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Thank You All For Your Well Wishes



I just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful notes and prayers for my mom. November was really hard as my mom first found the lump in her hip and we waiting for her to go have it biopsied, then of course another wait for the results... B-cell lymphoma... the dreaded "C" word. And just before thanksgiving, so more waiting and stressing about just how bad it was and what would happen. Fortunately, last week after her PET scan, we were given the good news that it is in Stage 1 and has NOT spread past the original sight. So the doctors are extremely optimistic that she may be cancer free after three rounds of chemo instead of going through six.


I know I'm very lucky to receive such good news. As much as I hated hearing my mom has cancer, this is probably the best possible outcome I could hope for. So after stressing and getting myself sick at the end of Thanksgiving break, we are finally feeling more secure that things will be okay. She did have her first chemo treatments this week, and they went well. She didn't get sick--yet anyway--but she's been tired of course.


So anyway, that's my update on why I haven't been very active. I still have all the Fall Anthologies to read too!!! I had even tried to do the National Novel Writing Month--the 50k+ words in 30 days. Yeah, it didn't happen; I fizzled out right before Thanksgiving when we got her diagnosis and I got sick. So only 42K got done--12 chapters of the next story. Now I just need to get back into it after so long a break... And see if my betas/editors will be up to reading it :) Well, Parker's already taken a look at the first chapter(s) and had me rewriting stuff!


So thank you all again. I'm so grateful to have such wonderful people here at GA for support!

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I hope your mom recovers fully and that she is well as soon as possible. :hug: 


And hope you're feeling better too. :) 

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It is a painful process and hard time for me, knowing my friend has cancer and going through all the medication process. I became his oral support and it has made me suffer well too. I can understand your pain and the tension you have been through.


It's a relief to hear about the good part of it. Yet be strong and always along side with your mother. I hope and wish for her speedy recovery.


We are all with you... :)

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We miss you around here, CM, but I'm so glad to hear of your mom's prognosis. That is AWESOME!  Take care of yourself :hug:

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Thank you all so very much.  I will continue to try to check in and see what's going on, but I fear it won't be my usual daily or more visits for a while.  

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