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Concrete - 8. Goodwill

Adam sat in the backseat of the Impala while Jamie drove at top speed. They were test driving the car on some obscure back street, but Jamie was going a little wild.

“I think that’s fast enough,” Gordon said from the front, clutching the arm rest in fear. “We know the engine works all right.”

“I don’t know, do we?” Jamie sped up a little and Adam squealed when they flew over a bump and he bounced in his seat. Jamie met his eyes in the rearview mirror and seemed to relent. “I guess that’s good,” he sighed, and then they started to slow.

They’d been speeding around for the past twenty minutes, and Adam’s stomach was in a knot. He tried to relax back in his seat as Jamie stopped at a red light.

“Jesus, I think I’ve got whip lash,” Gordon muttered, rubbing his neck.

“From that?” Jamie scoffed. “Oh, come on, I was just seeing what the car would do.”

“Are you satisfied?”

Jamie’s hands flexed on the wheel. “Yes.”

“We’re getting it then,” Gordon said. “Now, I think you’ve had your fun for the day, take us back to the dealership.”

“All right,” Jamie said, then he made a right on red and started for the onramp. “Maybe I did get a little crazy, just then. It’s just been awhile since I had my own ride. Well… I mean, I know it’s your ride, but…”

“You can buy it from me if your interested,” Gordon said. “Every job you do will get you closer to owning it for real. Simple as that.”

Jamie smirked. “When’s my first job?”

“I think it’s going to be today, unfortunately,” Gordon groaned. “After this, I just want to go home, take a pain pill, and smoke a joint. I don’t want to do anymore shopping.”


“So, I want you to take Adam around for whatever he needed,” Gordon said. “I’ll give you some money, and he can get whatever he wants within reason.”

“Wow, lucky boy,” Jamie said, making a show out of rolling his eyes.

Adam ignored him. He unbuckled his seat and leaned forward to hug the older man. “Thank you, Gordon!”

Gordon patted his arm. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. You deserve it.”

“I can’t wait to decorate my room!” Adam was a little embarrassed, but he laid on the praise, knowing Gordon needed it to feel special. “This is going to be amazing!”

“Just don’t get anything huge that needs to be installed,” Gordon said. “Anything else should be fine.”

Adam sat back in his seat as Jamie sped up to jump on the highway. He’d been brainstorming what to put in the room most of the day already, but now that it was time, all he could think about was getting some alone time with Jamie.

Adam could barely believe he’d done it, but he’d kissed that beautiful man. Right on the lips. The thought had Adam vibrating with excitement…

They got back to the dealership in just a few minutes. Jamie dropped Gordon off at the office, then parked the car in front of the building to wait.

They were alone again. Just like that. Adam squirmed a little in his seat with anticipation.

Up front, Jamie cut the engine and rolled down the window. “I don’t think we should tell Gordon about the kiss.”

Adam blinked at him in confusion. “Of course not. Were you really going to tell him?”

“No.” Jamie took out his pack of cigarettes and casually lit up. “But I thought you might.”

“Oh, hell no.” Adam laughed. “Online, Gordon said he’d be understanding if I hooked up with someone else, but I’ve already determined that was a huge lie.”

“He wants you all to himself,” Jamie agreed, blowing smoke out the window. “And he’s a greedy lover. I’ve seen him with two other guys since I’ve been living here.”

Adam leaned forward with interest. “What were they like? The other boyfriends?”

“Young, like you, but they weren’t in high school or anything,” Jamie said. “He was probably helping them out with money, now that I think about it. He never moved them in with him like he did you, but they were over a lot, doing something.

“Probably having sex,” Adam said easily. “Gordon made some really creepy insinuations last night about me sneaking into his bed.” He shivered a little at the thought. “I made sure the door was locked as soon as he left.”

“You’re not going to be able to avoid him for long,” Jamie said. “He’s going to expect some affection after he furnishes your new room. You know that, right?”

Adam’s face turned white. “Oh no…”

“Maybe you should just leave the room like it is,” Jamie laughed. “It’s not so bad. At least it’s clean.”

“I can’t leave it like that. It’s so… boring,” Adam said. “That’s why I didn’t even think about it. When Gordon offered to let me go shopping, I jumped at the chance.”

“Well, I seriously think he’s going to expect something from you in return,” Jamie said. “At least, that’s how I think these things work.”

“You’re probably right,” Adam groaned. “What am I going to do?”

“Well, we can save a lot of money right from the get-go by going to the thrift store instead of the Walmart. Second hand is the way to go,” Jamie said.

Adam cringed a little at the thought. He’d never even been in a thrift store. Still, he knew Jamie was right about the price. “Okay. I guess we could do that.”

“I can tell your parents fed you with a silver spoon all your life, but the thrift store isn’t that bad.”

“I hope not,” Adam grumbled.

Jamie snorted with amusement. “You’ll see. And you’ll love the price when we’re done. It’ll solve every thing.”

“Good,” Adam said. “Because I don’t want to have sex with Gordon. I want to save my virginity for someone special.”

“Like me?” Jamie said, smirking.

“Well, I was hoping…”

Jamie sighed and flicked his cigarette out the window. “That kiss really freaked me out.”

Adam licked his lips. “I could tell. Your driving was insane.”

Jamie laughed darkly. “I was thinking about what I should do…”

“Did you figure it out?”

“Not yet.”

Adam stared at the other boy in a shaft of sunlight. His face was filled with indecision, but even so, Jamie looked so ruggedly handsome. Adam gazed at him appreciatively.

Then, the passenger door opened and Gordon got in before he could think of anything to say. The moment was wasted.

“Okay. It’s all ours,” Gordon said, holding up the paperwork. “We’ve got 30 day tags until we can get to the DMV.”

“Great,” Jamie said. “It’s a nice ride.”

“It better be. For the price.”

Jamie pressed his lips together and fell quiet as he backed out of the lot.

“Take me home, Jamie,” Gordon said. “Then you and Adam can go shopping for a few hours.” He craned his neck so he could see into the back. “I expect you home for dinner. I’m cooking tonight.”

“Oh. Cool,” Adam said.

“Chicken Parmesan and some bread sticks. It’s going to be the bomb.”

“I like chicken,” Adam said. “Sounds good.”

Gordon chatted about cooking as they drove through town. Apparently, he was a world renowned chef, and he bragged about it all the way back to the trailer park.

“If you’re so good, then why do you order out so often?” Jamie asked as they pulled into the neighborhood.

“Because I never have a clean place to do my thing. That’s why,” Gordon said matter-of-factly. “But I do now. And I’m going to whip up a feast.”

“Call me if you need help,” Jamie chuckled, slowing as they neared Gordon’s trailer. “I just made chicken the other night. It turned out amazing.”

“Oh, do you cook?” Adam asked him.

“Twice a day for my daughter. Breakfast and dinner.”

“Wow. I bet you’re really good at it,” Adam swooned, imagining Jamie making him dinner instead.

Gordon glared at Jamie as they glided into the drive. “And what do you make for Harper? Peanut butter and jelly? She can’t be very hard to please.”

“On the contrary, that girl watches Chopped on the Food Network. She knows all kinds of fancy foods,” Jamie said, shifting into park. “She was just telling me to do a risotto the other day.”

Gordon frowned, but then he climbed out of the car and reached into his back pocket. “Here’s five hundred bucks… if you can get Adam back by four, a hundred of it is yours.”

Jamie took the money with a somber expression. “All right.”

“Have fun, you two,” Gordon said, looking between them. “And be good.”

Adam felt like the last bit was directed at him. He wanted to move up to the front seat, but he decided to wait until Gordon was gone to do it. He didn’t want the older man to see his excitement…

With one last firm look, Gordon turned and limped to the house. Adam waited until he was on the porch, then he squeezed himself over the armrest and plopped into the front passenger seat.

Jamie stuck a cigarette between his lips. “Hi.”

Adam swooned again. “H-hi.” Jamie’s blue eyes were so strikingly beautiful…

Jamie shifted into reverse. “Ready to do this?”

“Yes,” Adam said in a breathy voice. “I’m ready.”

Jamie lit his cigarette, then tore out of the driveway. “There’s a Goodwill up the hill that has furniture and shit,” he said. “You might find exactly what you’re looking for.”

“I’m looking for a desk and a chair,” Adam said in a little voice, staring up into Jamie’s face with adoration. “And something cool to put on my wall.”

“They’ll have all those things and more,” Jamie said. “And they have clothes, too, if you’re looking.”

“I could use a couple pairs of jeans and a hoodie,” Adam said. “It’s getting chilly.”

“Yeah. It is.”

They went past the hairdressers, and drove up a steep hill. There were all kinds of businesses along the street. When Adam realized he was checking out a neon sign for a strip joint, he promptly averted his gaze.

There was a large intersection at the top of the hill and just beyond it, a monolithic plaza with a Goodwill mashed against a generic discount grocery store. Jamie drove through the intersection and turned into the Goodwill plaza. He parked far away from both stores, right in the middle, and a ways away from any of the other vehicles, then he shut the car off and turned to look at Adam with his sharp blue eyes.

Adam shivered all over. “Yes?”

“I’m just wondering when you’re going to stop with the puppy dog eyes.”

“Oh.” Adam dropped his gaze, blushing. “I’m sorry, I just—”

“Want to kiss me?”


Jamie puffed his cigarette then let it go in a smooth column. “Well, we might as well do it now. When nobody’s watching.”

Adam glanced around. Jamie was right. They were all alone.

“This is completely against my better judgment,” Jamie growled. “But I don’t think I can stand to look at your lips another second and not kiss them.” Adam gasped, and Jamie’s eyes fell to his lips. His gaze narrowed, and he flicked the last of his cigarette out the window, then leaned over the gear shift.

Adam moaned when Jamie’s lips met his own. The kiss was chaste for only a minute, then Jamie gripped Adam’s face and slid his tongue into his mouth. Adam responded by moving his own tongue in harmony with Jamie’s and almost at once, his cock reacted. It grew in his pants as the kiss went on and got deeper and sloppier. Adam whimpered into Jamie’s mouth when his cock reached full hardness and pressed painfully against his fly. He needed to release it, but he didn’t know what he was allowed to do…

Jamie pulled back and looked between their bodies. “Oh fuck.”

“I’m so hard, Jamie,” Adam whined, rubbing himself through his jeans. “Let me come. Please.”

Jamie gulped, then reached down to adjust his own massive erection. “Let it out first. I want to see it.”

Adam ripped his jeans down, then stood up a little on his knees and let his cock slide out the front flap. “Ohhhh. Yesss.”

Jamie looked down at Adam’s little, pink cock and licked his lips. “That’s cute. Want to see mine?”

“Oh, God, yes.”

Jamie slowly unzipped his fly and his cock popped right out into the open. The fat pink head was slick with precome and sweat and it oozed down the thick, veiny shaft. Adam watched the little beads drip with wide, amazed eyes. He wanted a taste...

“Oh God!” Jamie cried out when Adam’s lips wrapped around his cock head. “I can’t have a seventeen year old suck my cock. It’s too fucking much.” But Jamie didn’t stop him and Adam kept sucking the beautiful, delicious cock shaft for all he was worth.

Adam had never sucked a cock before, but it was instinctive. He slid his lips up and down Jamie’s length, playing his tongue along the underside as he went. He let the back of his throat close around Jamie’s cock head and swallowed to control his gag reflex. It wasn’t difficult at all like Katie said… In fact, it was super enjoyable.

“Oh fuck… Christ… oh fuck…” Jamie chanted, his hands sliding into Adam’s hair. The look of bliss on his face was intoxicating, and Adam pushed on, hoping to see more.

Keeping his head slow and steady, Adam polished Jamie’s knob repeatedly. Long minutes passed, and Jamie moaned as he bobbed his head up and down over and over again. Then, suddenly, Jamie gasped and locked his fingers around Adam’s head.

“Uh!” he grunted once, then he filled Adam’s mouth with bitter come.

It wasn’t pleasant, but Adam swallowed it willingly. It kept coming, too. What felt like gallons of sperm shot out of Jamie’s tight balls.

“Come up here, brat,” Jamie grunted when he was done, and Adam sat up with a pleased little smile on his face.

“That was my first blow job,” he said.

“It was?” Jamie reached out and ran his thumb along Adam’s plump bottom lip. “You did really well for a beginner. I haven’t had a BJ that good in like… ever.”

Adam beamed. “Thanks.”

Jamie caught his chin and pulled him close. “I said I didn’t want you sucking my dick though.” He pressed a quick kiss to Adam’s lips. “You’re a bad boy.” He kissed him again. “What am I going to do with you?”

Adam went with it, and climbed over the seat to settle in Jamie’s lap. Their cocks slapped together and Jamie’s eyes rolled back in his head a little. “I think you should kiss me again as punishment.”

“I don’t think it’s going to be much of a punishment,” Jamie chuckled, but he leaned in and kissed Adam deeply.

Their lips slid together in a passionate dance while below, they bumped their groins at each other like rabbits in heat. Jamie had never gone soft. His big dick remained hard as a rock and Adam took it in his little hand and shyly started to pull him off. Jamie did the same. He gripped Adam’s penis and touched him perfectly. Everything he did felt divine, and Adam melted into the kiss with a groan of helplessness.

The pleasure lasted long, endless minutes. Adam was sure he’d be in this pleasure-limbo for the rest of his life. As Jamie continued to stroke his cock, Adam tilted his head back and moaned at all the amazing new feelings. Then, Jamie leaned in and nibbled his throat like it was a fine delicacy. He kept rubbing his cock while it happened and it felt amazing, and Adam tightened his hand around Jamie’s big, powerful dick and sped up his stroking. He felt like he was slacking!

But Jamie sucked Adam’s neck with big, wet kisses. He was relentless, and Adam’s whole body broke out in goosebumps at the delicious feeling.

“Uh… God… you’re gonna make me come,” Adam whimpered and Jamie sucked his flesh deliberately, urging him on. Adam had wanted to make sure Jamie came again, but it was suddenly not that important. He fell back against the steering wheel and let go, come bubbling over Jamie’s long fingers and staining his wife beater.

Jamie released Adam’s neck as soon as he came and kissed him again on the lips, tender and sweet. He reached down and gathered Adam’s tired hand in his own and continued to pull himself off.

They were kissing, their lips smacking together wetly, when Jamie came a second time.

“Gah!” He erupted between their bodies, and both of them were spattered in come. “I guess we’ll both be buying shirts when we get inside,” Jamie chuckled and Adam smiled at the joke. He slid back over to his own seat and cleaned himself up as best he could.

“That was a lot of come,” he commented as he cleaned off his fingers. “Like, an unusual amount.”

“I haven’t come like that in years,” Jamie admitted. “Becky and I had a lot of problems in the bedroom. We weren’t having sex there at the end…”

Adam looked at him seriously. “Is that why you were breaking up with her?”

“Yeah,” Jamie said, rubbing his neck. “That and she found out I had a crush on my best friend, T.”

“Is T a guy?”

Jamie huffed. “Of course he is. Don’t you get it? I’ve been a closet homo for most of my life. I always try to hide it, but it just ends up coming back to bite me. Every time.”

Adam chewed his lip. He didn’t know what to say.

“Now I’m messing around with you…” Jamie shook his head. “I’m definitely going to get in trouble this time. Without a doubt.”

“That’s not true,” Adam said. “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

Jamie gave him a look, and Adam looked away, defeated.

“We can’t tell anyone we’re messing around. Got that,” Jamie said. “Nobody can know. Especially Gordon.”

“Of course he can’t know,” Adam scoffed. “He’d go apeshit.”

“Just… let me do some jobs for Gordon. Let me set aside some money, then, maybe I’ll be able to make a down-payment on a house and we can move out of the trailer park,” Jamie whispered. “If I can save up like fifteen hundred…”

“I’ll be patient then. I won’t try to pressure you into anything,” Adam said, and he was willing to promise his soul if he could win over Jamie’s heart for good. “I’ll just stay with Gordon and won’t make a fuss.”

“That’s how it has to be for now,” Jamie said sadly. “My mom would never let you stay with us. She wouldn’t understand.”

“I know. I have a mom like that too.”

Jamie snorted with amusement. “I doubt our mother’s are anything alike.”

“You’d be surprised,” Adam said. “My mom is pretty unpleasant.”

“Yeah. And next to my mom, she’d be a Saint.” Jamie lit up a cigarette, then he hopped out of the car. “Come on. Let’s do some thrifting.”

Adam followed him and got out of the car. Together, they walked toward the Goodwill.

Copyright © 2021 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Let me tell you something rich boy goodwill is the freaking bomb! And salvation army! 90% of my record collection most of my cassettes and 8 tracks and about 80% of my tie collection come from those two stores alone. Not to mention other little knick knacks and books! They are gold mines!! And i can find clothes my size! Walmart dont even got them my size. 

When o got my notification i went lets see what the creepazoid is doing now! But chicken parm sounds good. 

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1 minute ago, Wesley8890 said:

Let me tell you something rich boy goodwill is the freaking bomb! And salvation army! 90% of my record collection most of my cassettes and 8 tracks and about 80% of my tie collection come from those two stores alone. Not to mention other little knick knacks and books! They are gold mines!! And i can find clothes my size! Walmart dont even got them my size. 

When o got my notification i went lets see what the creepazoid is doing now! But chicken parm sounds good. 

Goodwill is awesome 😂😂😂 I didn't appreciate it much as a kid but love it as an adult. So many cool treasures! 

Chicken parm does sound good 😋😋😋

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5 minutes ago, mastershakeme said:

Omg I LOVE naps 😅😅😅

Quite a few other things i didnt appreciate as a kid butt do now😉

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2 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

Count me me as someone who also likes Goodwill.Did you think this was going to be a topic Of conversation?🤔

Well the activity between Jamie and Adam happened a lot sooner then I thought it would.As much as Adam may not like it I think he has to let Gordon go down on him that ought to keep Gordon satisfied for awhile until Jamie works out a plan.But don't let Gordon penetrate him(Geez I didn't think I would talk about this either)

So Gordon is a World renowned chef🙄Well he's really good with Pizza boxes


Yeah, I was imaging Adam would have to do something sexual to make Gordon happy... Definitely no penetration. I hear you. 

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1 minute ago, chris191070 said:

Jamie and Adam need to be really careful around Gordon, all they find themselves in trouble. Thrift stores are good.


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I think Adam should barely spend anything on himself, but buy Gordon a really nice gift.  It doesn't even have to be expensive - there's a ton of stuff at Goodwill that was super expensive when it was new, which you can get for pennies on the dollar.  Only problem is, I can't think of what kind of a gift Gordon would even want.  Maybe one of those robot vacuums?  (Doubt you'd find one of those at Goodwill, though, unless it's broken.) A fancy set of chef's knives?  A string bikini? (gag!!!)  A nice picture frame - and Jamie could take shirtless pix of Adam and they could stop at Staples and print out the best one and put it in the frame to give to Gordon.

Well the point is - it can be very ambiguous and confusing to buy someone a gift with their own money.  It would give Gordon something to think about, and hopefully keep him distracted from noticing that Adam and Jamie's relationship has rapidly progressed to a new level.  Although truthfully, when two people are as in to each other as Adam and Jamie are, it's obvious to everyone.  For example, if Jamie took Adam with him to that grocery store where the clerk has a crush on him, she (the clerk) would know in an instant that Jame and Adam are getting it on.  If Jamie's mom sees them together, she'll know right away what's going on. Hell, if Adam walks to the bus stop with Harper and Jamie in the morning, even Harper will know what's going on!

I suspect the whole trailer park is going to know what's going on with Adam and Jamie, before too long.

We still don't know what (if any) evil plan Gordon has in mind to make Adam earn his keep.  I'm still worried that Gordon's going to rent Adam out to a BDSM club for the night.  (Can you imagine how much he could charge for a genuine 17-year old virgin?  While I admittedly have zero real-life experience with this type of negotiation, I don't think that $50,000 would be unreasonable, would it?)  8 hours in their dungeon while Jamie is sleeping the whole time, totally clueless that his boy toy has been deflowered.  :(  Noooooooooooo!

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Thrift store and sex, would never have put the two together lol, but it certainly worked for our boys. Imagine walking in to Goodwill smelling like sex,  might raise a few eyebrows eh?
What’s going to happen when Gordon sees Adams’ neck? 

Things have escalated quickly. Thank goodness they now have a decent car because I can foresee a very bumpy ride!

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46 minutes ago, mg777 said:

I think Adam should barely spend anything on himself, but buy Gordon a really nice gift.  It doesn't even have to be expensive - there's a ton of stuff at Goodwill that was super expensive when it was new, which you can get for pennies on the dollar.  Only problem is, I can't think of what kind of a gift Gordon would even want.  Maybe one of those robot vacuums?  (Doubt you'd find one of those at Goodwill, though, unless it's broken.) A fancy set of chef's knives?  A string bikini? (gag!!!)  A nice picture frame - and Jamie could take shirtless pix of Adam and they could stop at Staples and print out the best one and put it in the frame to give to Gordon.

Well the point is - it can be very ambiguous and confusing to buy someone a gift with their own money.  It would give Gordon something to think about, and hopefully keep him distracted from noticing that Adam and Jamie's relationship has rapidly progressed to a new level.  Although truthfully, when two people are as in to each other as Adam and Jamie are, it's obvious to everyone.  For example, if Jamie took Adam with him to that grocery store where the clerk has a crush on him, she (the clerk) would know in an instant that Jame and Adam are getting it on.  If Jamie's mom sees them together, she'll know right away what's going on. Hell, if Adam walks to the bus stop with Harper and Jamie in the morning, even Harper will know what's going on!

I suspect the whole trailer park is going to know what's going on with Adam and Jamie, before too long.

We still don't know what (if any) evil plan Gordon has in mind to make Adam earn his keep.  I'm still worried that Gordon's going to rent Adam out to a BDSM club for the night.  (Can you imagine how much he could charge for a genuine 17-year old virgin?  While I admittedly have zero real-life experience with this type of negotiation, I don't think that $50,000 would be unreasonable, would it?)  8 hours in their dungeon while Jamie is sleeping the whole time, totally clueless that his boy toy has been deflowered.  :(  Noooooooooooo!

I like the idea about the gift. I was going to skim over the return from the goodwill so Idk if I'll use the idea or not, but it's a good idea. 

Yes! Maybe Gordon could do the sex club thing to Adam. It might come about 😅

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