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    John Henry
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Thicker Than Water - 55. Chapter 55

The chapter may contain topics and discussions that might be triggering for some readers. Discretion is advised.

Objection, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke practically shouted. Diego's heart beat so hard, he thought he was going to have a heart attack. Mr. Clarke snarled, “Lack of foundation, argumentative and irrelevant.”

Your Honor,” Billy said, calmly, “My client had informed me that he had been sexually abused at the hands of Mr. Johnson but had no physical evidence at the time to notify the authorities.”

As disturbing and regretful as that may be, Mr. Parker,” Judge Arthur said, measuredly, “this is not a criminal proceeding.”

Very true, Your Honor,” Billy replied, “but Mr. Clarke did open the door to character assassination and to moving outside of the scope of his original filing, which I objected to, and you overruled. Since Mr. Clarke was permitted those things, I am also permitted; otherwise, you'd be showing favor towards the Petitioner, which I've also objected to multiple times and you've overruled.”

Diego was pleased that Judge Arthur was seething. All the previous times Billy had pissed the judge off paled by the look on the judge's face at that moment. Judge Arthur's grip on his gavel was so tight it turned the old man's knuckles white. He slammed his gavel down so hard it sent the block flying across the courtroom. As a deputy retrieved the battered piece of wood, Judge Arthur practically shouted, “Objection overruled, Mr. Clarke. And you, Mr. Parker, are getting awfully close to a jail cell, so you better watch your step.”

Billy smiled, looked at a rather unnerved Mrs. Knutson and said, “My apologies, Mrs. Knutson. Now, would you mind telling the Court just how that conversation came about?”

Cynthia Knutson shifted in her chair, regained her composure and said, “Calvin and I were at a New Year's Eve party, as I had already explained. Prior to that, I had looked through his phone and emails, things he gave me access to when he wanted us to have a joint bank account. I refused to get one until he could trust me with his phone, laptop and access to his accounts to be sure he wasn't into anything criminal.

As I went through his devices, I found various texts, social media messages, website chats and emails that alarmed me. I downloaded everything I could find, made copies, and decided to confront Calvin before I threw him out of my house and life. I didn't want to do this alone, nor did I want to do it somewhere private. He has a way of playing dumb and trying to convince you that you got everything wrong.

I asked my friend, Sheila, to record the conversation, so Calvin couldn't deny anything later. I wore a microphone and Sheila stood nearby with her phone aimed at us.

At first, Calvin denied everything, then he said he wanted to discuss things by ourselves. I refused and told him that the party was too loud and nobody nearby would be paying attention. I also added that if he and I did go somewhere private, there'd be nothing stopping me from yelling at him.

I asked him about the correspondence with all of his ex-girlfriends, and why he lied to them about his kids. He said he was in a bad place and didn't know how to talk about them. I called him out on it with several of the emails from the women he dated before me, where he happily discussed his kids and his desire to get them back once he had a place to live.

I brought up the custody of his kids and why he lied about that. I saw copies of the letters his court appointed lawyer here in Washington had sent him, trying to reach out, to arrange phone or video calls, all the court filings that described the government's attempts to contact him. None of them were replied to.

Then I asked about his mother. At first he tried giving me some sob story about how controlling she was and how she ruined his life growing up. I told him to shut the fuck up and tell me about her getting custody of his kids and demanded the real story. That's when he told me about this gay guy named Diego, who used to be his best friend. Calvin left his kids with Diego and took off.

I saw the messages from Diego, demanding to know why Calvin left, demanding to know when Calvin was going to return, demanding child support, and then telling Calvin that he had no choice but to turn him in for abandonment. Calvin never responded to those messages, either.”

Billy asked, “So, how did the conversation turn to Calvin sexually assaulting Diego?”

It was in one of the much older texts from Diego; from a few years prior. According to what I read, Diego was upset that Calvin had pulled a blanket off of Diego, ran his hand up and down Diego's body, and then groped Diego's genitals, notably Diego's penis.”

And what did Mr. Johnson say when you confronted him with this?”

He dropped his head and admitted that he had done it...and more than one time. Calvin said that they had shared a bed due to their cramped living situation at the time, which only left one bed for them to share. They had separate blankets, which Diego insisted on. Calvin claimed to have been asleep the entire time and would 'wake up' as he was molesting Diego.”

Did you believe him?”

Not at all.”

Why not?”

Because, for someone who claims to be a straight man, he never once did it to me, and we shared not only a bed but bedding, while also sleeping naked every night.”

And did you bring this up to him?”


And what did he say?”

Nothing at first. Then he started crying...without tears. He said that he was curious about being with a guy, and that Diego had turned him down already when Diego offered to share the bed, even though Calvin hadn't even asked or offered to have sex with Diego. Anyway, Calvin said that it happened multiple times and couldn't remember exactly how many. Eventually, Diego ended up giving Calvin permission to do it, and according to Calvin, it 'ruined the mood' of the whole thing, so he stopped.”

Do you know if Calvin had done similar acts with any of his other ex-girlfriends?”

No, he didn't.”

And how do you know that?”

Because, I messaged every single one of them and asked them. I never explained why I was asking, and just a let it be assumed that he was doing it to me.”

When did you end your relationship with Mr. Johnson?”

That night. Once he told me what he had done, I was beyond over it and him. I had already packed his belongings and removed him from my bank account, canceling any cards he was connected to. He hadn't had a job at the time, so none of the money was his, anyway.”

Your Honor, I'd like to admit Respondent's Exhibit R-36, the messages Mrs. Knutson had collected from the Petitioner's electronic devices as mentioned in her testimony, and Respondent's Exhibit R-37, which are messages between Mrs. Knutson and the various former partners of Mr. Johnson that confirm Mrs. Knutson's questions regarding potential sexual contact.”

Any objection, Mr. Clarke?” Judge Arthur said bitterly.

No, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke said.

Very well, both exhibits have been admitted into the record. Continue, Mr. Parker.”

Thank you, Your Honor. I'd now like to play the video in question for the Court.”

How long is the video, Mr. Parker? It's almost the end of the day.”

Approximately 30 minutes.”

Do you have anymore questions for the witness?”

I don't Your Honor.”

Very well. This is what we'll do: Mr. Clarke and I will watch our respective copies of the video, and we'll reconvene tomorrow at 10am, and Mr. Clarke, you'll have your cross examination then.”

That sound fair, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke said.

We're fine with that, as well, Your Honor,” Billy said.

Then Court is adjourned until 10am tomorrow morning, and Mrs. Knutson, you will need to return then and finish your testimony. Is that understood?”

Yes, Sir.”

With that, Judge Arthur banged his gavel and people stood as he walked away. Diego glared at Calvin who avoided eye contact. Diego watched as Ashley put her arm around Calvin, as if shielding him.

Well, that was exciting,” Billy said, closing his brief case.

I don't know what to say.” Diego was on the verge of crying.

There's no need to say anything. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done about what Calvin did to you, since it happened long outside of the statute of limitations. I already contacted the District Attorney's office about it.”

This is more than enough, Billy. Even if the judge fucks us, we can have CPS on Calvin like white on rice.”

Again, it isn't that simple, but it is a net positive for our case.”

Would you and Trevor be willing to come by my place to night for dinner? It's really the least I can do after all of this.”

I'll ask, but since it's my turn to cook, I'm almost certain the husband and kid would be up to it.”

How has Kenny been doing living with you guys?”

He's adjusted well, I think. We haven't had any issues with him, and we pay him handsomely for the work he does around the house.” Billy gave a small, sad smile. “I've always wanted kids, so it'll be a sad day when he finally moves out.”

How's his mother doing?”

Not good, I'm afraid. She hadn't been responding to medications or therapy. The doctors are still hopeful, but to be honest, I think Trevor and I will have to adopt Kenny for good. If his mother is ever released, it might not be until after he becomes an adult.”

Have you talked to him about it?”

We haven't yet. Trevor wants to, but I think Kenny might react badly. I want to wait until we know for certain. If we try to adopt him, and his mother gets better, that'll create a lot of legal issues.”

Not to mention, you would be getting your hopes up.”

There is that, but I'm used to disappointments and sad endings. I don't want that for Kenny. He deserves more.”

Well, for what its worth, I think you and Trevor would make great parents for him. He seems happy again, and he's a smart kid. He might have already come to this conclusion already.”

That's fair.” Billy looked at his watch and said, “I need to get going. I'll text with Trevor's decision.”

Sounds good,” Diego said, as he and Billy went their separate ways.

What's better than three chapters in a row? I guess you'll have to find out tomorrow.... Thank you for reading this far. Please recommend, review, react, comment and reply. It all helps a lot.
Copyright © 2023 John Henry; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for reading this story.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

14 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Wow, what a chapter. Billy really annoyed Judge Crusty Pants in this chapter, but Billy got what he wanted. Should be interesting when Calvin's lawyer has watched the video.

Yes, this chapter was a good one...can't wait to see what you have to say after tomorrow's chapter....

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13 hours ago, weinerdog said:

“How's his mother doing?”

“Not good, I'm afraid. She hadn't been responding to medications or therapy. The doctors are still hopeful, but to be honest, I think Trevor and I will have to adopt Kenny for good. If his mother is ever released, it might not be until after he becomes an adult.”

“Have you talked to him about it?”

“We haven't yet. Trevor wants to, but I think Kenny might react badly. I want to wait until we know for certain. If we try to adopt him, and his mother gets better, that'll create a lot of legal issues.”

“Not to mention, you would be getting your hopes up.”

“There is that, but I'm used to disappointments and sad endings. I don't want that for Kenny. He deserves more.”

I appreciate Billy concern but NOT telling Kenny this would be so much worse everything Billy said to Diego should be said to Kenny.

If Judge Crustypants broke the gavel would a cost of a new one come out of his paycheck or would he charge it to Billy?:gikkle:


Billy is just trying to give Kenny some hope that his mother will be okay.  There's no good position in his, especially for Kenny.

The Government would replace his gavel for free, sadly. Lol 

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3 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

The trial has become a farce, a circus starring not one but three clowns, Judge Crustypants, Counsellor Clarke and Calvin "Turdblossom" (LOL thank you @drsawzall for this hilarious name). If Crusty has any more outbursts like the one during this court session he very well may "die on the job" and it won't be in the arms of a hooker.

I have to agree with @weinerdog YET AGAIN. I think Kenny should be informed his mother is not responding to treatment thus far, with the disclaimer that if she does not, Billy and Trevor would like the option of adopting him if he is agreeable to this. His whole life appears to have been one of uncertainty and this uncertainty could be "put to bed" if Billy and Trevor sit down and discuss this with him and present him with the option of adoption.

Well @John Henry, the trial has to date been mostly tense and at times infuriating but this session really did descend into farce. Although the revelations were dark and disturbing the performance of the three clowns, primarily Crustypants, made it exceptionally amusing. 

The trial was a farce to begin with.  Billy has only turned it to his advantage.

I'm sure adoption will come up, but only if it has to.

Glad you liked the circus.

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11 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

And he understandably is having way too much fun revealing Calvin Turdblossom's real character and Judge Crustypants incompetence and bias. 

Wouldn't you if you were Billy?

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Billy and Trever really should talk to Kenny about his options. The truth is sometimes a harsh mistress but it is better to know than to be blindsided.

As for the Judge, it is easy to see that he knows he is toast on appeal. He has made so many reversible errors that it is likely an appeal would throw his decision to the lions. This is why he is allowing Billy the introduction of his evidence, hoping to save his butt on appeal (should he actually rule in favor of Calvin).

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Posted (edited)

45 minutes ago, Al Norris said:

Billy and Trever really should talk to Kenny about his options. The truth is sometimes a harsh mistress but it is better to know than to be blindsided.

As for the Judge, it is easy to see that he knows he is toast on appeal. He has made so many reversible errors that it is likely an appeal would throw his decision to the lions. This is why he is allowing Billy the introduction of his evidence, hoping to save his butt on appeal (should he actually rule in favor of Calvin).

I agree, but I also still think Charlie dug up some "dirt" on Crusty which Billy disclosed to him and he, Crusty, is reminded of every time he sees Billy smiling (smirking) politely at him in court.

Edited by Summerabbacat
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8 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

I have to agree with @weinerdog YET AGAIN. I think Kenny should be informed his mother is not responding to treatment thus far, with the disclaimer that if she does not, Billy and Trevor would like the option of adopting him if he is agreeable to this. His whole life appears to have been one of uncertainty and this uncertainty could be "put to bed" if Billy and Trevor sit down and discuss this with him and present him with the option of adoption.

I could see the wisdom of handling Kenny's situation in this manner!

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2 hours ago, Al Norris said:

Billy and Trever really should talk to Kenny about his options. The truth is sometimes a harsh mistress but it is better to know than to be blindsided.

As for the Judge, it is easy to see that he knows he is toast on appeal. He has made so many reversible errors that it is likely an appeal would throw his decision to the lions. This is why he is allowing Billy the introduction of his evidence, hoping to save his butt on appeal (should he actually rule in favor of Calvin).

I like to think that Billy and Trevor are giving Kenny space to settle in and adjust to his new situation, especially after how poorly the shopping trip went. Plus, they might be waiting to see how his mother's treatment is going in the long term before bringing up something so serious.

As for the judge, there are a lot of good points you've made, but in custody cases, if Calvin gets custody, he could move with the boys to another country, making the appeal almost pointless.

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6 hours ago, John Henry said:

As for the judge, there are a lot of good points you've made, but in custody cases, if Calvin gets custody, he could move with the boys to another country, making the appeal almost pointless.

Before I move on to read Chapter 56, I just have to answer this...

This assumes that Calvin has a valid passport. Um, do the boys? Then there is the matter of any long-term stay in a foreign country - do they have Visas'? These all take time to acquire.

In the meantime, you file an appeal and request an injunction to surrender their passports. They (Calvin and Co.) are flight risks.

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