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Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #6



One regular feature of this GayAuthor.org News Blog that I personally enjoy is "Ask An Author" - a piece developed and produced by Dark. Though normally posted the first Wednesday of each month, Dark was gracious enough to let us delay July's so that we could bring you last week's post about the Editor/Beta Ballroom. So - after a slight delay, here is Ask An Author number 6 - take it away Dark!


Ask an Author #6


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!


In AtA #5, we had questions for authors wrathofmagneto, Naptowngirl, and C James.


In AtA #6, we hear from authors Luc Rosen, Libby Drew, and Mark Arbour.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


Today’s first author is Luc Rosen (the author formerly known as FishWings). This author has been with GA since 2007 and would love to meet someone faithful and loyal. Poor Rover would, too, but … but … but …! I can’t believe you left us hanging like that. <_< Want to know what this is about? Check out Luc Rosen's story, I'm Not From Earth.

To Luc Rosen:
If you could become famous (or infamous) for one story you've written, what would that story be about?


One that I have in mind is currently in progress, a science fiction work set in a hypothetical city some twenty years into the future. A mysterious disease has swept across the nation, and a secret agency is doing everything in their power to curb its presence to the ever-watchful eye of the public. The story follows a young high school boy who is chased and captured by that agency and focuses on his forced integration into the staff. There will be a primordial emphasis on ethics and nerdy scientific concepts, with secondary focus on romance…. And gore! I think I’d rather this story gain publicity than the stories that I have already published on this site because it’s one that really reflects my passions and opinions of prevalent global issues.


Today’s next author is Hosted (and published) Author Libby Drew. She has also been with GA since 2007 and has over the last 2 years started publishing her stories, stories that began their lives here. I confess I first ran into her after purchasing and loving Great Restorations. Carina Press has Libby’s latest novel, 40 Souls to Keep, and I’m told that another original-GA story will be published through them. I’m hoping it’s the one about the model railroad! :D

To Libby Drew:
Which story have you written are you most proud of? Why?


I’m always proudest of the last story I’ve written. Writing is not about going halfway or giving a certain percentage. Every time I sit down to write, I try to do it better. Every finished project is the apple of my eye… until I start the next one. That said, there will always be a special place in my heart for Running Far Afield. Capturing and retelling the truth accurately is a huge burden. It’s nothing like invention and supposition. I’m proud of Running Far Afield because I gave immortality to the boys who inspired the fictional Chris and Aaron. Their bravery deserved it. Every young person facing hatred and intolerance deserves it.


The final author of the day needs no introduction, but I’m going to give him one anyway. Mark Arbour is another founding member of GA. He’s a Hosted Author today and continues to spew stories left and right. There’s the family dynasty CAP series, the historical naval orgy of the Bridgemont series, and a handful of others. Posting a new chapter with astounding regularity has made Mark Arbour a bit of a legend around here. I wonder if that’s a side benefit to growing old? :P

To Mark Arbour:
In your landmark serial story, The CAP Saga, you are currently transitioning to a new generation of characters. Did you find it difficult to write a new generation, and how do you feel this new generation has affected the way you've writing CAP?


Actually, this is my third generation, so I've already done that transition once before. The transition from one generation to another has a few challenges, but the primary obstacle is creating characters that are not too similar. It's easy to create clones of prior characters and just have them live out new scenarios, but that's disingenuous. At the same time, children often have similar traits to their parents. So the mission is to try and create characters that have similarities so readers feel the continuity, but with pronounced differences so the story isn't simply a redux.


Moving from the second to third generation has changed the series in two distinct ways. First of all, because the characters are younger, I'm dealing with the under-age issue, and all the things that go with that. I've done that by showing two characters who are similar in age but entirely dissimilar in development. Laws and guidelines on underaged guys are standardized, but guys aren't. A 14 year old who feels like he's 18 physically is going to be a lot different than a 14 year old guy who has the body of a 12 year old. It's been in interesting topic to explore. The second big change is in dealing with parental relationships, primarily father-son relationships. That's been an interesting journey, one that I'll share with you if you're so inclined.




That’s it for now! For more info on these authors, go check out their stories, post in their forums, and/or catch them in chat!


Coming next time: JWolf, K.C., and Mann Ramblings.


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).


Until next time!



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I think Dark did the interview before he changed his name.  I've updated the blog entry fixing the name and links.

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We need to ask KC and Mann a truth or dare question.  That would really be fun!

Yes ! Good idea Croc !! :gikkle:

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<_< Who sprinkled rat poison in the fish tank?


Nope, you guys are way off! But you got the first letters right ;)


...Or it could stand for Kicking Carebears! :P

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Truth or Dare? No. No. We don't play that game...

Now Mann, you gotta be a man about this:P

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In spite of this tangent we seem to be on, I still want to read more by each of these authors. There's not enough time in my day it seems.


and if I'm forced to play... I choose truth. Dares just end me up in bed with strange people.

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Mark - we all are "growing old" - since it beats the one alternative ;-) Gotta say - the GA legend part is equally accurate.

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I can't say I am growing old gracefully, but I try to keep from dropping off too many pieces. :lol: so who is going to ask questions of Joann and Mann? Both authors. (Besides I have been asked mine already.)

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I refuse to grow old. I will continue to tell men I am 29 years old for as long as the alcohol will keep them believing it.


Although I seem to keep needing more and more to make it happen... hmm...

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<_< Who sprinkled rat poison in the fish tank?


Nope, you guys are way off! But you got the first letters right ;)


...Or it could stand for Kicking Carebears! :P

Kicking carebears !!!!! That's it, I am no longer your biggest fan !! :( I hope your cat hisses at you today ! :lol:

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