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Hillary loses......the rest of the nation wins

AP: Obama has delegates to clinch nomination

Sources say Clinton to acknowledge delegate math, consider No. 2 slot





Sen. Barack Obama boards his plane Tuesday with his wife, Michelle, in Chicago


NBC, MSNBC and news services


Sen. Barack Obama clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, becoming the first black candidate to lead a major party into a campaign for the White House, The Associated Press reported based on its tally of delegates.


Obama arranged a victory celebration at the site of this summer


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old bob


I tried to read the different US papers and follow on the web sites like CNN and others.

Your summary is much better as all what I found elsewhere.

Nick, you are a "born" commentator" of the US politics for a interested foreigner like I'm.

Thanks a lot for your blog :worship:

BTW, how do you think what will happen now till end of August ?



I tried to read the different US papers and follow on the web sites like CNN and others.

Your summary is much better as all what I found elsewhere.

Nick, you are a "born" commentator" of the US politics for a interested foreigner like I'm.

Thanks a lot for your blog :worship:

BTW, how do you think what will happen now till end of August ?



No problemo, Bob :)


I have a lot of ideas about what can happen, and what should happen. I think the most important thing that's happening right now is the meeting that Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are going to have. A lot of people think it's over the VP slot, but I think it's about something entirely different. It involves Hillary's endorsement, her supporters and most important of all (to her), how much campaign debt she has. I'm getting ready to pound it out before I finish my work on a chapter I'm working on. I had a long night and morning with a friend who lost his dad last night, but I'm home now and I can't even think about sleeping right now, so I'm gonna do something to get my mind off of what happened. Predicting the next couple of weeks just might do the trick

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