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Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 20 - Nov. 26)



I hope my 'merican friends and their families of origin or found :) had a super Thanksgiving holiday. Did you eat too much? I think TG is one of the mandatory 'pass' days that you get to eat what you want, how much you want, and for as long as you want. It is surprising that with New Year's resolutions that people make those far stretched promises to themselves to stop smoking, go to the gym, stop drinking alcohol and such, that there is nothing for Thanksgiving. Maybe there should be promises to go to the gym to combat all the food :P at the very least!

I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but up in Canada boxing day (Dec. 26) was our biggest sale day where retailers cleared out their old stock at ridiculous prices. Now the American Black Friday has replaced that, closely followed by Cyber Monday. So were you able to participate, or was things just a little too tight this year? :( I had my 12 year old TV start to pixelate pretty bad so I was able to take advantage of the sales to get a new, bigger TV. Before Krista can make any accusations, NO it is not for watching porn :o.

We had a pretty good week here at the GA New Blog. Let's jump right in and see what all was out there for you, just in case you missed something.

I know I like to upload the neat profile signatures that Cia does up every month for our Siggy of the Month. Ever thought of doing it?


Wednesday we were looking at an excerpt from our siggy story of the month:

On Friday Val came up with a few interesting prompts. Any takers?

I think one of the tricker things to write and not lose your readers is switching to and from a flashback. Comsie brought some suggestions on how to do that:

7 days, 7 new words! Thanks Myr!!

swan song, immure, glower, feign, tontine, regnant, jape

26 down and 4 to go!



Blog Opportunities

Ask an Author 3.0: Send in 3 questions that you would like your favourite story's author to answer for you. Send them into @astone2292

Story Review: Send it in to  @Timothy M. of @wildone 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. On Fire by Cia

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. Gap Year by Mark Arbour
  2. Flying Circus by Carlos Hazday
  3. Ancalagon by Cia
  4. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus
  5. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens
  6. On Fire by Cia
  7. A Plethora of Prompts by Valkyrie
  8. The Cat Burglar by Aditus

Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Desperado by Dabeagle

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. Therapeutic Rant by astone2292 **Complete**
  2. Last Reels by Mawgrim

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. The Next Stage by Littlelovestories
  2. Lord Edwin by quokka
  3. Fix It by RichEisbrouch
  4. Canaan Club by Westley D.
  5. Confluence by Refugium
  6. Plattenbau by Thirdly
  7. Chasing Rusty Parker by Laura S. Fox
  8. Maddog & The Pope (Learning to fly on Broken Wings) by Georgie DHainaut
  9. Unspoken by Late to the party
  10. ARROW by CLJobe
  11. Stolen: Unearthing the Lore by lomax61
  12. Finding love by AquariusGuy
  13. Madness or Genius by VampireMystic
  14. Brandon Smiling: From the Billy Chase Chronicles (2) by MrM
  15. The Flamekeepers of Delta Psi Theta by Kelevra

Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)


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Vegetables anyone? -_-


orgy cuckold GIF

If I get warning points for posting this it was Steves fault and it was worth it! :funny:

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13 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

Will Ferrell Elf GIF by filmeditor

Thank you, we cannot let him get away with such things. Keeping the little shit honest is a full time job with zero benefits. :P 

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