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day two...



So my SUPER BIG BOY started first grade yesterday. I know :o SO early... but we have year round elemetary school here so... anyway. I was sorta pissed off yesterday when Rich and I went to drop him off cause they had the walkway all blocked off with signs saying 'No Parents Beyond This Point'... I'm like... yeah, he's 5. I know we were just here last night to see what class he was in and who his teacher was, and we walked over and showed it to him and where he is supposed to line up, but... yeah, he's 5. So I ask him if he knows where he is supposed to go, does he remember where we went yesterday? He nods, I give him the "I love you, and I'll see you after school. Have a good day" speech and he walks off hesitantly but in the right direction. So we stand back and watch (well Rich watched cause I'm basically the height of most of the sixth graders there) as he walks over. So I ask if he's in the right place and Rich says nope, so I decide I am going to go get him and get him to the right place where he is supposed to be. Rich says, "You can't do that. The sign says...." and I said, "Watch me :P " and walked over and got my kid and put him in the right place and left.


Next complaint about that system is... I didn't get to see his teacher so when I went to pick him up I had no idea who I was looking for. We don't pick them up at the classroom, but instead, the teachers walk their classes out to us where we all wait behind these 'No Parents Beyond This Point' signs. Luckily my daughter was with me yesterday and she pointed out his teacher to me and so I walk over to get him and say hello and she asks me which child I'm there to pick up. I tell her and she says, "Absolute DOLL!! :D " so I say, "Thank you!! :D " and we head home. So day two... I pick him up and she says to me, "I'm gonna have to challenge this one, he's a GREAT reader!" So, I say, "I know! :D " and we head home.


In other news... Tony is perfecting ways to irritate the holy hell out of me while home on summer vacation... :wacko:


So on to the neighbor situation...


I went back the next evening to visit with Tony and the kids. We walk in and get our high tech :rollseyes: security bracelets and then walk over to the ICU. You have to call from outside into the nurse's station and if it's an okay time to visit they let you in, so I do that. We walk in and through a few hallways and into his room where he is asleep. I don't want to wake him up, but then the doctor walks in right behind us and wakes him up to check on him and talk about the procedure they had done earlier on his heart and what will happen next. So I listen and ask a few questions and the guy leaves. My daughter has no idea what he's talking about and I think that scares her, cause she can obviously see him sitting there and talking to the doctor, and she;s about to cry so I take her out into the hallway and tell her that she can't go getting all upset in there cause she'll upset him and he needs to be calm. So while we're in the hallway she asks me what room my mom was in and I point and then she asks about his wife, and I point across the hall.


Anyway, once she calms herself down enough, we go back in where Tony is explaining to Jesse what the doctor was saying, since without his hearing aide on, he wasn't quite sure what was happening. :blink: Only major life information going on here... So Jesse says to me, "So, that was your mom's doctor, huh?" and I nod as I'm eyeing Tony worriedly who is like :o WHAT!? Ugh! So his dinner comes, I help him get it situated and cut his chicken for him and then tattle on him to the nurse about not wearing his hearing aide, and would she please make sure he has it on when the other doctor comes to talk to him later. So he's eating, and his son walks in, and Jesse asks him where his wife is and he says, "Uhh :unsure: well, see... some lame excuse." So I was pissed, and then Jesse asks me if I could explain to his son what the doctor had said earlier when he had been in, so I do, and the asshole is getting annoyed that some 'neighbor girl' is there telling him about HIS dad. And I was about this close (_) to telling him to go f**K himself! Anyway, so we leave cause I'm pissed now and we're walking out and Tony is ahead of me with my daughter, and we get to this part in the hallway where he has to decide whether to turn right or left, and he goes right, and I tell him no, we need to go left so he follows me and we walk out and I think it's sort of weirding him out that I know my way around there so well. So I ask him if he remembers being there before and he says he remembers the hallway but that's about it, and I think, THANK GOLLY!


So Jesse's daughter calls last night while I'm at work and tells Rich he should be coming home today and that she will be staying with him tonight, but that she has to go back home on Friday for some appointment and that Meals on Wheels should be coming and probably social services, too. She tells Rich she thinks social services is going to tell him his house is unfit for him to live in, which it definitely is not. Yeah the man has a LOT of stuff, what old person doesn't, and yeah he hasn't changed a damn thing in the three years his wife has been gone, but so? It's clean, he has food in the refridgerator, and he's been just fine up until now on his own. Rich wants me to go over there tomorrow and make sure that she isn't pushing him into doing something he doesn't want to do, becausee she told Rich she wants him to com emove in with her and then what? Sell his house and she can spend the $500,000 and charge him rent? :angry: I dunno...


Anyhoodle, I'm off to work in a bitty and then off tomorrow :D YAY!! and I get to spend the day with Davey :wub: and then my night with Steve and Rich :wub: hanging out. Hope you guys have a great weekend!





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  • Site Administrator

I agree with you about the school. Not allowing parents to find out who their kids teacher is? Handing over kids to someone who the teacher doesn't know -- that all you have to do is say you're the parent?


Expecting five year olds to know which class room they are supposed to go to after only one day? I can accept older kids knowing the right room, but please... at that age my boys were just as likely to forget what they had for breakfast, let alone a place they visited the day before.


Congratulations that he's doing well :) It's always a buzz when you hear things like that.

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Man Viv, if that was me i would of went up to the sign and took it off, and hide it in my bag.... Then run up to my kid and help him =P


But at my working place we kind of have the same thing, only the sign is in front of our officer, and it says NO PARENT"S ALLOWED!!!


It's the only place we can go to get away from them!!! hahaha.


Have a wonderful day off =D



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