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    John Henry
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is meant for mature audiences.  Reader discretion is advised.

Thicker Than Water - 67. Chapter 67

Te ves tan guapa, Bryan,” Abuela said, as she straightened Bryan's tie.

Gracias, Abuela,” the 15-year-old replied. He would've complained about the suit, since it was supposed to be nearly 90 degrees in the shade, but his grandmother was in too much of a good mood...and would likely smack him around for being negative.

Mírate, mamá,” Luis said as he entered the back room. “¡Te ves incredíble!”

Immediately, Luis was slapped repeatedly on the arm by his mother, causing the man to back up, clearly afraid of his frail looking mother.

¡Chico, no me digas descaro! ¡Escuché sobre la forma en que trataste a Bryan!” Abuela yelled, slapping her youngest child with each syllable uttered.

¡¿Qué?! ¡Solo estaba haciendo mi trabajo! ¡Diego ya nos hizo pedir disculpas! ¡Mamá, por favor deja de abofetear!”

Diego walked in and saw the chaos. “What's going on?” He asked his deviously smiling son.

I told Grandma about my Community Service.”

Diego sighed heavily. “Mamá, por favor deja de pegarle a Luis. Lo cuidé hace meses. Todo está bien ahora.”

Not everything is fine,” Luis muttered bitterly to his brother.

Abuela slapped Luis again. “Don't you sass me in English either, Luis! I brought you into this world, and God help me, I can still take you out of it!”

Si mamá. Lo siento.”

Diego walked over to his son and said, "Come on, trouble maker, before you get me slapped, too."

*     *     *

Here you go,” Steve said, handing over a small, black box to Caleb. “You look very handsome.”

Thanks,” Caleb said, putting the box in his pocket. “You do, too, Dad.”

Dad. I never thought I'd actually be one, you know?”


I just never thought I'd meet someone with kids or even adopt any. Before your other dad, I didn't date much, and it was usually with guys who didn't have kids.”

Well, I'm glad you chose Dad to be with.”

Me, too, kiddo. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have two awesome sons.”

But, I'm awesomer, right?”

Steve looked around conspiratorially then whispered, "Yes, but don't tell your brother."

His ego is way too big as it is.”

Steve laughed and hugged his little boy. "Come on. We can't be late."

*     *     *

Grandpa would be proud,” Bryan said, as he straightened Diego's tie one last time.

Diego began to tear up. “I miss him a lot. I only wish he was here to see all of this.”

I'm sure he's looking down and smiling.”

Or up, depending on how much he pissed God off by now.”

Bryan laughed. "True. He's probably spending eternity telling God all the things He's done wrong."

Yeah, that sounds like Abuelo. He and Uncle Marcus had two restaurants because they were constantly at each other's throats.”

Like you and Uncle Luis?”

Ha! No, no...much worse.” Diego stood, waiting for the music to start, thinking about the last few months. He turned to Bryan and said, “Have I told you how proud I am of you?”

Almost every day,” Bryan replied. He hugged his dad and said, “but that doesn't mean I want you to stop.”

I love you, Chico.”

I love you, too, Dad.”

Organ music began to play and Diego's anxiety started to rise. "Ready?" He asked Bryan.

Shouldn't I be asking you that? After all, you're the one putting a ring on it.”

Then, yes, I'm ready.”

Bryan helped his grandmother walk to his father, before leaving to take his place. Diego's mother looked proudly at her son and said, "Ya es hora de que te cases."

Diego chuckled while fighting back tears. "¿Yo se, verdad?"

Diego's mother patted his cheek, then gently pulled his face towards hers, so she could give him a little kiss. “Me gusta este, Diego, así que no la jodas.”

Si, mamá.”

Mother and son walked down the aisle. Steve and their sons stood, flanking Preacher David, who was wearing white robes, with a rainbow shawl around his shoulders. Everyone in the seats had some kind of rainbow accessory. Most of the men—including himself, Steve and the boys—wore rainbow ties, while the women had everything from rainbow scrunchies to purses. Diego's sister, Maria, threatened to come in a rainbow ball gown, but their mother quickly put an end to that, especially since the dress looked more tye-dye than anything.

Puede que nuestra familia sea liberal, María, ¡pero a ti no te criaron como una hippie sucia!”

Abuela stopped and gave Diego one last kiss on the cheek, before Bryan helped her to her seat at the front. He looked up and saw Kenny smiling at him. His heart fluttered and gave a little wave, which was returned. Bryan wished they were there as boyfriends, but after several weeks, they had managed to become friends again, though there was always an awkwardness that still hadn't gone away.

Dearly beloved,” David said, once Bryan returned to Diego's side. “We're here today to mourn the loss of Diego Padilla and Steven Jensen.”

There were chuckles among the crowd. After a quick translation and even quicker explanation by Luis, Abuela joined in the laughter.

It's in sad times like these that we remember those who have passed on from the land of bachelorhood to the land of marriage, also known at the 10th level of Hell. All you divorcées know exactly what I'm talking about, right?”

Several murmurs let their approval be heard.

Marriage, like a fine wine, can turn to vinegar before you know it, and like prison, can seem like an eternity for those trapped in it. But, for some reason, these two freaks think they can make it last. I guess we'll see...just as long as you end things by October; I've got $50 riding on this, so don't disappoint.

From what I was told by a questionable source, each of you has written the obituary for the other, and like any train wreck in which Trump is a casualty, this ought to be good.”

Once the cheering stopped, Steve said, "Diego. Ever since our first date, I knew I never wanted to lose you. You were funny, kind, compassionate, and sexy as fuck."

Luis made a gagging noise that got him slapped by his mother, which caused some additional laughter.

Anyway,” Steve said, giving a little side-eye to his brother-in-law, “Over the last three years or so, my love for you has only grown with no signs of stopping. Mi amor por ti durará varias vidas. Te amo con todo mi corazón y estoy orgulloso de ser tu esposo.”

Diego was faltered and impressed with Steve's Spanish, though the accent still needed work.

Yo,” David said, nudging Diego, “your turn.”

Steve, I knew I loved you the moment you accepted my boys, even though one of them kept putting you through the ringer. You have been patient, understanding, kind and loving. And, when Ry showed me your pic, my first thought was, 'Ay dios mío.'"

You practically shouted it,” Ry heckled from his seat in the crowd, causing more laughter.

Nobody asked for your opinion, Lorelai!” Diego clapped back, causing Charlie to cry out in laughter, which then caused another wave of laughs.

Once the noise settled down, again, Diego continued. "For a good chunk of my life, I never imagined that I'd be married with two amazing kids. You complete a dream I never knew was possible. I can't comprehend a day without you in it, nor do I ever want to see one. I love you with all my heart, Steve, and I'm proud to call you my husband."

The crowd clapped with a few cheers. Steve smiled and turned to the gathering. "Sure, clap when he says something beautiful, but stay completely silent when I speak Spanish."

Is that what that was?” Bryan asked, causing the crowd to erupt again.

You're lucky I love you,” Steve said.

You're lucky I let you,” Bryan retorted, followed by more laughter.

Alright,” David said, regaining control over the ceremony, “now that we've gotten through that tripe, is there anyone here who has a reason these two shouldn't get married, or just needs a diabetes test after all that sugary nonsense?” Everyone looked around but nobody said a word. “Fine, your loss,” David said. “Get out your rings, gentleman. This shit is about to get real.”

Bryan and Caleb handed over the small boxes they were given.

Steve, do you?”

I do.”

Diego, is he making you do this against your will? Come on, you can tell us. Wait, you're not pregnant, are you?”

The last time I checked you can't get pregnant the way we do it.” Luis gagged again, which caused more laughter and another slap from Abuela. But, no, I'm not being forced into this.”

Fine. Do you?”

I do.”

Great. So, with the power invested in me by the great State of--”

Wait!” Billy called out from the doors.

Too late, Dude,” Bryan said. “We already moved on from that part, and isn't this just a little too cliché at this point?”

Ignoring Bryan's remarks, Billy walked towards the grooms, with a document in hand. “Sorry I'm late,” he said, sounding a bit out of breath.

No,” David said sarcastically, “you're on time as always.”

Billy smiled and said, “This wedding is a sham. It cannot continue...at least not till this little matter is taken care of.”

Billy handed the document over to Steve then took his seat next to Trevor.

Bryan and Caleb looked confused and scared. Was there another secret about to tear their family apart? Did Calvin have one more trick up his sleeve?

Steve showed Diego the document. Diego looked gravely solemn. “I suppose we have no other choice now,” Diego said, looking at his boys.

No, I guess not. It's too late at this point.”

Steve squatted down in front of Caleb, as Diego moved Bryan next to his brother. Steve handed the document to Diego then took each boy by the hand. "I'm afraid I have some...news. This is really important, so I need you to just listen and know that, no matter what happens, I will always love you. You got that?"

Both boys nodded, their hearts pounding.

While your dad was fighting to keep you, I asked Billy to look into something for me. At the time, I wasn't sure how it would work out, but it looks like he came through in the end, as always. Oof, this is hard to tell you, but it has to be done. As of 30 minutes ago, I adopted you two. You're now officially my sons.”

The crowd, who had been on pins and needles, cried out and cheered. Caleb collapsed in Steve's arms crying. Bryan looked at Diego and asked, “Are you serious?”

Very serious. I didn't find out till after Calvin's sentencing hearing. Judge Arthur signed it a little bit ago.”

You're a dick,” Bryan said, to his new father. “Welcome to the family!” He wrapped his arms around his dad and brother and began to cry.

Steve whispered in Bryan's ear, "Didn't I tell you that you were stuck with me? Now do you believe it?" Causing Bryan to cry harder.

After everyone regained control of themselves, David said, "So, I now pronounce you Husband and Husband. You can kiss each other, but nothing else! There's kids around."

Steve and Diego kissed to a roaring crowd, then pulled their sons into a family hug.

*     *     *

How long are you going to be in Mexico?” Kenny asked Bryan.

A month. We're leaving tomorrow. I wish you could come with us.”

Maybe next time,” Kenny said. “You looked very handsome up there, until you started crying.”

It was an emotional moment, and I won't be shamed by you for it.”

I wasn't shaming you,” Kenny said, “I was just saying you were ugly crying is all.”

That's still shaming.”

Quinton and James came over and sat with Kenny and Bryan. The awkwardness increased a bit. James and Bryan hadn't really talked much since they were still grounded after everything that happened.

“Still going out for soccer this year?” James asked Bryan.

Yeah, I think so. I don't think I'm built for football anymore, but I want to stay active.”

You could join our e-sports league,” Quinton offered.

He said, 'Active.'” James said to his twin. “Playing Minecraft isn't active.”

It is if you're playing in VR,” Quinton replied.

James just rolled his eyes. "I should be off grounding when you get back, so maybe we can all hangout at Uncle Billy and Uncle Trevor's place?"

Bryan looked hopefully at Kenny, who was clearly on the spot; after all, it had been Kenny who kept shooting down the idea. "Yeah, that's fine," he finally said. "As long as you two don't start making out again."

Quinton, who had taken a drink of Coke, did a spit take. "What?! When?!"

Kenny had a panicked look on his face. He had figured James said something to his brother, since they were so close. "Shit! I didn't mean to say anything. I'm sorry, James. I thought he knew!"

James and Quinton busted up laughing. Kenny blushed, which made Bryan laugh...but only a little. He believed the ruse, too.

You think Bryan is the only boy James has kissed?” Quinton asked, then derisively snorted. “His dick might be straight, but his mouth is very bi.”

Seriously?” Bryan said, feeling a bit indignant. “I wasn't your first?”

Nope,” James said. “I told you everyone wants me.”

Hell, I'm the only one he hasn't made out with,” Quinton said.

He hasn't made out with me,” Kenny said.

Well, shit,” James said. He grabbed Kenny by the head and leaned in. At first it started as a peck on the lips then evolved into much more.

Alright,” Bryan said a little too loudly, “I think you made your point.”

James pulled away and said, "Not bad."

Kenny remained silent, wondering for the first time if Bryan had lied to him about how much better of a kisser Kenny was compared to James.

James, come here,” Charlie said sternly. James groaned and went to his father.

Looks like he'll be grounded again,” Quinton said.

I got this,” Kenny said and went to rescue James from the lecture he was clearly getting.

Quinton made sure Kenny was out of ear shot then asked, “Are you still into Kenny?”

Why?” Bryan asked, “Are you wanting him now?”

No,” Quinton said, flatly. “We're just friends. I ask because he's still got a thing for you.”

Not by the look on his face after your brother nearly sucked his soul out.”

Whatever. Stop sidestepping my point. If you still want Kenny, you likely have a shot.”

Don't fuck with me, Quinton. I'm not in the mood.”

Okay, have it your way, but I wouldn't wait too long to let him know how you really feel. You never know when someone else might come along.”

Bryan turned to Kenny and wondered if Quinton really had their best interests at heart.

*     *     *

Diego sat next to Steve, with his mother on his other side, while his sons sat across from them on their phones. Bryan was teaching Caleb how to use Snapchat.

Shit,” Bryan said, looking at his phone. Ever since he turned 15, Diego had been a little more tolerant of his son's profanity, but that didn't stop Abuela from chewing her grandson out. “Lo siento, abuela,” Bryan said, trying to sound less annoyed.

What's wrong now?” Diego said, with a heavy sigh. Teenagers, Diego thought, hoping now that Caleb was 12, he wouldn't be like his brother.

Remember that kid from my class? John?”

The your writing partner?” Steve asked.

Yeah, that's him,” Bryan replied ruefully. “He just finished the stupid story.”

Wasn't it due months ago?”

Yeah, it was and we failed the assignment.”

So, what about him?” Diego asked, hoping to get to the point faster.

He finished the story.”

Yeah, I get that, Bryan, but what's your point? We have a month in Mexico, and I don't want to waste it hearing about this story.”

Bryan rolled his eyes, earning him a raspberry thrown at his face by his grandmother for disrespecting his father. "¡Lo siento!" He exclaimed, trying to dodge more fruit. "Anyway, he said he's going to publish it and wanted to know if I wanted to be listed as an author."

What did you say?”

Fu—um, heck no! I don't want to be associated with that piece of trash. Besides, it's not like anyone will actually read it.”

Everyone in the lobby looks at you, and Abuela smiles and waves.

Anyway,” Bryan said to his dads, “Apparently, he's written other stories and he's going to interconnect them.”

Like the MCU?” Steve asked hopefully.

More like the DCEU,” Bryan replied, “so you know it's going to suck.”

Diego said, returning to his own phone, "Let me know where I can find these stories, so I can read them. They might be interesting, aside from the whole meta humor bit. I don't get it."

Bryan said, “I did tell him that if he wanted me to be a part of it, there would need to be less meta humor, or at least have it better placed than dedicating an entire section or chapter to it. It's so cringe when he does it.”

Can I be a part of it?” Caleb asked, his voice slightly cracking.

We'll see,” Bryan said, as he returned to his phone.

The PA announced the next flight to Durango. Everyone made it through the TSA without issue, except Steve who had forgotten to remove his car keys, which earned him a strip search.

I think that guy had a crush on you, Dad,” Bryan said, nudging Steve, who blushed.

Really?” He asked, looking back at the very handsome man.

Hey, hey!” Diego said, taking his husband's hand. “Enough of that.”

I guy can look, can't he?”

No,” Diego said. “You're all mine, and I don't share.”

I love you, too,” Steve said as he kissed his husband, not caring how many people in Houston saw them.

As the plane took off, Bryan sent Kenny a text then put his phone on airplane mode. He hoped that, by the time he got to Abuela's house, Kenny would have replied in kind: ❤️


Except it isn't really the end.... Bryan's and Kenny's stories will be continuing in the summer of 2025 in a series of short stories, which will lead into another long series over on Nifty in September 2025. However, this will not be my last story on Gay Authors. I am working on some ideas for stories and will get those out as soon as I have time. Thank you all for making it to the end, especially those who have been here from the first publishing of Chapter 1. Your support and comments have made this story worth writing, and has helped heal some wounds. For the last time with this story, please Recommend, Review, React, Comment and Reply. It really does help.
Copyright © 2023 John Henry; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for reading this story.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

3 hours ago, Johnny Kape said:

That's it!!  It won't be a John Henry story without meta jokes in the last chapter!!

Love the story. Thanks for bringing the amazing story to us. :heart:

I needed to leave the story on a high note and make up for the dream sequence twist; plus, I didn't want just a dumb, standard wedding...and another fourth wall break seemed appropriate. :) 

You're very welcome for the story, and thank you for reading it.  You comments have meant a lot.

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@chris191070 Thank you for the great review. I really appreciate it.

To everyone else:


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Dangnabflibbinrollercoasterheartstringsnaggingbirdlickingroosterjabbingpignagging son of a bisquick stealing horse mongering steel toed frog kissing beatnik loving cracked 8 track of a 45 bent needle dingle berried ......... hold on I gotta catch my breath. .... DOG HOUSE NOW ...... GROUNDED ..... yes you can steal @weinerdog's pillow on your way. Holy fricken heart strings and hand grenades was that a ride. Last time i had this many tears happy and sad I was reading some of Stonies work. Which reminds me, I still demand a happy tears reaction button. 

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1 hour ago, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

Dangnabflibbinrollercoasterheartstringsnaggingbirdlickingroosterjabbingpignagging son of a bisquick stealing horse mongering steel toed frog kissing beatnik loving cracked 8 track of a 45 bent needle dingle berried ......... hold on I gotta catch my breath. .... DOG HOUSE NOW ...... GROUNDED ..... yes you can steal @weinerdog's pillow on your way. Holy fricken heart strings and hand grenades was that a ride. Last time i had this many tears happy and sad I was reading some of Stonies work. Which reminds me, I still demand a happy tears reaction button. 

Tell us how you really feel...preferably as a review....

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19 minutes ago, John Henry said:

Tell us how you really feel...preferably as a review....

But use fewer syllables for us simpletons.

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