Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Reluctant Master - 31. Chapter 30 -- Part 2
Caged – Part 2
From Caged: Been very busy with work and haven’t written anything more. Will definitely let you know when I do.
I used to think that jacking off was something guys couldn’t help, like peeing. Now I realize I don’t need to. And the last month has really been the first time that I’ve had zero problems concentrating for work. I’m still horny, mind you, it’s just that I can focus my attention elsewhere now for several hours at a time. If anything, a chastity cage is a great training device!
Experiments with milking have been interesting. The first one was mind-blowing, like WAY better than the usual orgasm. The second was no fun at all – got relief from horniness but zero enjoyment. And third time, I just came profusely while soft in my cage. Couldn’t help it.
BTW, do you find that summertime is more difficult? I find my balls sag a lot more in the heat and make the cage less comfortable.
From Alan: I’ve never noticed any change. But I suppose when you have a weight hanging on you, you notice any little difference.
I don’t understand your milking experiments. Were you milking someone, and you came soft while locked in because you couldn’t stop yourself? Why was the first one good, and the next one not? If you’d have let me, that’s what I wanted to explore.
When I’m having sex regularly, I don’t masturbate. And my wife and I still often have it for a couple hours, so I’m pretty hands off.
From Caged: The milking experiments are on me while locked in. Either I’ve tried them by myself or with my BF. The Internet seems filled with contradictory info about milking and now I see why. Each attempt results in a different outcome.
My goal is to be permanently locked in. The metal cage makes this possible. As a practical health matter and to maintain sanity, it sounds like I need to expel prostate fluid every so often. Up until recently, when I was in the plastic device, my BF would let me out every week (then every 2 weeks, then every 3) and he’d jerk me off. I’d also have a few days without the cage. Now that I’m in the metal device, what to do?
The first genuine attempt was on my own, with a dildo, after 3 weeks of no release. Of course I can’t get hard in my cage but I can tap my prick and massage myself with the dildo. After 5 minutes, maybe 10, I ejected a single stream of precum (transparent) and felt amazingly relaxed after, as if I’d cum fully.
The second time, two weeks later, was a similar set-up. I got to the point of release. I felt this huge build up like I was going to cum. I was 99% there. I felt the cum shooting in me but just before it was about to come out, and I stopped tapping, there was this weird feeling of "back flow" and nothing came out. While I was surprised and frustrated by that, and there was zero pleasure in it, I actually felt relaxed afterward for days as if I’d come. My BF pointed out that no actual mess to clean up but me calmed down was ideal.
For the third attempt, because it seemed like I stopped tapping too early, I kept tapping and came with the usual white spunk in my cage. It made a mess but felt great and frankly I’d gone too long for what I’m used to so far.
There were other past attempts, but these 3 are in the metal cage. The first time was ideal. It felt better than the usual orgasm, it was just pre-cum, and it was enough to calm me but not make a mess.
From Alan: You might want to have your boyfriend give you a very slow, full body massage, with special attention to any of your usual trigger points except, of course, your locked-in dick. Don’t exclude your unlocked balls. When you’re just about on the edge, see if he can retrigger your first experience with a gentle lubed finger slowly working your prostate.
From Caged: Sounds lovely to try. I love massage, both giving and receiving them. Unfortunately, he doesn’t give massages. We’ve even talked about it. Sigh. I guess that’s what friends are for.
I’ve debated which terms to use: boyfriend, husband, partner... He’s not really my boyfriend because that sounds like we’re dating. After we donned rings a few years ago, I called him husband for a while and called me wife, which I didn’t like. We’re usually mistaken as straight business partners. LOL. In bed, of course, I’m now basically a wife. And he takes about as much interest in the details of my chastity as a straight man does in his wife’s feminine hygiene stuff. He wants me eager and ready to receive his cock. And as I’ve learned in the past few weeks, he wants me to up my game at giving him blow-jobs.
From Alan: I thought he sounded more like a husband than a boyfriend, but I used the word you used. Get a younger, skilled friend to give you a massage then. And what does your husband want you to improve about your blow jobs?
From Caged: I’m a natural born cocksucker. LOL. Love giving sensual blow jobs. But I could be better while being face fucked, keeping my tongue active and not choking when being hammered. My BF gave me some nice praise a few days ago. I felt so good knowing I’m getting it right for him.
From Alan: Well, you’ve found something that’s fun to practice and gives you immediate feedback. Also, if I seem to be ignoring you, I’m not. We’re back in school, full-time, and it destroys my free time.
From Caged: oh goodness, no worries. This is a super busy time for me as well. nine more days and I’m home free.
From Alan: What happens in nine days? Does summer session end?
From Caged: Exactly. Then I’m off.
From Alan: Where are you going?
From Caged: I run my own business. I only teach my seminar in the summer. I have projects to finish (and start) and will also travel for work and visit friends (including those "with benefits"). I’ll be locked in chastity throughout, which will be interesting. I seemed to have figured out how to focus on work and yet be electrifyingly horny in a snap. LOL. The steel cage has been great, and from talking with my husband this morning, we agree it will stay on truly permanently. BTW, for the first time, I said to my man, "thank you for keeping me safe in the cage."
From Alan: I thought you taught more often. Having your own business and the related travel certainly gives you a lot of freedom, and glad the cage gives you the focus you need. Eventually, it might be nice to have the discipline without the hardware. One of my pleasures with guys who like bondage is letting them learn they can do it without ropes.
From Caged: I’ve always taught full-time. I was asked by a friend at the university. Mainly I run a small import company, very specific, for construction safety equipment. I could teach more but wouldn’t make much and I enjoy my freedom.
I hear what you’re saying about self-discipline but I’m still quite a horny guy. Not sure I could go more than 5 days without jerking off without a cage. And I feel there’s a lot left to learn, being locked-in while with a variety of men.
For example, for quite a while I was annoyed that my husband (BF? terms terms!?!) wasn’t up for sex every day while I am. I recently got to thinking that’s selfish of me. I’m now okay embracing being ready for him whenever he’s ready. Similarly, while it’s incredibly pleasurable to be used while really horny, I can focus my attention away from my own passive experience of pleasure to focus on techniques to be a more active bottom. I want to build up a lot of new habits and have new experiences for the foreseeable future, and the cage is great for that.
From Alan: Being locked in sounds great for your focus and working discipline. When did you start your business?
From Caged: Well, it wasn’t exactly a family business, but there are rewards for loyalty and competence and having the head to run an office.
Last lectures delivered… finishing up grading… almost – almost – vacation time!
Wrote some chastity poetry. Needs a little editing. Not sure why I’m writing it, maybe easier than stories. LOL. But will send it along for your feedback.
From Alan: Sure, send it, but first, a warning: I suck at understanding poetry. It was no fun when I had to teach it. I’ve sat in other people’s classes, and they really understand and are enthused about the form and its imagery.
From Caged: Understood. I’m not super abstract with poetry. Not my forte either.
Almost done with another story, the first in chastity. Also, for your enjoyment, here’s a different one. It’s about a three-some and my first story while in permanent chastity. It took place a mere 2 months ago.
From Alan: I’ll read them this weekend.
From Caged: No hurries, I’m in San Diego staying with friends. Husband’s tethered at home working. Fun BBQ last night. Got to show my cage to a friend of mine. He and I have been meaning to hook up for maybe 5 years! (Not yet but soon). I worried he might think it was weird but he loved it. Give him something to dream about. Later today might go to a nude beach. I foresee that will be an experience.
From Alan: Nude on a beach in a cage. That may be a surprise.
The story was fun. There are a couple of typos, mainly verb tenses, and a couple of euphemisms that aren’t my personal style but may be yours. "Stallion" in particular – the rest of your writing is so grounded in reality. I can accept it as a choice of the main character, but it seems to move the writing away from reporting and closer to porn.
Also, a question: is the main character in a gay marriage or a straight one? From his introduction, it seemed to be straight, but at the end, there’s mention of "getting home to his husband." And it seems careless – or arrogant – to go home smelling of lube and come and absolutely hoping there’ll be no one there before he can shower. But these are all picky teacher questions which don’t need to be corrected. Overall, I really liked the piece. Thanks for sending it.
From Caged: Glad you enjoyed it. I certainly did! There is another much more psychological one to write and I likely have another tryst coming up soon. Re the main character: Very near the start it says he’s gay-married. This distinction may be generational. And he very much courts danger so I’m not totally surprised he’s go home smelly.
Went to the clothing optional beach. Inevitably I "came out" as caged. Got the usual reactions. At least one guy was pretty turned on; he quickly got how it worked. I’m quite attracted to him and since he lives only 45 min from where I’m staying, he may end up fucking me. I went body surfing. I worried at first, though the cage can’t just come off (I’d need to lose a testicle for that). The cool water caused my balls to contract and hold the cage tightly. One young guy who’s really cute and also a bottom got naked. He has a really small prick. It really turned me on. I keep thinking of how beautiful it is small. I don’t want small in bed for a top but on a bottom it’s nice. We all went out to dinner after. I feel very happy about the day. I remind myself that it’s odd and maybe wrong to use the cage as a way to draw attention to something I’m claiming to ignore. Perhaps I can spend less time on ways to get cock in me and more time sublimating my energy to just helping other (gay) men.
From Alan: The story introduces the main character as saying something like gay-married-sneaky, but I wasn’t sure that meant he was married to a woman and secretly sneaking out with gay men. It also might be nice if you clarify that he risks danger.
Using your caged cock to attract men is no worse than guys using dogs to meet women. As long as your husband’s comfortable with your new adventures, then it’s between you and him. I look forward to your next story, the tougher one. I tend to ride the surface in my life, so it’s nice to see other people going deeper. Unfortunately, I still haven’t looked at your poetry.
From Caged: That’s a good point about "gay married." I’ll find another term or refer there to his husband.
My husband is “ok” with all this, for now, though I don’t fool around THAT much. I’ve noticed more young men (in their 20s) actively approaching me. Maybe I should say yes to those! My poetry is nothing special but it was fun to write.
From Alan: “Fun to write” is always a good reason, and I’ve never been a reader or fan of angst.
As long as you’re exploring, see if those interested guys in their 20s have started to learn technique. Mostly, they seem good at working out. But they are fun to watch.
From Caged: Angst + sex definitely aren’t my cup of tea and I’m not much of an angst-ridden guy anyway.
Except for giving blow jobs, I was a poor bottom even into my 30s. Master Mark told me I had a lot to learn but it took fetish to start to actively train.
Speaking of which, while I’m happy with my cage, I’m wondering about the fit – maybe I’ll try the Mature Metal "Pet Trap." That exposes a little less flesh and is more form fitting. It’s been great to sleep at night in a cage that’s a little too big. But eventually, I can see submitting to a smaller cage.
Worked on another story today – about my first experience. Not the first try at telling it. Will keep at it.
From Alan: Don’t cramp yourself so much you cause physical damage. Being dickless is probably no fun.
From Caged: My husband jerked me off in my cage this morning. OMG, after maybe a month... it was just amazing and I felt so relaxed afterward. It was a gentle reminder that yeah, as you said, being dickless is no fun.
Also, for your amusement, a video about a guy giving a blow job. I particularly like 1:45 or so. The boy’s expression is inspirational.
From Alan: You’d think your husband would occasionally let your dick out to play. How did he manage to jerk you off while keeping you confined behind 2-inch bars? I’ll look at the video when I get a chance. I need to be on a different computer.
From Caged: My husband jerked me off by rhythmically tugging on the cage. Besides, after several weeks of chastity, I can shoot spontaneously just with a dildo or cock in me. I was "ripe".
As for the cage, if I asked to be let out for a legit reason (health, travel) he surely would. Neither of us consider me using my penis as a man would to be a legit reason. In the past, when he let me out of the plastic cage it was either to jerk me or just to tease me before locking me again. Though he may release me someday similarly from this metal cage, he hasn’t yet and it may be months (or years) before he does.
For me "play" or sex means receiving a man’s cock and doing my best to satisfying it. My pleasure comes from the act of service, being more my true self, and prostate stimulation.
From Alan: I knew that about you wanting completely to please, sexually. I just wasn’t sure of the mechanics of your being able to come while soft and restrained.
Didn’t your cock try to get hard while your husband was steadily tugging on the cage? You’ve already said you don’t get aroused while servicing because your attention is focused on the other guy or guys. But doesn’t your cock get hard a little? I would have thought that was only natural.
Again, thanks for being so honest about your body. For me, that honesty is the difference between good reportage and porn. Also, I keep meaning to tell you: I read the poem you sent. No trouble understanding it, but I like your stories better. I think it’s a better fit for you.
From Caged: Thanks about the poem. As I said it was easier to write because it’s shorter. But I know what you mean about the fit.
This picture is the stiffest I can get in the cage. Without it, I can get fully erect when jacking off though I will instantly go soft when presented with a hole.
Normally I am totally soft during any sex. I’m still very aroused, both in the front and back, and I can cum soft while restrained. When my husband tugged on it, yes, it got stiffer, but not much, not like in the photo above. I think there’s no mechanical issue. Simply, psychologically, I have no wish or need to be erect.
From Alan: Interesting. Thanks. Looking at the photo, it seems like the top ring of the cage is mainly putting pressure on your balls, and that would cause pain and deny you pleasure. But you seem to be fully erect, though obviously you couldn’t fuck anyone wearing all that metal. I didn’t realize your cage could ride down your dick like that.
I meant to tell you: that was a strange video. I don’t mind guys being abused when they’re being paid for it, though it’s not something I’d choose to watch. But that kid seemed very real and didn’t seem to be having much fun.
From Caged: Other guys I passed the video to loved it. Great realism. It was a nice demo on subbing. Never wondered if the kid was having fun in the usual sense, which is an interesting question.
Last night a dude I met online (age 27) came over and fucked me for 3 hours nonstop. First time with a blindfold. Loved it. Very skilled top. I was 100% sub but also very much enjoying it, and the guy said that showed. It was his first time with someone in chastity. Really, the cage can work wonders. LOL. The last half-hour, he managed to continuously rub on my prostate. Wow, just wow. In person he had a thug look which was also a huge turn on.
The ring relies on the balls but it doesn’t hurt. That photo is a really rare moment. These days, I’m stiff once in a blue moon. If fully erect, I’d be pointing up, not down. Years ago, it was 6.25 inches, but in recent years, I’m 5.5 inches. During sex, like last night, I forget about it entirely and it’s tiny. My attention is on my ass and the man’s cock.
Attached is another story, from this past weekend. Hope you find it enjoyable. I’m so glad I wrote it all down. I remembered so much while writing! Next to clean up the story from June. This one is called "Andre the King.”
From Alan: You absolutely have fun as a sub, but I’m not sure about the kid in that video. Some of the other guys on that site seemed like paid professionals, but that video looked like homemade porn. Of course, that could have been part of its appeal, and the kid could be a young pro. To me, that would make all the difference.
The story you wrote was really nice. See Andre again. I know you’re a happy guy, but he seems to make you even happier. And since you’re both married and want to stay that way, it shouldn’t mess up either of your relationships.
Is his a straight marriage or a gay one? For that matter, is he married? You only mention visiting family. There are 2 or 3 typos along the way, one at the bottom of page 4, one at the top of page 5, and one, I think, close to the end. But nice clean writing. No euphemisms. You know I like that.
From Caged: Thank you for much for reading the story and giving your feedback. Your thoughts and questions are very helpful since I tend to miss obvious things sometimes.
It was really a powerful experience. The chemistry between us, both physically and psychologically, was just right, at least in the bedroom.
Andre is single. He was just visiting his extended family.
A straight friend who is an erotica writer has encouraged me to write some stories, even short ones, that don’t have sex but are exciting that way, like when I went to the nude beach a few weeks ago. Having a number of those would move any blog I’d start a little more away from the porn category.
I also went back and started sorting journal entries from a different area of my life: spiritual experiences. In many ways, spiritual and sexual experiences closely relate. While I’ll probably keep them separate, I want to write those more professionally as well.
Will look into the typos! Thank you for catching those!
Another friend of mine who took a course on women’s fantasies has encouraged me to add a "story" or two that describe a fantasy experience – not trying to make it a story, but stylistically distinct. Thoughts?
From Alan: Sometimes, only having a strong sexual attraction is all you need, especially when you’re trying to preserve a second, more ongoing relationship. So enjoy what you and Andre have, especially since you have permission to play.
The excitement of “Andre the King” could be matched with several other not overtly sexual stories, and the fantasy stories might be interesting, too. But two other considerations, and I don’t mean either of them as a limit.
First, it only takes one story for people to consider an entire blog porn, following the old "You fuck one goat" joke. So don’t worry about labels. Write what you want to most.
Second, you seem, by nature, to be a reporter, and a very detailed one. That would play into the not overtly sexual stories, because, again, you’re reporting. But I’m not sure how it would play into fantasies.
You could probably easily report your own, as you partly already have. But I’m not sure if you could get into other people’s imaginations and write as convincingly. For example, how much do you know about what Andre was thinking while you were being so happily fucked? He might have been remembering someone else or fantasizing about another guy or planning out his next day.
There are sex ed books from the ‘50s and ‘60s that advise guys to remember baseball stats while trying to maintain erections. I had to read some for grad school, and they were pretty funny. But if that’s what was going through Andre’s mind, it’s not going to be much of a fantasy. So play with the idea, but don’t spend a lot of time on it if it’s not something you enjoy.
From Caged: It’s a delight to get your messages.
Good reminder to just write naturally for myself. Stories like the nude beach one can heighten the psychological aspect of the overtly sexual stories.
It’s neat you that mention "reporter." I am forever annoyed by real life so-called news where the "reporter" seems challenged to just report what’s observed. Perhaps I take for granted this gift.
For fantasy fiction stories, it’s easy to write from the POV of people different from me, using different dialog and emotions – even interactions between women, though that took quite a long time to develop. So I could likely write “fiction” from say Andre’s POV, but it would not be particular to Andre without further studying him.
He can go a long time before ejaculating, so yeah, he must be thinking of something.
He pays a lot of attention to tiny cues and things I say. He can repeat verbatim facts and statements I’ve made. And he reacts quickly to adjust his pace based on my responses, especially my facial expressions. E.g. he enjoys when he causes a little bit of pain and then turns it into pleasure. He can tell from my brief reactions whether I’m ready for something.
In my class, I do an interview workshop where students write a vignette in the 1st person from their writing partner’s POV. I don’t know quite enough about Andre yet, but I could, especially if I interviewed him.
From Alan: Then you have the technique to get into other people’s minds, though I can’t see Andre being interested in being interviewed. You might have to learn slowly about him, letting him volunteer what he wants, and he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who shares those kinds of thoughts.
Nice that he picks up tiny cues. Enjoy that.
By the way, what’s your name? Mine’s Alan. I think we’ve gone six months only knowing each other by screen names.
From Caged: Simon, but I usually go by Skip. Thanks for asking.
Yeah, Andre wouldn’t be super into being interviewed. It might feel weird to him, though he knows I write and he himself is in tv production. I suspect, in his dirty mind, he wants to shoot a porn of us. LOL.
Here’s a new story, no sex, all fun at "The Beach."
From Alan: I’ll take Skip. Thanks.
Interesting that Andre’s in TV. Funny if I’ve seen him reporting on the news.
I’ll get to the new story another night. Going to sleep now.
From Caged: Since “the beach” is merely rated R, not xxx, I sent it to that (mostly) straight friend of mine who writes erotica. He may give fairly detailed feedback and I may end up with two versions. LOL.
No idea what Andre does in tv but I don’t think he’s on camera. I’ll find out.
He fucked me again, at his place. Somewhat different and just as amazing. He really is so talented in bed. Very high sexual intelligence and he prepared with my preferences in mind, like feeding me his dirty jock. We went 2.5 hours and chatted afterward in a sweaty mess. He was still amazed that I have a virgin penis but then realized that his ex-boyfriend was also so, and he hasn’t even given a bj in years much less bottomed. In the shower I said something and he called me out for internalized homophobia. I had to agree and respected him for saying it. And again he was amazed I wasn’t all defensive like a lot of guys. Well, he’s 27 and I’m 36. I’d probably have been defensive at his age. I love how he gently pushes me just past my limits. Might actually sleep with him again
From Alan: 27-year-olds can be much better adjusted about being comfortably gay than older guys. That’s the great thing about the world opening up.
Glad you saw Andre again. I’ll try to read the beach story tonight. Busy day.
From Caged: No pressure.
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