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Writing Prompts #410 & #411

Renee Stevens


Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has had a great week so far. To help you finish off your week and get a great start on your weekend, we have two new prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan! We'd love to see what you come up with, so don't forget to share your prompt responses in the Prompt Forum, you never know, your response might be shared next week!


Prompt 410 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following in a story – bunny, green grass, tulips, a grandmother, and a box of chocolates.


Prompt 411 – Creative
Tag – Spring time
The first signs of spring have begun to happen. What does that mean to you?


We only had a few responses to prompts 408 & 409, so I decided to go ahead and give a short preview to both prompt responses from Prompt 408, enjoy. :)


Prompt 408:

‘If you ever threaten him again, I’ll kill you,’ the e-mail said in its subject line. The sender address was surely erased by now and there was no body text. Haliburt didn’t have to be a genius to figure out whom he shouldn’t threaten again, but he wondered who was so gullible to think such an e-mail would stop him, though he had an inkling of an idea. Over his long life he had gotten enough threats and normally they didn’t mean anything except death for the persons issuing them. The thing that really confused him was why he got this message right now.


Read the rest, here.

“If you ever threaten him again, I’ll kill you. Now put the baseball bat down.” My father’s stern voice was sufficiently intimidating, to make me drop my bat on the ground. I looked down at my shoes, before raising my head, and glaring at my supposed best friend.


Read the rest, here.

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