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    John Henry
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  • 4,533 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is meant for mature audiences.  Reader discretion is advised.

Thicker Than Water - 63. Chapter 63

Bryan didn't know how he got there or even when he left school. He found himself sitting quietly, waiting. Adults and older kids walked by without saying anything; they only stared.

Bryan,” a voice gently called to him. Bryan looked up as Trevor knelt down in front of him. “What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?”

A new stream of tears cascaded down his cheeks, and he collapsed into Trevor's arms.

Trevor led Bryan to his office and got the boy a cup of water and tissues. “Do you want me to call your dad?”

Bryan shook his head.

I see. I am obligated to contact your school and a parent that you're here. I can let Steve know you're here and that I'll send for him when you're ready. Is that what you'd like?”

Bryan nodded and blew his nose.

Trevor sat in a chair next to Bryan and asked, “Does this have to do with Kenny?”

Bryan nodded again. “He doesn't want to talk to me.”

I'm sorry to hear that. You both are hurting, which sucks.”

Yeah. Why won't he just hear me out?”

I would guess that he's hurting a lot and needs time to sort things out first. He and I talked about it last night and a bit more this morning before school. I can't tell you any specifics, but I do know that he still cares about you.”

I love him so much. Seeing him hurts. Not seeing him hurts. I don't know what to do or how to fix it.”

Those are some big feelings, and a lot going on.” Trevor refilled Bryan's water. “First, your feelings are valid. It's sadly normal to experience what you are. Are you familiar with the grieving process?”

Like, when someone dies?”

The exact same. When we experience loss of any kind, like a break up, our brains don't like it. We're social creatures, and we build deep bonds with those in our lives. We call some of our deepest bonds Love. So, when those bonds break, we feel it, literally. Our bodies treat it like physical pain. We do that to help process and cope with the loss.”

It sucks,” Bryan said, wiping his eyes again.

Yeah, it does, but there is some good news. One, it means that you're normal. Those who don't express feelings of loss have either suffered some kind of trauma, while a few have something wrong with their brains, where they just can't ever feel those bonds or loss. Since this has greatly upset you, it shows that you're normal like pretty much everyone else.

Second, grieving has stages to it, which come on their own time. There are five stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. I'd say you're in the early stages of Denial. You probably think that if you talk to Kenny, you can fix things, right?”

Bryan nodded. “I tried talking to him this morning, but he wouldn't listen to me.”

I'm willing to bet that you didn't really listen to him, either, huh?”

Bryan wanted to tell Trevor that he did listen, but deep down, he knew he hadn't. “I guess not.”

Again, that's normal.”

Why do you keep saying that?”

That you're normal?” Trevor asked. Bryan nodded. “Because your dads told me about Calvin and how bad he hurt you. I'm willing to bet that you felt like you weren't normal, and that maybe you're fucked up.” Bryan was taken aback by Trevor's use of the F-word, since school staff and teachers weren't allowed to swear. “Yeah, I'd say him abandoning you did some damage, but that doesn't mean you're not normal. If anything, I'd be more concerned if it didn't mess you up, even a little. Losing a parent, even one you don't like, still has an effect.”

That's how it was when my mother died. I didn't really care, but a small part of me did.”

Yeah. Death is a hard one to get over, because you know there's no hope of things ever changing. In a way, it makes things a little easier, because you have a conclusion, even if it isn't the one you want.”

Unlike with Kenny,” Bryan said, trying to fight more tears.

Yeah. He's going through the same thing, by the way. You two have a bond that few boys your age will ever have. In fact, I think I've only ever seen it one time before.'

Yeah? Who was it?”

That's not my story to tell,” Trevor said, instantly regretting his slip, “but you should know what you and Kenny did have something special.”

You say that like we'll never see each other again.”

Well, you will see each other. You go to the same school and will be going here next year; plus, Washington isn't as big as some people want to think it is. Anyway, even if you two got back together, there's no guarantee that you'll feel the same way ever again.”

But we still could, right? I've learned my lesson, and will be going to therapy and everything!”

Young love, Trevor sadly thought. “Only time will tell, Bryan; unfortunately, that's the bad news. There's no time frame for grief. Everyone goes through it at their own pace, even skipping and repeating steps, while some just never move on. I think you're strong enough to complete the grieving process, though.”

But you don't think Kenny is?”

I never said that, so please, don't put words in my mouth. Kenny will take his own time, and you need to respect that and give him all the space he needs and wants.”

What if he never wants to see me again?”

Then, as much as that will hurt, you have to respect that. It's the only way to show him that you value him as a person and as someone you care about.”

That doesn't make any sense.”

I'm sure it doesn't right now, but it will eventually. You're smart enough to figure it out.” Trevor looked at the clock and said, “I need to let Steve know you're here. He may want you to return to school, so you need to prepare yourself for that, okay?”

Bryan nodded and hoped Steve wouldn't make him.

*     *     *

Mrs. Johnson, as a reminder, you're still under oath,” Judge Arthur said after Ashley took the witness stand.

Of course, Your Honor,” Ashley said, after taking her seat.

Mrs. Johnson, I only have a few questions. First, given Bryan and Caleb's testimony that contradict yours regarding the last visit, do you have anything you'd like to add or change about your statement?”

No,” Ashley said with confidence. “I'm sure you had Bryan and Caleb work on their story.”

Objection, Your Honor,” Billy said. “Speculation and Meritless.”

Sustained. Mrs. Johnson, you will refrain from such remarks in the future, without evidence, or I will hold you in contempt. Is that understood.”

Yes, Sir,” Ashley said, her smug attitude shining through.

Your Honor, I'd like to submit Respondent's exhibit R-105. It's a recording of that encounter taken from a ring camera that belongs to Mr. and Mrs. McVie, who live across the street from Mr. Padilla. The video shows the whole encounter and has surprisingly good audio quality.”

Objection, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke called out. “This is new evidence and we were not given any time to prepare for this.”

Your Honor, I was only contacted about this recording early this morning by Mr. McVie, who is sitting in the hall as we speak, ready to testify to the situation. According to Mr. McVie, he only checked the camera last night and found the footage. Furthermore, according to the Rules of Evidence, I don't have to give notice regarding the discovery of new evidence.”

Judge Arthur called in Diego's neighbor, John McVie. John and Diego had gotten on well, though John's wife, Mary, didn't much care for Diego or the boys. According to John, Mary only had brothers, leading to a low tolerance for men. Judge Arthur questioned John about the recording, and John confirmed that he had only checked it the night before, because they were expecting a package that never came, so he went back through it to see if it was at least delivered. It was then that he saw the encounter between Calvin and Bryan, and then contacted Diego for Billy's number and email.

Objection overruled, Mr. Clarke. Let the record reflect that the Respondent's exhibit has been entered.”

Thank you, Your Honor,” Billy said. He brought over a DVD player and monitor. The video file clearly showed the driver side of Calvin's car. The audio was rather good and clear, which made Diego wonder what all John could hear going on in Diego's house. Of course, the video confirmed Bryan and Caleb's testimony. Judge Arthur was livid by the end.

Mrs. and Mr. Johnson,” Judge Arthur said, trying to remain calm, “I will be recommending perjury charges for both of you for lying under oath. Furthermore, I'm holding you both in contempt for wasting the Court's time with your lies.”

Oh, yes, Your Honor. Mrs. Johnson, when did Mr. Johnson first discuss Bryan and Caleb with you?”

I don't know.”

Was it right away or was it later into your relationship?”

Again, I don't know.”

Take a guess.”

A few months, I guess.”

So, was that before or after you told him about your inheritance?”

*     *     *

Dude, you alright?” James said, sneaking into Trevor's office.

Bryan nearly fell out of his chair. “What the fuck? Why are you here?”

Kenny sent Quinton a text, saying you tried talking to him. Then Quinton said that Kenny said that Terra said that she saw you leaving the school.”

How did you know I was here?”

I figured you came here to see Uncle Steve, since your other dad was in court with Uncle Billy, so I sent some people I know here a pic from your Facebook, and my friend Robert's sister said you were in the office.”

Okay, so you're spying on me.”

James rolled his eyes and sat next to Bryan. “I wasn't spying. I was looking out for you.”

Now, you're skipping, again, because of me. I'm so fucking dead when my dads find out.” Tears formed once more in Bryan's eyes.

James pulled Bryan into a hug and held him, as Bryan cried. “This is all my fault,” James said. “I sent Kenny a text last night, talking you up, and saying how sorry you were. I guess Kenny was really upset and had to be talked down by Uncle Trevor. Uncle Billy called Papa and told him about the text.”

Great,” Bryan said, “now you're getting in even more trouble. I'm just a giant fuck up.” Bryan was surprised by James's chuckle. “What's so funny? I am a giant fuck up.”

I'm not in trouble for sending Kenny a text. Papa was concerned and that was it...but I will be in trouble for skipping school again,” James said with a shrug. “Just means more time with you in group.”

Thanks,” Bryan said, hugging James tighter.

Hey, what are cousins for, right?”

Both boys jumped as the office door flew open. “James Barton!” Trevor said sternly. “What are you doing here?”

Detention?” James said with a smile that fooled no one.

*     *     *

Mrs. Johnson, answer the question,” Judge Arthur said, clearly losing his patience with Mr. Clarke's clients.

After,” Ashley said, “but that doesn't mean anything.”

This inheritance is from your biological father, is it not?”

Yes, it is.”

And how much is it for?”

8 million dollars.”

Diego's head almost exploded. He and Ry did well with their restaurants, but he couldn't imagine having that much money ever. So, how the hell did this piece of white trash come across it? Diego thought.

What did your father do for a living?”

He was a lawyer then a judge before he passed away.”

A lawyer and a judge, you say?”

Yes,” Ashley said, testily.

Isn't it true that your father was a founding partner of the law firm that's currently representing you?”

Yes, but again, I don't see what this has to do with anything.”

We're getting there, I assure you...and the Court. Mrs. Johnson, you're your father's only surviving relative, is that correct?”


But, you're not listed as the heir to your father's estate are you?”

Not exactly.”

How not?”

Ashley looked like she was about to jump off the witness stand and attack Billy. “My father wrote a caveat which says that my children will inherit his estate.”

Why is that?”

Because he hated me.”

And why did he hate you?”

Fine. My father was a die hard Republican, and I was his shameful, drug using daughter. I was in and out of his pet rehab facility. Eventually, I got pregnant and had an abortion. He was pissed and disowned me.”

I'm sorry to hear that.”


Billy ignored Ashley's bitter remark and asked, “Have you tried having other children?”

I can't. Something happened during the procedure, I got an infection, and lost my ability to have kids. Do you want to see my scars to prove it?”

No, thank you,” Billy replied. “So, to be clear, you told all of this to your now husband, Calvin Johnson, prior to him mentioning he had two biological children, correct?”

Yes. Is this going somewhere? I have better things to do.”

The witness will control herself,” Judge Arthur sternly said, banging his gavel. He then added, “Yes, Mr. Parker, please get to your point.”

Of course, Your Honor,” Billy said. “Does your father's will stipulate that your children need to be biologically related to you?”

No, it doesn't.”

Does it state who would act as executor of the estate for the children until they can take control of it themselves?”

Objection, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke said, hastily. “That's privileged information.”

Billy scoffed. “All Last Will and Testaments are public record and must be submitted to the Court for enforcement and probate under state law, Your Honor.”

Overruled,” Judge Arthur said. “The witness will answer the question.”

Yes, it does.”

And who is the executor of the estate once you have children, like one or two stepsons, for example?”

*     *     *

Steve was not happy with Bryan for leaving school without permission or even sending a text. He wanted to be the bad cop and chew Bryan out; however, once he saw Bryan crying on James's shoulder, he couldn't bring himself to be mad...well, as mad.

Hey,” Steve said, as he entered Trevor's office. “Your dad is still in Court, so this is going to be my call. Right now, I'm not grounding you, since you came here, but I'm less than thrilled by this.”

I know,” Bryan cried. “I'm sorry.”

James,” Trevor said, entering his office. “I've talked to Ry, and he said you're grounded--”

--What else is new?--” James interjected.

--And I've asked him to let me deal with you until your dads can talk to you about this.”

Steve said, “Bryan, you're going straight home.”

And James,” Trevor added, “you're to go with him and wait for one of your dads to pick you up.”

James looked confused, “So, you want me to skip the rest of the day to hang out with Bryan...at Bryan's house?”

Yes,” Trevor said. “You didn't skip school to goof off. You skipped to help your friend.”

He's my cousin, Uncle Trevor. That's what family does, right?”

Within reason, James. Now, get going. I've already contacted your schools, excusing your absences.”

Steve hugged Bryan and said, “Here's money for the bus and to order a pizza. I love you, and we'll talk when I get home.”

I love you, too, Dad,” Bryan said, returning the hug.

*     *     *

Mrs. Johnson,” Billy said, “it isn't a difficult question to answer. Who controls the money for the kids?”

A group of lawyers,” Ashley said, with a touch of venom.

Isn't it true that it's the same firm that's representing you and your husband in this very case?”

Objection, Your Honor. Privilege.”

Again, Your Honor. It's public record. Respondent would like to submit exhibit R-106. The Last Will and Testament of Rudolph K. Murphy.”

Let the record reflect the entry of the Respondent's exhibit,” Judge Arthur said, looking at the Court's copy of the document.

Just for clarification of the record, Mrs. Johnson, did you change your last name from Murphy to Rickman?”

Yes. I took my mother's maiden name after I was removed from my father's will.”

Excellent. So, according to the will, your father's old firm, who is currently representing you and your husband in the matter before this court, has control over the estate, but only once you have children, correct?”

Apparently, yes.”

Have you tried adopting?”

I don't qualify because of my past drug convictions and stints in rehab.”

I see,” Billy said, thumbing through the will. “Who has control over it now?”

It's in a trust that nobody can touch, not even the lawyers.”

What happens if you never have children?”

The money goes to charity.”

According to the will, it specifically goes to the Washington Rehabilitation Youth Center, doesn't it?”

Diego's blood ran cold. He knew that name all too well. It was the same center that held Luis and Charlie when they were teenagers. This place was horrible and very corrupt, at least when the two men were boys.

Yes, it does.”

One last question, Mrs. Johnson: Did you sign a prenuptial agreement with Mr. Johnson prior to getting married?”

Ashley scoffed. “No. We're in love. We didn't need nor want one.”

I'm sure you are,” Billy said with a smirk that shook Ashley. “Nothing further, Your Honor.”

Judge Arthur dismissed Ashley who looked livid as she took her seat next to Calvin, who was hard to read, even despite his typical resting bitch face.

Call your next witness, Mr. Parker.”

The Respondent would like to call Corporal Bethany Barton to the stand.”

*     *     *

Bethany had sat in the back of the courtroom very much out of sight. It had been a few years since Diego had seen the young woman, now in her mid-20s, but she was still very recognizable. She looked like the female version of Charlie, complete with full cheeks and red hair, which all worked with her lithe and slightly muscular features. She was wearing a very nice, white, silk blouse, a navy blue skirt and matching high heel shoes. She looked very official and a bit intimidating.

After being sworn in, the Clerk asked for her full name. “Corporal Bethany Samantha Barton,” she replied, as if talking to a commanding officer.

Hello, Bethany,” Billy said with a smile. “Could you please tell the Court your current occupation?”

Yes, Sir. I'm a Corporal for the United States Marine Corps. Specifically, I work for the Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, or MARFORCYBER for short.”

Objection, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke called out. “We were not informed that Corporal Barton was providing any kind expert testimony in this case.”

Oh, Bethany isn't an expert witness, Your Honor,” Billy said. “She's a witness of another kind.”

Objection, overruled,” Judge Arthur said. “Get on with it, Mr. Parker.”

Thank you, Your Honor. Corporal Barton, what's your relationship status?”

Objection, Your Honor. Relevance.”

Your Honor, it's very relevant, I assure you if I'm permitted some wiggle room.”

Judge Arthur replied, “Overruled, and you have very little room, Mr. Parker.”

Of course.”

Bethany replied, “Single.”

Have you looked for any dates recently?”

I have.”

Would you please tell the Court about any that have, um, stuck out to you?”

Of course,” Bethany said, stone faced. “On or about the 30th of January this year, I spoke to a man on Tinder. He wasn't very good looking, but he was trying very hard to get my attention. We talked a bit, mostly about him.”

What did you say?”

He said that he was married but looking for something new and exciting. He also mentioned that he had two teenage boys he was having trouble with. What struck me very odd was his frequent references to an inheritance he was about to receive. He further mentioned that once he got it, he was going to divorce his wife.”

What else was said?” Billy asked, all smiles.

I asked him about their children, and he replied, 'What about them? They can live with her for all I care.'”

And did you see a picture of this man?”

Yes, I did,” Bethany said with disdain. “And more than his face, even though I didn't request anything else.”

Is that man sitting in this courtroom today?”

Yes, he is. It's the gentleman over there,” she said, pointing right at Calvin.

All faces turned towards Calvin who was very busy staring a hole into the table before him. Diego was pleased to see Ashley's face turn an angry red. Diego would've felt bad for her, but his boys had been through hell because of her and Calvin, and there was too good of a chance that Luis had been through hell because of her father. So, he decided to save his sympathy for people more worthy of it.

Judge Arthur said, “Let the record show that the witness is pointing to the Petitioner, Calvin Johnson. Mr. Parker, please continue.”

Your Honor, Respondent would like to submit exhibit R-107. The complete communications between the witness and the Petitioner.”

Judge Arthur entered the stack of pages he was given into evidence, as Mr. Clarke ignored them.

Corporal Barton, what was your reaction to all of this?” Billy asked.

I was disgusted and repulsed. I blocked Mr. Johnson several times, since he kept making new accounts to contact me. It got to the point where I threatened to dox him if he didn't leave me alone.”

And how did he respond?”

At first, he laughed and made an off-color remark about women not being smart enough to do a Google search. I quickly proved him wrong by showing him his IP address, which then led me to providing him with his physical address. He finally blocked me when I showed him an image of himself reading my texts while in bed with his wife.”

Nothing further, Your Honor,” Billy said.

Your witness, Mr. Clarke,” the judge called out.

Thank You, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke said. “Ms. Barton--”

That's Corporal Barton, Mr. Clarke. You're required under the Rules of Court to address me with my title.”

My apologies...Corporal. Did you catfish my client?

No, I did not.”

Aren't you related to Mr. Parker?”

Yes. He's my uncle.”

Objection, Your Honor,” Billy said. “Mr. Clarke is yet again trying to find a conspiracy where there isn't one.”

Mr. Clarke,” Judge Arthur said in anger, “do you have any shred of evidence to support your claim?”

Aside from a rather convenient coincidence, no, Your Honor.”

I am holding you in contempt, again, Mr. Clarke. Ask another, relevant question, or move on.”

Yes, Your Honor. Corporal Barton, did you encourage my client to leave his wife for you?”

Bethany scoffed. “No, I didn't.”

According to the messages, you were rather friendly to my client, so how can we be so sure?”

First of all, Mr. Clarke, your client always initiated contact with me. Second, I was respectful yet firm in my disinterest in your client. Third, having been a child who didn't have a mother growing up, I would never encourage anyone to leave their children. And fourth, I'm a lesbian and have been a lesbian my entire life. I've never been in the closet, so I never even had a boyfriend to hide my sexuality.

When I told your client I was a lesbian, he doubled down, contacting me day and night, trying to get me into a threesome. He said, 'All you need is a real man to set you straight.' It was right after that your client sent me ten pictures of his penis, testicle and ejaculate, along with two videos of himself masturbating. All of which were unsolicited...and is a crime in this state, to which I'll be pressing charges.”

Nothing further, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke said, sounding defeated.

Redirect, Mr. Parker?” Judge Arthur asked.

No, Your Honor. The Respondent rests,” Billy said, happily.

Very well, the witness is excused. Closing statements will be tomorrow at 10am, Court is adjourned.”

*     *     *

Two loud thuds hit Diego's front door, followed by the laughter of two teenage boys. Bryan unlocked the door and kicked off his soaking wet shoes, with James doing the same before closing the door behind him. A freezing cold rain poured from the sky as the two rode the bus, and they decided to race each other to the house.

I'm so fucking cold, dude,” James said, shivering. His lips were slightly blue.

Give me a minute,” Bryan stuttered, as he turned up the heat in the house.

Sampson came howling into the living room from Caleb's bedroom, where the dog usually spent his time. James did his best to snuggle with the fuzzy husky, but Sampson wasn't having any of it and left.

Come here,” James said, pulling Bryan into another hug. “How long will the heater take to kick in?”

Not that long,” Bryan said, pressing himself into James a bit more. “Thank you, by the way.”

For being warm? That's more you than me. I'm freezing.”

No, I mean being my friend and for being here.”

Don't worry about it.”

I'm serious. Aside from Kenny and Terra, I don't really have a lot of friends, let alone any that would skip school and get in trouble with their parents just to make sure I was okay.”

The two boys locked eyes, their breathing still fast from running...or was it just from running? James closed his eyes and softly pressed his lips to Bryan's. The two stood like that for a very long minute. James moved his head back, and saw that Bryan's eyes were still closed.

Well, I guess that settles it,” James said, a little breathless.

Bryan slowly opened his eyes and weakly said, “Settles what?”

I'm definitely straight.” He took a step back, looked down, smiled and said, “And you definitely have a thing for me.”

Bryan didn't need to look down to know what James was getting at. “Dude, I'm fourteen. A slight breeze gives me a boner.”

Sure it does,” James said with a wink.

Bryan blushed and grinned. He then said, “You sure you're straight?”

Yeah, 100% after that.”

I don't know, man. We might have to do it again, just to be sure...you know...for science....”

James laughed and said, “Fine. For science.” He leaned in again and this time, they kissed much more passionately. Bryan's knees felt weak, as James held him tight. They were so lost in what they were doing, they didn't hear the front door open.

What the fuck are you two doing?!”

Some interesting stuff in this chapter, don't you think? Thanks again for reading. Please Recommend, Review, React, Comment and Reply. It all helps.
Copyright © 2023 John Henry; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for reading this story.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

58 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

Loving all these Fleetwood Mac reminiscences so I cannot but help contribute some too. 

Methinks all these little lies Miss Diesel Tailpipe has told are going to bite her and Cumstain Calvin on their respective arses. The only way she will obtain wealth now is to find herself a sugar daddy, but that is not likely given she is second hand news, and she certainly ain't no angel or songbird. It's not that funny is it Miss Diesel Tailpipe and Cumstain Calvin, so think it over before you try to do anything else to that beautiful child, Caleb. There will be no warm ways for either of you with the world turning against you. You can beg hold me until the cows come home because no one will want to, not even Rhiannon. There will be no tango in the night for either of you, just a gold dust woman ready to take your silver spoon and dig your grave.

I agree with @weinerdog, I do not think Bryan should disclose "the kiss" to Kenny, after all Kenny does not want to talk to him at present. I suspect it is Diego who has discovered Bryan and James in the "throes of passion", unless Kenny still has a key to Bryan's home, in which case it could be him. If so, they're both fucked, well and truly. 

That was one Albatross of a paragraph....  Ashley and Calvin's manipulations might have the judge hypnotized in their favor, though, but it's good that Billy let everyone see behind the mask she wears.  Diego still has hard feelings when it comes Calvin.

As for the kiss....

  • Haha 5
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5 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

You are not lost @Johnny Kape. All of the italicised words in the comments @John Henry and I have made are song titles, apart from Rumours which is generally regarded as not only Fleetwood Mac's magnum opus, but also one of pop music's greatest albums ever released.

You could've just sent a blue letter on Monday morning, with some big love with it. 

  • Haha 5
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