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Concrete - 14. Super 8

Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans reading this story! I ate so much, I resembled a stuffed turkey!

Now, it's time for Christmas!!!!

Another week passed, and it was a good one. Jamie had close to three thousand dollars under Harper’s mattress.

Things with Gordon were going swimmingly. The older man was trusting Jamie on a new level. Sometimes, Jamie didn’t even park the car at Gordon’s house at the end of the night, he brought it home. Gordon was letting him take more drugs out of the house, as well, and every day, Jamie packed a backpack with crack and took it out with him delivering. It saved time and was way more convenient than going back to the trailer every time he had a run.

On another note, he and Adam were thriving. Their love was still tender and new and they spent every single second they had alone kissing and getting each other off. It wasn’t often, but they did what they could, when they could.

Adam’s desperation to get out of Gordon’s trailer had increased, though. He wouldn’t say why, but he was adamant that Jamie start looking for a place to take him.

But Adam didn’t seem to get it. The second Gordon found out they were an item, the drug runs would stop. Jamie was sure of it. Gordon would be so betrayed. How could Jamie ever expect to work for him again?

The thought was in the back of his mind to contact T. Maybe he could start his own thing… but he was nervous to be out on his own (Gordon was still handling the customers) and he didn’t know if he’d be able to survive off Door Dash alone, so it was essential he had the drugs as a backup.

It was Thursday, and there was a lot on Jamie’s plate as he headed to probation. He had his backpack of drugs on the seat beside him, but he wasn’t worried. He had proof he was working now. Garrett wouldn’t say shit.

He parked in the regular lot, tucked his backpack under the front seat, then got out and locked the doors. He started for the building, mentally preparing himself to be searched, and he was the second he got inside. His belt set off the alarm, like usual, and he was wanded.

Once he passed the first test, he went upstairs, checked in, and sat under the rehab poster board to wait.

It took a few minutes, but Garrett finally appeared in the door. “Jamie?”

Jamie got up and followed him into the probation office. They went to Garrett’s usual cubical and sat with the desk between them.

“How are you?” Garrett asked.

“Not bad,” Jamie said coolly. “And you?”

“I’m doing fine.” Garrett looked at something on his computer. “Address and phone number the same?”


“How’s the job search going? Any luck?” Garrett shuffled through some files on his desk, looking for something. “No more side-jobs, right?”

“Nope. I’m too busy with my new job,” Jamie said. “I’m working Door Dash now. My friend gave me their car, so I could do it.”

“That’s a good friend,” Garrett said. “I wish someone would give me a car.”

“I’ll pay him for it when I get the money,” Jamie laughed. “It’s kind of a loan.”

“I see.”

“I’m really thankful. The job’s been great so far.”

“That’s good to hear.” Garrett wrote something in his files. “How many hours are you working?”

“I’m trying to get as close to forty hours as I can,” Jamie said. “I want to make some money. I want to get a place.”

“That’d be great for you. I hope it happens.”

“Oh, it will, it’s just a matter of time,” Jamie said. “I’m already saving up my cash.”

“Good, good,” Garrett said.

“I’m actually on the clock now, so it’d be great if we could wrap this up,” Jamie said. “I’d love to get back on the road.”

“Sure, I understand.” Garrett finished writing, then stood. “Ready to pee?”

This time, Jamie was a bit nervous about the test being positive. He’d trusted T last week, but now, with his penis in his hand and the specimen cup waiting to be filled, he couldn’t help wondering…

Still, he didn’t have much choice. He let out a stream of piss into the cup, then handed it to Garrett to check.

Garrett set the cup of piss on the bathroom counter and dipped a test strip inside. “So who do you deliver for? I’ve never used Door Dash.”

“Oh, shit, there’s tons of restaurants that are on Door Dash,” Jamie said. “Everything from McDonalds to Olive Garden. I deliver for all of ‘em.”

“I’ll have to try it out some time,” Garrett said vaguely, then he checked the strip. “Looks good, Jamie.”

Jamie let out a little sigh. “Oh. Good.”

“Were you expecting a different result?” Garrett laughed.

“No,” Jamie lied. “But I’ve heard horror stories about false positives.”

Garrett dumped the pee in the sink, then patted Jamie on the shoulder. “It doesn’t happen too often. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

Jamie followed the man back to his desk and scheduled for another two weeks. They’d be into November then, and there would be only one more month to go.

“Almost done, Jamie,” Garrett said as he put the appointment into his computer. “The New Year will be a whole fresh start for you.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Jamie said, beaming. “So, am I good to go?”

Garrett finished with his computer and looked up. “See you in November.”

Jamie smiled at him, then got up to leave the office.

When he got outside, Jamie lit up a cigarette and checked his phone. He looked cool, standing in front of the probation office with a smoke dangling from his lips.

That girl at the motel needs another four grams, Gordon had texted twenty minutes ago. Jamie paused to answer him.

I’m out of probation. Tell her I’m coming now.

He slid his phone into his back pocket, then strode across the lot. He knew where Sophie stayed. He didn’t need a map.

It took a good ten minutes to drive across town. Jamie was on his second cigarette when he arrived, and he flicked it out the window as he parked. He grabbed his backpack, then hopped out of the car.

“Jamie,” Sophie said when she answered the door. She was in another skimpy dress with heels, and she looked better today. She stepped aside coolly to let Jamie into the room.

“Hey Sophie,” Jamie said, sliding past her. “How’s it going?”

“It’s going,” Sophie said. “I made some money today, so it was a good day.”

Jamie nodded, then set the bag on the bed and rummaged through it for the crack. He had a feeling Sophie was a prostitute or something, so he didn’t ask any questions.

“How’s your day going?” Sophie asked, sitting next to Jamie, and pulling her purse into her lap. She took out her money, neatly folded this time, and waited patiently for Jamie to take it. “You look like you’re in a good mood for once.”

“I’m usually in a good mood.” Jamie snorted. “I’m just not in a hurry today. I’m not delivering yet.”

“Oh yeah. How’s that Door Dash job going?”

“Great,” Jamie said, then he traded the drugs for the money. “It’s exactly the fast-paced kind of job I was looking for.”

“I couldn’t deliver anything for a living,” Sophie said. “Besides the fact I don’t have a car anymore, I was a terrible driver. I just use Uber to get around now.”

“I love driving long distances,” Jamie said. “I like being out on the open road, nobody in front of me, nobody behind…. It’s relaxing.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a nightmare,” Sophie said, then carefully opened the bag of drugs.

Jamie watched her take some on her finger and snort it. He wondered if it felt different doing it that way. Already, he was curious to try it again…

Sophie caught him watching. She smirked. “Wanna try some this time?”

“Yeah.” Jamie set the bag aside without hesitation and took a seat. He scooped some up with his index finger, then held it up to his nose.

Sophie watched him snort up with a smile. “I thought you were too good for this stuff.”

Jamie sniffed, then wiped his nose off. “That’s not why I turned you down last time. I’m on probation, actually. I just had a meeting with my PO.”

Sophie’s eyes widened. “Gordon said you had something to do first. Is that where you were? Taking a piss test?”

“Yep. I do it every two weeks.”

“You’d better be careful. I hear this stuff lasts at least five days in your system,” Sophie said.

“I’ve got fourteen days.” Jamie shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, then take another hit if you want.”

Jamie did so without question. He could feel it working already. His blood pumped through his veins with a vengeance, and he felt powerful. Like he could say or do anything, and nobody would stop him.

“What do you think?” Sophie leaned back on the bed, so her dress rode up her thighs. “Doesn’t it feel wonderful?”

“I used to hate you crackheads so much, but yes, it feels excellent,” Jamie said.

“What do you mean you hated us?” Sophie giggled. “What did we ever do to you?”

“I was mostly jealous. It’s not fair you guys can smoke and I can’t.”

“I can’t smoke in this room,” Sophie said. “I have to snort it. Every time.”

“I’d move rooms.”

“This place is the only motel around that lets me do my work,” Sophie said casually. “I needed someplace safe to stay, and this was it. I left my pimp a few weeks ago, and I’ve been struggling since.”

“So, you are a prostitute.”

Sophie smiled at him. “Can’t you tell?”

“Yeah. But I didn’t know for sure.”

“I work nights, but sometimes, I do housecalls during the day,” Sophie said, giving Jamie a simpering look. “Care to try my services?”

“Oh. No,” Jamie said, laughing. “I’m gay.”

“Oh.” Sophie pouted.

“Yeah. I’ve got a boyfriend at home, too,” Jamie said, thinking of the beautiful dark-eyed boy. “I wouldn’t cheat on him even if you were a man.”

“That’s too bad. You’re so cute,” Sophie said. “I was hoping.”

“Sorry,” Jamie laughed, then he grabbed his backpack and bounced off the bed. “Thanks for the crack. I feel like I could do a million deliveries right now.”

“You probably could,” Sophie said easily. “You should try it out.”

“I think I might.”

Sophie waved from the bed. “Have fun, delivery boy.”

Smiling, Jamie stepped out of the room. As he walked to the car, he took out his phone and pulled up the Door Dash app. There were deliveries in the area, and he jumped on the first one available, not even caring what the tip would be. He just wanted to go!

Jamie did delivery after delivery. He didn’t want to stop! Gordon messaged him a few times for drug runs, but the majority of the evening was spent dashing food around.

Adam texted Jamie a few times, as well.

I just fed Harper fish sticks, he said around five.

Then at seven, We’re watching The Nightmare Before Christmas on the Disney Channel. Harper’s loving it.

Then around nine, When are you coming home? Harper’s asleep on the couch.

Jamie hadn’t gotten anything from Gordon since eight. He figured he could quit anytime he wanted, but then another order popped up in the Dasher app and he grabbed it before it disappeared. There was a good tip attached. He’d call it a night after this one, and he texted Adam as such.

But after that last one, there were three more that were just as appealing. Jamie took them, one after the other, adding up his money after each stop. When he’d made two hundred through the app, he decided to call it quits.

He signed out of the Dasher app, texted Adam he was done, then turned around to head back to the trailer park. It was past ten. Poor Harper had been sleeping for a while now. He figured he’d have to carry her to bed…

When Jamie got to Gordon’s trailer, though, all the lights were off. He checked his phone for replies, but Adam hadn’t responded to his last text.

He frowned in confusion, wondering if everyone had just gone to bed. It was much later than he normally finished, but still, Adam could have told him if that were the case.

Jamie shut off the car and got out, flicking his cigarette into the gravel without a thought. He climbed up to the porch and tried the door.

It was unlocked, and Jamie slid silently into the room. Immediately, the sound of grunting floated from the back of the house, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up in alert.

Harper was asleep on the couch, just like Adam had said. The TV was playing quietly in the background, but even the mindless cartoons weren’t enough to mask that horrible sound….

Jamie started down the hall, his feet silent on the carpet. One of the cats ran past him, but he didn’t even bother to see which one it was. He had a terrible feeling something was happening in Gordon’s room, and he edged down the narrow hall until he stood in front of the red and blue curtain, looking at the sun and the moon while the grunting continued beyond it.

Heart pounding in his chest, Jamie grabbed the curtain and pulled it back.

Gordon stood over Adam, completely naked, his cock on the boy’s sweet tongue. He was pumping his hips back and forth into Adam’s mouth, grunting with each thrust, and it looked like he was having a grand old time.

Jamie let out a horrified gasp, and Adam’s eyes shot to him in the doorway. He pulled away from Gordon like he’d been burnt and struggled to stand. “J-Jamie…”

Gordon looked over his shoulder, and his eyes narrowed with frustration. “We’re almost done. Just wait in the living room.”

Jamie stepped into the room and spun Gordon around by the shoulder. “Oh, fuck that.” Gordon’s eyes widened in surprise, and without even thinking about it, Jamie drove his fist into his mouth.

Gordon fell back against the bed. “What are you doing?!”

Jamie didn’t answer. He grabbed Gordon by the throat and struck him again, and again, and again. Blood trickled out of Gordon’s nose and his eyes went crossword, so Jamie hit him again so they rolled up in his head. Gordon was completely defenseless.

“Jamie… stop!” Adam cried, but Jamie ignored him.

“I told you not to mess with Adam.” Jamie punched Gordon again. “I told you to leave him alone!”

Gordon gurgled in reply.

“You sick fuck!” Jamie cried. “I don’t know how you convinced him, but I know Adam didn’t willingly open his mouth for you!”

“Jamie, please.” Adam begged.” You have to stop.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this was happening!?” Jamie screamed at him, shaking Gordon about by his neck. “How long has this been going on? Huh? How long have you been letting him abuse you?”

“H-he said he’d kick me out if I didn’t do it,” Adam said, tears in his eyes. “I just wanted to stay here with you and Harper. I didn’t know what else to do.”

“Arrgh!” Jamie yelled, then he slammed his fist into Gordon’s nose once more. “You creepy fuck!”


Jamie turned, his hand still around Gordon’s throat and saw his daughter in the doorway, wide-eyed and afraid. His fist trembled, then he let go of Gordon.

Adam stepped forward before Jamie could, and shooed Harper from the room. “Come on. Let’s go back to the cartoons for a minute. Daddy’s busy.”

Jamie met Harper’s blue eyes, then the girl was whisked away. Slowly, he turned and assessed the damage on the bed and immediately cringed. Gordon was still naked, of course, and very much unconscious. He had blood pouring down his face from numerous cuts, and Jamie just knew he was going to get in trouble.

He grabbed handfuls of his hair and groaned. “Fuck. Great job, Jamie.” His mind flew in a thousand different directions, but the only thing that made sense right now was to run.

He took a few seconds to compose himself, then he stepped out of the room.

Adam and Harper were curled together on the couch. They both looked like they’d seen a ghost, and Jamie crouched in front of them and pulled both into his arms.

“Why did you do that, daddy?” Harper asked into the silence. “Why did you beat up Gordon?”

“Because he made me mad, is why,” Jamie grunted, then pulled back. “Now, we need to get out of here before he wakes up.”

“Oh, God,” Adam whispered. “He’s unconscious?

“He’ll live, but I hit him pretty hard in the head,” Jamie muttered. “He’s not going to be happy when he wakes up.”

Adam met Jamie’s eyes. “ What do we do?”

“Grab your things, and let’s get out of here.”

Slowly, Adam nodded. He got off the couch and vanished into the back of the house.

“All right, Harper, get your shoes on,” Jamie said, and Harper slid off the couch to retrieve them from the door. She sat to put them on and Jamie watched her anxiously. He wanted to leave. Now.

“Okay, I’m ready.” Adam appeared again, bag over his shoulder, and relieved, Jamie gathered his boyfriend and his daughter and ushered them from the trailer.

“Get in the car,” he said the second the door was shut behind them. “It’s mine now. We’re taking it with us.”

Adam gazed at him wide-eyed. “Where are we going?”

“To a motel,” Jamie said, then he thought about the money back at his mom’s and he changed up his answer. “But first, we’ve got to grab a few things at my place.”

Adam nodded, then turned to help Harper into the back seat. Jamie left him too it, and went around to the driver’s side. When he got in, he realized he still had the bag of drugs and all the money. It didn’t even occur to him to leave them behind. He tossed the bag into the backseat and waited for Adam to get in.

They drove down the road to April’s trailer. It was all lit up, and Jamie knew the old woman was awake. He sighed. “Everyone just wait here. I’ll be back.”

“Okay, daddy,” Harper said softly.

“Be careful,” Adam said, and Jamie laughed.

“I’ll try.” He grabbed the backpack, then headed inside.

In the living room, April was drinking in front of the TV. She looked up curiously when Jamie came in the door. “Where’s the girl?”

“Harper’s outside in the car,” Jamie sneered. “We’re leaving.”

“Leaving?” April snorted. “Where are you going? Who in the hell else would take you in?”

“I’m getting my own place,” Jamie said proudly. “I’ve been saving up some money.”

“What, at Door Dash?” April scoffed. “You’ve only been there two weeks. You don’t have any money.”

Jamie frowned, then turned to go down the hall. He didn’t care what his mother thought. He didn’t need to explain anything to her bitch ass.

In Harper’s room, Jamie pulled the money out from under the mattress. It was dirty and creased, but it was cold hard cash, and Jamie stuffed it in his backpack.

April banged into the room when Jamie was zipping up the bag. “What’s that? Where did you get all that money?”

“I told you,” Jamie grunted. “I’ve been saving it up.”

“You’ve been hoarding my money,” April snapped. “Every time I give you cash for cigarettes, you get change, and you’ve been socking it back for later, haven’t you?”

“What? No,” Jamie said. “That’s impossible. You always give me exact amounts, so I don’t get change.”

“Well, there’s no way you made that much this past week at work,” April said, following Jamie around the room as he gathered some of his and Harper’s clothes in his arms. “I want my money back. Now.”

“Its not yours!” Jamie cried, then he stormed out of the room for a trash bag. He found one in the kitchen and proceeded to hurriedly stuff their clothes into it. “I worked fair and square for that money. I’m not letting you rip me off, again.

April stopped at the end of the hall, hands on her hips, and watched Jamie pack up his things. “What have you been working at? Have you been selling drugs again?”

“What if I have?” Jamie scowled, pulling the tie closed on the bag of clothes. “Are you going to blackmail me?”

April stared at him very seriously. “I should call your probation officer.”

“How much to keep you quiet?” Jamie hissed.

April thought for a moment. “Five hundred bucks.”

Angry, Jamie tore the bag off his shoulder and pulled out a bundle of money. He didn’t count it, he just threw it on the floor at April’s feet. “That’s all I’m giving you,” he said bitterly. “Be grateful. I’m moving out. Right fucking now.”

April glared at him, then her greedy gaze fell to the money.

Jamie stalked out of the room as fast as his legs would carry him. He hoped he’d never have to set foot in this horrible place, ever again.

Outside, he tossed both his bags into the back with Harper, then climbed into the front seat.

Adam took his hand and squeezed. “How’d you do?”

Jamie scowled. “I had to give her some money, but it went all right, I guess. I made it out of there, anyway.”

Adam smiled. “I’m glad about that.”

“Yeah. Me too,” Jamie laughed.

“I’m tired, dad,” Harper said from the back, and Jamie’s brain started working, thinking of the closest motels. He thought about going to Sophie’s place, but he figured a motel good enough for a prostitute probably wasn’t the place to take his daughter.

Jamie started up the car. He knew where they’d go.


There was a Super 8 a couple miles from the trailer park. It wasn’t nice or anything, but they had a pool. Unfortunately, it was outside, and it was closed for the winter.

Harper was half asleep by the time Jamie checked in. He drove the car around to the room and lifted her out of the backseat. He carried her inside and laid her gently on the bed closest to the bathroom.

It was a plain room with two queen beds. There was a dresser across from them with a TV, and a table under the window. It was all pretty basic.

Adam followed behind with their bags. He shut the door quietly, then pressed himself against it, shutting his eyes in a strange kind of relief.

“So, what happened back at the house?” Jamie asked into the quiet. He couldn’t stop seeing the image of Gordon’s scrawny, naked body, unconscious on the bed, and he just wanted to be sure. “He was raping you, right? You didn’t want that.”

“I agreed to it,” Adam said grudgingly. “It’s happened a few other times, too.”

Jamie frowned. “But why?”

“I told you, he said he was going to kick me out if I didn’t,” Adam said with a sigh, setting the bags by the door. “I felt like I had no choice.”

“I don’t understand why you didn’t just tell me,” Jamie pressed. “I would have saved you. I wouldn’t have let that happen.”

“But you told me I had to stay in Gordon’s house until we could get our own place,” Adam said, biting his sweet lips. “I was afraid I’d be on the street and that you would be, too.”

Jamie huffed. “I can’t believe you were doing that. He’s so… gross.

“I know,” Adam shuddered. “And he tasted even worse than he looked.”

Jamie’s face screwed up in disgust.

“Can we please just… forget it happened?” Adam asked. “We’re out of there now, and we can’t go back.”

Jamie sighed. “I’ve got to call T in the morning.” He took his phone out of his pocket and held it like a lifeline. “This isn’t going to work without the drugs.”

“I wish I could get a job to help you,” Adam whispered. “Its not fair.”

“I do too, but you can’t,” Jamie said. “Not yet at least. Not while your parents are still looking for you.”

Adam moved away from the door, then stepped into Jamie’s personal space. He looked up pitifully. “I’m a little scared. We’re totally on our own right now.”

“I’m scared, too,” Jamie said, taking Adam into his arms. “But we’ll figure this out. We’ll be okay.”

The two of them hugged each other tight. Their bodies were totally flush. It was more than reassuring, it quickly became arousing.

Jamie tipped Adam’s head back and kissed him softly. Their mouths came together in a warm burst of passion and they fell on the second bed, entwined in each other.

“Take your clothes off,” Adam whispered between heated kisses. “I want to feel you all over.”

Jamie hesitated. “But Harper…”

“Come on,” Adam laughed, then he rolled out from under Jamie and crawled to the top of the bed. “Let’s get under the covers.”

Smirking, Jamie rolled over to join him. They scampered under the blankets together, then clumsily undressed. Jamie was naked in seconds and he tossed his clothes to the side of the bed. Adam took longer and he struggled with his underwear for a moment, squirming under the covers.

Jamie laughed at him. “Need help?”

“No. I’ve got it.” Adam emerged from under the covers, his undies in hand.

“Oh, good.” Jamie smiled, then pulled him closer. “Come here.”

They came together again, and their naked skin touched all over. Jamie kissed Adam fervently, pushing his tongue into the hot, sweet insides. He wanted to claim Adam’s body for his own. He wanted to mark him as his property. He threw a leg over Adam’s waist and rolled on top of him, pinning him down with his weight. He kissed him over and over, until they were both hard and Adam’s lips were getting swollen. Then he kissed him some more.

“Oh, God, I have to come so badly,” Adam moaned after a time, and Jamie smirked at him.

“I’ll make you come without even touching you. How about that?”

Adam groaned, then shut his eyes. “I don’t care what you do to me. Just make me come.”

“So demanding,” Jamie laughed in a deep voice. “All right, baby. I’ll make you come.” He leaned in and kissed Adam tenderly, teasing his lips with his tongue. Then, be moved down, and latched onto Adam’s sensitive throat. He’d left little marks before, but he’d always tried to be discreet. Now, though….

“Ah!” Adam gasped when Jamie licked his silky skin, then quickly bit down and started to suck. “Ah… Jamie…”

Jamie licked and sucked a line of love bites down to Adam’s left nipple, then he took the little morsel in his mouth and sucked some more. He worshiped Adam’s smooth, hairless chest for some time, kissing him, tasting him, leaving marks all over. It was deeply erotic for them both. Jamie longed to rip the covers off and kiss more of Adam’s slender body, but he was worried about his daughter waking up. He kept everything under the sheets and focused on Adam’s top half, kissing everywhere he could reach.

Eventually, Adam began to squirm below him, thrusting his cock up into Jamie’s, and oh God that felt good. Jamie pressed himself closer and molded their cocks together. He didn’t care what he’d said anymore. He wanted to come, too.

They kissed and thrust against each other for some time, their bodies getting sweaty and slipping together under the hot blanket. Jamie’s strong cock pulsed needily beside Adam’s, and Jamie rutted his hips over and over, driving him into the mattress.

Adam came first. His beautiful face screwed up and he gasped as he exploded between them, slicking their bodies with semen.

Jamie kissed Adam passionately while he rode the waves of pleasure, dipping his tongue deep into his perfect mouth. He’d marked the boy, and now he had to seal the deal with his seed… He ramped up his efforts, sliding his dick through Adam’s sticky sperm. He kissed him until the end, and when it happened stars burst behind his eyes at the absolute feeling of bliss.

In the aftermath, Adam curled up beside Jamie, sweat and come drying between them, and hugged him tight. “I never want to move again. I’m so comfortable.”

“We should wash this off,” Jamie said, his nose wrinkling. “Before it gets all over the sheets.”

“Who cares,” Adam said, laying across Jamie’s broad chest. “Somebody will clean it up in the morning.”

Jamie rested his hand on top of Adam’s dark head and sighed, resigning himself to sleeping in a puddle of yuck. “All right, then.”

Adam snuggled in more comfortably. “I can’t believe I get to sleep with you tonight. This is amazing.”

Jamie pet his hair. “It’s pretty nice. I definitely wasn’t expecting to end up here tonight.”

“Mmm, me either.”

“Goodnight, baby,” Jamie said, kissing Adam on the brow. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Adam whispered, then, “Goodnight.”

Jamie listened to Adam’s and Harper’s soft breathing as he stroked gentle fingers through Adam’s hair. He had a lot on his mind and it took a while for him to shut down.

When he did though, he was out like a light. He didn’t wake again until there was a sudden pounding on the door.

Copyright © 2021 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Just now, mastershakeme said:

Damn yourself! 🤣

Dont start ill roll over you! That's all i can do after yesterday

  • Haha 4
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2 minutes ago, Wesley8890 said:

Dont start ill roll over you! That's all i can do after yesterday

I agree. I'm still eating leftovers, too. 

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Just now, mastershakeme said:

I agree. I'm still eating leftovers, too. 

Ill be eating them for the next three days

  • Haha 3
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Just now, Wesley8890 said:

Ill be eating them for the next three days

That's my favorite part of Thanksgiving. Grandma sent me home with a bunch of leftovers now I can eat all the food alone at home with no one bothering me 😂

  • Haha 3
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1 minute ago, mastershakeme said:

I agree. I'm still eating leftovers, too. 

You ever have a turkey omelet? Surprisingly not too bad I had to get rid of the leftover before they spoiled

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Just now, weinerdog said:

You ever have a turkey omelet? Surprisingly not too bad I had to get rid of the leftover before they spoiled

Hmm, that sounds really interesting.

We're making turkey soup out of the bones, so nothing is going to waste!!!

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So Gordon got caught by Jamie using Adam. Gordon is gonna be sore after Jamie knocked him about.

Damm that cliffhanger, who's knocking on the door.

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Excellent cliffhanger who could possibly be at the door?If I remember right the car is in Jamie's name I think but maybe Gordon still called it in stolen. Or April back stabbed Jamie because he didn't leave her enough money and she called.Anybody else? It can't be T.Maybe A P.I. following Adam?Unlikely. I'm stumped.

Some other thoughts Jamie using crack is very worrisome. I suspect Garrett will call Door dash and specifically ask for Jamie.

My first reaction when I heard Jamie hid the money under the mattress was how lame I remember my mom every week  turning over the mattresses but then I thought would April do that?So I guess it was the perfect hiding hiding place

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8 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

  Gordon is gonna be sore after Jamie knocked him about.


Literally and figuratively

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Jamie Jamie Jamie... I can't believe what a complete moron this guy is turning out to be, and Adam deserves better than a crackhead. I really want to like these two, but it's hard when Jamie is so ready to throw everything away for a high. He's so frustrating...

Gordon got off easy, and I hope there's more punishment in his future.

Hopefully there's still time for Jamie to get his act together before it's too late.

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Well, that was a far from ideal resolution to the Gordon problem. They don't have nearly enough money to set themselves up and someone is pounding on the door. They didn't go far enough from the trailer park.

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4 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

Excellent cliffhanger who could possibly be at the door?If I remember right the car is in Jamie's name I think but maybe Gordon still called it in stolen. Or April back stabbed Jamie because he didn't leave her enough money and she called.Anybody else? It can't be T.Maybe A P.I. following Adam?Unlikely. I'm stumped.

Some other thoughts Jamie using crack is very worrisome. I suspect Garrett will call Door dash and specifically ask for Jamie.

My first reaction when I heard Jamie hid the money under the mattress was how lame I remember my mom every week  turning over the mattresses but then I thought would April do that?So I guess it was the perfect hiding hiding place

Wow you're mom flipped the mattresses every week??? I haven't done mine in years 😂

And I agree Jamie using drugs is bad. There will be repercussions soon enough....

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16 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

So Gordon got caught by Jamie using Adam. Gordon is gonna be sore after Jamie knocked him about.

Damm that cliffhanger, who's knocking on the door.

Remember, they're POUNDING at the door. Not knocking 😉

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5 minutes ago, Shadow086 said:

Jamie Jamie Jamie... I can't believe what a complete moron this guy is turning out to be, and Adam deserves better than a crackhead. I really want to like these two, but it's hard when Jamie is so ready to throw everything away for a high. He's so frustrating...

Gordon got off easy, and I hope there's more punishment in his future.

Hopefully there's still time for Jamie to get his act together before it's too late.

I know I didn't put any of this in the description, but the plot is developing as I go, so.... 

I'll just say it'll get worse before it gets better. Although I agree, I wasn't planning on writing any crackheads, Adam deserves better indeed. 

I hope you stick around to find out what happens!

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4 minutes ago, drpaladin said:

Well, that was a far from ideal resolution to the Gordon problem. They don't have nearly enough money to set themselves up and someone is pounding on the door. They didn't go far enough from the trailer park.

Yeah. Not a smart move. Now Gordon is out for revenge....

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1 hour ago, mastershakeme said:

Yeah. Not a smart move. Now Gordon is out for revenge....

Especially as Jamie still has his bag of drugs in the car and probably his money.

It's either Gordon or T pounding on the door ( unlikely to be Gordon, going on the beating Jamie gave him).

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Thank goodness that happened. I'm not usually an advocate for violence but Gordon earned every punch he received for extorting oral sex from Adam. Although, if Adam wanted insurance against being kicked to the curb, he could've spit some of Gordon's semen into a tissue and tucked it away, then confessed to being underage and have the creep by the balls. Alas, he's a good kid and hasn't had to face that sort of situation before.

Speaking of Adam's spit -- I hope he brushed his teeth and/or gargled with mouth wash or he treated Jamie to a buffet of Gordon's balls when they kissed in the motel room. Let me tell you, the taste of dick lingers on the palate! Hahaha.

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34 minutes ago, Danners said:

Thank goodness that happened. I'm not usually an advocate for violence but Gordon earned every punch he received for extorting oral sex from Adam. Although, if Adam wanted insurance against being kicked to the curb, he could've spit some of Gordon's semen into a tissue and tucked it away, then confessed to being underage and have the creep by the balls. Alas, he's a good kid and hasn't had to face that sort of situation before.

Speaking of Adam's spit -- I hope he brushed his teeth and/or gargled with mouth wash or he treated Jamie to a buffet of Gordon's balls when they kissed in the motel room. Let me tell you, the taste of dick lingers on the palate! Hahaha.

Except, as I indicated before, Alex isn't legally underage in Ohio. Gordon isn't completely stupid. It is coerced sex, but he knows Alex fears going back home more than anything else and he would never risk reporting him.

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1 hour ago, Danners said:

Thank goodness that happened. I'm not usually an advocate for violence but Gordon earned every punch he received for extorting oral sex from Adam. Although, if Adam wanted insurance against being kicked to the curb, he could've spit some of Gordon's semen into a tissue and tucked it away, then confessed to being underage and have the creep by the balls. Alas, he's a good kid and hasn't had to face that sort of situation before.

Speaking of Adam's spit -- I hope he brushed his teeth and/or gargled with mouth wash or he treated Jamie to a buffet of Gordon's balls when they kissed in the motel room. Let me tell you, the taste of dick lingers on the palate! Hahaha.

I was totally thinking about the lack of teeth brushing 😂😂😂 

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16 minutes ago, mastershakeme said:

I was totally thinking about the lack of teeth brushing 😂😂😂

I guess we can consider it a BJ by proxy. Eww...

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Ugh, I have a horrible picture in my mind now of what Jamie saw when he burst into Gordons bedroom, please someone remove it!

I don't condone what Jamie did but I can understand it and Gordon did have it coming to him. But now I'm concerned about the repercussions and the effect of them on Jamie, Adam and Harper. Jamie needs to think before he acts and Adam needs to grow up fast or they won't last long. As for who's at the door well it could be trouble or it could even be worse.

The twists and sub plots are developing, so what's coming next?

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34 minutes ago, Mancunian said:

Ugh, I have a horrible picture in my mind now of what Jamie saw when he burst into Gordons bedroom, please someone remove it!

I don't condone what Jamie did but I can understand it and Gordon did have it coming to him. But now I'm concerned about the repercussions and the effect of them on Jamie, Adam and Harper. Jamie needs to think before he acts and Adam needs to grow up fast or they won't last long. As for who's at the door well it could be trouble or it could even be worse.

The twists and sub plots are developing, so what's coming next?

More twists to come! I hope I don't scare everyone away 😂😂😂

Thanks so much for the comment. I appreciate them all 😊

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