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Christmas Depression

I really didn't want to ruin anyone's festivities, so I thought I write it down. Be warned, I'm going to whine a little. Or a lot.


I'm really down today, all 3 kids are sick, I have a sinusitis and can't breathe at all through my nose.
My daughter (8yo) didn't want the presents she got. They pretend to get the gifts form the Baby Jesus, so I can't say, we would maybe buy something more expensive, but we can't afford it and we don't want to spoil them either.
Everybody is posting perfect pictures from the perfect family and the perfect dinner. I didn't manage to cook, we ordered all food, even the sweets.
I got a cool tool set from him, I like it very much. Very ladylike :-P
The gift for hubby didn't arrive on time, I had to improvise, I bought him socks. Can you imagine?
I'm depressed, I mean really, I checked twice that I took my meds, I quess tis the season for having a relapse :-(
Speaking of seasons:

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After Christmas gifts are great (I got one in June one year...it was lost in amongst the coats in the closet :P ), so I'm sure your hubby will be happy whenever he gets it.


Hang in there, Glittery :hug: :hug:


PS: The spider and the bat are a hoot (see what I did there?) :)

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Poor glittery. :( I've had Christmases where I've forgotten presents (500 mile round trip) and others where my brothers haven't talked to each other and I got duplicates ...


Your hubby will appreciate his present the more in January.



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Hey Glittery :hug: Poor thing.. Don't be sad :hug:


 First of all, don't feel bad for ordering food, you don't feel well ! Nothing wrong in doing so.. Ignore the "happy family pictures" I'm pretty sure many of them are only fake :yes: Socks are not so bad, I love socks and I am super envious of the cool socks Valkyrie got from Lisa ! :) Hang in there :hug:



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This holiday can get so hyped up it's ridiculous. Just remember that behind those perfect exteriors, things are never what they seem. And if they were? So what! You deal with your troubles as best you know how. It's not worth beating yourself up over not being 'perfect'. When you are a wreck due to all musts around Christmas, guess what? No one will thank you. Harsh, but true. So look out for yourself and be kind to yourself. Your family could celebrate Christmas, right? There was food. And gifts. And a family.


As for your daughter... I think you have to talk honestly with her. Explain the realities of life, that money is tight. She's old enough to hear it.



Guess what happened to my hubby's gift? The box was empty! Yes, empty! Someone had removed the thing and neither me nor the staff noticed. What could we do byt laugh? I'll have to see if I can get a refund or if they'll think I'm trying to trick them...

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Timothy M.


All I can say is if he bought you a (sexist) pink tool set, he deserves to get nothing but socks. :lol: I know several Danish women who would have kicked me where it hurts if I'd tried to give them a pink tool set. He's lucky you liked it. 

My duck came out of a tin, it was very tasty. I'm sure your kids prefered a relaxed mum who had time for them, rather than a stressed cook. Sit down and tell them the best Christmas present you could get is a cup of tea and a cuddle.

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The important part, I think, is to be all together. Your kids will end up loving their presents and hubby will have his soon. Don't sweet it.

You're a wonderful mom (from what I gather here) :hug:

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Christmas card happy family / happy Christmas pictures are posed. Holidays are meant to be together with family, not about the perfect dinner, gift or whatever it's become.


As for being sick, I spent my son's first birthday entertaining him in the bathroom. I had a really bad case of stomache flu and didn't want to go far from the facilities. I also was so dizzy I couldn't walk. We raced cars around the tub,  I hid toys under wash clothes for him to find. I was sick as a dog, and only remember the fun he had, and all the giggles, in the oddest place.


BTW I envy the toolkit, it's been on my list for years and I still haven't gotten it.

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Hugs honey. You know .. you're doing the best you can. What you eat doesn't matter, what you give or get doesn't matter. Yes, gifts are fun, but they aren't everything. You're all ill so what matters is, hunkering down together, order in food, hell yes if you're sick. You want to cook a special celebration meal so do it... another day that you all will make special. Your hubby's gift will arrive .. give it to him with a backrub.. or whatever makes it more special for you both. How you handle this kind of set back, is a great lesson for your children. You're a great lady, special and very sweet. No one has the perfect family or the perfect dinner .. our morning was stressful.. down to the second we went out. And it's crazy .. I am so gonna try to get shit done earlier next year. 


Don't be so hard on yourself dear glittery. All you can do is the best you can.


 much love and hugs,


tim xoox

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Former Member


Why does Christmas need to be perfect? Aren´t the little imperfections the things, that make us all feel better, because they are relaxing? The opportunity of ordering food is great! Gifts are not bound to a date. I once got an necklace from my friend half a year after my birthday and she gave me the envelop with the tracking of the parcel. It went around the world, because the postcode was not readable. I love the necklace and kept the envelop. 

Don`t be hard on yourself. I bet your family loves you, the way you are.


How awful it must be, to live with a perfect human being.


Hug you Lyssa

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