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Writing Prompts #398 & #399

Renee Stevens


FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY!!! *Dances* Oh, oops. :blushing: Forgot what I was doing there for a moment. Hope everyone has had a great week and I bet everyone is looking forward to the weekend. Before the weekend can get here though, we have to do the weekly prompts from the Prompt Guru. Hopefully one of these will spark an idea!!!


Prompt 398 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – umbrella, toy bunny, banana, a parrot, and a young girl.


Prompt 399 – Creative
Tag – The Snore
You are on vacation and having a wonderful time except for one little thing. The person on the other side of the wall has to have the world’s loudest snoring problem. The first night you swore a train was coming through your wall. After three nights you refuse to have your vacation ruined. You go next door early the in the morning to confront your neighbor about the god awful noise. Who is your neighbor and what do you do about the sound of the snoring?


This week I decided to feature a response for both Prompt #396 and Prompt #397. Don't worry though, you still only have one response to read! Here's Carlos Hazday's twofer:

“When will I see you again?”


“I’ll be late afternoon. Need to check on the dogs, shower, and pack a bag so I don’t have to go home for a couple of days.”


“What are you doing with the pups?”


“Henry will take care of them; we talked while you were in the emergency room. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?”


“My iPad? There’s this great serial novel I’ve been reading on Gay Authors and the next chapter will post tomorrow. You’ll have to read to me since I won’t be able to hold it.”


“Is that the one about the kid from Miami who moves to Washington and ends up living with his two dads?”


“Yeah, the story’s title is Summer and I like the author a lot. The guy has tons of talent, he writes these great characters who appear so real you expect to run into them at some point.”


Read the rest here.

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Thanks Renee, glad you liked my 2-4-1 response. Maybe my shameless plug for Summer will garner me some additional readers with the added exposure :)


Wayne's weekly prompts give me a chance to play around and have fun and for that I thank him and you.


Now I need to work on this week's, I think I have an idea... :D

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