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Author Interview: Comicality

Renee Stevens


Comicality has been a member of Gay Authors since the beginning, and this week we get to find out a little more about him. If you haven't already downloaded your Signature Background for November, you still have plenty of time. Now, I'm sure you stopped by the blog today to read about Comsie, so let's get to it! Thank you to Cia and Comsie for the interview!

Interview: Comicality on

Save or Sacrifice


Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom?
Jerry! All the way! LOL! If you're talking 'cat and mouse', I felt bad for Tom, but Jerry had the most fun! Even if he was being a jerk, at least he got to laugh about it! :P


What are you wearing (and no fibbing!)?
Hehehe, right now? Black boxer briefs, and that's it. With a robe on the back of my chair in case I have to move around outside of my room. So...yeah. There's a picture to put in people's heads when they read my stuff from here on out! LOL!


Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?
I wouldn't call it 'making my bed'. I straighten up the pillows and pull the sheets up. But it's hardly something that would pass military inspection.


Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla! All the way!


What brought you to the site?
Myriddian! He saved me from nonexistence by being kind enough to offer me a place to stay. :)


Do your characters try to make like bunnies and create ever more convoluted plots for you? Or do you have to coax them out of your characters?
I have to admit that my characters bully me into doing whatever they want to do most of the time. I always have a plan in mind, but once I start writing, the characters develop themselves and eventually start telling me where the story will go from there. So I get suckered into becoming a reporter instead of a creator after a while. :)


If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Dean Lidster and Jaxsper Finn. They were some of the first authors that I ever wrote to from Nifty, and they both answered me! Going to their sites and seeing what was actually possible with writing stories, I can credit them with being the first people to ever inspire me to start writing my own stuff. And Savoir Faire too, as well as a few others!


Name one entity that you feel supported you in your writing endeavors outside of family members.
I think that was mostly the support that I got from the Shack forum. They are the ones who made it all worthwhile. Especially when "Billy Chase" became a weekly series, and people went to the Library to discuss the events of the story amongst each other. They were really 'reading' and absorbing what was going on. That was the biggest inspiration for me. So my thanks go out to all of them. :)


Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
I'm always trying to do something new. That's the most challenging part for me. I want to write a story or create something that has NEVER been done before! And that's nearly impossible these days. But I keep trying. I keep thinking that there's got to be ONE tiny little corner of love and affection in a story that hasn't been explored yet! So that challenges me. Trying to find a new angle. Trying to improve on what I've done already. I always want to do better. I'm self critical in a major way, so I always want to reach the next level and make something that people will like and respond to. ::Fingers Crossed::


What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
Wow....I can't even remember the harshest criticism that I've had since I started writing. I can honestly admit that I've had some really hurtful things hurled my way or said about me in public that have nearly brought me to tears, though. Just cruel and unnecessary comments from people who had no conscience at all about what they were doing. One that I remember, in particular, was 'Encyclopedia Dramatica'. Which is a site dedicated to hurting feelings and making fun of people. But their twisted views on me and my site and what I was trying to do...I can honestly say that they stick out as one of the most hurtful things that has ever been said about me. So congrats to them. I hope their proud of themselves for making me feel like shit while trying to help THEIR kids feel better and more accepting of who they are. Hope they got a big laugh out of it at my expense. But at the end of the day, my site has helped teens come out to their parents and friends. It's prevented suicides from happening. It has helped people realize that love still exists beyond the age of 18...and many adults have found love and companionship on my site well into their 40's. Teens as young as 13 find the stories and find strength where they couldn't find it elsewhere. And Encyclopedia Dramatica? I looked it up just now to add a link...and it's not there anymore. I think there's a bare bones copy of it, if you want to read it. But the Shack is still thriving...and they aren't. So to hell with them and their insults. I'm still going strong.


As for the best compliment...I don't think there is one. ANYBODY, from 15 to 50, who writes to me and lets me know that they read and enjoy the stories? I am SUPER appreciative! Honored and blessed! ANY word of positive feedback is enough to make me giggle for the rest of the day! It's all I ask. If there is someone out there who enjoys what I do...and they take the time to tell me so? I am TOTALLY in your debt! Thank you!!! And I love you all! Because most people don't say anything at all.


Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
Ty, who does the "Storm" series has always been a favorite of mine. And guys who started out on the Shack, LemonFresh and TurtleBoy, have impressed me with their work a lot. Also Elias Scott, with his story, "Knots". I am WAAAAY behind on my reading, but I've seen some real talent and ambition in the new generation of writers these days! And when I get more time to read stuff, I'll be letting each and every one of them know how much I appreciate their genius. Because I'm super excited by the kind of stuff that new writers are writing these days!


When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Hehehe, never. It's never happened. Not even now. I love doing it. But a writer? Eh....not yet. I've still got a lot of bugs to work out of my system.


Do you have any writing rituals?
Music. I can't write without music. I think I spend more time making playlists for the 'mood' I want for each writing session than I do on the session itself.


Have you written a book you love that you have not been able to get published?
Not yet. I definitely have my days when I just have something on my mind or an emotion that I need to get rid of or off my chest...and I'll write stuff that I have no plans to ever release, I just wanted to write it out. But as far as stories that I haven't been able to publish? Not yet. If I believe in the finished product...I ALWAYS put it out there. If people hate it or have issues with it, I can always take it back. But at least I forced them to think about the concept. At least they were forced to be aware of it. After that...they have to make a conscious choice to be close-minded or open-minded. And they have to be aware of that choice. So whatever they decide...it's all on their conscience. I can live with that. :)


How many books/stories have you written? Which is your favorite?
Oh God! I have no idea!!! LOL! but if I had to choose one hat I was most in tune with...it would be "Gone From Daylight". It's a vampire story, but I think there is more of my real life and personal views on life than any other story on the site. So it's gotta be "GFD"!


How did you come up with the title?
Hehehe, which title?


Did the characters or the plot come to you first?
Characters first. always. I'm heavily character oriented. The story? I come up with a vague theme or idea to work with, but until I have the characters straight, I can't figure out what the story is going to be about.


If your story were made into a movie, who do you picture playing each characters part?
Hehehe, No idea!!! I could fill up 50 pages on this question alone! Believe me!


What sort of coffee would your characters order? Simple coffee, complicated soy-non-fat-extra-espresso-half-caff-nightmare?
My characters are pretty young. Hehehe, prolly just 'coffee'. um...large. :P


What was your favorite part of the story?
I've got certain scenes that I really cherish in the stories. Moments that stand out to me. But I don't know if I have a favorite. They're all my favorite when I'm in the midst of writing that particular scene.


Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Hehehe, NOPE! Because I'm always writing, but if I mention a story, folks mob me with requests to 'hurry up', and God forbid it doesn't come out on the date I mentioned. I get BULLIED over stuff like that! So I keep my mouth shut, and just release stuff as soon as I can. People don't know how to be NICE to me when it comes to hours and HOURS of my free time!!! :P


What are your future projects?
I'm working a lot on ebooks at the moment! That includes "GFD: Persona", "Boys Of Widow Lake: Depths Of Devotion", and "GFD: Nightfall"! Also, I have been putting a LOT of work into re-writing the story "Always", which I hope to have available for Christmas! As for stuff on the site, like I said...I'm not saying anything because people get mean and hate me when I do. So...new stuff is coming as fast as I can type it out! I'm always on the job, so you'll see new stuff soon! :)

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Recommended Comments

I love these interviews, personally. They're endlessly entertaining and not just for the imagery of black boxer briefs! :D


Good stuff!

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Like Mann, I love reading these interviews. Since I rarely go into the story threads in the forums, these interviews really show off the author's personality.


I really love Comsie's stories and I find each one I read a little different than the last one. There are about a hundred of his stories  I need to get to! :P When I first came on the site he was still writing The New Kid (was that the name of it?), and still updating Billy Chase. I think both stories were up to 500 chapters or something. :D So, one time when I have a few weeks free, I'll read them. :)


Great interview, Renee and Comsie! :)

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