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Changes. Good or Bad?

Are you the type of person who shows people you care about them by being mean to them? But wait, you're not trying to be mean, but you just end up doing it, but in a joking manner. Yet everyone takes you seriously, and it gets you wondering why you even do it in the first place, because seriously, who wants to be friends with someone who's always teasing you/ being mean to you right?


Well I am this type of person, and I'm trying to change it. It just seems like I'm pushing the people I care about the most away, just because they take me seriously. Then again sometimes I need to learn when to shut my mouth. This has been a problem with me ever since I was born; I just never know when to shut up.


I'm sorry to all those great people I've hurt, I never mean't too, I'd never intentional hurt another person, but sometimes, it happens. And unlike certain people who I could name, but that would be me being mean so I'll refrian from naming names, but I'm not the type of person to tell it how it is. And when I do, I always feel bad one way or another, because sadly I have this heart, that never lets me forget anything.



Sooo much has happened this summer, so much things floating around my little head, but still one thing remains the same.


I need to change.


Don't worry about me if I'm not around too much, I have some RL things I need to get in check, before I can countine with anything else.




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Mike, tone of voice plays into this issue. Also, when it's almost constant, it also gives people the impression, correct or not, that you are intentionally being mean to them, and there may be some truth to it. Why? It could be that a subconscious part of you wants to hurt people and push them away. That may be something for you to really reflect upon and re-evaluate. I hope that helps.

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