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Writing Prompts #342 & #343

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far, but now it's almost over and that means that it's once more time to bring you a couple of new prompts courtesy of the prompt guru, Comicfan. Hopefully one of these two prompts spark something for you, if it does, make sure to share it in the Writing Prompts Forum and maybe we'll feature it next week in the Friday Prompt Me!


Prompt 342 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following in a story – a flag, flowers, a letter, a broken cell phone, and a cd.


Prompt 343 – Creative
Tag – Favorite Memory
We all have them. Something that we remember fondly, whether it is a special event, moment in school, time with a close friend, or something that surprised us totally. Take that event and fictionalize it for us to read.


Everyone made it easy on me this week as we only had one prompt response from last week. I hope you enjoy Valkyrie71's response to Prompt 340:

“There is no way I’m going in there!” My big bear of a boyfriend stopped dead in the plane’s doorway.


I put my hands on his back and shoved, but it was like trying to move a giant redwood.


“C’mon, Georgie! You’re holding up the line!”


He turned to face me. He was pale and sweating and I could see the fear in his eyes. “There is no way I am getting in that flying tin can!”


“Well you have to before they kick us off! Now c’mon! You know how important this trip is to me. Please don’t do this.”


“Sir, you’re going to have to either board the plane or step aside and let the other passengers board. We’re on a tight schedule.” The flight attendant was polite, but firm.


George grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. I shrugged away from his touch and glared at him as the line of irritated passengers filed past us.


“You agreed to this.”


“You should have told me how small the plane was! I can’t even stand up straight!”


“You said you’d flown before!”


Want to read more? Click here!

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Recommended Comments

Valkyrie's response was cute.


I think I promised a couple of fellows that I'd use them as stars in my next prompt.  Hmmm

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I think I promised a couple of fellows that I'd use them as stars in my next prompt.  Hmmm

So good Jo Ann.

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