heavy. And our son, the little fucker, won’t tell me anything.”

“Yeah, all he’ll say’s they had a chat with Brad. Even Tom doesn’t know the details.”

“Brad’s been quite subdued. Leo told me he’s working hard and keeps to himself most of the time.”

“I’m pretty sure they orchestrated an intervention and CJ was the conductor.” César chuckled, reached over, and turned off the lamp on his side of the bed. The curtains were open at both ends and the city lights bathed the room in a soft glow. “Our kid’s definitely the ringleader. I’m amazed how the rest of the guys follow his lead.”

“He’d make a good marine.”

“Yeah… he would at that. I think he can succeed at anything he tries. Do you realize in a year he’ll graduate from Walls and be ready to start college?”

Brett groaned and tried to cover his head with the bedsheet. “Don’t remind me! I’m dreading it. The thought of not having him around every day is haunting.”

“We may as well get used to the idea. He couldn’t stop talking about how great the University of Miami was after his visit.”

“You think we can make him flunk out so he sticks around for at least one more year? I haven’t had enough time with him yet.”




by Imagine Dragon


It’s Time

On Top of The World


by Mann Ramblings

Priest and Pariahs - Book 3 of The Ship Logs of the Santa Claus

Thank you Mann Ramblings, Kitt, and Reader 1810 for your hard work.
It doesn't matter if you're reading this right after it's posted or sometime later in time; don't forget to like the chapter and/or leave a comment in the review section!
C. A. Hazday
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Chapter Comments

Why haven't I heard one single "wicked" from any of our Bostonians? hehehe I guess Ritchie arrives next month huh? Looking forward to more.

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Brad has a difficult road to walk. I hope he can stick to it. Which is more important his friends or the bottle. He has awesome friends.
Harley can jump tangents in conversations like no one I know. Love that kid.
Is the summer a foretaste of what is to come. Will CJ's posse eventually go their own ways. Hope not.
How quickly time passes.
Another amazing chapter. Thank you.

Edited by dughlas
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I was really hoping for an intervention. Now I want to see how it affects Brad going forward.


I realize there is only one more chapter in this year. I hope the next one starts soon after. I miss the quiet when the boys are gone too!


Thanks again, Carlos.


Tony F

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Summer is about to begin, and everyone is going their separate ways for awhile. I imagine the home by the Exorcist Stairs will be a place for everyone to touch base and reconnect. Lots of interesting tidbits from CJ's world in this chapter. It's interesting how much information you can share about the group in one conversation! Having been involved in an intervention, I know they can be pretty emotional. I hope things work out for Brad. As usual, thanks for a bright spot in my week! But what's up? It's only Thursday. Too excited and couldn't wait to share? ? Thanks. Jeff

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Brad is undergoing an intervention at CJ's insistence. Maybe it will work out. Maybe not...Brad may need more help and counsel than he currently admits. But we know CJ and his family and friends will be there for him. Loved the interplay with each couple following on in the beginning...each talking about the one in front. Splendid writing.

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On 3/16/2017 at 5:04 AM, JayT said:

Why haven't I heard one single "wicked" from any of our Bostonians? hehehe I guess Ritchie arrives next month huh? Looking forward to more.



I've avoided the regional language differences for the most part out of fear. Fear of screwing them up. Doc's used some southern stuff once in a while but those were simple and I've heard them often enough growing up in Florida. JP uses mate and bloody because he's an Aussie, but everyone knows those.

Ozzie has been a challenge. I've had help from a few different people but from what I hear most younger Aussies use American slang a lot due to the influence of TV shows. I know I've messed him up a couple of times but readers have been kind. :P

We head down to Miami next chapter!

Edited by Carlos Hazday
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On 03/16/2017 10:02 PM, dughlas said:

Brad hs a difficult road to walk. I hope he can stick to it. Which is more important his friends or the bottle. He has awesome friends.

Harley can jump tangents in conversations like no one I know. Love that kid.

Is the summer a foretaste of what is to come. Will CJ's posse eventually go their one ways. Hope not.

How quickly time passes.

Another amazing chapter. Thank you.

Brad has a great support system if he decides to use it. We should all be so lucky. Harley's fun to write, I can go crazy with his dialogue. I'm trying to write a slightly serious scene for him right now and I'm struggling.

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On 03/16/2017 10:29 PM, avidreadr said:

It's about time Brad was confronted about his drinking. I do think that it's a bit more than having the sudden freedom and hope Brad is able to resolve whatever the underlying problem is. As always, loved the chapter and as for Brett's premature empty nesting, he will have Ritchie around by then,. Look forward to Ritchie coming to live with them.

The timing was about right for the intervention. The friends were about to scatter to all corners of the world and I don't think they wanted the problem to fester. Trip will hopefully be able to help Brad the same way Dragon helped CJ.

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On 03/17/2017 12:47 AM, pvtguy said:

I was really hoping for an intervention. Now I want to see how it affects Brad going forward.


I realize there is only one more chapter in this year. I hope the next one starts soon after. I miss the quiet when the boys are gone too!


Thanks again, Carlos.


Tony F

Tony -


There are 20+ chapters of Walls written already. The book will post uninterrupted until the end. That would mean the June 2016 chapter and a couple of the months are double chapters so CJ will be around for a bit. :)

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On 03/17/2017 03:40 AM, Wesley8890 said:

Another great chapter. I'm glad Brad has enough friends who care about him. Dash and Doc yay!

Now all we have to do is get Dragon to settle down! LOL

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On 3/16/2017 at 1:08 PM, JeffreyL said:

Summer is about to begin, and everyone is going their separate ways for awhile. I imagine the home by the Exorcist Stairs will be a place for everyone to touch base and reconnect. Lots of interesting tidbits from CJ's world in this chapter. It's interesting how much information you can share about the group in one conversation! Having been involved in an intervention, I know they can be pretty emotional. I hope things work out for Brad. As usual, thanks for a bright spot in my week! But what's up? It's only Thursday. Too excited and couldn't wait to share? ? Thanks. Jeff

The world ends tomorrow so I thought I'd post early!

Okay, those are alternate facts. The truth's GA will be upgrading their software tomorrow and will be dark for a few hours. I wanted to post early to give readers a chance to read this week's installment.

I try to find a good balance but dialogue is easier and more fun to write for me. Whenever possible I like the characters to tell the story themselves. Also, with trying to tighten up the chapters by concentrating on fewer events at fewer locations, I get to cram everything into fewer scenes! :D

Edited by Carlos Hazday
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On 03/17/2017 05:14 AM, Daddydavek said:

The discussion of Scalia's reasoning in his dissent and why it fell short logically was coherent, concise and probably so even-handed that most of your readers will not understand what it implies about pending nomination of Gorsuch. Well done!

Thank you, Dave!


I really, really love how different readers pick up on different things. I wanted to highlight the decision and thought it would be logical to do it in a conversation between CJ and Ozzie. The former's a political junkie and the latter a law student. I wanted to keep histrionics out of the conversation, so no group discussion this time. I think those two make a pretty good couple, dontcha? Two sharp minds are a good thing, sooner or later the sex may slow down.

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On 03/17/2017 05:14 AM, Parker Owens said:

Brad is undergoing an intervention at CJ's insistence. Maybe it will work out. Maybe not...Brad may need more help and counsel than he currently admits. But we know CJ and his family and friends will be there for him. Loved the interplay with each couple following on in the beginning...each talking about the one in front. Splendid writing.



Would you really expect anyone else but CJ to be the instigator? This is the first step and it's now up to Brad what happens next. But at least he knows his friends will be there for him.


Thank you so much for the praise. That was one of those scenes I really visualized as if filmingt it. I could 'see' the side then the back of each set of characters as the camera panned and slid backwards after each conversation.

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Your happiness matters to me Sean. If it's with Ethan or some other guy, I just want you happy. #liesitellmyself #howtogetawaywithmurder
It was a very nice Pride..


I am so happy Doc is moving on. Adriano is moving on. Good things..


A CJ staged intervention was a good step to helping Bradley. He has the support of his friends but it's never that easy. He's got to put the work in. Possibly fall a couple times. We still don't know what the root of it all is..
Im not liking that everyone will be off doing their own thing over the summer. I'm sure it will be spectacular and lots will happen but still..
CJ and Owen have a serious discussion and its enlightening. These two will be alright..
Patrick! Could you tell me what you have planned for him? I know something is brewing.


I get how the dads feel about the quiet. When my son and his friends randomly invade my house I welcome the noise..


Well done sir, and I managed to get here on time!!

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On 03/17/2017 08:38 AM, Defiance19 said:

Your happiness matters to me Sean. If it's with Ethan or some other guy, I just want you happy. #liesitellmyself #howtogetawaywithmurder

It was a very nice Pride..


I am so happy Doc is moving on. Adriano is moving on. Good things..


A CJ staged intervention was a good step to helping Bradley. He has the support of his friends but it's never that easy. He's got to put the work in. Possibly fall a couple times. We still don't know what the root of it all is..

Im not liking that everyone will be off doing their own thing over the summer. I'm sure it will be spectacular and lots will happen but still..

CJ and Owen have a serious discussion and its enlightening. These two will be alright..

Patrick! Could you tell me what you have planned for him? I know something is brewing.


I get how the dads feel about the quiet. When my son and his friends randomly invade my house I welcome the noise..


Well done sir, and I managed to get here on time!!



Just wait until Chip shows up in DC! And the kids will all be back soon enough. CJ's just going to Miami for a little bit and we know where he goes Ozzie usually follows.


Patrick? Oh, yeah, Patrick. As CJ would say: Ummm

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CJ (natural born leader/politician) and Owen (future lawyer) are growing to be DC gay power couple 2.0 :)

It understandable that Brett want to keep the family around, although they went through a lot, it os only been 2year. The real question will be if CJ will still want to move no Florida now that the brother he missed for 2 years is moving and with Owen in law school in DC.

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On 3/18/2017 at 1:32 AM, Toddten said:

Great to story, each chapter is great.

Thanks, Todd. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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