Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 33. Chapter Thrity-Two: The End of the Beginning
Chapter Thirty-Two: The End of the Beginning
As Landon left the arena he was met by Lord Omicron and his son “Sorry about how things worked out. We could have become such good friends. But it seems your family has decided to join the Order.”
Jon tried to grab Landon by the throat but was held back by his father. “You Coven bastard… you did this to Andy!”
“Not me… Converting little kids is not my style. As for you Lord Omicron I will be very putout if anything unfortunate were to happen to your new son.”
“Nothing will happen to him, at least not by my hand. You have my word.”
“And you have mine.”
Berg didn’t let go of his son until well after the CEO had disappeared from view. As soon as he let go he slapped him upside the head. “Why did god give me such a stupid, stupid boy?”
“Ask mother.”
“You and that smart mouth of yours… well let’s see this new son of mine. Hopefully he has twice the wit and half the lip than you, you wrenched boy.”
The two went to Aaron’s curtained bed and took up chairs on either side of him. “Well boy… you’ve just gotten yourself into a heap-load of trouble. Half my relatives are calling for your blood.”
“Not my fault… I didn’t know I was doing something wrong. He’s the one who asked me to give him a hand up.” Aaron pointed an accusing finger at Jon.
“Well if there is one lesson to be taken from this mess is that you should never listen to this nitwit.” Lord Omnicron hit the back of the head of his son.
Jon rubbed the spot where his father had hit him. “Dad! You’re embarrassing me.” Seeing his father raise his hand again he ducked.
“Oh don’t dad me… you did this to get back at me for divorcing your mother, didn’t you.”
Jon looked away from his father. “The thought never crossed my mind.”
Aaron was in no mood to deal with their rivalry. “Enough you two! I have something to tell both of you!”
Berg glared at his son. “See, you’ve upset him. Here he is at death’s door and you’re going out of your way to make him even more miserable.”
Jon returned his father’s glare with an equally hateful stare. “He’s not on his death bed dad. All he has is a broken arm.”
“Enough… one of you got’s to leave. I’m beaten up, heartbroken, and so very tired. Don’t add homicidal to that list. Get out of here Jon… I need to deal with your father.”
Jon was flabbergasted. “Me?” Hearing his father let out an evil chuckle Jon looked at his father and then at Aaron whom he gave a pleading expression.
“See… he’s already proven himself to be a smart lad. Now off with ya.” When Jon was gone Berg made certain to lock the door.
Aaron didn’t know what issues the father and son had with each other. He didn’t want to know.“ Lord Omicron….”
“Father… or dad… we’re family now.”
“Not my doing… you don’t give Jon enough credit. I bet he’s the one who came up with the plan to force you into an alliance with the Balthazars.”
“And a terrible alliance it’s going to be. You have no idea of the kind of people who run the Order. They might seem the better choice fighting to save us from the Master but they’re no different. They are just as willing to stoop to anything to win.”
“You’re right… I don’t know all that much about the Order which is why I won’t go through the marriage until I do, and only if I think it’s in the best interest of your family.”
Berg’s jaw dropped. “Really? “ He coughed a few times to gather himself. “I mean that is a very wise course of action. Don’t do as I did and marry the first pretty girl who shows you her knickers. Now if you are real smart….”
Aaron cut him off. “I will follow the advice of good council. Now… my delaying the marriage is going to upset the Balthazars… a lot. By the Balthazars I mean the Order. We’ve just humiliated the Coven let’s not alienate the Order at the same time.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“That I throw them a bone. Before I met her daughter Lord Oliver asked if I would rather have his eldest son. I’m thinking of taking him up on that offer.”
“I don’t see the difference… an alliance is an alliance… isn’t it?”
“An alliance through marriage is one thing. A friendly relationship is something else. What I mean to say is that Dr. Balthazar has shown an interest in pursuing a romantic ‘friendship’ with me in the past…his father knows as much. I’m willing to go along with it and see what it leads to. If I don’t like what I find out about the Order, ending the relationship won’t cause the sort of ill will as a divorce.” Aaron thought about what Andrew had told him about his future and found he agreed with it. “What I need most is time to figure things out. At the moment I still have to finish my last year at Lakes. From there I plan to go on to college…”
“College… since when does a prince of Omicron need to be so book-learned.”
“This prince. Consider it a chance for me to sow my wild oats before spending the rest of my life involved in the politics of the Elected. As for your son… I’ve come to admit there is something between us that I’m not ready to label.”
“I can label it… insanity. However, it doesn’t matter what I think. My opinion on the matter won’t change what that idiot feels towards you. It also doesn’t change the fact that when you became a part of the family you got him as well. You get to deal with little fucker from now on.”
“What do you mean…got him.”
Well if you don’t know about the swearing then I will have to agree with you. You do need some time to figure things out. Look, when my son took your hand you… well. .you sort of became his husband.”
“Husband! I never agreed to marry him.”
“In the eyes of the Talented you are. The law is clear… a man is allowed three husbands and one wife. So congratulations… you just hooked yourself your first husband and I wish you luck… because god knows you’re going to need it.”
“Damn it… how many of these silly laws do you guys have? Is it written down anywhere? If so I want the book.”
“Well, it’s not written down like in an official book or anything. It’s sort of like the British Constitution, there’s no official document yet is considered legal. Our laws are mostly based on ancient traditions and precedence.”
“So you’re telling me that some gay Mormon with the Talent set down the tradition that a man can marry four people?”
“First of all it wasn’t a Mormon. Second to call someone with the Talent, gay, will get you punched in the face. It’s that with our unique brain biology it’s much easier for us Talented men to fall in love with each other than your average Untalented person. Like what do they say? Oh now I remember. According to the experts only 5%-10% of the untalented population is gay. Among the Talented the number if quite the reverse so to say we’re not normal when we are in the majority is downright insulting.”
Aaron really didn’t get it but knew better than to argue the point. “I apologize but that still doesn’t explain why I can have three husbands?”
“You can have more if you include Untalented but because you are now part of the nobility that’s frowned upon. The reason we are allowed at least three let alone more than one is because of politics. With the families constantly making and breaking family alliances all the time these kinds of marriages have brought some stability to the system.
“Whether you like it or not Jon is your husband and I can’t say he can do much better. You said you have an interested in Crown Prince Gregory. I can honestly say that while his father is a bastard his son has a good head on his shoulders which, given how you don’t have a clue what you’ve gotten yourself into, it would be for the benefit of all if you had someone on hand to give you sound advice.”
“I take it you already have an idea of who you would like to be my wife?”
“Well in the tradition of our family’s staunch neutrality I would highly suggest you either marry my daughter or if you can’t stomach it one of the Houses friendly with the Coven.”
“The Coven… you want me to marry someone who might eat me in my sleep?”
“I said friendly not a member. There are several families allied with the Coven. Most of those who’ve sided with the Master do so because of something horrendous the Order did to one of their relatives. Coven… Order… there’s real no true difference between them but that’s something you’re going to have to find out on your own.”
“Thanks… but I really hope not to.”
“If wishes were fishes… well enough of that. I’m sure my son is ready to tear the place apart to get to you so I’ll leave you two love birds alone. Would you like me to pass on what you’ve said to Lord Oliver?”
“I might be wrong but I think you would get a good kick out of telling him the alliance is on hold.”
“See… you are smart.”
When Berg opened the door to leave Jon was there waiting for him. Aaron could hear the two going at each other like a pair of mangy dogs fighting over the same bone.
When Jon entered he slammed the door closed behind him. “Can you believe what that bastard said about me?”
“No… nor do I want to. I’m too tired and sore to deal with the rivalry between you two. What I want to know is what your intentions are?”
Jon’s lips formed a wolfish grin. “About us? Well I can think of more than a few… most however would require your arm not being broken but I’ve waited this long so I can wait a little longer. What I want to know is what the hell you do to me back in the arena.”
“I will tell you but you must promise not to freak out.”
“You know I can’t promise that.” He took Aaron’s hand and began licking the fingers.”
“Stop it!”
“What? You telling me you’re not enjoying it?”
“It’s not that it’s… oh hell, this is all happing too fast. I lost Andrew only to find you fooled me into marrying to you”
“Too fast! For the last three years I’ve been trying to get you to admit you’re crazy about me and you have the nerve to say things are happening too fast?”
“It’s not that and you know it.”
“You mean Andy.”
“Yes… What were you two thinking not telling me?”
“Believe me I wanted to but you know him… out of sight, out of mind. Anyway he was sort of hoping you would get the hint by insisting you and I hook up.”
“Well we might be married but we’re not hooking up”
“We’ll see about that.” Jon slid a hand under Aaron’s medical gown.
“Stop it.”
“Try and make me.” He climb onto the bed and straddled himself across Aaron’s thighs.
Jon untied the robe and pulled it off Aaron. He then removed his shirt and kicked off his boots. He then laid himself on top. The touch of so much bare skins between them caused both to moan with pleasure. “Since the first time I found you I’ve wanted no one but you.”
Aaron was too tired, sore and weak to fight Jon off. After all that had happened he needed to be held by the only person who could comfort him the way Jon could. He needed Jon holding him sharing the heat and strength of contained in his body. Jon had a need to be wanted and regardless what Aaron had said in the past he knew they were the best ones to give what each other so desperately needed.
“So… where should we go for our honeymoon?” Jon asked after several soul stealing kisses.
“Not until we graduate?”
“Not going to happen.”
They argued for a bit on the subject of their honeymoon. Aaron continued to insist that the two of them were not really married. Jon however would have none of it. He had finally gotten Aaron exactly where he wanted him and he was not about to let him weasel out of their atypical marriage. Eventually Jon convinced Aaron to go on a tour of Europe with him. Most of the Omicrons still lived there so it would be a good chance for him to meet the rest of the family.
Once that was settled, Jon kissed Aaron goodnight and left.
After he had thought everyone had left for the night Aaron had one last guest. It was not one he had been looking forward to.
Hearing the curtains being pulled away Aaron opened his eyes to find Gordon hovering over him. “Hey.”
Aaron knew this was not to be a social meeting. He wasn’t going to pretend it was. “What do you want?”
“What I want is for you to do what’s in your best interest.”
“And that is to continue selling my body?”
“How many times do I have to tell you, it’s not your body I’m after? Anyway I’ve given up trying to force my generosity on you.”
“That in itself is generous.”
“Look… I know Dr. Balthazar is going to try and get you into Harvard and you will probably get in. You will still be expected to pay your own way. College is expensive especially when it’s an Ivy League school. You have to admit you will need more income not less in the years to come.”
Aaron bit down on his lower lip. He knew what Gordon said was true. Even though he was now a member of the Omicron family he very much doubted that Lord Berg would be willing to offer to pay his way through school. There were scholarships of course but those were reserved for real students, not members of the Elected. There was another issue… Boston wasn’t a Council city.
Gordon might not be a telepath but he could read Aaron’s mind all the same. “Look, I know you’re worried about finding new clients. Those among the Elected who do live in Boston come from less than wealthy families. Those that are go to New York or Washington to mingle with their peers.”
“…” Aaron stayed silent.
“Now about the Welfords. Both the father and the son are quite eager to take you on as their lover. The senator married into old money and comes from a respectable family. The stepson might be Untalented but he’s not an old codger, mind you. He’s young, smart, handsome… and gay.”
“What are you suggesting? That I trick the Welfords out of their money. You know I won’t do that.”
“Nothing like that. You won’t have to do any seducing. I can only say that you are exactly what they’re looking for… young, handsome, well mannered, and Talented. That you are now a tournament champion allows me to double your signing bonus.”
“But you said he is Untalented.”
“Yes, but his stepbrother wasn’t.”
“He was… as in the past tense.”
“I cannot say for sure. His stepbrother was a member of the Order. As such he was constantly getting caught up with their rivalry with the Coven. One thing led to another until one night he just disappeared. But the two were lovers.”
“Why am I not surprised.”
“You should be. They were not related by blood and Mrs. Welford does not come from a Talented. In the eyes of the Elected that made their relationship more scandalous then if they were a pair of Talented twins.”
“So you want me to cause a scandal. Is that it?”
“No… you being you has caused enough scandals. Think of it this way… when are you ever going to have another chance to live a life with a normal man?”
“He doesn’t sound all that normal.”
“Nor should he. His father’s side of the family is the one with the Talent. It was his marriage to the young man’s mother that had the Welfords exiled from the Council.”
“Then why did he marry her.”
“To get involved in the politics of the Untalented. He’s the younger Senator from Massachusetts. It’s rumored he wants to run for governor after the present new governor has served out his two terms. He’s a Republican mind you. Will that be a problem for you?”
“I’ll be dating the son not the father.”
“That’s true but Graham Welford would not be willing to pay you to date his stepson if he wasn’t going to get anything out of the bargain.” Hearing no further protest Gordon held on his hand. “I take it you’ve decided to go along with my plan?”
Aaron looked at the offered hand as if it was a viper. “What will happen if I say no.”
“Then I’ll have to find you a bunch of other clients for you to make up for the loss of income. I know how you feel about being contracted out to more than one man. Chase Welford is your best option.”
“I’ll need to meet with him first.”
Of course… He’s right outside. Shall I bring him in?”
You really know how to put a person on the spot.
“I don’t like leaving anything to chance.”
“Can’t I heal up first?”
The Graft moved in closer. He took hold of the cast around Aaron’s arm. With a hard squeeze the cast fell apart. “Go on, give it a whirl. It should be healed by now.”
Aaron raised his arm. Twisting to see the back of it where the bone had been sticking out. He felt no pain nor saw any sign of a wound. “How… how can this be?”
“If people ask just tell them you’ve had a miraculous recovery and leave it at that.” When the Graft reported Aaron’s quick recovery he knew his master would be pleased. The grafting of genetically engineered tissue was always risky but so far Aaron’s body was responding to the process perfectly. Soon other changes would start taking place… ones that would please the Graft, his master and Aaron’s clients. The Master had broken Landon in order to awaken his true power. The Graft’s breaking of Aaron was to be far kinder than what his brother endured.
When Chase entered the room Aaron noticed how sad the young man looked. For someone who was about to propose that the two of them start dating he really didn’t look all that excited. When he got closer Aaron saw that the man was terrified more than anything.
He decided he would try and cheer him up. “It’s okay… I don’t bite.”
“I’m not scared… at least not of you. It’s… well Aaron. I don’t think I can survive watching you put your life at risk like you did at the arena again.”
“Is that what’s wrong. Believe me Chase, my dueling days are over.”
“They better be.” He said in half anger, half jest. I won’t have my boyfriend doing something that stupid. I felt my heart stop a few times.”
“You really think that much of me?”
Chase stepped closer to the bed. “Believe me Aaron I do.” Remember the party where I finally got the courage to talk to you.”
Aaron did remember. “You asked me to marry you… right there on the spot.”
“You probably thought I was an insane stalker and maybe I was. That was not the first party I’ve been to. I’ve gone to several hoping one of the Talented would ask me out. I know… stupid. Talents don’t go out with Untalented unless they’re paid to. The same was and still is true for you but... but out of everyone I saw at the parties I always found myself drawn to you.”
“I…” Aaron stopped himself from demanding to know why. The man was speaking from the heart and Aaron had no right to challenge what he was saying.
“I know it’s crazy. We haven’t even gone out on a date but I love you and will give up everything I have just to be with you. If that makes me pathetic then that’s what I am but that’s how I feel.”
Aaron could not help but think about Greg and Ryan. Both had come from different worlds and had lived vastly different lives but somehow they made it work. There was one issue that concerned him. Was it his Talent Chase was attracted to or him as a person? Did he even believe there was distinction between the two? Did Aaron? From as far back as he could remember he had never lived a normal live. What Chase offering was more than an education but probably the last chance he would have to live like an Untalented. The problem was that he had a nagging doubt that Chase wanted to.
The Graft honored each and every contract… so long as term was kept. If Aaron entered a long term contract with Chase, say five to ten years, those would be years the Graft would not be able to sell him off to others.
Before he knew it Aaron had reached a decision. “Let’s see how our first date works out and go from there.”
When their lips touched Aaron noticed it didn’t overwhelm him physical or emotional like a kiss from a Talent would. Believe it or not but the lack produced its own pleasure.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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