Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Price of Revelation - 2. Chapter 2
The Price of Revelation
by Tiffani Chin
Chapter 2
“Sean, I was looking forward to spending time with you, now that we can,” Ethan said folding his arms, his lips in a tight line. “We haven’t seen each other in weeks.”
Sean bit his lip and let out a breath. “I know; me too. But I forgot about my friend’s birthday party. It’s this weekend. I’ve gone to his birthday parties every year since we were in sixth grade.”
“You said we would get to see each other this weekend!”
“It’s obvious, Sean, that you’re not as committed as I thought you were,” Ethan went on, his voice laced with contempt.
Sean blinked and was at a loss for words as he heard Ethan’s angry tone for the first time since they had met.
“I am committed. I just forgot about Dwayne’s birthday because of all the fighting with my dad,” Sean tried to explain.
“So your friends are more important than me?” Ethan demanded. “I thought we had something special.”
Sean groaned in frustration. “We do! What is your problem, Ethan?”
Ethan turned away from Sean and stared out onto the street, his fists clenched. Finally he whirled around. “When you say you’ll do something, I expect you to follow through with it.”
“Ethan, it wasn’t on purpose…”
“It doesn’t matter, Sean! It has the same effect. I don’t like to be dumped aside.”
“You’re not. I invited you to come along,” Sean protested.
“Like I would want to hang out with a bunch of kids,” Ethan snapped condescendingly.
Sean’s face filled with hurt, but he didn’t say anything. They stood side by side, not saying anything. Sean was filled with conflicting emotions, torn between his good friend’s birthday party, or giving in to Ethan’s anger. He felt tense, not knowing what to do. He hated when Ethan was mad at him.
“Ethan, I’m sorry,” Sean said. “I didn’t mean to…”
“Sean, just listen to me,” Ethan began. “I’ve had relationships in the past where I was pushed aside or lower down on the priority list. I hate that,” he said. “I promised myself I would never date someone like that again. I can’t take that kind of turmoil again.”
“Ethan, I’ll make it up to you,” Sean threw out.
Ethan spun around, staring hard into Sean’s eyes. “How?” he asked. “How are you going to make it up to me?”
Sean swallowed and searched for an answer.
Ethan suddenly smiled. “It’s okay, Sean. I know you’ll make it up to me later.”
Sean took a step back, blinking, not knowing what Ethan meant.
Ethan took Sean’s hand and pulled him closer. “I’m sorry. I’m just stressed with this new book I’m trying to write. I’m lacking creative energy and I was hoping to relax with you this weekend. My agent is on me all the time.” He sighed. “I didn’t mean to take it out on you. That was wrong of me. Please forgive me?” He moved his face closer, piercing Sean with his bright eyes.
He wrapped his arms around Sean, kissing his forehead gently. Sean sighed and melted into Ethan’s embrace, his tension dissipating.
“I didn’t mean to get angry, Sean,” Ethan continued. “I just have trouble controlling my emotions. I’m working on it. I’m really sorry. Don’t be mad at me, baby.”
Sean snuggled into Ethan’s chest. “I’m sorry, too. I’ll keep better track of my plans in the future.”
Ethan smiled, patting Sean’s head. “That’s all I ask.”
“Hey, Sean!” Charlotte yelled as she jumped onto his back. Sean’s knees buckled slightly as he adjusted to her weight. Once he did, he hoisted her higher.
“Hey, guys,” Sean smiled at his group of friends.
“Where’s Ethan?” Kessler asked sipping his soda.
Sean averted his eyes. “He didn’t want to come.”
“Why not? Doesn’t he want to meet all your fiends?” Charlotte asked, holding on tighter to Sean’s neck.
“Actually, we had a little fight.”
“A fight?” Kessler asked. “What kind of fight?”
“He was mad that I didn’t want to spend time with him,” Sean answered.
“Didn’t you invite him to the party?” Kessler frowned in confusion.
“Yeah, but he didn’t want to spend time with a bunch of kids,” Sean said looking away.
Charlotte laughed. “A bunch of kids. What does he think you are?”
Sean knocked the back of his head into her face lightly. “He thinks I’m a special kid.”
Kessler studied Sean. “You okay, man?” he asked, reading Sean’s face better than the rest of their friends.
Sean sighed and shot Kessler a look, silently telling him not to push the issue further. Kessler cocked his head in concern, but dropped the subject.
“Sean!” Dwayne yelled, running over and hugging Sean tightly. He patted Sean’s back in the typical straight guy hug, and Sean couldn’t help laughing. “Yay! Sean is here! I love Sean! Hey everybody!” Dwayne hollered over the music. “Sean is here! Say hi!”
There was a chorus of cheers and greetings and Sean smiled, feeling his face heat up.
“Hey, Dwayne. I had to come to your party. It’s tradition,” Sean smiled.
“You bet your ass it is!” Dwayne shouted over the music. “Want some food? I bet you do. You’re always eating. Come with me. You too, Charlotte.” Dwayne looked over Sean’s shoulder and spotted Charlotte still attached.
She giggled. “Come on mule.” She kicked Sean’s ass. “Bring me to the kitchen.”
Kessler laughed.
“Yes, m’lady,” Sean drawled out.
“You never offer to carry me!” Kessler exclaimed.
“You’re too damn big!” Dwayne laughed at Kessler. “You’d crush poor little Sean.”
“You’re my favorite friend,” Sean joked to Kessler.
“Hey!” Charlotte said biting Sean’s ear. “What about me?” She bit Sean’s ear again.
Dwayne and Kessler planted themselves on either side of Sean on the way to the kitchen, with Charlotte kicking his ass every now and then.
Sean chatted with Dwayne, before Dwayne was pulled off in another direction. Charlotte jumped off his back and started chatting with a bunch of girls. Kessler and Sean jumped onto the counter top, sipping their sodas.
Kessler knocked Sean’s foot with his own. “You okay?”
Sean shrugged. “I’m good.”
“Spill,” Kessler knocked Sean’s foot again.
“I got into a little fight with Ethan, but we’re good now.”
“What was the fight about?”
“Ethan and I were supposed to go out on an official date this weekend since my dad didn’t allow me to see him before,” Sean explained. “But I forgot all about Dwayne’s party. It slipped my mind. So when I told Ethan, he got pissed.”
“Pissed?” Kessler repeated.
“Not pissed,” Sean backpedaled. “Just a little mad,” he said.
“Yeah?” Kessler asked skeptically. “What happened?”
“Ethan just felt like I was ditching him. I felt really bad. But it’s okay now; he apologized and we’re good,” Sean said swinging his legs leisurely.
“He shouldn’t take it so hard,” Kessler commented.
“He didn’t,” Sean hedged. “It’s just that he got offended easily because his past boyfriends used to do the same thing. But seriously, like I said, it’s not a big deal.” He took out his phone and automatically checked for any messages. Sean sighed in relief when there weren’t any.
Sean looked up. Kessler was staring at Sean, not saying anything.
“What?” Sean asked self-consciously as his hand fiddled with the cell phone.
Kessler shrugged, but his dark eyes betrayed his nonchalance. “Nothing, man.”
“Storm, I know you’re not happy with this, but what are you going to do?” Rachel asked. “Sean’s at that age where he doesn’t listen. He’s growing up and has his own opinions.”
“Rachel! Thirty-five! The guy is thirty-five! How am I supposed to just let that go? Every time Sean goes out with him, I’ll wonder what he is doing to my son. Touching him…” Storm made a snort of disgust. “It’s not right!”
Sean listened behind the wall of the living room, molding himself, holding his breath.
“I don’t want you guys fighting every night. It’s not good for anyone.”
“I know,” Storm sighed. “I know that, Rachel. I just think that Sean is doing this to spite me.”
“Spite you? Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know. Sean said some things yesterday…” he trailed off.
“I’m sure Sean is not doing this to make you mad,” Rachel assured. “Sean is a good kid. Always has been.”
“I don’t want them to date, Rachel. I was thinking of sending Sean away.”
“Away? Where?”
“To California with Skyler and Zeke. Or maybe Florida with Hiro and Crew. It’s going to be a long summer and I’d prefer it if Sean was anywhere but here, with Ethan,” Storm said. “Distance will make Sean get over him and maybe meet someone his own age.”
“Storm, is that necessary?”
“It was just a thought,” Storm began.
“If you try to send me away, I’ll just move in with Ethan,” Sean interrupted, finally showing himself to his parents.
Storm and Rachel looked surprised to see Sean standing there. Sean stared hard at his father.
“Why are you trying to ruin my life, Dad?” Then without another word Sean left for school, but not before he caught the look of sadness on his father’s face.
Sean bit back a cry. He just wanted to get away for a little bit.
“Sean! What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in school?” Ethan asked with surprise, opening the door.
“I ditched,” Sean said with a smile.
Sean nodded.
“You never ditched school, ever.”
“There’s a first time for everything. I’m trying to live on the edge,” Sean laughed, but his smile quickly faded. “I had another fight with my dad.”
Ethan sighed and took Sean’s hand. “Alright. Let’s hear this,” Ethan said, pulling Sean into his spacious kitchen.
“It’s the same thing really.” Sean sat down.
“The age difference?” Ethan supplied.
“He doesn’t want me seeing you, period. The fact that I haven’t changed my mind about you just kills him,” Sean exclaimed in frustration, his emotions coming out full force. “What, am I supposed to be some fickle minded kid?”
“He won’t let it go. He thinks you’re just some older guy messing around with me, but you’re not like that. I’m not some dumb kid either. I mean, you and I have been slowly getting to know each other with emails and phone calls, but does he take that into account? No!” Sean huffed out.
“Most kids would be fucking in their cars. How can he not trust and respect me?” Sean’s face was getting redder the longer he talked.
“Your dad doesn’t understand. Tunnel vision,” Ethan shrugged. “The age difference is all he can see. He can’t see the other stuff, like how mature you are. And smart.” Ethan pulled Sean closer to him. “He doesn’t understand our talks. He doesn’t see you through my eyes.”
Ethan took hold of Sean’s chin and stared into his eyes. “You’re beautiful, Sean. Just beautiful. From the moment I saw you, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. There’s something special about you, Sean.”
Sean felt his face flushing. He looked down.
“No, don’t look away,” Ethan ordered breathlessly. “Look at me,” he commanded.
Sean met his bright blue eyes, the eyes that had captivated Sean over a month ago at that coffee shop when they first met. They were intense and powerful, and Sean melted in Ethan’s grip. Ethan’s eyes darted searchingly, looking deep into Sean, as if trying to find something.
Finally, Ethan’s shoulders relaxed and his lips curved ever so slightly. There was a satisfied glint in his eyes.
“You’re what I’ve been looking for, Sean,” Ethan whispered before his face was right in front of Sean’s.
Sean felt Ethan’s warm breath on his face. Then Sean felt the comforting pressure of Ethan’s soft lips on top of his. Ethan’s tongue slipped into Sean’s mouth and he moaned, moving closer. Ethan deepened the kiss, gripping Sean’s cheek harder. Sean winced, but didn’t break the kiss.
His entire body felt hot and alive as Ethan pushed him back onto the couch, one hand slipping beneath Sean’s shirt, the other moving between Sean’s legs. He whimpered into Ethan’s mouth as Ethan’s fingers rolled Sean’s right nipple. Ethan’s touch sent a jolt to Sean’s cock. Ethan’s other hand was unzipping Sean’s jeans.
Sean broke away from their kiss to gulp in air, his eyes rolling back when Ethan’s soft touch caressed Sean’s aching member. Sean could feel it throbbing, threatening to drill a hole through his jeans.
“Like that, baby?” Ethan breathed into Sean’s ear.
Sean gasped, and nodded against Ethan’s cheek. Ethan laughed and Sean felt the vibrations moving along his body. Ethan kissed Sean’s stomach gently, his tongue swirling along Sean’s skin. Sean wiggled on the couch, squirming in pleasure.
He looked up, only to have his head fall back on the couch, his mouth open, his tongue hanging out, his head lolling back and forth.
The heat of Ethan’s mouth made Sean’s head spin. He had never felt anything as amazing as this. He panted, the room swirling as he looked around aimlessly, Ethan’s tongue sliding up and down, torturing him.
Sean lost focus as the pressure quickly mounted. His fingers gripped whatever they could. He let out a shaky gasp. His eyes fluttered. He let out a primal cry, his entire body burning with heat. Then he blacked out.
The warm water trickled down their bodies and Sean couldn’t help admiring Ethan. He was amazing to look at. Sean had a constant erection around Ethan, as he took in the muscular body, noticed the scars of Ethan’s youth, and the wonders of maturity on a male specimen. Ethan looked like a man.
“Like what you see?” Ethan teased.
Sean blushed and nodded. Grabbing Sean’s ankles, Ethan pulled Sean onto his lap, kissing Sean’s neck. Sean sighed and placed his hands on Ethan’s shoulders. Sean felt the older man’s hardness poking between his ass.
“I want you so bad,” Ethan murmured against Sean’s lips, gripping Sean’s hips as he sucked hard on Sean’s shoulder. He ground his cock near Sean’s ass, the tip nudging his hole forcefully.
Sean gasped in pain. “Ethan, stop. Ethan, I’m not ready for that.”
Pulling back, Ethan stared into Sean’s eyes. “When will you be ready, Sean? You know I will never hurt you. You can trust me.”
“I’m just scared it will hurt. I can’t do it. Yet.”
“Soon?” Ethan whispered, licking Sean’s lips.
“Soon,” Sean promised.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Ethan said, his eyes serious. “I mean what I say, and I expect others to do the same.”
“I do want to do it,” Sean said hesitantly. “But I’ve never been with anyone before and this is all new to me. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, baby,” Ethan said soothingly. “I’ll wait for you.”
Sean smiled. “Thank you.”
Ethan pecked Sean’s nose. “So we never got to talk before. You were upset because of a fight with your father?”
Sean sighed. “He’s thinking of sending me away for the summer.”
“I have uncles who live in California and Florida. One of those places. But most likely California, since it’s across the country.”
“To keep us apart?”
“That won’t happen,” Ethan said confidently.
“How do you know?” Sean asked frowning.
“Because I won’t let that happen. I won’t let him separate us. I won’t let him take you away from me.”
Sean got a chill down his spine at Ethan’s words and he shivered, his erection throbbing. Ethan’s aggression and passion always got Sean hot.
“You can live with me for the summer. You can live with me for as long as you want. I’ll take care of you completely, Sean,” Ethan said, rubbing his hand over Sean’s buzzed hair.
Sean felt so touched. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, Sean. I care for you. We haven’t known each other long, but I felt an instant connection.” Ethan’s eyes bore into Sean’s. “You feel the same way.” It was more of statement than a question.
Sean nodded.
“Good, Sean. That’s good to hear.” Ethan smiled brightly and cupped Sean’s chin, bringing his face closer and placing a kiss on the younger man’s lips.
“Why did you skip school today?”
Sean had had the best day with Ethan. They had gone to the beach, swimming and walking along the waves. It was the best. Then they went out for dinner and Ethan allowed Sean to have some of his wine.
Sean was on cloud nine until he got home and was confronted with his father’s angry face. He knew he was in for it.
“Where were you?” Storm continued. He studied Sean’s face and then realization hit. “You were with Ethan, weren’t you?” There was an accusatory tone to his voice.
Sean didn’t answer. There was no point. His father already knew the truth.
“What is going on with you, Sean? You have never skipped school or gotten detention. I can’t believe this is coming from you!”
“What’s the big deal? I’m a senior and I finished all my AP courses and it was just one day!” Sean yelled back, getting riled up. “Why are you on me all the time?”
Storm looked stunned.
“Can’t you just get out of my face?” Sean couldn’t stop talking although he knew that he should, if his father’s expression was any indication.
“Go to your room,” Storm said in a very controlled tone, his face red. “Do not leave there until I say so.” He stared at Sean. “Now!” he shouted when Sean didn’t move.
Jumping slightly, Sean hurried up the stairs and into his room, closing the door quickly. His heart was pounding and his hands were shaking. Sean wasn’t used to confrontation or being yelled at like that by his father. This was a first.
Still rattled, Sean decided to calm down by going on his computer. He started booting up his laptop, but the door suddenly flew open. He let out a startled cry.
Storm’s face was livid and looked so red, it appeared purple. Now Sean was really scared. He had never seen his father this angry before.
“Sean, this is it,” Storm hissed. He walked over and grabbed the laptop, ripping the cord from the wall.
“No more computer. No more cell phone. No more car. Nothing!”
Sean’s mouth fell open. “What?”
“That’s right, Sean. I’ve had enough of you and Ethan. You think being rebellious is fun? Is cute? Well, it’s not, Sean. I’ve had enough of your shit. So guess what? I’m cutting off all forms of communication. You have finished all your exams, so no more laptop. No cell phone. I’ll drive you to school and work from now on. You won’t leave this house unless it’s for school or work. I will check up on your work schedule, so don’t even think of lying to me. As for hanging out with friends, they come here and only here. Otherwise, have fun spending time with the family or playing video games, because that’s all you’re allowed.”
Sean didn’t know what to say to this decree. He opened and closed his mouth several times.
“I love you, Sean. You can hate me as much as you want, but this is what’s best for you. Something isn’t right about this guy. I can feel it. You are done with him. End of discussion.”
Sean finally found his voice. “Dad!” He watched his father start to leave his room.
“Dad, you can’t do that!”
Storm whirled around, fixing Sean with an even stare, his jaw clenched. “I just did.”
The door slammed shut, the sharp sound echoing in Sean’s ears.
Sean was left there, still stunned. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.
“Storm, this isn’t going to work,” Rachel began, eyeing her stepson as he moped around the living room. “You’re keeping him prisoner in his own house.” She stared at her husband.
“Rachel, what choice did I have?” Storm hissed, staring at his oldest son with a heavy heart. “Sean is just a kid. He thinks he’s all grown up, but you know what? He’s a sheltered, upper middle class kid that has gotten everything he’s ever wanted. What does he know about life and dating? About dating someone older, much less? I know it in my gut that this man is taking advantage of Sean, somehow.”
“Sean’s a smart kid…”
“Smart kids can still get persuaded into things, especially a bad relationship. I don’t like Ethan. For one thing, he never took the initiative to meet us. He’s not even worried about the age difference! I should have called the cops on his ass when I had the chance!” Storm exclaimed, pacing the kitchen.
Rachel sighed. “Listen, I don’t want Sean dating Ethan either, but come on. Look at him! He barely talks, he looks sad all the time; I can’t stand seeing him like that. Can you?”
Storm hung his head and clenched his fists. “Fuck! No, of course not.”
“So we have to do something.”
“What is that?” Storm asked curiously.
“We have to compromise,” Rachel stated.
“We’re going to have to let Sean see Ethan…”
“Absolutely not!” Storm yelled.
“Don’t yell at me again,” Rachel said calmly, her eyes threatening a silent warning. “We’re talking. Hear me out.”
Storm bit his lip hard, but nodded for her to continue.
“You’ve managed to control Sean, for now. But what about the entire summer? We can’t keep tabs on him all the time. It’s not natural. He’s not a little kid,” she said. Storm opened his mouth to argue, but she held up her hand. “You’re going to lose Sean, Storm.”
Storm closed his mouth and looked at her.
“You’re going to lose Sean,” Rachel repeated. “He’s going to end up hating you. It’s hard to accept that Sean isn’t the little boy that follows you around and listens to everything you say, but all kids grow up. By you forbidding Sean to see Ethan, it will only make Sean want Ethan more. It will only make him resent you more.” She sighed. “I just hate seeing Sean punished. I mean, you don’t even let him see his friends unless they come over here. Sean doesn’t deserve that.”
A knot of anger and irritation made its way to Storm’s stomach. “I don’t know if I can do that, Rachel.”
“Storm, why not?” she asked desperately. “He’s miserable! How can you do this?”
“How?” Storm demanded, raising his voice. “Easy, Rachel. I’m trying to protect him!”
“It isn’t working! You think we’re all going to be happy when Sean is depressed!” she shouted.
“Rachel, what do you know?” Storm hissed. “Sean is my son. Maybe you don’t care if he dates someone nearly twice his age, but I do! Sean is my child, the one I spent ten years raising on my own while his real mother went off to get married and start her happy fucking family. Every decision I made, it was for him. This is no different. Don’t tell me what to do or how to raise my son! I think I can handle it on my own,” he spat sarcastically.
Rachel gasped and stared at her husband, shocked. Storm closed his eyes, realizing what he had just said. The fight went out of him. His shoulders sagged with regret. “Rachel,” Storm began apologetically.
“That’s how it is, right? Sean is your son and only your son. I haven’t been around all these years, huh? I don’t care for Sean at all, right? He’s nothing to me, I guess. He’s just some strange boy living in the same house as me and my real son, Sammy. My mistake.”
“I’m going out with Sammy,” she said stalking to the staircase. “I don’t want to be around you right now.” She briskly climbed the stairs.
A few seconds later she came back down. “This doesn’t change anything, Storm. You’re still going to have to figure something out with Sean. You think you’re so smart. Well, you’re a dumb asshole if you can’t see what you’re doing to your own son.”
Storm collapsed into the kitchen chair, holding his head in his hands.
“You’re really not allowed to go out at all?” Kessler asked incredulously.
Sean shook his head. “Nope. That’s why you had to come over here, remember?”
Kessler whistled. “Wow, your dad is pissed as hell.”
Sean nodded. “He is.”
“Does that mean we can’t even go out for a drink and some burgers?” Kessler asked. “Even if it was only for takeout?”
“I’ll have to ask my dad. Maybe you can back me up. My dad likes you, but then again, he might think you’re trying to help me see Ethan behind his back,” Sean said.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to help you do any sneaky shit,” Kessler said sucking on his ice pop.
“Why not?” Sean asked feeling hurt.
“No offense, Sean, but I don’t really care for Ethan. If you like him, I support your decision and I keep to myself,” Kessler said honestly. “But I’m not going to sneak you out.”
“Why don’t you like Ethan?” Sean frowned.
“Dwayne’s birthday party,” Kessler said instantly.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Sean was really confused now.
“I admit, I don’t know the whole story, but you seemed so distracted that night. And you were constantly checking your phone. What is it about Ethan? Does he have some sort of control over you?” Kessler asked.
“No,” Sean said defensively.
“It doesn’t seem that way,” Kessler pointed out. “He obviously upset you enough where you couldn’t enjoy your friend’s party. You always have a lot of fun at Dwayne’s parties, but this time, you just sat there like a lump. A worried lump.”
“I have a lot on my mind these days. I’m barely getting along with my dad and I’m a prisoner. What do you expect? Me jumping up and down doing cartwheels?” Sean snapped sarcastically.
“No,” Kessler smirked. “But I never knew you’d be that guy.”
“What guy?”
“That guy in a relationship who would do anything their boyfriend or girlfriend asked. I know you’re a little down lately, but since when do you let people walk all over you?”
“I don’t,” Sean said his jaw clenching.
“Letting someone guilt you is the same thing,” Kessler pointed out. “You had a prior commitment and you forgot about it. It happens. He should have respected that instead of getting in your face. Honestly, Ethan sounds like a shady ass character. And that line about not wanting to come to the party because we were a bunch of kids? What kind of fucked up shit is that? So he doesn’t want to meet any of your friends then?”
“We haven’t gotten to that point yet,” Sean said shrugging. “We’re just enjoying our time together. He doesn’t have many friends or any family around here, so it’s just the two of us.”
“I don’t like how he treats you, Sean.” Kessler held up his hands and nodded his head. “I’m telling you my opinion. You can make your own decision. I just think Ethan isn’t right for you.”
“Who is?”
“Easy,” Kessler smiled. “Someone who wouldn’t get mad at you for going to a friend’s birthday party.”
Before Sean could answer, the front door swung open and his stepmother and Sammy walked in.
“Kessler!” Sammy shouted running over. Kessler grinned and jumped to his feet, meeting Sammy halfway, lifting the small boy into his arms.
“My Sammy whammy!” Kessler laughed, bouncing Sammy, his biceps flexing.
Sammy giggled and let out happy shrieks as his little arms wrapped around Kessler’s neck. Kessler exaggeratingly kissed Sammy’s cheeks. “What kind of trouble have you been getting into?”
“I don’t!” Sammy squealed, kicking his legs. Kessler grinned and held Sammy at arm’s length. He started swinging Sammy around, making loud airplane noises.
Sean smiled at the scene, but his attention was drawn elsewhere. His mother and father were talking quietly in the small office study next to the living room. They were talking seriously, occasionally looking in Sean’s direction.
Sean frowned, wondering what was going on.
Thanks to Frances for editing! And a special thanks to Pete and Mike for beta-reading and giving me feedback and encouragement.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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