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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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Prompt 890 and Prompt 891

Welcome to July. Did you miss me? Hopefully, you enjoyed the anthology. Time for some new prompts. Prompt 890 - Creative  Tag - First Line You touch a hair on his head and I will break your hand! Do you understand me? Prompt 891 - Creative Tag - Stanger  There had been filled with electricity all day. As evening fell, the storm finally arrived with heavy rain, lightening, and thunder. From the darkness he strode out, a large hat that hid his face. Nearly seven foot


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 888 and Prompt 889

Alright, June is here and it is time for Pride. First Friday of the month so that means prompts.  Prompt 888 - Creative Tag - First Line "If one more idiot asks me if I'm a top or a bottom, I swear, I'm going to deck them!" Prompt 889 - Creative Tag - Parade After a year in quarantine, you decide it might be safe to do something outside. You decide to go to the parade. What is this experience like after a year of isolation? So that is this week's prompts. Until


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 886 and Prompt 887

Here we are at the end of another month. Is it me or did May fly by? Anyway we made it to Friday and two new prompts. Prompt 886 - Creative Tag - Bear In a world of thin, muscular, hairless men he stood out. Older, hairy, and a tall drink of water he was known simply as Bear. He has his sights set on you. What do you do? Prompt 887 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a farm, an old car, a plaid shirt, a blue bicycle, and a pair of mud


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 884 and Prompt 885

I apologize for being late. Stomach bug had me up all night. Anyway on to the prompts. Prompt 884 - Creative Tag - The truth You were tired of finding those close to you were lying and keeping things from you. Your father had created a chemical that forced people to tell the absolute truth. However, once exposed they could never lie again. He refused to it to go out of his hands afraid of the repercussions. You take the chemical and pour it into the local aquifer. What happens whe


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 882 and Prompt 883

Another Friday has come so it is time for new prompts. Prompt 882 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a noose, a broken ladder, a torn letter, a poisoned teacup, and a bloody shirt. Prompt 883 - Creative Tag - First Line "You'd think he'd learn his lesson, but he never does." Good luck. Remember to read, write, comment, and like.


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 880 and Prompt 881

Well, May is here and so is more rain. At least it is Friday. Ready for new prompts? Prompt 880 - Creative Tag - First Line "Flowers? Okay, what do you want?" Prompt 881 - Creative Tag - Magic Kingdom You grew up on stories of Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. Then you can across an ad online about a Magic Kingdom up for sale. Curious you contact the email listed and told you can become the owner of your own magical realm if you have the money and can pas


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 878 and Prompt 879

Well, we have made it to the end of April. May brings mother's day and lots of flowers. Today also brings new prompts. Prompt 878 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use  the following words in a story : a card, a single rose, a baby bottle, a soft blanket, and a kitten. Prompt 879 - Creative Tag - Unexpected Your mother always said things happen in threes, but you never expected such different things to happen. First was a job offer from a company you had never heard of


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 876 and Prompt 877

Welcome to Friday. No preamble today, just the prompts.  Prompt 876 - Creative Tag - First Line "I'm so late and she will kill me!" Prompt 877 - Creative Tag - Hero Tonight was not your normal night. First your car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Secondly, you couldn't get a signal so you had to walk for miles to get help. When you finally did find help it was one of those new costumed heroes only you never expected him to act or dress as he did. What was your


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 874 and Prompt 875

Hello to all you lovely people. Welcome to Friday and new prompts. Prompt 874 - Creative Tag - First Line "I promise to consider it, okay?" Prompt 875 - Creative Tag - Mother's Day Lilith is known as the mother of monsters. However, even the most vile wants its mother's love. This year her favorite child is coming to see her. What is this Mother's Day like? So those are the new offerings. Does either appeal to you? Until next time. Remember to read, write, comm


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 872 and Prompt 873

Hello all you beautiful people. It's Friday again so that means prompts. Prompt 872 - Creative Tag - Animal As you pulled into your driveway you gave a sigh of relief. The rain was coming down in buckets as you hurried toward your door you paused swearing you heard a cry. As you went to move you heard a pitiful cry of pain. You look and find some sort of animal, hurt and bleeding in the bushes by your front door. You take inside to help it. As you carry the animal it leans into yo


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 868 and Prompt 869

March is flying by and we are already halfway through the month. Where did the time go? And the are expecting snow? Oh well. It is Friday, that means it is time for the new prompts. Prompt 868 - Creative Tag - Oh, Pup! It snowed last night and you woke to a foot and a half of the frozen mess. You made coffee and were about to head back to bed when you heard a thud near the back door. Afraid that ice had fallen onto your grill, you open the back door to check. Instead of ice, you s


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 866 and Prompt 867

March is not sure what it wants to do. Windy and chilly, quickly followed by warmth and a beautiful day. Anyway, we reached Friday and I have new prompts for you. Prompt 866 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a bunny, a bag of jelly beans, a card, a new blue shirt, and an egg. Prompt 867 - Creative Tag - First Line "What are you trying to hide?" So those are the latest prompts. Does either one appeal to you? If so feel free to c


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 864 and Prompt 865

March has come in with wind and cold. Here we are on the first Friday of the month and that means new prompts for everyone. Prompt 864 - Creative Tag - First "I wondered how long it would take you, but now I know!" Prompt 865 - Creative Tag - Luck of the Irish They say a kiss from the Irish is lucky. You aren't so sure, especially since you ran into one Sean McDabney. Sean is 6'4", solid muscle, fair skin, hair that glows like burnt copper, and just twenty-one years


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 862 and Prompt 863

February simply flew by and March is next week! We just keep going. Hopefully, all is well with you. Since we have reached Friday I have new prompts for you. Prompt 862 - Creative Tag - The gift For years the world dealt with a pandemic that was slowly killing everyone. It took five years before a cure was found and a vaccine was created. A side affect of the vaccine was found in the first generation born to parents who had been vaccinated. Their children developed a super power a


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 860 and Prompt 861

Wow, February is really being harsh in the United States. Winter storms are ripping through the states and poor Texas is a mess. Just hoping everyone survives. In the mean time, I'm going to try and lure you into writing with some prompts. Prompt 860 - Creative Tag - List of words Use the following in a story - a broken mask, a flat tire, an old street sign, a blanket, and a credit card. Prompt 861 - Creative Tag - First Line The door creaked open revealing the bloo


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 858 and Prompt 859

Hello and welcome to another Friday. We are so close to Valentine's Day so they are coloring this week's prompts. Get ready and see what they are offering. Prompt 858 - Creative Tag - First Line "Why do I have to dress up?" Prompt 859 - Creative Tag - Roses It had been a bad storm and you were up all night. Dragging yourself out to go to work and you find a multicolored rose on your doorstep. When you get to work you find another on your desk. As your day goes on yo


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 856 and Prompt 857

Welcome to February. Is it me or is this year flying by? Oh well, it is prompt time. Prompt 856 - Creative Tag - List of words. Use the following words in a story - a snow storm, a beach towel, a postcard, an old wallet, and a goat. Prompt 857 - Creative Tag - Healthy Your partner is always wanting to travel, try new foods, and experience new things. Unfortunately, you have been sick and refused to do much. One day, they don't answer their cell phone and you are for


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 854 and Prompt 855

Another week is nearly over and so is January. Where did the time go? Time for some new prompts! Prompt 854 - Creative Tag - Snow You've come home early due to snow. There is already four inches and it is still falling. The problem is your town is in the middle of the desert, and the temperature has gone from 90 degrees to 31 degrees and it is supposed to be near zero degrees by sunset.  What happened?  Prompt 855 - Creative Tag - First Line "Wow, is that what you r


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 852 and Prompt 853

Hello all and welcome to another Prompt Friday. Are you ready for another set of teasers? Well, here they are. Prompt 852 - Creative Tag - First Line "Oh, damn. Now what?" Prompt 853 - Creative Tag - The Library The librarian slowly crossed the room, carefully holding the small crystal on a pillowed tray. "Here is the life you wished to see. Just remember you will see and experience their entire life in twenty-four hours. Just be aware this will become a part of you


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 850 and Prompt 851

Welcome back to another Prompt Friday. I have some offerings to tempt you into writing. Prompt 850 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - London Bridge, swiss chocolate, a torn ticket, a Welsh Corgi, and a blue umbrella. Prompt 851 - Creative Tag - Destiny It was the day from hell and you weren't sure you could handle any more stress. Falling into you bed, you curse, saying "It's all Destiny's fault." You wake to find an older man who is


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 848 and Prompt 849

Greetings. Sorry if I am not a familiar face, but I had to take some time away from the site. However, I am back to tease and cajole you into possibly writing a prompt for us. Welcome to the prompts of 2021. Prompt 848 - Creative Tag - First Line "That was the last thing I ever expected to see." Prompt 849 - Creative Tag - New Man When you left work on Friday, your best friend told you he planned to start a weight loss program so he would be a new man by the end of


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 846 and Prompt 847

Well we made it to the end of May. Who knew it could seem to last forever, but here we are. I have to admit, I have new prompts to distract you. Prompt 846 - Creative Tag - First Line "If you touch my child, I promise you, death would be considered a prize in the world of pain I'll create for you!" Prompt 847 - Creative Tag - Demon A month after signing the deal the demon shows up on your doorstep in the middle of the night. "What do you want?" You demand. "Look the


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 844 and Prompt 845

Here it comes again, just when I've begun to get myself together. Here is another Friday and another set of prompts. Let's jump right into them. Prompt 844 - Creative Tag  - Royalty Having been laid off from your job you decide to play around online. You order a DNA test from one of the online ancestry sites and begin to fill in your family tree with the few facts you have. A week and a half later you get your results and an official letter from a small country you'd never heard o


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 842 and Prompt 843

Well, we are half way through May. The world is coming out of lockdown and praying for no second wave. To help you to focus on something besides Covid 19 here are the prompts. Prompt 842 - Creative Tag - First Line "Pardon me, but damn it got cold in here." Prompt 843 Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a bloody shirt, a broken door, a school bag, a new book, and a calico cat. Enjoy your week. Remember to read, write, comment, and like. Sta


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 840 and Prompt 841

Another week has come and gone. Mother nature is confused, giving blistering heat and snow to opposite coasts. I won't even mention the other strange happenings. This year is moving on like a fevered Stephen King nightmare. To get your focus to something new, I proudly present your prompts. Prompt 840 - Creative Tag - List of words Use the following in a story - a lunar eclipse, a flat tire. a statue of Zeus,  a bonfire, and a puppy. Prompt 841 - Creative Tag - Anubis


comicfan in Prompts

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