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Writing Tip: Meaningless Words With A Purpose



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Meaningless Words With A Purpose


What's a meaningless word? How could one have meaning? Well, I'm talking about interjections! What is an interjection really? Well, it's a word that doesn't have any part of speech but is put in a sentence to indicate an emotion. Sometimes they're not really even words, but through their use, they've come to mean something. They can be very useful, though I believe they should be limited to dialogue.


Below is a list of frequently used interjections and their commonly held meanings. Feel free to add to this list, as it is by no way complete.


Mmm: Indicates thought or sort of a lazy pleasure


Mmhmm: Indicates agreement


Aha: This indicates triumph or a sudden moment of understanding.


Um: Is just a place holder for a pause, but sometimes expresses confusion.


Oh: Very versatile. It can express surprise, pain, pleasure, add emphasis to a statement, Oh my god! or could be used to indicate a question with the addition of a question mark, Oh?


Hmph: This one is very Scottish sounding, lol. It expresses indignation or annoyance.


Ew, Ick, Ack: These all can express disgust.


Duh: Expresses disdain to someone who is being dense.


Eek: This could be fright or an unpleasant surprise.


Bah: Indicates derisive dismissal.


Shh: Indicates a need for silence.


Aw: This one is also versatile, it can be disappointment or if extended, it could be an expression of sympathy, like awww.




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 Bah: Indicates derisive dismissal.


This is also a very naughty word in Sheep-ese :lol:

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This is also a very naughty word in Sheep-ese :lol:

:sheep: very funny, Sheep :lol:


Aha - isn't that also a popgroup from Norway :P

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Eep! - when someone has been poked unexpectedly :)

phew - when danger has passed


edit:  Whoa! - normally following a DRASTIC breach of personal boundaries :D

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I personally like "gwarg" because it's so versatile. It could be an alien or an evil witch dying, somebody doing something completely disgusting or the incomprehensible beeping of a robot menace.


Japanese has tons and tons of onomatopeia and it's a lot of fun to include it in writing. For a little breath of fresh air, here's some examples:


Teku teku - One of my favorites because it's so specific, it is supposed to represent the likeness of walking, but not just ordinary, walking in contrast to not using a vehicle, in other words it's there to show the fortitude and perservance when you decide to get there by your own two feet.


Odo odo - This is an expression for when you can't calm down because you're afraid or anxious about something.


Kasa kasa - This is the sound of two dried out things scraping or moving against each others, like dried leaves or a dry hand brushing against denim.


Gabatto - The motion of somebody getting up quickly or suddenly diving down and other such similar motions.


Shittori - The feel of something soft and velvety, calm and quiet, like deliciously smooth chocolate cake or rich shampoo.


Gito gito - The disgusting, sticky, gooey feel of grease and oil.

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Nghhhh - my personal favourite, expressing that sort of pleasure/pain boundary you only get with realy good sex...

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Shittori - The feel of something soft and velvety, calm and quiet, like deliciously smooth chocolate cake or rich shampoo.


Perhaps best not to share how I'm reading this ... :P

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eh- only if your Canadian lol

huh- disbelief or questioning

these and the two I previously posted are some of my favourites

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