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Writing Prompts #420 & #421



Have you been blocked lately? Looking for some creative inspiration? Just feel like having some fun? Then writing prompts are for you, and we have 2 new ones this week from our prompt guru, Comicfan!


Prompt 420 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“He put his hand where?”


Prompt 421 – Creative
Tag – The interview
Your job has put you forward for a great new job. Everything seems to be going great ‘til the day of your interview. As you enter the room and go to shake hands the elastic in your underwear lets go. Before you say or do anything your briefcase pops open and everything falls to the floor. How does the rest of the interview go and what happens?


In honor of her new promotion, I'm featuring Craftingmom's response to last week's prompt #419:

Lunch Break


Matt sat on the bench outside of the animal clinic finishing his lunch. He was peeling an orange, dropping the rind pieces into the plastic bag Avery had packed his lunch in. He thought it was cute his boyfriend wanted to pack his lunch every day. When Avery had discovered he was going across the street everyday for a hamburger, fries, and Dr. Pepper, the teen had suddenly started making Matt's lunch every day.


Matt smiled at the thought of how much Avery enjoyed cooking--and eating--now that he had access to such a wide variety of foods. While his nineteen year old boyfriend had indulged for a while in the explosion of flavors fast food and many ethnic restaurants offered after living on oatmeal (which was one food NOT allowed in the house) for so many years under his abusive father, Avery had eventually delved into learning to cook and experiment at home. And Matt had reaped the benefits.


He watched as a new client pulled up into the parking lot. The woman's dark hair curled around her shoulders as she moved to the back seat to unbuckle a small child of maybe four years from his car seat. Matt was struck by how much the child reminded him of Avery, and he imagined his boyfriend at that young age, happy and smiling up at his mother like this child was. Click HERE to read more!

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Arrrgh, why did you post such a perfect prompt for my next chapter this Friday? :facepalm: 

Now I have to finish the prompt I'm currently writing AND write another in just one week, in order to be on time.

But I guess my Rob fans won't mind... :lol:

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