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    Carlos Hazday
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Walls - 26. Epilogue

The Walls’ graduating class met on school grounds prior to the commencement exercise. The boisterous students donned their caps and gownsunder the watchful eyes of faculty membersamidst promises of life-long friendships and frequent communications. CJ suspected he would not be seeing a lot of the young men and women again, but he knew the handful he was closest to would be around him for the rest of his life.

Although the graduates would be allowed to sit anywhere within the section reserved for them at the George Washington University Lisner Auditorium, they made the three-minute walk between Walls and the theatre in the same order they would be walking up on stage to receive their diplomas.

Due to the alphabetical alignment, César Marcos Abelló, Jr. led the procession, while Harley Oshkosh Wilkinson claimed the last spot in line. Walking inside the auditorium, the group was met by the roar of a thunderous ovation from the assembled teachers, family members, and guests. Being the first one in the room, CJ selected a seat in the last row and saved spots next to his for Brad, Chipper, and Harley.

Mrs. Martha Edwards stood behind the podium on stage, smiling while her students filed into the room. They had been previously instructed to remain standing once they reached their seat. The rhythmic clapping by audience members and the occasional outbursts by enthusiastic relatives had heads swiveling and hands waving as students spotted loved ones.

“Welcome one and all to the 2016 School Without Walls High School graduation ceremony,” she said once Harley had squeezed his way to the spot next to CJ. “I ask the audience members to please stand for the singing of the National Anthem. And to welcome back 2015 Walls’ graduate, Thiago Baravento.”

Thiago’s rousing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner earned him a vociferous reaction from the crowd and inspired a few of the graduates to toss their caps in the air. The loudest cheering came from CJ’s Squad who high-fived and fist bumped each other while shouting their approval. One of the most enthusiastic responses came from Colonel Ray Edwards, the principal’s husband.

CJ had used his popularity and his diplomatic skills to lobby for his father’s former boss to deliver the commencement address. After easily convincing the Squad, together they persuaded the class officers to include him in the list of potential speakers. Working as a team, they then turned their attention to the other members of their class and when the vote was held, Colonel Edwards was selected with ease.

Mrs. Edwards approached the podium once again and hugged her former student. “Thank you, Thiago for that beautiful performance. Ladies and gentlemen, please, one more round of applause for a Walls’ graduate.” Thiago took a final bow and returned to his seat on the stage where Ray Edwards enthusiastically pumped his hand.

“Before we proceed with the scheduled events, there’s one item I’d like to take care of right now. CJ Abelló, could you please join us on the stage at this time?” Mrs. Edwards’ request took CJ by surprise. He looked right and left at his friends and his questioning look was met with shrugs; it seemed nobody was aware of this development. While he made his way to the side of the auditoriumwith quiet murmurings as a soundtrackthe principal spoke again.

“Yesterday, I received a package delivered by a government courier. Inside, there was a letter addressed to me and an envelope addressed to the graduating class. The message suggested Mr. Abelló would be the ideal person to share the contents with all of you. CJ?” She handed her student the smaller envelope and stepped back while he stared at his hands and approached the microphone.

“Ummm, hi. I’m as surprised as all of you. Guess you have to listen to me one more time.” The self-deprecating humor earned him some whistles and an assortment of cat calls. “This is White House stationery.” He carefully tore it open as his eyes returned to normal after having shot open when he first saw the missive. Smiling, he looked out on the audience and read the hand-written note:


‘Greeting and congratulations to the 2016 School Without Walls High School graduating class. Last Friday, I felt the same emotions I am certain your parents and loved ones are experiencing right now. Immense pride at my daughter Malia’s graduation from high school and extreme sadness at the prospect of her leaving our home and heading off to college.


‘Earlier that day, she showed me a text message she received from CJ Abelló offering his congratulations. CJ’s younger brother attends the same school my daughters do and Michelle and I have had the pleasure of meeting both siblings. It was gratifying that a young man, about to graduate himself and facing a few days of freedom, and I’m certain a modest amount of celebration, would take the time to communicate with someone he doesn’t know all that well.


‘I can’t say I was entirely surprised. CJ has impressed me as a caring individual and his message to my daughter solidified that opinion. I’m certain he’s by now blushing and that’s not my intent. I praise him because I find his attitude refreshing. And because I’m encouraged by the fact our schools are turning out capable men and women who care and display concern for their fellow citizens.


‘I have faith in our future. Faith in people like CJ and Malia. Faith, in all of you who cross an imaginary line between childhood and adulthood today. Faith, that your generation has much to offer our nation and our world. For together we can show we care about others and together we can work towards a better future. One day, one of you may sit in the Oval Office. And when that day comes, when the Millennial Generation takes over, I have faith that together, we will succeed at anything we try because we will be in great hands.


God bless you all. And God bless the United States of America.’”

CJ glanced up from the piece of paper in his hands and smiled. “It’s signed: Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America.”

“You’ve done good, son.” Colonel Edwards stopped CJ before he could leave the stage and shook his hand while at the same time holding his shoulder. He spoke quietly enough no one else could hear. “I know how proud your parents are of you and I want you to know Martha and I are too. Go back to your friends. We’ll talk again a little later.”

“Thank you, Colonel.” CJ returned to his seat with the roar of his classmates chanting his name in his ears. Although far from being boring, the remainder of the ceremony felt mundane. The speeches, musical performance, and diploma distribution were similar to prior graduations CJ had attended. The smile never left his face, however. And whenever he looked at any of his fellow students, he saw that smile reflected on their faces.

“What the heck, man? First my dad calls you and now my mom wants to talk to you? Here!” Chipper handed the phone to CJ while shaking his head.

Most of the crowd milled outside the auditorium after the ceremony was over. CJ thought he would end up bruised from all the hearty back slaps he was given and had to wipe lipstick from his face more than once due to all the kisses his female classmates gave him. With the phone to one ear, he covered the other one with his free hand and moved away from the throng surrounding him. “Susana? Hi!”

Hola, CJ. Congratulations!” Susana Pereira sounded happy but CJ thought he detected a little sadness in her voice. “I’m sorry I’m not there in person to give you a big hug and a kiss. Chipper thought it would be better if I traveled to the United States when he was ready to move into the dorms at school.”

“I know, I know. He told me you’ll be flying back from Buenos Aires with him at the end of his vacation.”

“I am. And I hope I get to see you when I’m in the States. In the meantime, I’m having a case of our best Malbec delivered to your house this week. Consider it a graduation present. And a token of my appreciation for everything you’ve done for my son.”

“Ummm, I don’t think I’ve done anything special, Susana. But thank you!”

“You helped make a difficult situation easier for him, CJ. You offered him friendship when he could have found himself alone in a new environment. And for that I’ll forever be grateful. You better make sure you come to New York or Miami when I’m there, okay? I want to see you while I’m in the states.”

“Wow! He’s gotten so big in the month since I’ve seen him! Can I hold him?” CJ gently shook the index finger Gamon Mookjai had taken hold of when Chatri and Helen weaved their way through the crowd surrounding their friend. Their six-month-old son gurgled when CJ smiled at the tyke.

“Hell yeah! Hold your hands out.” Chatri deposited the toddler in CJ’s arm. “He can hold his head up fine these days. You don’t have to worry so much about supporting his neck. But, if you drop him, you’re so dead.”

“Are the two of you ever going to grow up and treat each other like adults?” Helen rolled her eyes and pecked CJ’s cheek. “Congratulations, CJ.”

“Thanks!” CJ rocked the baby for a few seconds and then gripped the boy under the arms and held him up in the air a few inches above his head. The infant seemed to like it based on how he laughed while kicking his tiny legs. “You want to come home with Uncle CJ and Uncle Owen? We’ll take good care of you.”

“He’s bloody beautiful!” Owen tickled the boy under the chin, eliciting another round of happy gurgles from Gamon.

“Thanks, Owen. You’re a good man. But your boyfriend’s still a twerp.” Chatri took his son back and returned his attention to CJ. “You want a kid, you go make one yourself. This one’s ours. Anyway, we wanted to say hello before we went home.”

“You’re not gonna be at the party?” CJ hoped they would come to the house. He didn’t get to see the couple very often. “If he needs to sleep we can put him in our room and close the door.”

“We can’t, CJ. He’s about ready to be fed and I think the crowd will be too much for him. All the clapping and cheering during the ceremony kept him awake and we’re just waiting for him to start crying. Text me tomorrow and you and Owen can come over for dinner one night this week or next. We’ll even let you wipe his dirty butt and change his diaper.”

“Gee, thanks, Helen. That sounds exciting. NOT!”

CJ stretched out his legs and leaned against the back of the wrought iron yard bench he shared with Owen. Through the smoke cloud rising from his boyfriend’s cigar, he looked at the friends gathered around them. People sat on the furniture in the side yard or on the grass, while some took turns on his new motorcycle parked on the brick courtyard. Hunter had received as much attention as the graduates had.

The party had been a success and he had no idea how many people had stopped by to say hello and offer their congratulations. A constant stream of guests had wandered in and out of both houses. Most of the younger crew had remained outside on the wide space stretching from one garage to the other, while the older crowd stuck to the air conditioned houses.

The DJ was popular, playing a mixture of older and newer music, enticing everyone to spend time on the makeshift dance floor. Access to alcohol had been strictly restricted since so many were under the legal drinking age, but aromatic wisps drifted from the Exorcist Stairs next to the house almost the entire evening.

“I’m soooo glad you’re not going away to college, big brother.” Ritchie had returned from saying goodbye to Lucy Wilkinson who he had spent most of the night with. CJ had seen them return from the famous stairs at some point, both giggling and in good spirits. Seeing them before anyone else did, CJ took a bandana from his back pocket and offered it to them, suggesting they may want to wipe the smeared lipstick from their faces.

“You know you’re one of the reasons I picked Georgetown, right?” CJ stroked his brother’s back when the boy sat on his lap. “I’m not ready to be away from you again.”

“I’m sure Ozzie had something to do with it too!” Ritchie’s giggling retort had the rest of the friends making lewd comments until Taisha slapped the back of Rod’s head and Nadine did the same to Thiago. “Do you ever miss Mom? Do you wish she’d been around today?”

The sobering question quieted the bad puns and sexual innuendos. CJ wasn’t sure what he felt. “I don’t know, bro. Part of me wishes she and I could have reconciled. But we know that’s never going to happen. I don’t even know if we could have done it. But let’s not talk about that tonight, okay? Where did Lucy go?”

“Oh, her parents took her and her sister home about a half hour ago. I had fun with her tonight.”

“You certainly did based on what I saw.” CJ burst out laughing while Ritchie’s cheeks matched the bright red color of the lipstick he’d wiped off his face before as he slid to the ground and sat between his brother’s legs.

“Mate, stop picking on Ritchie!” Owen elbowed CJ in the ribs and then snaked an arm around him. “I think we should talk about Taisha’s shiny piece of glass instead.”

“Glass, my ass!” Rod’s quick reply was accompanied by him giving Owen the finger. “It may not be the biggest one in the world, but that’s a real diamond on her finger.”

“I know I’m the newest one to hang around with you guys but are you all like this all the time?” Nadine stroked the top of Thiago’s head which he’d rested on her lap when he sprawled himself out on the grass. She and Taisha had hit it off and spent a large chunk of time together watching their boyfriends goof around with their friends. “Taisha just became engaged to Rod and you guys shouldn’t be picking on either one of them.”

“Yeah! You tell them, Nadine. Maybe you can slap CJ around a bit for me. My cousin and his other half are getting on my nerves.” Rod was sharing the hammock chair hanging from the Star Magnolia tree at the edge of the courtyard with Taisha. He wrapped his arms around his fiancé and kissed her neck while being heckled.

“The woman asks a sensible question and the man wants violence. Typical!” Cristina sat next to Brad who was uncharacteristically quiet. CJ had noticed them talking quietly before and when he’d asked Brad about it he said she’d refused to start anything serious since he was enlisting and would be away for a while. CJ had not mentioned meeting the guy she was seeing but would do so before Brad left for boot camp. He thought it made no sense to darken his friend’s mood further this evening. “I would say to grow up, but based on my experience with my father and my brother, I think that may be asking for a miracle.”

“Hey! What are you throwing me under the bus for? And I know this is a stretch but I’ll defend Dad tonight. He spoke with all the Elite, had one drink, behaved, and then said good night.” Chipper stood by the motorcycle, listening to Harley explain the controls to Kim Huang who was sitting on the bike.

“Are you okay, mate?” Owen whispered in CJ’s ear. “Did it bother you talking about your mother?”

CJ reached over and intertwined his fingers with Owen’s. “Nah, and you don’t have to whisper. It’s not that I mind talking about her. But if you pay attention to Ritchie’s eyes you can tell he got into my Harley-Davidson coffee can at some point tonight. I don’t think he’s in any condition to have a serious conversation about our late mother.”

CJ once again allowed his eyes to roam over the group. His smile grew realizing how close he’d become to the men surrounding him and how much he was going to miss those who moved away. Even if it was temporary for Harley and maybe Brad. Thiago would still be in DC, but Chipper would be moving to New York at some point, and after his graduation from law school next year so would Ethan.

And then there was Owen. He too would graduate from George Mason next May. The two of them had postponed their potential separation when CJ selected Georgetown over Yale, Columbia, or Miami, but it was a subject they’d need to discuss soon. But that was for another time.

“You know, guys? Tonight’s kinda special. A lot has happened to me since I came to live in Washington. Even more since Ozzie moved here from Australia.” He paused momentarily and realized a hush had fallen over them. “I’ve been lucky. With my relatives, with my boyfriend, and with the friends I’ve made.”

“Hear, hear!”

“So have we, homie.”

“What Thiago said!”

“You all better realize tonight is an ending but also a beginning. For those of us graduating today, our time at Walls ends but a new adventure’s about to start. We’re crossing that line between high school kids and college men. And for my part, I can’t wait for Georgetown. The future looks bright and full of possibilities. I love my family. I love my friends. But most of all, I love this blonde hunk sitting next to me.” CJ leaned over and placed a delicate kiss on Owen’s lips. “I’m glad you’re here, Ozzie. I’m glad you’re in the US, in DC, and here with me tonight. I’m glad I got to spend tonight with the man I may be with for the rest of my life.”


The End

CJ and the Squad will return in Georgetown.

Thank you Mann Ramblings, Kitt, and Reader 1810 for your hard work.
It doesn't matter if you're reading this right after it's posted or sometime later in time, if you enjoyed it don't forget to like the chapter and/or leave a comment in the review section!
C. A. Hazday
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Story Discussion Topic

Welcome to the discussion thread for CJ’s series. All things CJ are fair game, I simply ask you be respectful of others. I will actively participate in the discussion. Ask questions, speculate about what’s coming, or bitch about what happened. We’re now open for business!    
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Chapter Comments

26 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Great chapter to end the latest story about CJ, Ozzie and friends. Hurry back with the next book.


Thanks, Chris. It's good to have you on board. Working on Georgetown already so there's plenty more on the way.

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Ok, so I teared up.. No, not hormones.. Happy almost tears.. This was a great ending. I enjoyed the ride. You've managed to put us right in the heart of the story, making us a part of it. There are big, wonderful things ahead and I can't wait to experience it all. 


Thank you Carlos for writing the way you do, and for this amazing series..:kiss:


Now, I await GEORGETOWN!!!!! 

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