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CANCER SUCKS! More story delays...

First off, let me say that the title of this blog says it all....




If I never know someone else who has cancer, it will be WAY TOO SOON!!!!


On July 8th, my grandmother was told she had cancer, only they didn't know what kind or even exactly where it was. This came right on top of the news that the chemotherapy worked and my brother was currently cancer free (despite one five day stint in the hospital after getting an infection of some sort). My grandmother was then told that they were going to have to essentially do exploratory surgery to try and remove the cancer tissue. She underwent surgery on July 11th, which ended up being a complete hysterectomy (the cancer tissue was completely surrounding her ovaries as well as some other areas from what I understand) and they also removed her gallbladder for reasons that were never fully explained to me. They believed that they got the majority of the cancer tissue and while there was most likely some microscopic cancer cells remaining, they were fairly confident that those would be able to be taken care of with chemotherapy which they would start the following month.


The doctors had originally said that grandma would be able to return home approximately a week after surgery. Three weeks later and grandma was still in the hospital and not doing well. Her lucid times were few and far between. She had no recollection of the fact that she had spent the last three weeks in the hospital. She would have conversations with people that were about things from the past that she believed were from the present and would get extremely argumentative and borderline verbally abusive if anyone tried to correct her. When she did try to hold a conversation, it was like she was trying to hold four conversations at once, with the same person. All in all, very confusing for not only her, but the person she would be talking to. Essentially she has been in a downward spiral for the last three weeks but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.


I was sitting here Tuesday night when my mom's truck pulled up outside. I knew something had happened because my mom should have been at work two hours earlier. She had gotten a call from her sisters. Grandma was even worse. They finally figured out that she had an edema (spelling?) caused by an infection (not sure exactly what kind of infection). What I do know is that whatever the infection was, it apparently starts in the pelvic region, moves to the chest cavity, and then moves to the brain. By the time it was figured out what was going on, it had reached both of her lungs, that they knew of. They were uncertain as to whether or not it had reached her brain. The solution, another surgery. The dilemma, another surgery could kill her. The bigger dilemma, without the surgery, she'd die.


My mom rushed down there. They met with the doctors and found out everything they could. What all was discussed I do not know. What I do know is that one of the questions they asked one of the main doctors, out of earshot of grandma, was that if it was his mother in her condition, would he elect to have the surgery done. He told them no. With the shape grandma is in, he told them he thought the best thing for her was for them to make her as comfortable as they could and to let her go. A very hard decision to make. Grandma, from what my mom has told me, was having a lucid moment. Before they could make the decision, she made it for them. She elected to have the surgery.


The last I talked to my mom, Grandma had made it out of the four hour surgery. They hadn't seen her yet and didn't know exactly how she was doing and she certainly isn't out of the woods. Her chances of coming through this are still very slim. For all I know at the moment, we could have already lost her. I've never been overly close to my grandma, not like I am with my Dad's mom, but she is still my grandma and I do love her and I don't know what we're going to do if we lose her.


Between everything with my grandma, the fact that my brother is back in the hospital, and my own health issues, my focus is shot. I've been trying to hold it together as I've had four girls visiting me this week and I can't completely fall apart. They don't know how dire things are and I have to try and keep it that way, at least for two more days. I'm trying, but it's hard. I've got promotions set up for this entire month and luckily I have them already done and ready to go out, so at least if the worst happens, that's pretty much taken care of, but as far as writing new content.... that's pretty much a no go for the moment. I appreciate everyone's patience and I'm sorry for everyone that has been waiting on chapters from me. I can probably still post chapters of Thwarted as I have a few of those waiting in the wings that I can still post every other week, but those might even go by the wayside for a bit.


I'm really really hoping that life settles down soon, because I honestly don't think I can take another year like the last one.



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All the best, Renee. You and yours will be in my thoughts.

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:hug:  I hope things get better for you Renee

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Girl, don't fret over your writing.  Think of your family and their issues.  Wishing the best for both your grandmother and brother.  Whatever happens with your grandmother, remember when fate steps in, it is always for the best, no matter how much it hurts.  Hugs, and my thoughts are with you and your mom and sick family members.

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I understand what you are going through Renee , My mother had cancer of the Bladder. Supposed to be benign one surgery does all. Two bouts of chemo and three surgeries later it has played havoc with her heart adn diabetes. But she is still alive so I'm thankful for that add to that my daughter has been dealing with complications from Lung cancer for a few years . So I wholeheartedly agree with you CANCER SUCKS.  I hope your Grandma makes it through. Hang in there I hope things get better for you and your family.

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Yep, your title says it all. Now stop worrying about posting on  schedule and take care of your family and YOURSELF.


We also went thru a year of hell starting with my father in law breaking a hip while doing chemo for oral cancer, mother in law ( his ex wife) chosing the same time frame and rehab center to have her hip replaced, and my own diagnosis of breast cancer, followed by surgery chemo and radiation.  Thru it all one thing kept me going - my friends. If you need an extra pm me!

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I am keeping you and your family in my prayers and thoughts. Cancer does suck.

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Former Member


Don't worry about us.  We really have no right to be crabby about a lack of updates.  We are gifted with an author's writing, so when life gets in the way we SHOULDN'T be angry.  You need to take care of you and the ones who care most about not just your writing but your soul and your HEALTH will still be waiting PATIENTLY when things have cooled off a little.  I'm sure I speak for more than a few people when I say that we just want you to get to a good place and have things settle down.


Cancer does suck, but I've always believed that life does not give us anything we cannot handle.  You are strong!  Be well, Renee!



don't worry I haven't read any of your stories yet but my mate was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year so I know what your going through my thoughts are with you and your family.



Our prayers are with you. The choices are not gonna get easier from here on but, you must learn to make peace with it. Wishing your grandmother recovery in whatever form it may come in. Hugs.

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<bear hug> Take care, you and yours come first. :).  Your in my thoughts.    

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I hope things turn around for you and your family soon, Renee.

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Your fans will still be here when things settle down.


Fighting cancer in the elderly is very complicated, not just their health issues, but the elderly react differently to many drugs. Also it's difficult to make life/death decisions for the family. Be there for your mom, support her decisions, even if you don't agree.

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Hey, Renee, don't let the smaller issues overshadow the big ones; focus on your family. I pray that you and yours have the strength for whatever comes mext. Your grandma sounds like a fighter - go Grandma go!


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Renee Stevens


Thank you everyone, I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.  Grandma did make it out of the surgery and is still hanging in there. Though she is still far from being out of the woods, she is fighting to stay with us.  When my cousin picked up her girls today she said when she went and saw grandma she was pretty delusional but did at least know who she was, so that was a bit promising.  Again, thank you everyone, I appreciate all the kind words.



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