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Writing Prompts #498, #499, Poetry Prompt #20, And Special Prompt #1

Renee Stevens


Happy Friday everyone! And if you didn't notice, it's Friday the 13th to boot! Do you have any Friday the 13th superstitions? If so, let me hear em! Just for fun, I'm going to do a "special prompt" for Friday the 13th, on top of our regular prompts. Since we missed prompts last week, I'm also including the newest Poetry Prompt for you. Have fun writing, and don't forget that prompt responses can be posted in GA Stories, but any under 1K must be posted as part of a collection!


Special Prompt #1
Tag - Friday the 13th
It's Friday the 13th and you're having a movie night with all your friends. You're having a marathon of the Friday the 13th movies. You've just put the second one in when you get a creepy phone call and start hearing sounds from outside. What was said in the phone call and what sounds are you hearing and who, or what, is making them.


Prompt 498 – Creative
Tag -List of Words
Use the following words in a story : a pen, a blonde wig, a bag of groceries, a swan, and a deck of cards.


Prompt 499 – Creative
Tag -The Achievement
You going to working long and hard on your project. It is taking years to get to this point but you have finally completed it. What is this major achievement?


Poetry Prompt #20
Write three Found Poems on the themes of 'Loss,' 'Memory,' and 'Celebration.' Your source material is The Dead, by James Joyce. You may decide if you wish to explore metre in your poem or not, or rhymes to accent certain parts. You may also wish to consider using a repeating section as a refrain. Let your imagination run free, as long as you allow the three principal themes to guide your creation of three freestanding works. You can learn more about Found Poetry in the thread.


For our featured Prompt Responses, I decided to take a look at the poetry responses from Poetry Prompt #19:

Baby, hush,
No more race,
No more rush,
Slow your pace.
Never you mind,
Leave it behind.


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I can’t sleep
You’ve moved on
I count sheep
You are gone
The mammals leap
And I’m in Bonn.


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Come, lay your head down to sleep
Lay your head down to rest
In dreams you’ll keep
Hoping for the best


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Hush, lay your head on my chest
In my arms safely rest
Nothing to fear
I'll be right here


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sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep
it’s time to dream
dream -----------------
and sleep
safe and sound
safe and sound
safe and sound


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  • Site Administrator

ooooo I have the perfect idea for the special prompt.  Something that actually happened to me... :unsure: 

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Thanks for featuring everybody's lullabies! They did a great job and really exceeded my wildest expectations. 


Thanks to all our poets! 

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I missed this prompt because of my busy schedule. :( But Congratulations to all other poets for your efforts... :D

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Just read them all. They are so lovely lullabys'... :D I just got flattered by Aunt Def's Lullaby. I am gonna personally ask her to sing it for me... :)

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It is wonderful to see the poetry featured. The prompts produce such great offerings.. 


@Emi: You're sweet, but there will be no singing.... :) 

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@Emi: You're sweet, but there will be no singing.... :)




*Whispering*Guys I can convince her being her little lovely nephew...*Whispering*

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